func TestCetnterBoundsZoom(t *testing.T) { bounds := geo.NewLatLngBounds( 32.7204706651118, -117.16439634561537, 32.71965828903011, -117.1673735976219, ) size := geometry.NewPoint(1107, 360) proj := crs.NewEspg3857() // first test should max out at 30 center, zoom := CenterBoundsZoom(proj, bounds, size, 30.0) if zoom != 18.0 { t.Errorf("boundZoom failed to zoom correctly: %v", zoom) } if center.Lat != 32.720064477996 || center.Lng != -117.16588497161865 { t.Errorf("center calulated incorrectly: %+v", center) } }
func TestBoundsZoom(t *testing.T) { bounds := geo.NewLatLngBounds( 32.7204706651118, -117.16439634561537, 32.71965828903011, -117.1673735976219, ) size := geometry.NewPoint(1107, 360) proj := crs.NewEspg3857() // first test should max out at 30 zoom := BoundsZoom(proj, bounds, size, 30.0) if zoom != 18.0 { t.Error("boundZoom failed to zoom correctly") } // make sure the max zoom works zoom = BoundsZoom(proj, bounds, size, 16.0) if zoom != 16.0 { t.Error("boundZoom failed to zoom correctly") } }