Example #1
// Partitions returns disk partitions. If all is false, returns
// physical devices only (e.g. hard disks, cd-rom drives, USB keys)
// and ignore all others (e.g. memory partitions such as /dev/shm)
// should use setmntent(3) but this implement use /etc/mtab file
func Partitions(all bool) ([]PartitionStat, error) {
	filename := common.HostEtc("mtab")
	lines, err := common.ReadLines(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	fs, err := getFileSystems()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ret := make([]PartitionStat, 0, len(lines))

	for _, line := range lines {
		fields := strings.Fields(line)
		d := PartitionStat{
			Device:     fields[0],
			Mountpoint: fields[1],
			Fstype:     fields[2],
			Opts:       fields[3],
		if all == false {
			if d.Device == "none" || !common.StringsHas(fs, d.Fstype) {
		ret = append(ret, d)

	return ret, nil
Example #2
func NetIOCounters(pernic bool) ([]NetIOCountersStat, error) {
	out, err := exec.Command("/usr/bin/netstat", "-ibdn").Output()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	lines := strings.Split(string(out), "\n")
	ret := make([]NetIOCountersStat, 0, len(lines)-1)
	exists := make([]string, 0, len(ret))

	for _, line := range lines {
		values := strings.Fields(line)
		if len(values) < 1 || values[0] == "Name" {
		if common.StringsHas(exists, values[0]) {
			// skip if already get
		exists = append(exists, values[0])

		base := 1
		// sometimes Address is ommitted
		if len(values) < 13 {
			base = 0

		parsed := make([]uint64, 0, 8)
		vv := []string{
			values[base+3],  // PacketsRecv
			values[base+4],  // Errin
			values[base+5],  // Dropin
			values[base+6],  // BytesRecvn
			values[base+7],  // PacketSent
			values[base+8],  // Errout
			values[base+9],  // BytesSent
			values[base+11], // Dropout
		for _, target := range vv {
			if target == "-" {
				parsed = append(parsed, 0)

			t, err := strconv.ParseUint(target, 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			parsed = append(parsed, t)

		n := NetIOCountersStat{
			Name:        values[0],
			PacketsRecv: parsed[0],
			Errin:       parsed[1],
			Dropin:      parsed[2],
			BytesRecv:   parsed[3],
			PacketsSent: parsed[4],
			Errout:      parsed[5],
			BytesSent:   parsed[6],
			Dropout:     parsed[7],
		ret = append(ret, n)

	if pernic == false {
		return getNetIOCountersAll(ret)

	return ret, nil
Example #3
func Virtualization() (string, string, error) {
	var system string
	var role string

	filename := common.HostProc("xen")
	if common.PathExists(filename) {
		system = "xen"
		role = "guest" // assume guest

		if common.PathExists(filename + "/capabilities") {
			contents, err := common.ReadLines(filename + "/capabilities")
			if err == nil {
				if common.StringsHas(contents, "control_d") {
					role = "host"

	filename = common.HostProc("modules")
	if common.PathExists(filename) {
		contents, err := common.ReadLines(filename)
		if err == nil {
			if common.StringsContains(contents, "kvm") {
				system = "kvm"
				role = "host"
			} else if common.StringsContains(contents, "vboxdrv") {
				system = "vbox"
				role = "host"
			} else if common.StringsContains(contents, "vboxguest") {
				system = "vbox"
				role = "guest"

	filename = common.HostProc("cpuinfo")
	if common.PathExists(filename) {
		contents, err := common.ReadLines(filename)
		if err == nil {
			if common.StringsHas(contents, "QEMU Virtual CPU") ||
				common.StringsHas(contents, "Common KVM processor") ||
				common.StringsHas(contents, "Common 32-bit KVM processor") {
				system = "kvm"
				role = "guest"

	filename = common.HostProc()
	if common.PathExists(filename + "/bc/0") {
		system = "openvz"
		role = "host"
	} else if common.PathExists(filename + "/vz") {
		system = "openvz"
		role = "guest"

	// not use dmidecode because it requires root
	if common.PathExists(filename + "/self/status") {
		contents, err := common.ReadLines(filename + "/self/status")
		if err == nil {

			if common.StringsHas(contents, "s_context:") ||
				common.StringsHas(contents, "VxID:") {
				system = "linux-vserver"
			// TODO: guest or host

	if common.PathExists(filename + "/self/cgroup") {
		contents, err := common.ReadLines(filename + "/self/cgroup")
		if err == nil {
			if common.StringsHas(contents, "lxc") ||
				common.StringsHas(contents, "docker") {
				system = "lxc"
				role = "guest"
			} else if common.PathExists("/usr/bin/lxc-version") { // TODO: which
				system = "lxc"
				role = "host"

	return system, role, nil
Example #4
// example of netstat -idbn output on yosemite
// Name  Mtu   Network       Address            Ipkts Ierrs     Ibytes    Opkts Oerrs     Obytes  Coll Drop
// lo0   16384 <Link#1>                        869107     0  169411755   869107     0  169411755     0   0
// lo0   16384 ::1/128     ::1                 869107     -  169411755   869107     -  169411755     -   -
// lo0   16384 127          869107     -  169411755   869107     -  169411755     -   -
func IOCounters(pernic bool) ([]IOCountersStat, error) {
	netstat, err := exec.LookPath("/usr/sbin/netstat")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	out, err := invoke.Command(netstat, "-ibdnW")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	lines := strings.Split(string(out), "\n")
	ret := make([]IOCountersStat, 0, len(lines)-1)
	exists := make([]string, 0, len(ret))

	for _, line := range lines {
		values := strings.Fields(line)
		if len(values) < 1 || values[0] == "Name" {
			// skip first line
		if common.StringsHas(exists, values[0]) {
			// skip if already get
		exists = append(exists, values[0])

		base := 1
		// sometimes Address is ommitted
		if len(values) < 11 {
			base = 0

		parsed := make([]uint64, 0, 7)
		vv := []string{
			values[base+3], // Ipkts == PacketsRecv
			values[base+4], // Ierrs == Errin
			values[base+5], // Ibytes == BytesRecv
			values[base+6], // Opkts == PacketsSent
			values[base+7], // Oerrs == Errout
			values[base+8], // Obytes == BytesSent
		if len(values) == 12 {
			vv = append(vv, values[base+10])

		for _, target := range vv {
			if target == "-" {
				parsed = append(parsed, 0)

			t, err := strconv.ParseUint(target, 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			parsed = append(parsed, t)

		n := IOCountersStat{
			Name:        values[0],
			PacketsRecv: parsed[0],
			Errin:       parsed[1],
			BytesRecv:   parsed[2],
			PacketsSent: parsed[3],
			Errout:      parsed[4],
			BytesSent:   parsed[5],
		if len(parsed) == 7 {
			n.Dropout = parsed[6]
		ret = append(ret, n)

	if pernic == false {
		return getIOCountersAll(ret)

	return ret, nil