Example #1
func (s *mountSuite) TestIsMountedHappyish(c *C) {
	mockMountInfoFn := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "mountinfo")
	restore := osutil.MockMountInfoPath(mockMountInfoFn)
	defer restore()

	// note the different optinal fields
	content := []byte(`
44 24 7:1 / /snap/ubuntu-core/855 rw,relatime shared:27 - squashfs /dev/loop1 ro
44 24 7:1 / /snap/something/123 rw,relatime - squashfs /dev/loop2 ro
44 24 7:1 / /snap/random/456 rw,relatime opt:1 shared:27 - squashfs /dev/loop1 ro
	err := ioutil.WriteFile(mockMountInfoFn, content, 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	mounted, err := osutil.IsMounted("/snap/ubuntu-core/855")
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(mounted, Equals, true)

	mounted, err = osutil.IsMounted("/snap/something/123")
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(mounted, Equals, true)

	mounted, err = osutil.IsMounted("/snap/random/456")
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(mounted, Equals, true)

	mounted, err = osutil.IsMounted("/random/made/up/name")
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(mounted, Equals, false)
Example #2
func removeMountUnit(baseDir string, meter progress.Meter) error {
	sysd := systemd.New(dirs.GlobalRootDir, meter)
	unit := systemd.MountUnitPath(dirs.StripRootDir(baseDir))
	if osutil.FileExists(unit) {
		// use umount -l (lazy) to ensure that even busy mount points
		// can be unmounted.
		// note that the long option --lazy is not supported on trusty.
		isMounted, err := osutil.IsMounted(baseDir)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if isMounted {
			if output, err := exec.Command("umount", "-l", baseDir).CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
				return osutil.OutputErr(output, err)

			if err := sysd.Stop(filepath.Base(unit), time.Duration(1*time.Second)); err != nil {
				return err
		if err := sysd.Disable(filepath.Base(unit)); err != nil {
			return err
		if err := os.Remove(unit); err != nil {
			return err
		// daemon-reload to ensure that systemd actually really
		// forgets about this mount unit
		if err := sysd.DaemonReload(); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Example #3
func (s *mountSuite) TestIsMountedNotThereErr(c *C) {
	restore := osutil.MockMountInfoPath("/no/such/file")
	defer restore()

	_, err := osutil.IsMounted("/snap/ubuntu-core/855")
	c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, "open /no/such/file: no such file or directory")
Example #4
func (s *mountSuite) TestIsMountedIncorrectLines(c *C) {
	mockMountInfoFn := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "mountinfo")
	restore := osutil.MockMountInfoPath(mockMountInfoFn)
	defer restore()

	content := []byte(`
invalid line
	err := ioutil.WriteFile(mockMountInfoFn, content, 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	_, err = osutil.IsMounted("/snap/ubuntu-core/855")
	c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, `unexpected mountinfo line: "invalid line"`)