Example #1
func newInsertSFlowProbeOP(probe OvsSFlowProbe) (*libovsdb.Operation, error) {
	sFlowRow := make(map[string]interface{})
	sFlowRow["agent"] = probe.Interface
	sFlowRow["targets"] = probe.Target
	sFlowRow["header"] = probe.HeaderSize
	sFlowRow["sampling"] = probe.Sampling
	sFlowRow["polling"] = probe.Polling

	extIds := make(map[string]string)
	extIds["probe-id"] = probe.ID
	ovsMap, err := libovsdb.NewOvsMap(extIds)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	sFlowRow["external_ids"] = ovsMap

	insertOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "sFlow",
		Row:      sFlowRow,
		UUIDName: probe.ID,

	return &insertOp, nil
Example #2
// This does not cover all cases, they should just be added as needed
func newMutation(column, mutator string, value interface{}) mutation {
	switch typedValue := value.(type) {
	case ovs.UUID:
		uuidSlice := []ovs.UUID{typedValue}
		mutateValue, _ := ovs.NewOvsSet(uuidSlice)
		return ovs.NewMutation(column, mutator, mutateValue)
		var mutateValue interface{}
		var err error
		switch reflect.ValueOf(typedValue).Kind() {
		case reflect.Slice:
			mutateValue, err = ovs.NewOvsSet(typedValue)
		case reflect.Map:
			mutateValue, err = ovs.NewOvsMap(typedValue)
				"unhandled value in mutation: value %s, type %s",
				value, typedValue))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return ovs.NewMutation(column, mutator, mutateValue)
Example #3
// This does not cover all cases, they should just be added as needed
func newMutation(column, mutator string, value interface{}) mutation {
	switch typedValue := value.(type) {
	case ovs.UUID:
		uuidSlice := []ovs.UUID{typedValue}
		mutateValue, err := ovs.NewOvsSet(uuidSlice)
		if err != nil {
			// An error can only occur if the input is not a slice
			panic("newMutation(): an impossible error occurred")
		return ovs.NewMutation(column, mutator, mutateValue)
		var mutateValue interface{}
		var err error
		switch reflect.ValueOf(typedValue).Kind() {
		case reflect.Slice:
			mutateValue, err = ovs.NewOvsSet(typedValue)
		case reflect.Map:
			mutateValue, err = ovs.NewOvsMap(typedValue)
				"unhandled value in mutation: value %s, type %s",
				value, typedValue))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return ovs.NewMutation(column, mutator, mutateValue)
Example #4
func (ovsdber *ovsdber) addVxlanPort(bridgeName string, portName string, peerAddress string) {
	namedPortUUID := "port"
	namedIntfUUID := "intf"

	options := make(map[string]interface{})
	options["remote_ip"] = peerAddress

	// intf row to insert
	intf := make(map[string]interface{})
	intf["name"] = portName
	intf["type"] = `vxlan`
	intf["options"], _ = libovsdb.NewOvsMap(options)

	insertIntfOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Interface",
		Row:      intf,
		UUIDName: namedIntfUUID,

	// port row to insert
	port := make(map[string]interface{})
	port["name"] = portName
	port["interfaces"] = libovsdb.UUID{namedIntfUUID}

	insertPortOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Port",
		Row:      port,
		UUIDName: namedPortUUID,

	// Inserting a row in Port table requires mutating the bridge table.
	mutateUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{libovsdb.UUID{namedPortUUID}}
	mutateSet, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsSet(mutateUUID)
	mutation := libovsdb.NewMutation("ports", "insert", mutateSet)
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("name", "==", bridgeName)

	// simple mutate operation
	mutateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:        "mutate",
		Table:     "Bridge",
		Mutations: []interface{}{mutation},
		Where:     []interface{}{condition},
	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{insertIntfOp, insertPortOp, mutateOp}
	reply, _ := ovsdber.ovsdb.Transact("Open_vSwitch", operations...)
	if len(reply) < len(operations) {
		fmt.Println("Number of Replies should be atleast equal to number of Operations")
	for i, o := range reply {
		if o.Error != "" && i < len(operations) {
			fmt.Println("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error, " details:", o.Details, " in ", operations[i])
		} else if o.Error != "" {
			fmt.Println("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error)
Example #5
func insertRoute(vrfId uuid.UUID, opsRoute map[string]interface{}) (ovsdb.Operation, error) {
	v := []ovsdb.UUID{ovsdb.UUID{vrfId.String()}}
	vrfSet, _ := ovsdb.NewOvsSet(v)
	opsRoute["vrf"] = vrfSet

	nexthop := []ovsdb.UUID{ovsdb.UUID{NEXTHOP_TRANSACT_NUUID}}
	nexthopSet, _ := ovsdb.NewOvsSet(nexthop)
	opsRoute["bgp_nexthops"] = nexthopSet

	attrMap, err := ovsdb.NewOvsMap(opsRoute["path_attributes"])
	if err != nil {
		return ovsdb.Operation{}, err

	opsRoute["path_attributes"] = attrMap

	insRouteOp := ovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "BGP_Route",
		Row:      opsRoute,
	return insRouteOp, nil
// Silently fails :/
func (ovsdber *ovsdber) addOvsVethPort(bridgeName string, portName string, tag uint) error {

	namedPortUUID := "port"
	namedIntfUUID := "intf"

	// intf row to insert
	intf := make(map[string]interface{})
	intf["name"] = portName

	status := make(map[string]string)
	status["driver_name"] = "veth"
	status["driver_version"] = "1.0"
	statColumn, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsMap(status)
	// bridge row to insert

	intf["name"] = bridgeName
	intf["status"] = statColumn

	insertIntfOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Interface",
		Row:      intf,
		UUIDName: namedIntfUUID,
	// port row to insert
	port := make(map[string]interface{})
	port["name"] = portName
	port["interfaces"] = libovsdb.UUID{namedIntfUUID}

	insertPortOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Port",
		Row:      port,
		UUIDName: namedPortUUID,
	// Inserting a row in Port table requires mutating the bridge table.
	mutateUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{libovsdb.UUID{namedPortUUID}}
	mutateSet, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsSet(mutateUUID)
	mutation := libovsdb.NewMutation("ports", "insert", mutateSet)
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("name", "==", bridgeName)

	// Mutate operation
	mutateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:        "mutate",
		Table:     "Bridge",
		Mutations: []interface{}{mutation},
		Where:     []interface{}{condition},
	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{insertIntfOp, insertPortOp, mutateOp}
	reply, _ := ovsdber.ovsdb.Transact("Open_vSwitch", operations...)

	if len(reply) < len(operations) {
		log.Error("Number of Replies should be atleast equal to number of Operations")
	for i, o := range reply {
		if o.Error != "" && i < len(operations) {
			log.Error("Transaction Failed due to an error ]", o.Error, " details:", o.Details, " in ", operations[i])
		} else if o.Error != "" {
			log.Warn("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error)
	return nil