Example #1
// Recent is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (s *SiteInfo) Recent() *Pages {
	helpers.Deprecated("Site", ".Recent", ".Pages")
	return s.Pages
Example #2
// Indexes is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (s *SiteInfo) Indexes() *TaxonomyList {
	helpers.Deprecated("Site", ".Indexes", ".Taxonomies")
	return &s.Taxonomies
Example #3
// Url is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (p *Pager) Url() template.HTML {
	helpers.Deprecated("Paginator", ".Url", ".URL")
	return p.URL()
Example #4
// BaseUrl is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (s *SiteInfo) BaseUrl() template.URL {
	helpers.Deprecated("Site", ".BaseUrl", ".BaseURL")
	return s.BaseURL
Example #5
func (*PageMeta) FuzzyWordCount() int {
	helpers.Deprecated("PageMeta", "FuzzyWordCount", ".FuzzyWordCount (on Page)")
	return 0

Example #6
func (*PageMeta) ReadingTime() int {
	helpers.Deprecated("PageMeta", "ReadingTime", ".ReadingTime (on Page)")
	return 0
Example #7
// Url is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (me *MenuEntry) Url() string {
	helpers.Deprecated("MenuEntry", ".Url", ".URL")
	return me.URL
Example #8
func init() {
	funcMap = template.FuncMap{
		"urlize":      helpers.URLize,
		"sanitizeURL": helpers.SanitizeURL,
		"sanitizeurl": helpers.SanitizeURL,
		"eq":          Eq,
		"ne":          Ne,
		"gt":          Gt,
		"ge":          Ge,
		"lt":          Lt,
		"le":          Le,
		"in":          In,
		"slicestr":    Slicestr,
		"substr":      Substr,
		"split":       Split,
		"intersect":   Intersect,
		"isSet":       IsSet,
		"isset":       IsSet,
		"echoParam":   ReturnWhenSet,
		"safeHTML":    SafeHTML,
		"safeCSS":     SafeCSS,
		"safeURL":     SafeURL,
		"absURL":      func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.AbsURL(a)) },
		"relURL":      func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.RelURL(a)) },
		"markdownify": Markdownify,
		"first":       First,
		"where":       Where,
		"delimit":     Delimit,
		"sort":        Sort,
		"highlight":   Highlight,
		"add":         func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '+') },
		"sub":         func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '-') },
		"div":         func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '/') },
		"mod":         Mod,
		"mul":         func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '*') },
		"modBool":     ModBool,
		"lower":       func(a string) string { return strings.ToLower(a) },
		"upper":       func(a string) string { return strings.ToUpper(a) },
		"title":       func(a string) string { return strings.Title(a) },
		"partial":     Partial,
		"ref":         Ref,
		"relref":      RelRef,
		"apply":       Apply,
		"chomp":       Chomp,
		"replace":     Replace,
		"trim":        Trim,
		"dateFormat":  DateFormat,
		"getJSON":     GetJSON,
		"getCSV":      GetCSV,
		"seq":         helpers.Seq,
		"getenv":      func(varName string) string { return os.Getenv(varName) },

		// "getJson" is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
		"getJson": func(urlParts ...string) interface{} {
			helpers.Deprecated("Template", "getJson", "getJSON")
			return GetJSON(urlParts...)
		// "getJson" is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
		"getCsv": func(sep string, urlParts ...string) [][]string {
			helpers.Deprecated("Template", "getCsv", "getCSV")
			return GetCSV(sep, urlParts...)
		// "safeHtml" is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
		"safeHtml": func(text string) template.HTML {
			helpers.Deprecated("Template", "safeHtml", "safeHTML")
			return SafeHTML(text)
		// "safeCss" is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
		"safeCss": func(text string) template.CSS {
			helpers.Deprecated("Template", "safeCss", "safeCSS")
			return SafeCSS(text)
		// "safeUrl" is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
		"safeUrl": func(text string) template.URL {
			helpers.Deprecated("Template", "safeUrl", "safeURL")
			return SafeURL(text)

Example #9
// Url is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (up URLPath) Url() string {
	helpers.Deprecated("URLPath", ".Url", ".URL")
	return up.URL
Example #10
// UrlPath is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (n *Node) UrlPath() URLPath {
	helpers.Deprecated("Node", ".UrlPath", ".URLPath")
	return n.URLPath
Example #11
// Url is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (n *Node) Url() string {
	helpers.Deprecated("Node", ".Url", ".URL")
	return n.URL