func TestDiscoveryFactory(t *testing.T) { viper.SetConfigType("yaml") yaml := []byte(` nuvem.discovery.testdsl.static.servers: - localhost:8080 - `) err := viper.ReadConfig(bytes.NewBuffer(yaml)) viper.SetDefault("nuvem.discovery.testdsl.factory", discovery.StaticFactoryKey) viper.SetDefault("nuvem.loadbalancer.serverlist.testdsl.factory", DisoveryFactoryKey) if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error config file: %s \n", err)) } // servers := viper.GetStringSlice("nuvem.loadbalancer.test.static.servers") // fmt.Printf("%+v\n", servers) // factory := viper.GetString("nuvem.loadbalancer.test.factory") // fmt.Printf("%+v\n", factory) serverList := Create("testdsl") servers := assertServerList(t, serverList, 2) assertServer(t, servers[0], "localhost", 8080) assertServer(t, servers[1], "", 9080) }
func initConfig() { // defaults viper.SetDefault("adminroot", "/admin/") // front end location of admin viper.SetDefault("admindir", "./admin") // location of admin assets (relative to site directory) viper.SetDefault("contentdir", "content") // config name and location viper.SetConfigName("config") viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/topiary") viper.AddConfigPath(".") // read config err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { fmt.Println("No topiary config found. Using defaults.") } // watch config ; TODO : config to turn this on/off viper.WatchConfig() viper.OnConfigChange(func(e fsnotify.Event) { fmt.Println("Config file changed:", e.Name) }) }
func main() { viper.SetEnvPrefix("SENSOR") viper.SetDefault("listen_address", ss.DefaultRadWSAddr) viper.SetDefault("flare_address", "localhost"+ss.DefaultFlareWSAddr) viper.AutomaticEnv() rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) reading := &types.RadiationReading{ Radiation: ss.InitRadiation, } flareExit := make(chan bool) flareAddr := viper.GetString("flare_address") go types.FlareUpdateRoutine(reading, &flareAddr, flareExit) go radiationRoutine(reading) addr := viper.GetString("listen_address") blaster := wsblaster.GetBlaster(&addr, false) go blaster.Run() ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second) for { select { case <-ticker.C: reading.RLock() m, _ := json.Marshal(reading) reading.RUnlock() blaster.Write(m) case <-flareExit: log.Fatal("Unable to connect to Solar Flare source") } } }
func init() { cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig) // Here you will define your flags and configuration settings. // Cobra supports Persistent Flags, which, if defined here, // will be global for your application. RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/.nessusControl.yaml)") // Cobra also supports local flags, which will only run // when this action is called directly. RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("username", "u", "admin", "The username to log into Nessus.") RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("password", "a", "Th1sSh0u1dB3AStr0ngP422w0rd", "The password to use to log into Nessus.") RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("hostname", "o", "", "The host where Nessus is located.") RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("port", "p", "8834", "The port number used to connect to Nessus.") RootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("debug", "d", false, "Use this flag to enable debug mode") viper.BindPFlag("auth.username", RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("username")) viper.SetDefault("auth.username", "admin") viper.BindPFlag("auth.password", RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("password")) viper.SetDefault("auth.password", "Th1sSh0u1dB3AStr0ngP422w0rd") viper.BindPFlag("nessusLocation.hostname", RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("hostname")) viper.SetDefault("nessusLocation.hostname", "") viper.BindPFlag("nessusLocation.port", RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("port")) viper.SetDefault("nessusLocation.port", "8834") viper.BindPFlag("debug", RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("debug")) viper.SetDefault("debug", "8834") }
// initConfig reads in config file and ENV variables if set. func initConfig() { viper.SetConfigName("config") viper.AddConfigPath(constants.MakeMiniPath("config")) viper.ReadInConfig() viper.SetDefault(config.WantUpdateNotification, true) viper.SetDefault(config.ReminderWaitPeriodInHours, 24) }
func TestMain(m *testing.M) { // start influx // configure influx to connect to (DO NOT TEST ON PRODUCTION) // viper.SetDefault("influx-address", "http://localhost:8086") viper.SetDefault("influx-address", "") viper.SetDefault("aggregate-interval", 1) // initialize influx queries := []string{ // clean influx to test with (DO NOT RUN ON PRODUCTION) "DROP DATABASE statistics", "CREATE DATABASE statistics", `CREATE RETENTION POLICY one_day ON statistics DURATION 2d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT`, `CREATE RETENTION POLICY one_week ON statistics DURATION 1w REPLICATION 1`, } for _, query := range queries { _, err := influx.Query(query) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to QUERY/INITIALIZE - '%v' skipping tests\n", err) os.Exit(0) } } rtn := m.Run() _, err := influx.Query("DROP DATABASE statistics") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to CLEANUP - ", err) os.Exit(1) } os.Exit(rtn) }
// InitializeCertAuthConfig sets up the command line options for creating a CA func InitializeCertAuthConfig(logger log.Logger) error { viper.SetDefault("Bits", "4096") viper.SetDefault("Years", "10") viper.SetDefault("Organization", "kappa-ca") viper.SetDefault("Country", "USA") if initCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("bits").Changed { logger.Info("", "Bits", KeyBits) viper.Set("Bits", KeyBits) } if initCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("years").Changed { logger.Info("", "Years", Years) viper.Set("Years", Years) } if initCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("organization").Changed { logger.Info("", "Organization", Organization) viper.Set("Organization", Organization) } if initCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("country").Changed { logger.Info("", "Country", Country) viper.Set("Country", Country) } if initCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("hosts").Changed { logger.Info("", "Hosts", Hosts) viper.Set("Hosts", Hosts) } return nil }
func init() { // default values // If no config is found, use the default(s) viper.SetDefault("port", 80) viper.SetDefault("crate_rest_api", "") viper.SetDefault("crate", false) // environment variable viper.SetEnvPrefix("fci") // will be uppercased automatically viper.BindEnv("port") viper.BindEnv("crate") viper.BindEnv("crate_rest_api") // config file viper.AddConfigPath("./") viper.SetConfigName("config") err := viper.ReadInConfig() // check if configfile is available if err != nil { fmt.Println("No configuration file loaded") // os.Exit(1) } }
// InitializeConfig reads in config file and ENV variables if set. func InitializeConfig(subCmdVs ...*cobra.Command) error { viper.SetConfigType("json") viper.SetConfigName("grasshopper") // name of config file (without extension) // viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/grasshopper.d/") // path to look for the config file // viper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.grasshopper.d") // call multiple times to add many search paths viper.AddConfigPath(".") // optionally look for config in the working directory // read config from storage err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { jww.WARN.Printf("Unable to read Config file. %#v I will fall back to my defaults...", err) err = nil // we just skip this error } // set some sane defaults viper.SetDefault("Verbose", false) viper.SetDefault("Quiet", false) viper.SetDefault("Log", true) viper.SetDefault("Experimental", true) if grasshopperCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose").Changed { viper.Set("Verbose", Verbose) } if viper.GetBool("verbose") { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) } return err }
func main() { viper.SetDefault("addr", "") viper.SetDefault("httpListen", ":3000") viper.SetConfigName("config") viper.AddConfigPath(".") err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Fatal error config file: %s \n,now using default value", err) } addr := viper.GetString("addr") httpListen := viper.GetString("httpListen") m := staticbin.Classic(handler.Asset) zc := zk.New(addr) m.Map(zc) m.Use(render.Renderer(render.Options{ Delims: render.Delims{"{[{", "}]}"}, // Sets delimiters to the specified strings. })) m.Get("/", handler.Tree) m.Get("/lookup", handler.LookUp) m.Get("/nodes", handler.Childrens) m.Get("/node", handler.NodeData) m.Get("/state", handler.State) m.Post("/create", handler.Create) m.Post("/edit", handler.Edit) m.Post("/rmr", handler.Rmr) m.Post("/delete", handler.Delete) m.Get("/export", handler.Export) m.Post("/import", handler.Import) m.Get("/find", handler.FindByPath) m.RunOnAddr(httpListen) }
func main() { // config defaults viper.SetDefault("SigningKey", "change me in config/app.toml") viper.SetDefault("Port", "8888") viper.SetDefault("Database", "postgresql") viper.SetConfigType("toml") viper.SetConfigName("app") viper.AddConfigPath("./config/") // TODO better error message err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { fmt.Print(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error config file: %s \n", err)) fmt.Println("Config path is ./config/, and name should be app.toml") fmt.Println("Using defaults") } // TODO: check toml for nested propeties // TODO: Handle config in a separate module? file? dbConfig := viper.GetStringMap("Database") dbName := dbConfig["Name"] dbUser := dbConfig["User"] // fmt.Sprintf("user=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable", dbUser, dbName) dbOptions := db.Options{ Driver: "postgres", Params: fmt.Sprintf("user=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable", dbUser, dbName), } dbConnection := db.Connect(dbOptions) app := NewApp([]byte(viper.GetString("SigningKey")), dbConnection) port := viper.GetString("Port") log.Printf("Serving on port: %s\n", port) app.E.Run(":" + port) }
func init() { cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig) RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml)") RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&projectBase, "projectbase", "b", "", "base project directory, e.g.") RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("author", "a", "YOUR NAME", "Author name for copyright attribution") RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&userLicense, "license", "l", "", "Name of license for the project (can provide `licensetext` in config)") RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("viper", true, "Use Viper for configuration") viper.BindPFlag("author", RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("author")) viper.BindPFlag("projectbase", RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("projectbase")) viper.BindPFlag("useViper", RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("viper")) viper.SetDefault("author", "NAME HERE <EMAIL ADDRESS>") viper.SetDefault("license", "apache") viper.SetDefault("licenseText", ` // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. `) }
func main() { viper.SetDefault("port", 3000) viper.SetDefault("udpBufSize", 1024) viper.SetConfigType("json") viper.SetConfigName("config") viper.AddConfigPath("./config") err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { log.Fatal("Config file ", err) } port := viper.GetString("port") udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4", ":"+port) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Resolve udp addr ", err) } conn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", udpAddr) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println("Server is starting on " + port) size := viper.GetInt("udpBufSize") client := handler.NewClient() for { buf := make([]byte, size) rlen, addr, err := conn.ReadFromUDP(buf) if err != nil { conn.WriteToUDP([]byte("error"), addr) } else { go client.Handle(conn, addr, rlen, buf) } } }
func init() { RootCmd.AddCommand(serveCmd) // @NOTE: Do not set the default values here, that doesn't work correctly! serveCmd.Flags().BoolP("daemon", "d", false, "Run as a daemon and detach from terminal") serveCmd.Flags().StringP("address", "a", "", "Set address:port to listen on") serveCmd.Flags().StringP("domain", "e", "", "Set domain to use with cookies") serveCmd.Flags().StringP("databasepath", "f", "", "Set path to database where the user infos are stored") serveCmd.Flags().IntP("cookiemaxage", "m", 4, "Set magical cookie's lifetime before it expires (in hours)") serveCmd.Flags().StringP("cookiesecret", "c", "", "Secret string to use in signing cookies") viper.BindPFlag("address", serveCmd.Flags().Lookup("address")) viper.BindPFlag("domain", serveCmd.Flags().Lookup("domain")) viper.BindPFlag("databasepath", serveCmd.Flags().Lookup("databasepath")) viper.BindPFlag("cookiemaxage", serveCmd.Flags().Lookup("cookiemaxage")) viper.BindPFlag("cookiesecret", serveCmd.Flags().Lookup("cookiesecret")) viper.SetDefault("address", "") viper.SetDefault("domain", "") viper.SetDefault("databasepath", "./database.json") viper.SetDefault("cookiemaxage", 4) viper.SetDefault("cookiesecret", "CHOOSE-A-SECRET-YOURSELF") // Here you will define your flags and configuration settings. // Cobra supports Persistent Flags which will work for this command // and all subcommands, e.g.: // serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("foo", "", "A help for foo") // Cobra supports local flags which will only run when this command // is called directly, e.g.: // serveCmd.Flags().BoolP("toggle", "t", false, "Help message for toggle") }
func main() { var configDefault string = "chat" viper.SetConfigName(configDefault) viper.SetConfigType("toml") viper.AddConfigPath("./") viper.SetDefault(telnetIPWord, "") viper.SetDefault(telnetPortWord, "6000") viper.SetDefault(apiIPWord, "") viper.SetDefault(apiPortWord, "6001") err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("No configuration file found:%s:err:%v: - using defaults\n", configDefault, err) } logFile := viper.GetString("logFile") log.MustSetupLogging(logFile) log.Info("listening on:telnet:%s:%s:api:%s:%s:\n", viper.GetString(telnetIPWord), viper.GetString(telnetPortWord), viper.GetString(apiIPWord), viper.GetString(apiPortWord)) msgchan := make(chan m.ChatMsg) addchan := make(chan client.Client) rmchan := make(chan client.Client) go handleMessages(msgchan, addchan, rmchan) go telnet.TelnetServer(viper.GetString(telnetIPWord), viper.GetString(telnetPortWord), msgchan, addchan, rmchan) api.ApiServer(viper.GetString(apiIPWord), viper.GetString(apiPortWord), msgchan, addchan, rmchan) }
func InitConfig() { viper.SetConfigName("scds") viper.SetConfigType("yaml") viper.SetEnvPrefix("scds") viper.AutomaticEnv() // Replaces underscores with periods when mapping environment variables. viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_")) // Set non-zero defaults. Nested options take a lower precedence than // dot-delimited ones, so namespaced options are defined here as maps. viper.SetDefault("mongo", map[string]interface{}{ "uri": "localhost/scds", }) viper.SetDefault("http", map[string]interface{}{ "host": "localhost", "port": 5000, }) viper.SetDefault("smtp", map[string]interface{}{ "host": "localhost", "port": 25, }) // Read the default config file from the working directory. dir, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } viper.AddConfigPath(dir) }
// InitializeConfig initializes a config file with sensible default configuration flags. func InitializeConfig() { viper.SetConfigName("grasshopper") // name of config file (without extension) viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/grasshopper.d/") // path to look for the config file viper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.grasshopper.d") // call multiple times to add many search paths viper.AddConfigPath(".") // optionally look for config in the working directory // read config from storage err := viper.ReadInConfig() // FIXME if err != nil { jww.INFO.Println("Unable to locate Config file. I will fall back to my defaults...") } // default settings viper.SetDefault("Verbose", false) viper.SetDefault("DryRun", false) viper.SetDefault("DoLog", true) // bind config to command flags if grasshopperCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose").Changed { viper.Set("Verbose", Verbose) } if grasshopperCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("log").Changed { viper.Set("DoLog", DoLog) } }
func main() { viper.SetEnvPrefix("SENSOR") viper.SetDefault("listen_address", ss.DefaultPubWSAddr) viper.SetDefault("temperature_address", "localhost"+ss.DefaultTempWSAddr) viper.SetDefault("radiation_address", "localhost"+ss.DefaultRadWSAddr) viper.SetDefault("aggregator_address", "localhost"+ss.DefaultAggWSAddr) viper.AutomaticEnv() reading := &types.SensorSuiteReading{} sensorExit := make(chan bool) go sensorUpdateRoutine(reading, sensorExit) publishExit := make(chan bool) go publishData(reading, publishExit) for { select { case <-sensorExit: log.Fatal("Unable to connect to one or more sensors") case <-publishExit: log.Fatal("Unrecoverable error writing to aggregator") } } }
func readConfig() { viper.SetEnvPrefix("chat") viper.SetDefault("database_url", "postgres:///chat_development?sslmode=disable") viper.SetDefault("bind_address", "localhost:8080") viper.AutomaticEnv() viper.BindEnv("database_url") viper.BindEnv("bind_address") }
func setupViper() { viper.SetEnvPrefix(constants.MiniShiftEnvPrefix) viper.AutomaticEnv() viper.SetDefault(config.WantUpdateNotification, true) viper.SetDefault(config.ReminderWaitPeriodInHours, 24) setFlagsUsingViper() }
func initConfig() { viper.SetConfigFile("./config.json") viper.SetDefault("listen", ":8000") viper.SetDefault("staticFolder", "./static") viper.SetDefault("commandsFolder", "./commands") viper.SetDefault("log.filename", "go-lazy-remote.log") viper.ReadInConfig() }
func init() { cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig) viper.SetDefault("subject", "Feeds powered by feedmailer") viper.SetDefault("feeds", []string{""}) viper.SetDefault("data_dir", defaultDataDir) RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&CfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is "+defaultDataDir+"/config.yml)") }
func NewCredential(flagSet *flag.FlagSet) *Credential { cred := &Credential{} // glog.Infof("XXX Adding username to flagset %P", flagSet) flagSet.StringVar(&cred.userFlag, "username", "", "Username") flagSet.StringVar(&cred.passFlag, "password", "", "Password") config.SetDefault(UsernameKey, "") config.SetDefault(PasswordKey, "") return cred }
func init() { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.ErrorLevel) logrus.SetOutput(os.Stderr) // Retrieve current user to get home directory usr, err := user.Current() if err != nil { fatalf("cannot get current user: %v", err) } // Get home directory for current user homeDir := usr.HomeDir if homeDir == "" { fatalf("cannot get current user home directory") } // Setup the configuration details viper.SetConfigName(configFileName) viper.AddConfigPath(path.Join(homeDir, path.Dir(configPath))) viper.SetConfigType("json") // Find and read the config file err = viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { // Ignore if the configuration file doesn't exist, we can use the defaults if !os.IsNotExist(err) { fatalf("fatal error config file: %v", err) } } // Set up the defaults for our config viper.SetDefault("trustDir", path.Join(homeDir, path.Dir(trustDir))) viper.SetDefault("privDir", path.Join(homeDir, path.Dir(privDir))) viper.SetDefault("tufDir", path.Join(homeDir, path.Dir(tufDir))) // Get the final value for the CA directory finalTrustDir := viper.GetString("trustDir") finalPrivDir := viper.GetString("privDir") // Load all CAs that aren't expired and don't use SHA1 // We could easily add "return cert.IsCA && cert.BasicConstraintsValid" in order // to have only valid CA certificates being loaded caStore, err = trustmanager.NewX509FilteredFileStore(finalTrustDir, func(cert *x509.Certificate) bool { return time.Now().Before(cert.NotAfter) && cert.SignatureAlgorithm != x509.SHA1WithRSA && cert.SignatureAlgorithm != x509.DSAWithSHA1 && cert.SignatureAlgorithm != x509.ECDSAWithSHA1 }) if err != nil { fatalf("could not create X509FileStore: %v", err) } privKeyStore, err = trustmanager.NewPrivateFileStore(finalPrivDir, "key") if err != nil { fatalf("could not create FileStore: %v", err) } }
func readConfig() { path, _ := osext.ExecutableFolder() viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/eremetic") viper.AddConfigPath(path) viper.AutomaticEnv() viper.SetConfigName("eremetic") viper.SetDefault("loglevel", "debug") viper.SetDefault("database", "db/eremetic.db") viper.ReadInConfig() }
func init() { cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig) viper.SetDefault("title", "Feeds powered by Dagobah") viper.SetDefault("feeds", []string{""}) RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&CfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/dagobah/config.yaml)") RootCmd.PersistentFlags().String("mongodb_uri", "mongodb://localhost:27017/", "Uri to connect to mongoDB") viper.BindPFlag("mongodb_uri", RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("mongodb_uri")) }
func init() { viper.SetDefault("db.url", "localhost:27017") viper.SetDefault("", "test") viper.SetConfigName("config") viper.AddConfigPath(".") // working dir err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error config file: %s \n", err)) } }
func setupViper() { viper.SetEnvPrefix(constants.MinikubeEnvPrefix) // Replaces '-' in flags with '_' in env variables // e.g. show-libmachine-logs => $ENVPREFIX_SHOW_LIBMACHINE_LOGS viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer("-", "_")) viper.AutomaticEnv() viper.SetDefault(config.WantUpdateNotification, true) viper.SetDefault(config.ReminderWaitPeriodInHours, 24) setFlagsUsingViper() }
func SetConfigurationDefaults() { viper.SetDefault("", "localhost") viper.SetDefault("hoverfly.admin.port", "8888") viper.SetDefault("hoverfly.proxy.port", "8500") viper.SetDefault("hoverfly.db.type", "memory") viper.SetDefault("hoverfly.username", "") viper.SetDefault("hoverfly.password", "") viper.SetDefault("hoverfly.webserver", false) viper.SetDefault("hoverfly.tls.certificate", "") viper.SetDefault("hoverfly.tls.key", "") viper.SetDefault("hoverfly.tls.disable", false) }
func SetDefaults() { hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { hostname = "reeve" } viper.SetDefault("id", hostname) viper.SetDefault("director", "reeve-director") viper.SetDefault("port", 4195) viper.SetDefault("state", "/var/lib/reeve") // TODO: this will need to change to support non-UNIX }