// Format returns a formatted message in the given color with endline. // func Format(col, sender, msg string, more ...interface{}) string { return fmt.Sprintln(append([]interface{}{ time.Now().Format("15:04:05"), color.Yellow(sender), strhelp.Bracket(color.Colored(msg, col))}, more...)...) }
// String formats the fields content with colored output. // func (fields Fields) String() string { fields = append([]Field{ {Name, cdglobal.AppVersion}, {" go ", fmt.Sprintf("%s %s/%s", runtime.Version(), runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)}, }, List...) if cdglobal.BuildDate != "" { fields = append(fields, Field{" Compiled ", cdglobal.BuildDate}, Field{" Git Hash ", cdglobal.GitHash}, ) } out := "" for _, line := range fields { out += strhelp.Bracket(color.Colored(line.K, color.FgGreen)) + " " + line.V + "\n" } return out }
// Render displays the msg argument in the given color. The colored message is // passed with others to classic println. // func Render(col, msg string, more ...interface{}) { // println(, list...) list := append([]interface{}{time.Now().Format("15:04:05"), color.Yellow(caller()), strhelp.Bracket(color.Colored(msg, col))}, more...) fmt.Println(list...) // log.Println(list...) }