Example #1
func ParseWithConsulOptions() (string, kp.Options) {
	url := kingpin.Flag("consul", "The hostname and port of a consul agent in the p2 cluster. Defaults to").String()
	token := kingpin.Flag("token", "The consul ACL token to use. Empty by default.").String()
	tokenFile := kingpin.Flag("token-file", "The file containing the Consul ACL token").ExistingFile()
	headers := kingpin.Flag("header", "An HTTP header to add to requests, in KEY=VALUE form. Can be specified multiple times.").StringMap()
	https := kingpin.Flag("https", "Use HTTPS").Bool()
	wait := kingpin.Flag("wait", "Maximum duration for Consul watches, before resetting and starting again.").Default("30s").Duration()

	cmd := kingpin.Parse()

	if *tokenFile != "" {
		tokenBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*tokenFile)
		if err != nil {
		*token = string(tokenBytes)
	return cmd, kp.Options{
		Address:  *url,
		Token:    *token,
		Client:   net.NewHeaderClient(*headers, http.DefaultTransport),
		HTTPS:    *https,
		WaitTime: *wait,
Example #2
// MonitorPodHealth is meant to be a long running go routine.
// MonitorPodHealth reads from a consul store to determine which
// services should be running on the host. MonitorPodHealth
// runs a CheckHealth routine to monitor the health of each
// service and kills routines for services that should no
// longer be running.
func MonitorPodHealth(config *preparer.PreparerConfig, logger *logging.Logger, shutdownCh chan struct{}) {
	var store kp.Store

	consul := config.ConsulAddress
	node := config.NodeName
	pods := []PodWatch{}
	authtoken, err := preparer.LoadConsulToken(config.ConsulTokenPath)
	if err != nil {
		logger.WithField("inner_err", err).Warningln("Could not load consul token")

	store = kp.NewConsulStore(kp.Options{
		Address: consul,
		HTTPS:   false,
		Token:   authtoken,
		Client:  net.NewHeaderClient(nil, http.DefaultTransport),
	pods = updateHealthMonitors(store, pods, node, logger)
	for {
		select {
		case <-time.After(POLL_KV_FOR_PODS):
			// check if pods have been added or removed
			// starts monitor routine for new pods
			// kills monitor routine for removed pods
			pods = updateHealthMonitors(store, pods, node, logger)
		case <-shutdownCh:
Example #3
File: kingpin.go Project: rudle/p2
func ParseWithConsulOptions() (string, kp.Options) {
	url := kingpin.Flag("consul", "The hostname and port of a consul agent in the p2 cluster. Defaults to").String()
	token := kingpin.Flag("token", "The consul ACL token to use. Empty by default.").String()
	tokenFile := kingpin.Flag("token-file", "The file containing the Consul ACL token").ExistingFile()
	headers := kingpin.Flag("header", "An HTTP header to add to requests, in KEY=VALUE form. Can be specified multiple times.").StringMap()
	https := kingpin.Flag("https", "Use HTTPS").Bool()
	wait := kingpin.Flag("wait", "Maximum duration for Consul watches, before resetting and starting again.").Default("30s").Duration()
	caFile := kingpin.Flag("tls-ca-file", "File containing the x509 PEM-encoded CA ").ExistingFile()
	keyFile := kingpin.Flag("tls-key-file", "File containing the x509 PEM-encoded private key").ExistingFile()
	certFile := kingpin.Flag("tls-cert-file", "File containing the x509 PEM-encoded public key certificate").ExistingFile()

	cmd := kingpin.Parse()

	if *tokenFile != "" {
		tokenBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*tokenFile)
		if err != nil {
		*token = string(tokenBytes)
	var transport http.RoundTripper
	if *caFile != "" || *keyFile != "" || *certFile != "" {
		tlsConfig, err := netutil.GetTLSConfig(*certFile, *keyFile, *caFile)
		if err != nil {

		transport = &http.Transport{
			TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
			// same dialer as http.DefaultTransport
			Dial: (&net.Dialer{
				Timeout:   http.DefaultClient.Timeout,
				KeepAlive: http.DefaultClient.Timeout,
	} else {
		transport = http.DefaultTransport
	return cmd, kp.Options{
		Address:  *url,
		Token:    *token,
		Client:   netutil.NewHeaderClient(*headers, transport),
		HTTPS:    *https,
		WaitTime: *wait,
Example #4
func main() {

	store := kp.NewConsulStore(kp.Options{
		Address: *consulAddress,
		Token:   *consulToken,
		Client:  net.NewHeaderClient(*headers, http.DefaultTransport),
		HTTPS:   *https,

	if *nodeName == "" {
		hostname, err := os.Hostname()
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Could not get the hostname to do scheduling: %s", err)
		*nodeName = hostname

	path := kp.IntentPath(*nodeName)
	if *watchReality {
		path = kp.RealityPath(*nodeName)
	} else if *hookTypeName != "" {
		hookType, err := hooks.AsHookType(*hookTypeName)
		if err != nil {
		path = kp.HookPath(hookType, *nodeName)
	log.Printf("Watching manifests at %s\n", path)

	quit := make(chan struct{})
	errChan := make(chan error)
	podCh := make(chan kp.ManifestResult)
	go store.WatchPods(path, quit, errChan, podCh)
	for {
		select {
		case result := <-podCh:
		case err := <-errChan:
			log.Fatalf("Error occurred while listening to pods: %s", err)
Example #5
func main() {

	store := kp.NewConsulStore(kp.Options{
		Address: *consulAddress,
		Token:   *consulToken,
		Client:  net.NewHeaderClient(*headers, http.DefaultTransport),
		HTTPS:   *https,

	if *nodeName == "" {
		hostname, err := os.Hostname()
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Could not get the hostname to do scheduling: %s", err)
		*nodeName = hostname

	if len(*manifests) == 0 {
		log.Fatalln("No manifests given")

	for _, manifestPath := range *manifests {
		manifest, err := pods.ManifestFromPath(manifestPath)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Could not read manifest at %s: %s\n", manifestPath, err)
		path := kp.IntentPath(*nodeName, manifest.ID())
		if *hookTypeName != "" {
			hookType, err := hooks.AsHookType(*hookTypeName)
			if err != nil {
			path = kp.HookPath(hookType, manifest.ID())
		duration, err := store.SetPod(path, *manifest)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Could not write manifest %s to intent store: %s\n", manifest.ID(), err)
		log.Printf("Scheduling %s took %s\n", manifest.ID(), duration)
Example #6
func main() {

	opts := kp.Options{
		Address: *consulUrl,
		Token:   *consulToken,
		Client:  net.NewHeaderClient(*headers, http.DefaultTransport),
		HTTPS:   *https,
	store := kp.NewConsulStore(opts)
	healthChecker := health.NewConsulHealthChecker(opts)

	// Fetch manifest (could be URI) into temp file
	localMan, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "tempmanifest")
	defer os.Remove(localMan.Name())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("Couldn't create tempfile")
	if err := uri.URICopy(*manifestUri, localMan.Name()); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Could not fetch manifest: %s", err)

	manifest, err := pods.ManifestFromPath(localMan.Name())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Invalid manifest: %s", err)

	healthResults, err := healthChecker.Service(manifest.ID())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Could not get initial health results: %s", err)
	order := health.SortOrder{
		Nodes:  *hosts,
		Health: healthResults,

	repl := replication.Replicator{
		Manifest: *manifest,
		Store:    store,
		Health:   healthChecker,
		Nodes:    *hosts, // sorted by the health.SortOrder
		Active:   len(*hosts) - *minNodes,
		Logger: logging.NewLogger(logrus.Fields{
			"pod": manifest.ID(),
		Threshold: health.HealthState(*threshold),
	repl.Logger.Logger.Formatter = &logrus.TextFormatter{
		DisableTimestamp: false,
		FullTimestamp:    true,
		TimestampFormat:  "15:04:05.000",

	if err := repl.CheckPreparers(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Preparer check failed: %s", err)

	// create a lock with a meaningful name and set up a renewal loop for it
	thisHost, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Could not retrieve hostname: %s", err)
	thisUser, err := user.Current()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Could not retrieve user: %s", err)
	lock, err := store.NewLock(fmt.Sprintf("%q from %q at %q", thisUser.Username, thisHost, time.Now()))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Could not generate lock: %s", err)
	// deferring on main is not particularly useful, since os.Exit will skip
	// the defer, so we have to manually destroy the lock at the right exit
	// paths
	go func() {
		for range time.Tick(10 * time.Second) {
			if err := lock.Renew(); err != nil {
				// if the renewal failed, then either the lock is already dead
				// or the consul agent cannot be reached
				log.Fatalf("Lock could not be renewed: %s", err)
	if err := repl.LockHosts(lock, *overrideLock); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Could not lock all hosts: %s", err)

	// auto-drain this channel
	errs := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		for range errs {

	quitch := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		// clear lock immediately on ctrl-C
		signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		signal.Notify(signals, os.Interrupt)

	repl.Enact(errs, quitch)
Example #7
func ParseWithConsulOptions() (string, kp.Options, labels.ApplicatorWithoutWatches) {
	consulURL := kingpin.Flag("consul", "The hostname and port of a consul agent in the p2 cluster. Defaults to").String()
	httpApplicatorURL := kingpin.Flag("http-applicator-url", "The URL of an labels.httpApplicator target, including the protocol and port. For example, https://consul-server.io:9999").URL()
	token := kingpin.Flag("token", "The consul ACL token to use. Empty by default.").String()
	tokenFile := kingpin.Flag("token-file", "The file containing the Consul ACL token").ExistingFile()
	headers := kingpin.Flag("header", "An HTTP header to add to requests, in KEY=VALUE form. Can be specified multiple times.").StringMap()
	https := kingpin.Flag("https", "Use HTTPS").Bool()
	wait := kingpin.Flag("wait", "Maximum duration for Consul watches, before resetting and starting again.").Default("30s").Duration()
	caFile := kingpin.Flag("tls-ca-file", "File containing the x509 PEM-encoded CA ").ExistingFile()
	keyFile := kingpin.Flag("tls-key-file", "File containing the x509 PEM-encoded private key").ExistingFile()
	certFile := kingpin.Flag("tls-cert-file", "File containing the x509 PEM-encoded public key certificate").ExistingFile()

	cmd := kingpin.Parse()

	if *tokenFile != "" {
		tokenBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*tokenFile)
		if err != nil {
		*token = string(tokenBytes)
	var transport http.RoundTripper
	if *caFile != "" || *keyFile != "" || *certFile != "" {
		tlsConfig, err := netutil.GetTLSConfig(*certFile, *keyFile, *caFile)
		if err != nil {

		transport = &http.Transport{
			TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
			// same dialer as http.DefaultTransport
			Dial: (&net.Dialer{
				Timeout:   http.DefaultClient.Timeout,
				KeepAlive: http.DefaultClient.Timeout,
	} else {
		transport = http.DefaultTransport
	httpClient := netutil.NewHeaderClient(*headers, transport)

	kpOpts := kp.Options{
		Address:  *consulURL,
		Token:    *token,
		Client:   httpClient,
		HTTPS:    *https,
		WaitTime: *wait,

	var applicator labels.ApplicatorWithoutWatches
	var err error
	if *httpApplicatorURL != nil {
		applicator, err = labels.NewHTTPApplicator(httpClient, *httpApplicatorURL)
		if err != nil {
	} else {
		applicator = labels.NewConsulApplicator(kp.NewConsulClient(kpOpts), 0)
	return cmd, kpOpts, applicator
Example #8
func main() {

	opts := kp.Options{
		Address: *consulUrl,
		Token:   *consulToken,
		Client:  net.NewHeaderClient(*headers, http.DefaultTransport),
		HTTPS:   *https,
	store := kp.NewConsulStore(opts)

	intents, _, err := store.ListPods(kp.INTENT_TREE)
	if err != nil {
		message := "Could not list intent kvpairs: %s"
		if kvErr, ok := err.(kp.KVError); ok {
			log.Fatalf(message, kvErr.UnsafeError)
		} else {
			log.Fatalf(message, err)
	realities, _, err := store.ListPods(kp.REALITY_TREE)
	if err != nil {
		message := "Could not list reality kvpairs: %s"
		if kvErr, ok := err.(kp.KVError); ok {
			log.Fatalf(message, kvErr.UnsafeError)
		} else {
			log.Fatalf(message, err)

	statusMap := make(map[string]map[string]inspect.NodePodStatus)

	for _, kvp := range intents {
		if inspect.AddKVPToMap(kvp, inspect.INTENT_SOURCE, *filterNodeName, *filterPodId, statusMap) != nil {

	for _, kvp := range realities {
		if inspect.AddKVPToMap(kvp, inspect.REALITY_SOURCE, *filterNodeName, *filterPodId, statusMap) != nil {

	hchecker := health.NewConsulHealthChecker(opts)
	for podId := range statusMap {
		resultMap, err := hchecker.Service(podId)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Could not retrieve health checks for pod %s: %s", podId, err)

		for node, results := range resultMap {
			if *filterNodeName != "" && node != *filterNodeName {

			old := statusMap[podId][node]
			_, old.Health = health.FindWorst(results)
			statusMap[podId][node] = old

	enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)