// LESSBranchCompiler compiles individual branches of the Go source tree into selective CSS files func LESSBranchCompiler(lessBranchOptions codeutilsShared.LESSBranchOptions) { lessCompileFlags := []string{ "--clean-css", // Clean the CSS (such as minification, comment removal, so forth) "--no-color", "--no-ie-compat", // Disable IE Compatibility "--no-js", "--strict-math=on", // Do not process math } if lessBranchOptions.UseGlob { // If we should use globbing lessCompileFlags = append(lessCompileFlags, []string{"--glob"}...) // Provide --glob } if len(lessBranchOptions.AdditionalCompileOptions) != 0 { // If there was Additional Compile Options to pass lessCompileFlags = append(lessCompileFlags, lessBranchOptions.AdditionalCompileOptions...) } writeFileName, _ := codeutilsShared.FindClosestFile("src/less/" + lowercaseProjectName + ".less") // Define writeFileName as the file name we'll be compiling lessCompileFlags = append(lessCompileFlags, []string{writeFileName}...) commandOutput := codeutilsShared.ExecCommand("lessc", lessCompileFlags, false) // Run the less compiler errorIndex := strings.Index(commandOutput, "Error") if (errorIndex > 12) || (errorIndex == -1) { // If there was no initial error (any error string beyond a certain point should be assumed to be a part of the program) uniqueFileName := strings.Replace(filepath.Base(writeFileName), ".less", "", -1) if lessBranchOptions.UniqueHash { // If we should be using a unique hash uniqueFileName += "-" + codeutilsShared.Sha512Sum(commandOutput, 1)[0:12] // Append first 12 characters of hash } uniqueFileName += ".css" // Append .css codeutilsShared.WriteOrUpdateFile("build/"+uniqueFileName, []byte(commandOutput), codeutilsShared.UniversalFileMode) // Write to build folder codeutilsShared.CopyFile("build/"+uniqueFileName, "tests/design/css/"+uniqueFileName) // Copy from build folder to css folder } else { fmt.Println(commandOutput) } }
// CompileTypeScript compiles Typescript into Javascript and ensure JavaScript is minified and optimized func CompileTypeScript() error { var compileError error if codeutilsShared.ExecutableExists("tsc") { // If the tsc executable exists if codeutilsShared.IsDir("src/typescript") { // If src/typescript is a valid directory if !strings.HasPrefix(projectConfig.TypeScript.Target, "ES") { // If it either an empty string or does not begin with ES projectConfig.TypeScript.Target = "ES5" // Default to ES5 } typescriptFileName, _ := codeutilsShared.FindClosestFile("src/typescript/" + lowercaseProjectName + ".ts") // Define typescriptFileName as the closest file name to the one we're providing baseFileName := strings.Replace(filepath.Base(typescriptFileName), ".ts", "", -1) // Set baseFileName to typescript file name but with .ts removed typescriptCompileFlags := []string{ // Define typescriptCompileFlags as the following options "--declaration", // Create a declaration file "--forceConsistentCasingInFileNames", // Enforce consistency in file names "--noFallthroughCasesInSwitch", // Disallow fallthrough cases in switches "--noImplicitReturns", // Disallow implicit returns "--outFile", "build/" + baseFileName + ".js", // Output a single JS file in the build dir "--removeComments", // Remove comments "--target", projectConfig.TypeScript.Target, // Set the target typescriptFileName, // Append the .ts name } commandOutput := codeutilsShared.ExecCommand("tsc", typescriptCompileFlags, false) // Call execCommand and get its commandOutput if !strings.Contains(commandOutput, "error TS") { // If tsc did not report any errors if projectConfig.TypeScript.MinifyContent { // If we should minify the content minifyFailure := MinifyJavaScript() // Call the minification func, set any error to minifyFailure if minifyFailure == nil { // If there was no error minifying minifyFileName := baseFileName + ".min.js" if projectConfig.TypeScript.UseLibreJSHeader && (projectConfig.TypeScript.LibreJSLicense != "") { // If we should use the LibreJSHeader and the license value is set var finalMinifiedContent string // Define finalMinifiedContent as the content we get from AddLicense finalMinifiedContent, compileError = librejsgopher.AddLicense(projectConfig.TypeScript.LibreJSLicense, "build/"+minifyFileName, true) // Add the requested license to the JS file, return content if (compileError == nil) && projectConfig.TypeScript.UniqueHash { // If there was no issue adding the license and we should be using a unique hash uniqueFileName := baseFileName + "-" + codeutilsShared.Sha512Sum(finalMinifiedContent, 1)[0:12] + ".min.js" // Append first 12 characters of hash os.Rename("build/"+minifyFileName, "build/"+uniqueFileName) // Move the file to one with a unique file name minifyFileName = uniqueFileName // Change minifyFileName to uniqueName } } if projectConfig.UsesTests { // If we are using tests compileError = codeutilsShared.CopyFile("build/"+baseFileName+".js", "tests/design/js/"+baseFileName+".js") // Copy over the non-minified JS to the test js folder compileError = codeutilsShared.CopyFile("build/"+minifyFileName, "tests/design/js/"+minifyFileName) // Copy over the minified JS from build to the test js folder } } else { // If there was an error minifying compileError = minifyFailure // Set compileError to the minifyFailure } } } else { // If tsc did report errors compileError = errors.New(commandOutput) // Set compileError to the commandOutput } } else { // If src/typescript is not a valid directory compileError = errors.New("typescript" + dirDoesNotExistInSrc) } } else { // If the typescript compiler is not installed on this system compileError = errors.New("tsc" + executableNotInstalled) } return compileError }