Example #1
func symlinkInvalid(folder string, fi db.FileIntf) bool {
	if !symlinks.Supported && fi.IsSymlink() && !fi.IsInvalid() && !fi.IsDeleted() {
		symlinkWarning.Do(func() {
			l.Warnln("Symlinks are disabled, unsupported or require Administrator privileges. This might cause your folder to appear out of sync.")

		// Need to type switch for the concrete type to be able to access fields...
		var name string
		switch fi := fi.(type) {
		case protocol.FileInfo:
			name = fi.Name
		case db.FileInfoTruncated:
			name = fi.Name
		l.Infoln("Unsupported symlink", name, "in folder", folder)
		return true
	return false