Example #1
func newAPIService(id protocol.DeviceID, cfg *config.Wrapper, assetDir string, m *model.Model, eventSub *events.BufferedSubscription, discoverer *discover.CachingMux, relayService *relay.Service, errors, systemLog *logger.Recorder) (*apiService, error) {
	service := &apiService{
		id:              id,
		cfg:             cfg,
		assetDir:        assetDir,
		model:           m,
		eventSub:        eventSub,
		discoverer:      discoverer,
		relayService:    relayService,
		systemConfigMut: sync.NewMutex(),
		guiErrors:       errors,
		systemLog:       systemLog,

	seen := make(map[string]struct{})
	for file := range auto.Assets() {
		theme := strings.Split(file, "/")[0]
		if _, ok := seen[theme]; !ok {
			seen[theme] = struct{}{}
			service.themes = append(service.themes, theme)

	var err error
	service.listener, err = service.getListener(cfg.GUI())
	return service, err
Example #2
func dbOpts(cfg *config.Wrapper) *opt.Options {
	// Calculate a suitable database block cache capacity.

	// Default is 8 MiB.
	blockCacheCapacity := 8 << 20
	// Increase block cache up to this maximum:
	const maxCapacity = 64 << 20
	// ... which we reach when the box has this much RAM:
	const maxAtRAM = 8 << 30

	if v := cfg.Options().DatabaseBlockCacheMiB; v != 0 {
		// Use the value from the config, if it's set.
		blockCacheCapacity = v << 20
	} else if bytes, err := memorySize(); err == nil {
		// We start at the default of 8 MiB and use larger values for machines
		// with more memory.

		if bytes > maxAtRAM {
			// Cap the cache at maxCapacity when we reach maxAtRam amount of memory
			blockCacheCapacity = maxCapacity
		} else if bytes > maxAtRAM/maxCapacity*int64(blockCacheCapacity) {
			// Grow from the default to maxCapacity at maxAtRam amount of memory
			blockCacheCapacity = int(bytes * maxCapacity / maxAtRAM)
		l.Infoln("Database block cache capacity", blockCacheCapacity/1024, "KiB")

	return &opt.Options{
		OpenFilesCacheCapacity: 100,
		BlockCacheCapacity:     blockCacheCapacity,
		WriteBuffer:            4 << 20,
Example #3
func newConnectionSvc(cfg *config.Wrapper, myID protocol.DeviceID, mdl *model.Model, tlsCfg *tls.Config, discoverer discover.Finder, relaySvc *relay.Svc) *connectionSvc {
	svc := &connectionSvc{
		Supervisor: suture.NewSimple("connectionSvc"),
		cfg:        cfg,
		myID:       myID,
		model:      mdl,
		tlsCfg:     tlsCfg,
		discoverer: discoverer,
		relaySvc:   relaySvc,
		conns:      make(chan model.IntermediateConnection),

		connType:       make(map[protocol.DeviceID]model.ConnectionType),
		relaysEnabled:  cfg.Options().RelaysEnabled,
		lastRelayCheck: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]time.Time),

	// There are several moving parts here; one routine per listening address
	// to handle incoming connections, one routine to periodically attempt
	// outgoing connections, one routine to the the common handling
	// regardless of whether the connection was incoming or outgoing.
	// Furthermore, a relay service which handles incoming requests to connect
	// via the relays.
	// TODO: Clean shutdown, and/or handling config changes on the fly. We
	// partly do this now - new devices and addresses will be picked up, but
	// not new listen addresses and we don't support disconnecting devices
	// that are removed and so on...

	for _, addr := range svc.cfg.Options().ListenAddress {
		uri, err := url.Parse(addr)
		if err != nil {
			l.Infoln("Failed to parse listen address:", addr, err)

		listener, ok := listeners[uri.Scheme]
		if !ok {
			l.Infoln("Unknown listen address scheme:", uri.String())

		if debugNet {
			l.Debugln("listening on", uri.String())

		svc.Add(serviceFunc(func() {
			listener(uri, svc.tlsCfg, svc.conns)

	if svc.relaySvc != nil {

	return svc
Example #4
func myDeviceName(cfg *config.Wrapper) string {
	devices := cfg.Devices()
	myName := devices[myID].Name
	if myName == "" {
		myName, _ = os.Hostname()
	return myName
Example #5
func NewService(cfg *config.Wrapper, myID protocol.DeviceID, mdl Model, tlsCfg *tls.Config, discoverer discover.Finder,
	bepProtocolName string, tlsDefaultCommonName string, lans []*net.IPNet) *Service {

	service := &Service{
		Supervisor: suture.New("connections.Service", suture.Spec{
			Log: func(line string) {
		cfg:                  cfg,
		myID:                 myID,
		model:                mdl,
		tlsCfg:               tlsCfg,
		discoverer:           discoverer,
		conns:                make(chan internalConn),
		bepProtocolName:      bepProtocolName,
		tlsDefaultCommonName: tlsDefaultCommonName,
		lans:                 lans,
		limiter:              newLimiter(cfg),
		natService:           nat.NewService(myID, cfg),

		listenersMut:   sync.NewRWMutex(),
		listeners:      make(map[string]genericListener),
		listenerTokens: make(map[string]suture.ServiceToken),

		// A listener can fail twice, rapidly. Any more than that and it
		// will be put on suspension for ten minutes. Restarts and changes
		// due to config are done by removing and adding services, so are
		// not subject to these limitations.
		listenerSupervisor: suture.New("c.S.listenerSupervisor", suture.Spec{
			Log: func(line string) {
			FailureThreshold: 2,
			FailureBackoff:   600 * time.Second,

		curConMut:         sync.NewMutex(),
		currentConnection: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]completeConn),

	// There are several moving parts here; one routine per listening address
	// (handled in configuration changing) to handle incoming connections,
	// one routine to periodically attempt outgoing connections, one routine to
	// the the common handling regardless of whether the connection was
	// incoming or outgoing.


	raw := cfg.RawCopy()
	// Actually starts the listeners and NAT service
	service.CommitConfiguration(raw, raw)

	return service
Example #6
func newLimiter(cfg *config.Wrapper) *limiter {
	l := &limiter{
		write: rate.NewLimiter(rate.Inf, limiterBurstSize),
		read:  rate.NewLimiter(rate.Inf, limiterBurstSize),
	prev := config.Configuration{Options: config.OptionsConfiguration{MaxRecvKbps: -1, MaxSendKbps: -1}}
	l.CommitConfiguration(prev, cfg.RawCopy())
	return l
Example #7
// checkShortIDs verifies that the configuration won't result in duplicate
// short ID:s; that is, that the devices in the cluster all have unique
// initial 64 bits.
func checkShortIDs(cfg *config.Wrapper) error {
	exists := make(map[protocol.ShortID]protocol.DeviceID)
	for deviceID := range cfg.Devices() {
		shortID := deviceID.Short()
		if otherID, ok := exists[shortID]; ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("%v in conflict with %v", deviceID, otherID)
		exists[shortID] = deviceID
	return nil
Example #8
func setPauseState(cfg *config.Wrapper, paused bool) {
	raw := cfg.RawCopy()
	for i := range raw.Devices {
		raw.Devices[i].Paused = paused
	for i := range raw.Folders {
		raw.Folders[i].Paused = paused
	if err := cfg.Replace(raw); err != nil {
		l.Fatalln("Cannot adjust paused state:", err)
Example #9
func archiveAndSaveConfig(cfg *config.Wrapper) error {
	// To prevent previous config from being cleaned up, quickly touch it too
	now := time.Now()
	_ = os.Chtimes(cfg.ConfigPath(), now, now) // May return error on Android etc; no worries

	archivePath := cfg.ConfigPath() + fmt.Sprintf(".v%d", cfg.Raw().OriginalVersion)
	l.Infoln("Archiving a copy of old config file format at:", archivePath)
	if err := osutil.Rename(cfg.ConfigPath(), archivePath); err != nil {
		return err

	return cfg.Save()
Example #10
func NewService(cfg *config.Wrapper, myID protocol.DeviceID, mdl Model, tlsCfg *tls.Config, discoverer discover.Finder,
	bepProtocolName string, tlsDefaultCommonName string, lans []*net.IPNet) *Service {

	service := &Service{
		Supervisor:           suture.NewSimple("connections.Service"),
		cfg:                  cfg,
		myID:                 myID,
		model:                mdl,
		tlsCfg:               tlsCfg,
		discoverer:           discoverer,
		conns:                make(chan IntermediateConnection),
		bepProtocolName:      bepProtocolName,
		tlsDefaultCommonName: tlsDefaultCommonName,
		lans:                 lans,
		natService:           nat.NewService(myID, cfg),

		listenersMut:   sync.NewRWMutex(),
		listeners:      make(map[string]genericListener),
		listenerTokens: make(map[string]suture.ServiceToken),

		curConMut:         sync.NewMutex(),
		currentConnection: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]Connection),

	// The rate variables are in KiB/s in the UI (despite the camel casing
	// of the name). We multiply by 1024 here to get B/s.
	options := service.cfg.Options()
	if options.MaxSendKbps > 0 {
		service.writeRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1024*options.MaxSendKbps), int64(5*1024*options.MaxSendKbps))

	if options.MaxRecvKbps > 0 {
		service.readRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1024*options.MaxRecvKbps), int64(5*1024*options.MaxRecvKbps))

	// There are several moving parts here; one routine per listening address
	// (handled in configuration changing) to handle incoming connections,
	// one routine to periodically attempt outgoing connections, one routine to
	// the the common handling regardless of whether the connection was
	// incoming or outgoing.


	raw := cfg.Raw()
	// Actually starts the listeners and NAT service
	service.CommitConfiguration(raw, raw)

	return service
Example #11
func newUsageReportingManager(m *model.Model, cfg *config.Wrapper) *usageReportingManager {
	mgr := &usageReportingManager{
		model: m,

	// Start UR if it's enabled.
	mgr.CommitConfiguration(config.Configuration{}, cfg.Raw())

	// Listen to future config changes so that we can start and stop as
	// appropriate.

	return mgr
Example #12
// NewProgressEmitter creates a new progress emitter which emits
// DownloadProgress events every interval.
func NewProgressEmitter(cfg *config.Wrapper) *ProgressEmitter {
	t := &ProgressEmitter{
		stop:     make(chan struct{}),
		registry: make(map[string]*sharedPullerState),
		last:     make(map[string]map[string]*pullerProgress),
		timer:    time.NewTimer(time.Millisecond),
		mut:      sync.NewMutex(),

	t.CommitConfiguration(config.Configuration{}, cfg.Raw())

	return t
Example #13
func NewBlockFinder(db *leveldb.DB, cfg *config.Wrapper) *BlockFinder {
	if blockFinder != nil {
		return blockFinder

	f := &BlockFinder{
		db:  db,
		mut: sync.NewRWMutex(),

	f.CommitConfiguration(config.Configuration{}, cfg.Raw())

	return f
Example #14
// NewProgressEmitter creates a new progress emitter which emits
// DownloadProgress events every interval.
func NewProgressEmitter(cfg *config.Wrapper) *ProgressEmitter {
	t := &ProgressEmitter{
		stop:               make(chan struct{}),
		registry:           make(map[string]*sharedPullerState),
		timer:              time.NewTimer(time.Millisecond),
		sentDownloadStates: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]*sentDownloadState),
		connections:        make(map[string][]protocol.Connection),
		mut:                sync.NewMutex(),

	t.CommitConfiguration(config.Configuration{}, cfg.RawCopy())

	return t
Example #15
func newAPISvc(id protocol.DeviceID, cfg *config.Wrapper, assetDir string, m *model.Model, eventSub *events.BufferedSubscription, discoverer *discover.CachingMux, relaySvc *relay.Svc) (*apiSvc, error) {
	svc := &apiSvc{
		id:              id,
		cfg:             cfg,
		assetDir:        assetDir,
		model:           m,
		eventSub:        eventSub,
		discoverer:      discoverer,
		relaySvc:        relaySvc,
		systemConfigMut: sync.NewMutex(),

	var err error
	svc.listener, err = svc.getListener(cfg.GUI())
	return svc, err
Example #16
func newAPIService(id protocol.DeviceID, cfg *config.Wrapper, assetDir string, m *model.Model, eventSub *events.BufferedSubscription, discoverer *discover.CachingMux, relayService *relay.Service, errors, systemLog *logger.Recorder) (*apiService, error) {
	service := &apiService{
		id:              id,
		cfg:             cfg,
		assetDir:        assetDir,
		model:           m,
		eventSub:        eventSub,
		discoverer:      discoverer,
		relayService:    relayService,
		systemConfigMut: sync.NewMutex(),
		guiErrors:       errors,
		systemLog:       systemLog,

	var err error
	service.listener, err = service.getListener(cfg.GUI())
	return service, err
Example #17
func archiveAndSaveConfig(cfg *config.Wrapper) error {
	// Copy the existing config to an archive copy
	archivePath := cfg.ConfigPath() + fmt.Sprintf(".v%d", cfg.RawCopy().OriginalVersion)
	l.Infoln("Archiving a copy of old config file format at:", archivePath)
	if err := copyFile(cfg.ConfigPath(), archivePath); err != nil {
		return err

	// Do a regular atomic config sve
	return cfg.Save()
Example #18
func NewSvc(cfg *config.Wrapper, tlsCfg *tls.Config) *Svc {
	conns := make(chan *tls.Conn)

	svc := &Svc{
		Supervisor: suture.New("Svc", suture.Spec{
			Log: func(log string) {
				if debug {
			FailureBackoff:   5 * time.Minute,
			FailureDecay:     float64((10 * time.Minute) / time.Second),
			FailureThreshold: 5,
		cfg:    cfg,
		tlsCfg: tlsCfg,

		tokens:      make(map[string]suture.ServiceToken),
		clients:     make(map[string]*client.ProtocolClient),
		mut:         sync.NewRWMutex(),
		invitations: make(chan protocol.SessionInvitation),
		conns:       conns,

	rcfg := cfg.Raw()
	svc.CommitConfiguration(rcfg, rcfg)

	receiver := &invitationReceiver{
		tlsCfg:      tlsCfg,
		conns:       conns,
		invitations: svc.invitations,
		stop:        make(chan struct{}),

	eventBc := &eventBroadcaster{
		svc: svc,


	return svc
Example #19
func folderSummary(cfg *config.Wrapper, m *model.Model, folder string) map[string]interface{} {
	var res = make(map[string]interface{})

	res["invalid"] = cfg.Folders()[folder].Invalid

	globalFiles, globalDeleted, globalBytes := m.GlobalSize(folder)
	res["globalFiles"], res["globalDeleted"], res["globalBytes"] = globalFiles, globalDeleted, globalBytes

	localFiles, localDeleted, localBytes := m.LocalSize(folder)
	res["localFiles"], res["localDeleted"], res["localBytes"] = localFiles, localDeleted, localBytes

	needFiles, needBytes := m.NeedSize(folder)
	res["needFiles"], res["needBytes"] = needFiles, needBytes

	res["inSyncFiles"], res["inSyncBytes"] = globalFiles-needFiles, globalBytes-needBytes

	var err error
	res["state"], res["stateChanged"], err = m.State(folder)
	if err != nil {
		res["error"] = err.Error()

	lv, _ := m.CurrentLocalVersion(folder)
	rv, _ := m.RemoteLocalVersion(folder)

	res["version"] = lv + rv

	ignorePatterns, _, _ := m.GetIgnores(folder)
	res["ignorePatterns"] = false
	for _, line := range ignorePatterns {
		if len(line) > 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(line, "//") {
			res["ignorePatterns"] = true

	return res
Example #20
func autoUpgrade(cfg *config.Wrapper) {
	timer := time.NewTimer(0)
	sub := events.Default.Subscribe(events.DeviceConnected)
	for {
		select {
		case event := <-sub.C():
			data, ok := event.Data.(map[string]string)
			if !ok || data["clientName"] != "syncthing" || upgrade.CompareVersions(data["clientVersion"], Version) != upgrade.Newer {
			l.Infof("Connected to device %s with a newer version (current %q < remote %q). Checking for upgrades.", data["id"], Version, data["clientVersion"])
		case <-timer.C:

		rel, err := upgrade.LatestRelease(cfg.Options().ReleasesURL, Version)
		if err == upgrade.ErrUpgradeUnsupported {
		if err != nil {
			// Don't complain too loudly here; we might simply not have
			// internet connectivity, or the upgrade server might be down.
			l.Infoln("Automatic upgrade:", err)
			timer.Reset(time.Duration(cfg.Options().AutoUpgradeIntervalH) * time.Hour)

		if upgrade.CompareVersions(rel.Tag, Version) != upgrade.Newer {
			// Skip equal, older or majorly newer (incompatible) versions
			timer.Reset(time.Duration(cfg.Options().AutoUpgradeIntervalH) * time.Hour)

		l.Infof("Automatic upgrade (current %q < latest %q)", Version, rel.Tag)
		err = upgrade.To(rel)
		if err != nil {
			l.Warnln("Automatic upgrade:", err)
			timer.Reset(time.Duration(cfg.Options().AutoUpgradeIntervalH) * time.Hour)
		l.Warnf("Automatically upgraded to version %q. Restarting in 1 minute.", rel.Tag)
		stop <- exitUpgrading
Example #21
func setupGUI(mainSvc *suture.Supervisor, cfg *config.Wrapper, m *model.Model, apiSub *events.BufferedSubscription, discoverer *discover.CachingMux, relaySvc *relay.Svc, errors, systemLog *logger.Recorder) {
	guiCfg := cfg.GUI()

	if !guiCfg.Enabled {
	if guiCfg.Address == "" {

	addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", guiCfg.Address)
	if err != nil {
		l.Fatalf("Cannot start GUI on %q: %v", guiCfg.Address, err)
	} else {
		var hostOpen, hostShow string
		switch {
		case addr.IP == nil:
			hostOpen = "localhost"
			hostShow = ""
		case addr.IP.IsUnspecified():
			hostOpen = "localhost"
			hostShow = addr.IP.String()
			hostOpen = addr.IP.String()
			hostShow = hostOpen

		var proto = "http"
		if guiCfg.UseTLS {
			proto = "https"

		urlShow := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/", proto, net.JoinHostPort(hostShow, strconv.Itoa(addr.Port)))
		l.Infoln("Starting web GUI on", urlShow)

		api, err := newAPISvc(myID, cfg, guiAssets, m, apiSub, discoverer, relaySvc, errors, systemLog)
		if err != nil {
			l.Fatalln("Cannot start GUI:", err)

		if cfg.Options().StartBrowser && !noBrowser && !stRestarting {
			urlOpen := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/", proto, net.JoinHostPort(hostOpen, strconv.Itoa(addr.Port)))
			// Can potentially block if the utility we are invoking doesn't
			// fork, and just execs, hence keep it in it's own routine.
			go openURL(urlOpen)
Example #22
func setupGUI(mainSvc *suture.Supervisor, cfg *config.Wrapper, m *model.Model, apiSub *events.BufferedSubscription, discoverer *discover.CachingMux, relaySvc *relay.Svc, errors, systemLog *logger.Recorder) {
	guiCfg := cfg.GUI()

	if !guiCfg.Enabled {

	api, err := newAPISvc(myID, cfg, guiAssets, m, apiSub, discoverer, relaySvc, errors, systemLog)
	if err != nil {
		l.Fatalln("Cannot start GUI:", err)

	if cfg.Options().StartBrowser && !noBrowser && !stRestarting {
		// Can potentially block if the utility we are invoking doesn't
		// fork, and just execs, hence keep it in it's own routine.
		go openURL(guiCfg.URL())
Example #23
func setupGUI(mainService *suture.Supervisor, cfg *config.Wrapper, m *model.Model, apiSub events.BufferedSubscription, discoverer discover.CachingMux, connectionsService *connections.Service, errors, systemLog logger.Recorder, runtimeOptions RuntimeOptions) {
	guiCfg := cfg.GUI()

	if !guiCfg.Enabled {

	if guiCfg.InsecureAdminAccess {
		l.Warnln("Insecure admin access is enabled.")

	api := newAPIService(myID, cfg, locations[locHTTPSCertFile], locations[locHTTPSKeyFile], runtimeOptions.assetDir, m, apiSub, discoverer, connectionsService, errors, systemLog)

	if cfg.Options().StartBrowser && !runtimeOptions.noBrowser && !runtimeOptions.stRestarting {
		// Can potentially block if the utility we are invoking doesn't
		// fork, and just execs, hence keep it in it's own routine.
		go openURL(guiCfg.URL())
Example #24
func NewConnectionService(cfg *config.Wrapper, myID protocol.DeviceID, mdl Model, tlsCfg *tls.Config, discoverer discover.Finder, upnpService *upnp.Service,
	relayService relay.Service, bepProtocolName string, tlsDefaultCommonName string, lans []*net.IPNet) *Service {
	service := &Service{
		Supervisor:           suture.NewSimple("connections.Service"),
		cfg:                  cfg,
		myID:                 myID,
		model:                mdl,
		tlsCfg:               tlsCfg,
		discoverer:           discoverer,
		upnpService:          upnpService,
		relayService:         relayService,
		conns:                make(chan model.IntermediateConnection),
		bepProtocolName:      bepProtocolName,
		tlsDefaultCommonName: tlsDefaultCommonName,
		lans:                 lans,

		connType:       make(map[protocol.DeviceID]model.ConnectionType),
		relaysEnabled:  cfg.Options().RelaysEnabled,
		lastRelayCheck: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]time.Time),

	// The rate variables are in KiB/s in the UI (despite the camel casing
	// of the name). We multiply by 1024 here to get B/s.
	if service.cfg.Options().MaxSendKbps > 0 {
		service.writeRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1024*service.cfg.Options().MaxSendKbps), int64(5*1024*service.cfg.Options().MaxSendKbps))
	if service.cfg.Options().MaxRecvKbps > 0 {
		service.readRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1024*service.cfg.Options().MaxRecvKbps), int64(5*1024*service.cfg.Options().MaxRecvKbps))

	// There are several moving parts here; one routine per listening address
	// to handle incoming connections, one routine to periodically attempt
	// outgoing connections, one routine to the the common handling
	// regardless of whether the connection was incoming or outgoing.
	// Furthermore, a relay service which handles incoming requests to connect
	// via the relays.
	// TODO: Clean shutdown, and/or handling config changes on the fly. We
	// partly do this now - new devices and addresses will be picked up, but
	// not new listen addresses and we don't support disconnecting devices
	// that are removed and so on...

	for _, addr := range service.cfg.Options().ListenAddress {
		uri, err := url.Parse(addr)
		if err != nil {
			l.Infoln("Failed to parse listen address:", addr, err)

		listener, ok := listeners[uri.Scheme]
		if !ok {
			l.Infoln("Unknown listen address scheme:", uri.String())

		l.Debugln("listening on", uri)

		service.Add(serviceFunc(func() {
			listener(uri, service.tlsCfg, service.conns)

	if service.relayService != nil {

	return service
Example #25
// reportData returns the data to be sent in a usage report. It's used in
// various places, so not part of the usageReportingManager object.
func reportData(cfg *config.Wrapper, m *model.Model) map[string]interface{} {
	res := make(map[string]interface{})
	res["urVersion"] = usageReportVersion
	res["uniqueID"] = cfg.Options().URUniqueID
	res["version"] = Version
	res["longVersion"] = LongVersion
	res["platform"] = runtime.GOOS + "-" + runtime.GOARCH
	res["numFolders"] = len(cfg.Folders())
	res["numDevices"] = len(cfg.Devices())

	var totFiles, maxFiles int
	var totBytes, maxBytes int64
	for folderID := range cfg.Folders() {
		files, _, bytes := m.GlobalSize(folderID)
		totFiles += files
		totBytes += bytes
		if files > maxFiles {
			maxFiles = files
		if bytes > maxBytes {
			maxBytes = bytes

	res["totFiles"] = totFiles
	res["folderMaxFiles"] = maxFiles
	res["totMiB"] = totBytes / 1024 / 1024
	res["folderMaxMiB"] = maxBytes / 1024 / 1024

	var mem runtime.MemStats
	res["memoryUsageMiB"] = (mem.Sys - mem.HeapReleased) / 1024 / 1024
	res["sha256Perf"] = cpuBench(5, 125*time.Millisecond)

	bytes, err := memorySize()
	if err == nil {
		res["memorySize"] = bytes / 1024 / 1024
	res["numCPU"] = runtime.NumCPU()

	var rescanIntvs []int
	folderUses := map[string]int{
		"readonly":            0,
		"ignorePerms":         0,
		"ignoreDelete":        0,
		"autoNormalize":       0,
		"simpleVersioning":    0,
		"externalVersioning":  0,
		"staggeredVersioning": 0,
		"trashcanVersioning":  0,
	for _, cfg := range cfg.Folders() {
		rescanIntvs = append(rescanIntvs, cfg.RescanIntervalS)

		if cfg.ReadOnly {
		if cfg.IgnorePerms {
		if cfg.IgnoreDelete {
		if cfg.AutoNormalize {
		if cfg.Versioning.Type != "" {
	res["rescanIntvs"] = rescanIntvs
	res["folderUses"] = folderUses

	deviceUses := map[string]int{
		"introducer":       0,
		"customCertName":   0,
		"compressAlways":   0,
		"compressMetadata": 0,
		"compressNever":    0,
		"dynamicAddr":      0,
		"staticAddr":       0,
	for _, cfg := range cfg.Devices() {
		if cfg.Introducer {
		if cfg.CertName != "" && cfg.CertName != "syncthing" {
		if cfg.Compression == protocol.CompressAlways {
		} else if cfg.Compression == protocol.CompressMetadata {
		} else if cfg.Compression == protocol.CompressNever {
		for _, addr := range cfg.Addresses {
			if addr == "dynamic" {
			} else {
	res["deviceUses"] = deviceUses

	defaultAnnounceServersDNS, defaultAnnounceServersIP, otherAnnounceServers := 0, 0, 0
	for _, addr := range cfg.Options().GlobalAnnServers {
		if addr == "default" || addr == "default-v4" || addr == "default-v6" {
		} else {
	res["announce"] = map[string]interface{}{
		"globalEnabled":     cfg.Options().GlobalAnnEnabled,
		"localEnabled":      cfg.Options().LocalAnnEnabled,
		"defaultServersDNS": defaultAnnounceServersDNS,
		"defaultServersIP":  defaultAnnounceServersIP,
		"otherServers":      otherAnnounceServers,

	defaultRelayServers, otherRelayServers := 0, 0
	for _, addr := range cfg.Options().RelayServers {
		switch addr {
		case "dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint":
	res["relays"] = map[string]interface{}{
		"enabled":        cfg.Options().RelaysEnabled,
		"defaultServers": defaultRelayServers,
		"otherServers":   otherRelayServers,

	res["usesRateLimit"] = cfg.Options().MaxRecvKbps > 0 || cfg.Options().MaxSendKbps > 0

	res["upgradeAllowedManual"] = !(upgrade.DisabledByCompilation || noUpgrade)
	res["upgradeAllowedAuto"] = !(upgrade.DisabledByCompilation || noUpgrade) && cfg.Options().AutoUpgradeIntervalH > 0

	return res