Example #1
func TestGetKey(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Should return a ResponseObject with the key value", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0", CfgName: "mockcfg", Key: "initial"}
		r := GetKey(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "get")
		So(r.Item.Version, ShouldEqual, int64(1))
		So(string(r.Item.Value.([]byte)), ShouldEqual, "initial value for test")

	Convey("Should return a ResponseObject with the key value", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0", CfgName: "mockcfg", Key: "encoded"}
		r := GetKey(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "get")
		So(r.Item.Version, ShouldEqual, int64(1))
		//So(string(r.Item.Value.([]byte)), ShouldEqual, "initial value for test")

	Convey("Should return a ResponseObject with an Error message if no key name was provided", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0", CfgName: "mockcfg"}
		r := GetKey(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "get")
		So(r.Error, ShouldEqual, MissingKeyNameMsg)
Example #2
func TestSetKey(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Should return a ResponseObject with an Error message if no value was provided", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0"}
		r := SetKey(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "set")
		So(r.Error, ShouldEqual, ValueRequiredMsg)

	Convey("Should return a ResponseObject with an Error message if no key name was provided", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0", CfgName: "mockcfg", Value: []byte("test")}
		r := SetKey(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "set")
		So(r.Error, ShouldEqual, MissingKeyNameMsg)

	Convey("Should return a ResponseObject with an Error message if no config name was provided", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0", Value: []byte("test"), Key: "test"}
		r := SetKey(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "set")
		So(r.Error, ShouldEqual, MissingCfgNameMsg)
Example #3
func TestDeleteKey(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Should return a ResponseObject with an Error message if not enough arguments were provided", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0"}
		r := DeleteKey(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "delete")
		So(r.Error, ShouldEqual, NotEnoughArgsMsg)
Example #4
func TestWhich(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Should return an error when no .discfg exists", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0"}
		r := Which(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "which")
		So(r.Error, ShouldEqual, NoCurrentWorkingCfgMsg)

	Convey("Should return a ResponseObject with the current working config", t, func() {
		_ = ioutil.WriteFile(".discfg", []byte("testcfg"), 0644)

		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0"}
		r := Which(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "which")
		So(r.CurrentDiscfg, ShouldEqual, "testcfg")

		_ = os.Remove(".discfg")
Example #5
func TestInfo(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Should return a ResponseObject with info about the config", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0", CfgName: "mockcfg"}
		r := Info(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "info")
		So(r.CfgVersion, ShouldEqual, int64(4))
		So(r.CfgState, ShouldEqual, "ACTIVE")
		So(r.CfgModifiedNanoseconds, ShouldEqual, int64(1464675792991825937))
		So(r.CfgModified, ShouldEqual, int64(1464675792))
		// So(r.CfgModifiedParsed, ShouldEqual, "2016-05-30T23:23:12-07:00")
		// ^ System timezone running the tests could make this fail - doh!
		So(r.CfgModifiedParsed, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, "string")

	Convey("Should return a ResponseObject with an Error message if not enough arguments were provided", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0"}
		r := Info(opts)
		So(r.Action, ShouldEqual, "info")
		So(r.Error, ShouldEqual, NotEnoughArgsMsg)
Example #6
func TestFormatJSONValue(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Should handle basic string values", t, func() {
		storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
		var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0", CfgName: "mockcfg", Key: "initial"}
		r := GetKey(opts)
		rFormatted := FormatJSONValue(r)
		So(rFormatted.Item.Value.(string), ShouldEqual, "initial value for test")

	// Not yet
	// Convey("Should handle base64 encoded string values", t, func() {
	// 	storage.RegisterShipper("mock", mockdb.MockShipper{})
	// 	var opts = config.Options{StorageInterfaceName: "mock", Version: "0.0.0", CfgName: "mockcfg", Key: "encoded"}
	// 	r := GetKey(opts)
	// 	rFormatted := FormatJSONValue(r)
	// 	mapValue := map[string]interface{}{"updated": "friday"}
	// 	So(rFormatted.Item.Value.(map[string]interface{}), ShouldResemble, mapValue)
	// })