Example #1
// NewREST returns a RESTStorage object that will work against nodes.
func NewStorage(opts generic.RESTOptions, connection client.ConnectionInfoGetter, proxyTransport http.RoundTripper) NodeStorage {
	prefix := "/minions"

	newListFunc := func() runtime.Object { return &api.NodeList{} }
	storageInterface := opts.Decorator(
		opts.Storage, cachesize.GetWatchCacheSizeByResource(cachesize.Nodes), &api.Node{}, prefix, node.Strategy, newListFunc)

	store := &registry.Store{
		NewFunc:     func() runtime.Object { return &api.Node{} },
		NewListFunc: newListFunc,
		KeyRootFunc: func(ctx api.Context) string {
			return prefix
		KeyFunc: func(ctx api.Context, name string) (string, error) {
			return registry.NoNamespaceKeyFunc(ctx, prefix, name)
		ObjectNameFunc: func(obj runtime.Object) (string, error) {
			return obj.(*api.Node).Name, nil
		PredicateFunc:           node.MatchNode,
		QualifiedResource:       api.Resource("nodes"),
		DeleteCollectionWorkers: opts.DeleteCollectionWorkers,

		CreateStrategy: node.Strategy,
		UpdateStrategy: node.Strategy,
		DeleteStrategy: node.Strategy,
		ExportStrategy: node.Strategy,

		Storage: storageInterface,

	statusStore := *store
	statusStore.UpdateStrategy = node.StatusStrategy

	nodeREST := &REST{store, connection, proxyTransport}

	return NodeStorage{
		Node:   nodeREST,
		Status: &StatusREST{store: &statusStore},
		Proxy:  &noderest.ProxyREST{Store: store, Connection: client.ConnectionInfoGetter(nodeREST), ProxyTransport: proxyTransport},
Example #2
	return NodeStorage{
		Node:   nodeREST,
		Status: &StatusREST{store: &statusStore},
		Proxy:  &noderest.ProxyREST{Store: store, Connection: client.ConnectionInfoGetter(nodeREST), ProxyTransport: proxyTransport},

// Implement Redirector.
var _ = rest.Redirector(&REST{})

// ResourceLocation returns a URL to which one can send traffic for the specified node.
func (r *REST) ResourceLocation(ctx api.Context, id string) (*url.URL, http.RoundTripper, error) {
	return node.ResourceLocation(r, r, r.proxyTransport, ctx, id)

var _ = client.ConnectionInfoGetter(&REST{})

func (r *REST) getKubeletPort(ctx api.Context, nodeName string) (int, error) {
	// We probably shouldn't care about context when looking for Node object.
	obj, err := r.Get(ctx, nodeName)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	node, ok := obj.(*api.Node)
	if !ok {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected object type: %#v", node)
	return int(node.Status.DaemonEndpoints.KubeletEndpoint.Port), nil

func (c *REST) GetConnectionInfo(ctx api.Context, nodeName string) (string, uint, http.RoundTripper, error) {