Example #1
func (x *cmdShell) Execute(args []string) error {
	shellType := x.Positional.ShellType
	if shellType == "classic" {
		if !classic.Enabled() {
			return fmt.Errorf(i18n.G(`Classic dimension disabled on this system.
Use "sudo snappy enable-classic" to enable it.`))

		// we need to re-exec if we do not run as root
		if os.Getuid() != 0 {
			if err := reexecWithSudo(); err != nil {
				return err

		fmt.Println(i18n.G(`Entering classic dimension`))

The home directory is shared between snappy and the classic dimension.
Run "exit" to leave the classic shell.
		return classic.RunShell()

	return fmt.Errorf(i18n.G("unsupported shell %v"), shellType)
Example #2
func (c *cmdChanges) Execute([]string) error {

	if c.Positional.Id != "" {
		return c.showChange(c.Positional.Id)

	cli := Client()
	changes, err := cli.Changes(client.ChangesAll)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(changes) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf(i18n.G("no changes found"))


	w := tabWriter()

	fmt.Fprintf(w, i18n.G("ID\tStatus\tSpawn\tReady\tSummary\n"))
	for _, chg := range changes {
		spawnTime := chg.SpawnTime.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
		readyTime := chg.ReadyTime.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
		if chg.ReadyTime.IsZero() {
			readyTime = "-"
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", chg.ID, chg.Status, spawnTime, readyTime, chg.Summary)


	return nil
Example #3
func (cmdList) Execute([]string) error {
	cli := Client()
	filter := client.SnapFilter{
		Sources: []string{"local"},
	snaps, _, err := cli.FilterSnaps(filter)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(snaps) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf(i18n.G("no snaps found"))


	w := tabWriter()
	defer w.Flush()

	fmt.Fprintln(w, i18n.G("Name\tVersion\tDeveloper"))

	for _, snap := range snaps {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", snap.Name, snap.Version, snap.Developer)

	return nil
Example #4
func (inst *snapInstruction) update() (*state.Change, error) {
	flags := snappy.DoInstallGC
	if inst.LeaveOld {
		flags = 0
	state := inst.overlord.State()
	msg := fmt.Sprintf(i18n.G("Refresh %q snap"), inst.pkg)
	if inst.Channel != "stable" && inst.Channel != "" {
		msg = fmt.Sprintf(i18n.G("Refresh %q snap from %q channel"), inst.pkg, inst.Channel)
	chg := state.NewChange("refresh-snap", msg)
	ts, err := snapstateUpdate(state, inst.pkg, inst.Channel, inst.userID, flags)
	if err == nil {
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err


	return chg, nil
Example #5
func outputHWAccessForPkgname(pkgname string, writePaths []string) {
	if len(writePaths) == 0 {
		// TRANSLATORS: the %s is a pkgname
		fmt.Printf(i18n.G("'%s:' is not allowed to access additional hardware\n"), pkgname)
	} else {
		// TRANSLATORS: the %s is a pkgname, the second a comma separated list of paths
		fmt.Printf(i18n.G("%s: %s\n"), pkgname, strings.Join(writePaths, ", "))
Example #6
func init() {
	_, err := parser.AddCommand("console",
		i18n.G("Run snappy console interface"),
		i18n.G("Run snappy console interface"),
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to console: %v", err)
Example #7
func init() {
	arg, err := parser.AddCommand("shell",
		i18n.G("Run snappy shell interface"),
		i18n.G("Run snappy shell interface"),
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to add shell command: %q", err)
	addOptionDescription(arg, "shell-type", i18n.G("The type of shell you want"))
Example #8
func init() {
	arg, err := parser.AddCommand("remove",
		i18n.G("Remove a snapp part"),
		i18n.G("Remove a snapp part"),
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to remove: %v", err)
	addOptionDescription(arg, "no-gc", i18n.G("Do not clean up old versions of the package."))
Example #9
func init() {
	arg, err := parser.AddCommand("hw-unassign",
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to hwunassign: %v", err)
	addOptionDescription(arg, "package name", i18n.G("Remove hardware from a specific installed package"))
	addOptionDescription(arg, "device path", i18n.G("The hardware device path (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0)"))
Example #10
func init() {
	arg, err := parser.AddCommand("policygen",
		i18n.G("Generate the apparmor policy"),
		i18n.G("Generate the apparmor policy"),
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to install: %v", err)
	addOptionDescription(arg, "force", i18n.G("Force policy generation."))
	addOptionDescription(arg, "package.yaml path", i18n.G("The path to the package.yaml used to generate the apparmor policy."))
Example #11
func init() {
	_, err := parser.AddCommand("service",
		i18n.G("Query and modify snappy services"),
		i18n.G("Query and modify snappy services of locally-installed packages"),

	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to service: %v", err)

Example #12
func init() {
	arg, err := parser.AddCommand("update",
		i18n.G("Update all installed parts"),
		i18n.G("Ensures system is running with latest parts"),
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to update: %v", err)
	addOptionDescription(arg, "no-gc", i18n.G("Do not clean up old versions of the package."))
	addOptionDescription(arg, "automatic-reboot", i18n.G("Reboot if necessary to be on the latest running system."))
Example #13
func init() {
	arg, err := parser.AddCommand("rollback",
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to rollback: %v", err)
	addOptionDescription(arg, "package name", i18n.G("The package to rollback "))
	addOptionDescription(arg, "version", i18n.G("The version to rollback to"))
Example #14
func init() {
	arg, err := parser.AddCommand("config",
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to config: %v", err)
	addOptionDescription(arg, "package name", i18n.G("Set configuration for a specific installed package"))
	addOptionDescription(arg, "config file", i18n.G("The configuration for the given file"))
Example #15
func init() {
	arg, err := parser.AddCommand("info",
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to info: %v", err)
	addOptionDescription(arg, "verbose", i18n.G("Provides more detailed information"))
	addOptionDescription(arg, "include-remote", i18n.G("Include information about packages from the snappy store"))
	addOptionDescription(arg, "package name", i18n.G("Provide information about a specific installed package"))
Example #16
func init() {
	cmd, err := parser.AddCommand("search",
		i18n.G("Search for packages to install"),
		i18n.G("Query the store for available packages"),
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to search: %v", err)

	cmd.Aliases = append(cmd.Aliases, "se")
	addOptionDescription(cmd, "show-all", i18n.G("Show all available forks of a package"))
Example #17
func init() {
	cmd, err := parser.AddCommand("build",
		i18n.G("Builds a snap package"),
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to build: %v", err)

	cmd.Aliases = append(cmd.Aliases, "bu")
	addOptionDescription(cmd, "output", i18n.G("Specify an alternate output directory for the resulting package"))
Example #18
func (x *cmdDestroyClassic) doDisable() (err error) {
	if !classic.Enabled() {
		return fmt.Errorf(i18n.G("Classic dimension is not enabled."))

	if err := classic.Destroy(); err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Println(i18n.G(`Classic dimension destroyed on this snappy system.`))
	return nil
Example #19
func init() {
	cmd, err := parser.AddCommand("list",
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to list: %v", err)

	cmd.Aliases = append(cmd.Aliases, "li")
	addOptionDescription(cmd, "updates", i18n.G("Show available updates (requires network)"))
	addOptionDescription(cmd, "verbose", i18n.G("Show channel information and expand all fields"))
Example #20
func (x *cmdEnableClassic) doEnable() (err error) {
	if classic.Enabled() {
		return fmt.Errorf(i18n.G("Classic dimension is already enabled."))

	pbar := progress.NewTextProgress()
	if err := classic.Create(pbar); err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Println(i18n.G(`Classic dimension enabled on this snappy system.
Use “snappy shell classic” to enter the classic dimension.`))
	return nil
Example #21
func (x *cmdHWAssign) doHWAssign() error {
	if err := snappy.AddHWAccess(x.Positional.PackageName, x.Positional.DevicePath); err != nil {
		if err == snappy.ErrHWAccessAlreadyAdded {
			// TRANSLATORS: the first %s is a pkgname, the second %s is a path
			fmt.Printf(i18n.G("'%s' previously allowed access to '%s'. Skipping\n"), x.Positional.PackageName, x.Positional.DevicePath)
			return nil

		return err

	// TRANSLATORS: the first %s is a pkgname, the second %s is a path
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("'%s' is now allowed to access '%s'\n"), x.Positional.PackageName, x.Positional.DevicePath)
	return nil
Example #22
func (x *cmdRollback) doRollback() error {
	pkg := x.Positional.PackageName
	version := x.Positional.Version
	if pkg == "" {
		return errNeedPackageName

	nowVersion, err := snappy.Rollback(pkg, version, progress.MakeProgressBar())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// TRANSLATORS: the first %s is a pkgname, the second %s is the new version
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("Setting %s to version %s\n"), pkg, nowVersion)

	m := snappy.NewMetaRepository()
	installed, err := m.Installed()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	parts := snappy.FindSnapsByNameAndVersion(pkg, nowVersion, installed)
	showVerboseList(parts, os.Stdout)

	return nil
Example #23
func (s *svcStatus) Execute(args []string) error {
	stati, err := s.doExecute(doStatus)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 1, '\t', 0)

	ws, _ := helpers.GetTermWinsize()
	rows := int(ws.Row) - 2

	header := i18n.G("Snap\tService\tState")

	for i, status := range stati {
		// print a header every $rows rows if rows is bigger
		// than 10; otherwise, just the once. 10 is arbitrary,
		// but the thinking is that on the one hand you don't
		// want to be using up too much space with headers on
		// really small terminals and on the other rows might
		// actually be negative if you're not on a tty.
		if i%rows == 0 && (i == 0 || rows > 10) {
			fmt.Fprintln(w, header)
		fmt.Fprintln(w, status)

	return err
Example #24
func (x *cmdBuild) Execute(args []string) (err error) {
	if len(args) == 0 {
		args = []string{"."}

	var snapPackage string
	if x.BuildSnapfs {
		snapPackage, err = snappy.BuildSnapfsSnap(args[0], x.Output)
	} else {
		snapPackage, err = snappy.BuildLegacySnap(args[0], x.Output)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	_, err = exec.LookPath(clickReview)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Warning: could not review package (%s not available)\n", clickReview)
	} else {
		cmd := exec.Command(clickReview, snapPackage)
		cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
		cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
		// we ignore the error for now
		_ = cmd.Run()

	// TRANSLATORS: the %s is a pkgname
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("Generated '%s' snap\n"), snapPackage)
	return nil
Example #25
func printNoPrices(w *tabwriter.Writer, snaps []*client.Snap) {
	fmt.Fprintln(w, i18n.G("Name\tVersion\tSummary"))

	for _, snap := range snaps {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", snap.Name, snap.Version, snap.Summary)
Example #26
func info() error {
	release := ubuntuCoreChannel()
	frameworks, _ := snappy.ActiveSnapIterByType(snappy.FullName, pkg.TypeFramework)
	apps, _ := snappy.ActiveSnapIterByType(snappy.FullName, pkg.TypeApp)

	// TRANSLATORS: the %s release string
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("release: %s\n"), release)
	// TRANSLATORS: the %s an architecture string
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("architecture: %s\n"), snappy.Architecture())
	// TRANSLATORS: the %s is a comma separated list of framework names
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("frameworks: %s\n"), strings.Join(frameworks, ", "))
	//TRANSLATORS: the %s represents a list of installed appnames
	//             (e.g. "apps: foo, bar, baz")
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("apps: %s\n"), strings.Join(apps, ", "))

	return nil
Example #27
func (x *cmdLogin) Execute(args []string) error {
	username := x.Positional.UserName
	fmt.Print(i18n.G("Password: "******"\n")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = requestLoginWith2faRetry(username, string(password))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Println(i18n.G("Login successful"))

	return nil
Example #28
func init() {
	_, err := parser.AddCommand("activate",
		i18n.G(`Activate a package`),
		i18n.G(`Activate a package that has previously been deactivated. If the package is already activated, do nothing.`),
		&cmdActivate{activate: true})
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to activate: %v", err)

	_, err = parser.AddCommand("deactivate",
		i18n.G(`Deactivate a package`),
		i18n.G(`Deactivate a package. If the package is already deactivated, do nothing.`),
		&cmdActivate{activate: false})
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to deactivate: %v", err)
Example #29
func init() {
	_, err := parser.AddCommand("enable-classic",
		i18n.G("Enable classic dimension."),
		i18n.G("Enable the ubuntu classic dimension."),
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to enable-classic: %v", err)

	_, err = parser.AddCommand("destroy-classic",
		i18n.G("Destroy the classic dimension."),
		i18n.G("Destroy the ubuntu classic dimension."),
	if err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("Unable to destroy-classic: %v", err)
Example #30
func info() error {
	rel := release.Get()
	release := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", rel.Flavor, rel.Series)
	frameworks, _ := snappy.ActiveSnapIterByType(snappy.FullName, snap.TypeFramework)
	apps, _ := snappy.ActiveSnapIterByType(snappy.FullName, snap.TypeApp)

	// TRANSLATORS: the %s release string
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("release: %s\n"), release)
	// TRANSLATORS: the %s an architecture string
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("architecture: %s\n"), arch.UbuntuArchitecture())
	// TRANSLATORS: the %s is a comma separated list of framework names
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("frameworks: %s\n"), strings.Join(frameworks, ", "))
	//TRANSLATORS: the %s represents a list of installed appnames
	//             (e.g. "apps: foo, bar, baz")
	fmt.Printf(i18n.G("apps: %s\n"), strings.Join(apps, ", "))

	return nil