func init() { sec := setting.Cfg.Section("database") var err error x, err = xorm.NewEngine("mysql", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s)/%s?charset=utf8", sec.Key("USER").String(), sec.Key("PASSWD").String(), sec.Key("HOST").String(), sec.Key("NAME").String())) if err != nil { log.FatalD(4, "Fail to init new engine: %v", err) } x.SetLogger(nil) x.SetMapper(core.GonicMapper{}) if err = x.Sync(new(PkgInfo), new(PkgRef)); err != nil { log.FatalD(4, "Fail to sync database: %v", err) } numOfPackages, _ = x.Count(new(PkgInfo)) c := cron.New() c.AddFunc("@every 5m", func() { numOfPackages, _ = x.Count(new(PkgInfo)) }) c.Start() }
func init() { log.Prefix = "[Go Walker]" sources := []interface{}{"conf/app.ini"} if com.IsFile("custom/app.ini") { sources = append(sources, "custom/app.ini") } var err error Cfg, err = macaron.SetConfig(sources[0], sources[1:]...) if err != nil { log.FatalD(4, "Fail to set configuration: %v", err) } if Cfg.Section("").Key("RUN_MODE").String() == "prod" { ProdMode = true macaron.Env = macaron.PROD macaron.ColorLog = false } sec := Cfg.Section("server") HTTPPort = sec.Key("HTTP_PORT").MustInt(8080) FetchTimeout = time.Duration(sec.Key("FETCH_TIMEOUT").MustInt(60)) * time.Second DocsJsPath = sec.Key("DOCS_JS_PATH").MustString("raw/docs/") DocsGobPath = sec.Key("DOCS_GOB_PATH").MustString("raw/gob/") GitHubCredentials = "client_id=" + Cfg.Section("github").Key("CLIENT_ID").String() + "&client_secret=" + Cfg.Section("github").Key("CLIENT_SECRET").String() }
func main() { log.Info("Go Walker %s", APP_VER) log.Info("Run Mode: %s", strings.Title(macaron.Env)) m := newMacaron() m.Get("/", routers.Home) m.Get("/search", routers.Search) m.Get("/search/json", routers.SearchJSON) m.Group("/api", func() { m.Group("/v1", func() { m.Get("/badge", apiv1.Badge) }) }) m.Get("/robots.txt", func() string { return `User-agent: * Disallow: /search` }) m.Get("/*", routers.Docs) listenAddr := fmt.Sprintf("", setting.HTTPPort) log.Info("Listen: http://%s", listenAddr) if err := http.ListenAndServe(listenAddr, m); err != nil { log.FatalD(4, "Fail to start server: %v", err) } }