// OneP returns a single featureCvtermprop record from the query, and panics on error. func (q featureCvtermpropQuery) OneP() *FeatureCvtermprop { o, err := q.One() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return o }
// CountP returns the count of all FeaturepropPub records in the query, and panics on error. func (q featurepropPubQuery) CountP() int64 { c, err := q.Count() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return c }
// FindFeaturepropPubGP retrieves a single record by ID, and panics on error. func FindFeaturepropPubGP(featurepropPubID int, selectCols ...string) *FeaturepropPub { retobj, err := FindFeaturepropPub(boil.GetDB(), featurepropPubID, selectCols...) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return retobj }
// FeaturepropPubExistsGP checks if the FeaturepropPub row exists. Panics on error. func FeaturepropPubExistsGP(featurepropPubID int) bool { e, err := FeaturepropPubExists(boil.GetDB(), featurepropPubID) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return e }
// OneP returns a single featurepropPub record from the query, and panics on error. func (q featurepropPubQuery) OneP() *FeaturepropPub { o, err := q.One() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return o }
// FindTableinfoP retrieves a single record by ID with an executor, and panics on error. func FindTableinfoP(exec boil.Executor, tableinfoID int, selectCols ...string) *Tableinfo { retobj, err := FindTableinfo(exec, tableinfoID, selectCols...) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return retobj }
// AllP returns all FeatureDbxref records from the query, and panics on error. func (q featureDbxrefQuery) AllP() FeatureDbxrefSlice { o, err := q.All() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return o }
// CountP returns the count of all AuthUserRole records in the query, and panics on error. func (q authUserRoleQuery) CountP() int64 { c, err := q.Count() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return c }
// Exists checks if the row exists in the table, and panics on error. func (q authUserRoleQuery) ExistsP() bool { e, err := q.Exists() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return e }
// OneP returns a single authUserRole record from the query, and panics on error. func (q authUserRoleQuery) OneP() *AuthUserRole { o, err := q.One() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return o }
// AllP returns all AuthUserRole records from the query, and panics on error. func (q authUserRoleQuery) AllP() AuthUserRoleSlice { o, err := q.All() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return o }
// AuthUserRoleExistsP checks if the AuthUserRole row exists. Panics on error. func AuthUserRoleExistsP(exec boil.Executor, authUserRoleID int) bool { e, err := AuthUserRoleExists(exec, authUserRoleID) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return e }
// AuthUserRoleExistsGP checks if the AuthUserRole row exists. Panics on error. func AuthUserRoleExistsGP(authUserRoleID int) bool { e, err := AuthUserRoleExists(boil.GetDB(), authUserRoleID) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return e }
// FindFeatureCvtermpropGP retrieves a single record by ID, and panics on error. func FindFeatureCvtermpropGP(featureCvtermpropID int, selectCols ...string) *FeatureCvtermprop { retobj, err := FindFeatureCvtermprop(boil.GetDB(), featureCvtermpropID, selectCols...) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return retobj }
// Exists checks if the row exists in the table, and panics on error. func (q tableinfoQuery) ExistsP() bool { e, err := q.Exists() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return e }
// FindAuthUserRoleGP retrieves a single record by ID, and panics on error. func FindAuthUserRoleGP(authUserRoleID int, selectCols ...string) *AuthUserRole { retobj, err := FindAuthUserRole(boil.GetDB(), authUserRoleID, selectCols...) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return retobj }
// FindTableinfoGP retrieves a single record by ID, and panics on error. func FindTableinfoGP(tableinfoID int, selectCols ...string) *Tableinfo { retobj, err := FindTableinfo(boil.GetDB(), tableinfoID, selectCols...) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return retobj }
// FindAuthUserRoleP retrieves a single record by ID with an executor, and panics on error. func FindAuthUserRoleP(exec boil.Executor, authUserRoleID int, selectCols ...string) *AuthUserRole { retobj, err := FindAuthUserRole(exec, authUserRoleID, selectCols...) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return retobj }
// OneP returns a single featureDbxref record from the query, and panics on error. func (q featureDbxrefQuery) OneP() *FeatureDbxref { o, err := q.One() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return o }
// TableinfoExistsGP checks if the Tableinfo row exists. Panics on error. func TableinfoExistsGP(tableinfoID int) bool { e, err := TableinfoExists(boil.GetDB(), tableinfoID) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return e }
// FindFeatureDbxrefGP retrieves a single record by ID, and panics on error. func FindFeatureDbxrefGP(featureDbxrefID int, selectCols ...string) *FeatureDbxref { retobj, err := FindFeatureDbxref(boil.GetDB(), featureDbxrefID, selectCols...) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return retobj }
// TableinfoExistsP checks if the Tableinfo row exists. Panics on error. func TableinfoExistsP(exec boil.Executor, tableinfoID int) bool { e, err := TableinfoExists(exec, tableinfoID) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return e }
// FeaturepropPubExistsP checks if the FeaturepropPub row exists. Panics on error. func FeaturepropPubExistsP(exec boil.Executor, featurepropPubID int) bool { e, err := FeaturepropPubExists(exec, featurepropPubID) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return e }
// OneP returns a single tableinfo record from the query, and panics on error. func (q tableinfoQuery) OneP() *Tableinfo { o, err := q.One() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return o }
// AllP returns all FeaturepropPub records from the query, and panics on error. func (q featurepropPubQuery) AllP() FeaturepropPubSlice { o, err := q.All() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return o }
// AllP returns all Tableinfo records from the query, and panics on error. func (q tableinfoQuery) AllP() TableinfoSlice { o, err := q.All() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return o }
// Exists checks if the row exists in the table, and panics on error. func (q featurepropPubQuery) ExistsP() bool { e, err := q.Exists() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return e }
// CountP returns the count of all Tableinfo records in the query, and panics on error. func (q tableinfoQuery) CountP() int64 { c, err := q.Count() if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return c }
// FindFeaturepropPubP retrieves a single record by ID with an executor, and panics on error. func FindFeaturepropPubP(exec boil.Executor, featurepropPubID int, selectCols ...string) *FeaturepropPub { retobj, err := FindFeaturepropPub(exec, featurepropPubID, selectCols...) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return retobj }
// FindCvtermDbxrefP retrieves a single record by ID with an executor, and panics on error. func FindCvtermDbxrefP(exec boil.Executor, cvtermDbxrefID int, selectCols ...string) *CvtermDbxref { retobj, err := FindCvtermDbxref(exec, cvtermDbxrefID, selectCols...) if err != nil { panic(boil.WrapErr(err)) } return retobj }