Example #1
// authenticator reads the username from the HTTP basic authentication header
// and validates the token. It sets the "user" key in the context to the
// user associated with the token.
func authenticator(c siesta.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request,
	quit func()) {
	// Context variables
	requestID := c.Get("request-id").(string)
	db := c.Get("db").(*DB)

	// Check for a token in the HTTP basic authentication username field.
	token, _, ok := r.BasicAuth()
	if ok {
		user, err := db.validateToken(token)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("[Req %s] Did not provide a valid token", requestID)
			c.Set("status-code", http.StatusUnauthorized)
			c.Set("error", "invalid token")

		log.Printf("[Req %s] Provided a token for: %s", requestID, user)

		// Add the user to the context.
		c.Set("user", user)
	} else {
		log.Printf("[Req %s] Did not provide a token", requestID)

		c.Set("error", "token required")
		c.Set("status-code", http.StatusUnauthorized)

		// Exit the chain here.
Example #2
// responseGenerator converts response and/or error data passed through the
// context into a structured response.
func responseGenerator(c siesta.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	response := apiResponse{}

	if data := c.Get("data"); data != nil {
		response.Data = data

	if err := c.Get("error"); err != nil {
		response.Error = err.(string)

	c.Set("response", response)
Example #3
// getResource is the function that handles the GET /resources/:resourceID route.
func getResource(c siesta.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Context variables
	requestID := c.Get("request-id").(string)
	db := c.Get("db").(*DB)
	user := c.Get("user").(string)

	// Check parameters
	var params siesta.Params
	resourceID := params.Int("resourceID", -1, "Resource identifier")
	err := params.Parse(r.Form)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("[Req %s] %v", requestID, err)
		c.Set("error", err.Error())
		c.Set("status-code", http.StatusBadRequest)

	// Make sure we have a valid resource ID.
	if *resourceID == -1 {
		c.Set("error", "invalid or missing resource ID")
		c.Set("status-code", http.StatusBadRequest)

	resource, err := db.resource(user, *resourceID)
	if err != nil {
		c.Set("status-code", http.StatusNotFound)
		c.Set("error", "not found")

	c.Set("data", resource)
Example #4
// requestIdentifier generates a request ID and sets the "request-id"
// key in the context. It also logs the request ID and the requested URL.
func requestIdentifier(c siesta.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%x", rand.Int())
	c.Set("request-id", requestID)
	log.Printf("[Req %s] %s %s", requestID, r.Method, r.URL)