Example #1
func machineLoop(context machineContext, m machine, changed <-chan struct{}) error {
	// Use a short poll interval when initially waiting for
	// a machine's address and machine agent to start, and a long one when it already
	// has an address and the machine agent is started.
	pollInterval := ShortPoll
	pollInstance := true
	for {
		if pollInstance {
			instInfo, err := pollInstanceInfo(context, m)
			if err != nil && !state.IsNotProvisionedError(err) {
				// If the provider doesn't implement Addresses/Status now,
				// it never will until we're upgraded, so don't bother
				// asking any more. We could use less resources
				// by taking down the entire worker, but this is easier for now
				// (and hopefully the local provider will implement
				// Addresses/Status in the not-too-distant future),
				// so we won't need to worry about this case at all.
				if errors.IsNotImplemented(err) {
					pollInterval = 365 * 24 * time.Hour
				} else {
					return err
			machineStatus := params.StatusPending
			if err == nil {
				if machineStatus, _, _, err = m.Status(); err != nil {
					logger.Warningf("cannot get current machine status for machine %v: %v", m.Id(), err)
			if len(instInfo.addresses) > 0 && instInfo.status != "" && machineStatus == params.StatusStarted {
				// We've got at least one address and a status and instance is started, so poll infrequently.
				pollInterval = LongPoll
			} else if pollInterval < LongPoll {
				// We have no addresses or not started - poll increasingly rarely
				// until we do.
				pollInterval = time.Duration(float64(pollInterval) * ShortPollBackoff)
			pollInstance = false
		select {
		case <-time.After(pollInterval):
			pollInstance = true
		case <-context.dying():
			return nil
		case <-changed:
			if err := m.Refresh(); err != nil {
				return err
			if m.Life() == state.Dead {
				return nil
Example #2
// validate calls the state's assigned policy, if non-nil, to obtain
// a ConfigValidator, and calls Validate if a non-nil ConfigValidator is
// returned.
func (st *State) validate(cfg, old *config.Config) (valid *config.Config, err error) {
	if st.policy == nil {
		return cfg, nil
	configValidator, err := st.policy.ConfigValidator(cfg.Type())
	if errors.IsNotImplemented(err) {
		return cfg, nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if configValidator == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("policy returned nil configValidator without an error")
	return configValidator.Validate(cfg, old)
Example #3
// precheckInstance calls the state's assigned policy, if non-nil, to obtain
// a Prechecker, and calls PrecheckInstance if a non-nil Prechecker is returned.
func (st *State) precheckInstance(series string, cons constraints.Value, placement string) error {
	if st.policy == nil {
		return nil
	cfg, err := st.EnvironConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	prechecker, err := st.policy.Prechecker(cfg)
	if errors.IsNotImplemented(err) {
		return nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return err
	if prechecker == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("policy returned nil prechecker without an error")
	return prechecker.PrecheckInstance(series, cons, placement)
Example #4
// supportsUnitPlacement calls the state's assigned policy, if non-nil,
// to obtain an EnvironCapability, and calls SupportsUnitPlacement if a
// non-nil EnvironCapability is returned.
func (st *State) supportsUnitPlacement() error {
	if st.policy == nil {
		return nil
	cfg, err := st.EnvironConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	capability, err := st.policy.EnvironCapability(cfg)
	if errors.IsNotImplemented(err) {
		return nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return err
	if capability == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("policy returned nil EnvironCapability without an error")
	return capability.SupportsUnitPlacement()
Example #5
// getStartTask creates a new worker for the provisioner,
func (p *provisioner) getStartTask(safeMode bool) (ProvisionerTask, error) {
	auth, err := environs.NewAPIAuthenticator(p.st)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Start responding to changes in machines, and to any further updates
	// to the environment config.
	machineWatcher, err := p.getMachineWatcher()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	retryWatcher, err := p.getRetryWatcher()
	if err != nil && !errors.IsNotImplemented(err) {
		return nil, err
	task := NewProvisionerTask(
		p.agentConfig.Tag(), safeMode, p.st,
		machineWatcher, retryWatcher, p.broker, auth)
	return task, nil
Example #6
// pollInstanceInfo checks the current provider addresses and status
// for the given machine's instance, and sets them on the machine if they've changed.
func pollInstanceInfo(context machineContext, m machine) (instInfo instanceInfo, err error) {
	instInfo = instanceInfo{}
	instId, err := m.InstanceId()
	// We can't ask the machine for its addresses if it isn't provisioned yet.
	if state.IsNotProvisionedError(err) {
		return instInfo, err
	if err != nil {
		return instInfo, fmt.Errorf("cannot get machine's instance id: %v", err)
	instInfo, err = context.instanceInfo(instId)
	if err != nil {
		if errors.IsNotImplemented(err) {
			return instInfo, err
		logger.Warningf("cannot get instance info for instance %q: %v", instId, err)
		return instInfo, nil
	currentInstStatus, err := m.InstanceStatus()
	if err != nil {
		// This should never occur since the machine is provisioned.
		// But just in case, we reset polled status so we try again next time.
		logger.Warningf("cannot get current instance status for machine %v: %v", m.Id(), err)
		instInfo.status = ""
	} else {
		if instInfo.status != currentInstStatus {
			logger.Infof("machine %q has new instance status: %v", m.Id(), instInfo.status)
			if err = m.SetInstanceStatus(instInfo.status); err != nil {
				logger.Errorf("cannot set instance status on %q: %v", m, err)
	if !addressesEqual(m.Addresses(), instInfo.addresses) {
		logger.Infof("machine %q has new addresses: %v", m.Id(), instInfo.addresses)
		if err = m.SetAddresses(instInfo.addresses...); err != nil {
			logger.Errorf("cannot set addresses on %q: %v", m, err)
	return instInfo, err
Example #7
func (st *State) constraintsValidator() (constraints.Validator, error) {
	// Default behaviour is to simply use a standard validator with
	// no environment specific behaviour built in.
	defaultValidator := constraints.NewValidator()
	if st.policy == nil {
		return defaultValidator, nil
	cfg, err := st.EnvironConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	validator, err := st.policy.ConstraintsValidator(cfg)
	if errors.IsNotImplemented(err) {
		return defaultValidator, nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if validator == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("policy returned nil constraints validator without an error")
	return validator, nil