// Check that the cache entries are ok func TestCacheEntries(t *testing.T) { InitDefaultLogging(testing.Verbose()) Info.Println("TestCacheEntries starting") Info.Println("Checking cache consistency") const cacheLen = 128 clk := clock.NewMock() l, err := NewCache(cacheLen, clk) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) questionMsg := new(dns.Msg) questionMsg.SetQuestion("some.name", dns.TypeA) questionMsg.RecursionDesired = true question := &questionMsg.Question[0] t.Logf("Trying to get a name") resp, err := l.Get(questionMsg, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) if resp != nil { t.Logf("Got\n%s", resp) t.Fatalf("ERROR: Did not expect a reponse from Get() yet") } t.Logf("Trying to get it again") resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) if resp != nil { t.Logf("Got\n%s", resp) t.Fatalf("ERROR: Did not expect a reponse from Get() yet") } t.Logf("Inserting the reply") records := []ZoneRecord{Record{"some.name", net.ParseIP(""), 0, 0, 0}} reply1 := makeAddressReply(questionMsg, question, records) l.Put(questionMsg, reply1, nullTTL, 0) t.Logf("Checking we can Get() the reply now") resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertTrue(t, resp != nil, "reponse from Get()") t.Logf("Received '%s'", resp.Answer[0]) wt.AssertType(t, resp.Answer[0], (*dns.A)(nil), "DNS record") ttlGet1 := resp.Answer[0].Header().Ttl clk.Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Second) t.Logf("Checking that a second Get(), after 1 second, gets the same result, but with reduced TTL") resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertTrue(t, resp != nil, "reponse from a second Get()") t.Logf("Received '%s'", resp.Answer[0]) wt.AssertType(t, resp.Answer[0], (*dns.A)(nil), "DNS record") ttlGet2 := resp.Answer[0].Header().Ttl wt.AssertEqualInt(t, int(ttlGet1-ttlGet2), 1, "TTL difference") clk.Add(time.Duration(localTTL) * time.Second) t.Logf("Checking that a third Get(), after %d second, gets no result", localTTL) resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) if resp != nil { t.Logf("Got\n%s", resp) t.Fatalf("ERROR: Did NOT expect a reponse from the second Get()") } t.Logf("Checking that an Remove() results in Get() returning nothing") records = []ZoneRecord{Record{"some.name", net.ParseIP(""), 0, 0, 0}} replyTemp := makeAddressReply(questionMsg, question, records) l.Put(questionMsg, replyTemp, nullTTL, 0) lenBefore := l.Len() l.Remove(question) wt.AssertEqualInt(t, l.Len(), lenBefore-1, "cache length") l.Remove(question) // do it again: should have no effect... wt.AssertEqualInt(t, l.Len(), lenBefore-1, "cache length") resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertTrue(t, resp == nil, "reponse from the Get() after a Remove()") t.Logf("Inserting a two replies for the same query") records = []ZoneRecord{Record{"some.name", net.ParseIP(""), 0, 0, 0}} reply2 := makeAddressReply(questionMsg, question, records) l.Put(questionMsg, reply2, nullTTL, 0) clk.Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Second) records = []ZoneRecord{Record{"some.name", net.ParseIP(""), 0, 0, 0}} reply3 := makeAddressReply(questionMsg, question, records) l.Put(questionMsg, reply3, nullTTL, 0) t.Logf("Checking we get the last one...") resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertTrue(t, resp != nil, "reponse from the Get()") t.Logf("Received '%s'", resp.Answer[0]) wt.AssertType(t, resp.Answer[0], (*dns.A)(nil), "DNS record") wt.AssertEqualString(t, resp.Answer[0].(*dns.A).A.String(), "", "IP address") wt.AssertEqualInt(t, int(resp.Answer[0].Header().Ttl), int(localTTL), "TTL") clk.Add(time.Duration(localTTL-1) * time.Second) resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertTrue(t, resp != nil, "reponse from the Get()") t.Logf("Received '%s'", resp.Answer[0]) wt.AssertType(t, resp.Answer[0], (*dns.A)(nil), "DNS record") wt.AssertEqualString(t, resp.Answer[0].(*dns.A).A.String(), "", "IP address") wt.AssertEqualInt(t, int(resp.Answer[0].Header().Ttl), 1, "TTL") t.Logf("Checking we get empty replies when they are expired...") lenBefore = l.Len() clk.Add(time.Duration(localTTL) * time.Second) resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) if resp != nil { t.Logf("Got\n%s", resp.Answer[0]) t.Fatalf("ERROR: Did NOT expect a reponse from the Get()") } wt.AssertEqualInt(t, l.Len(), lenBefore-1, "cache length (after getting an expired entry)") questionMsg2 := new(dns.Msg) questionMsg2.SetQuestion("some.other.name", dns.TypeA) questionMsg2.RecursionDesired = true question2 := &questionMsg2.Question[0] t.Logf("Trying to Get() a name") resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg2, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertNil(t, resp, "reponse from Get() yet") t.Logf("Checking that an Remove() between Get() and Put() does not break things") records = []ZoneRecord{Record{"some.name", net.ParseIP(""), 0, 0, 0}} replyTemp2 := makeAddressReply(questionMsg2, question2, records) l.Remove(question2) l.Put(questionMsg2, replyTemp2, nullTTL, 0) resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg2, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertNotNil(t, resp, "reponse from Get()") questionMsg3 := new(dns.Msg) questionMsg3.SetQuestion("some.other.name", dns.TypeA) questionMsg3.RecursionDesired = true question3 := &questionMsg3.Question[0] t.Logf("Checking that a entry with CacheNoLocalReplies return an error") l.Put(questionMsg3, nil, nullTTL, CacheNoLocalReplies) resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg3, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNil(t, resp, "Get() response with CacheNoLocalReplies") wt.AssertNotNil(t, err, "Get() error with CacheNoLocalReplies") clk.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(negLocalTTL+1)) t.Logf("Checking that we get an expired response after %f seconds", negLocalTTL) resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg3, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNil(t, resp, "expired Get() response with CacheNoLocalReplies") wt.AssertNil(t, err, "expired Get() error with CacheNoLocalReplies") l.Remove(question3) t.Logf("Checking that Put&Get with CacheNoLocalReplies with a Remove in the middle returns nothing") l.Put(questionMsg3, nil, nullTTL, CacheNoLocalReplies) l.Remove(question3) resp, err = l.Get(questionMsg3, minUDPSize) wt.AssertNil(t, resp, "Get() reponse with CacheNoLocalReplies") wt.AssertNil(t, err, "Get() error with CacheNoLocalReplies") }
func TestTCPDNSServer(t *testing.T) { setupForTest(t) const ( numAnswers = 512 nonLocalName = "weave.works." ) dnsAddr := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", testPort) InitDefaultLogging(true) var zone = NewZoneDb(DefaultLocalDomain) // generate a list of `numAnswers` IP addresses var addrs []ZoneRecord bs := make([]byte, 4) for i := 0; i < numAnswers; i++ { binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(bs, uint32(i)) addrs = append(addrs, Record{"", net.IPv4(bs[0], bs[1], bs[2], bs[3]), 0, 0, 0}) } // handler for the fallback server: it will just return a very long response fallbackUDPHandler := func(w dns.ResponseWriter, req *dns.Msg) { maxLen := getMaxReplyLen(req, protUDP) t.Logf("Fallback UDP server got asked: returning %d answers", numAnswers) q := req.Question[0] m := makeAddressReply(req, &q, addrs) mLen := m.Len() m.SetEdns0(uint16(maxLen), false) if mLen > maxLen { t.Logf("... truncated response (%d > %d)", mLen, maxLen) m.Truncated = true } w.WriteMsg(m) } fallbackTCPHandler := func(w dns.ResponseWriter, req *dns.Msg) { t.Logf("Fallback TCP server got asked: returning %d answers", numAnswers) q := req.Question[0] m := makeAddressReply(req, &q, addrs) w.WriteMsg(m) } t.Logf("Running a DNS fallback server with UDP") us, fallbackUDPAddr, err := runLocalUDPServer(t, "", fallbackUDPHandler) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) defer us.Shutdown() _, fallbackPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(fallbackUDPAddr) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) t.Logf("Starting another fallback server, with TCP, on the same port as the UDP server") fallbackTCPAddr := fmt.Sprintf("", fallbackPort) ts, fallbackTCPAddr, err := runLocalTCPServer(t, fallbackTCPAddr, fallbackTCPHandler) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) defer ts.Shutdown() t.Logf("Creating a WeaveDNS server instance, falling back to", fallbackPort) config := &dns.ClientConfig{Servers: []string{""}, Port: fallbackPort} srv, err := NewDNSServer(DNSServerConfig{UpstreamCfg: config, Port: testPort}, zone, nil) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) defer srv.Stop() go srv.Start() time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // Allow sever goroutine to start t.Logf("Creating a UDP and a TCP client") uc := new(dns.Client) uc.UDPSize = minUDPSize tc := new(dns.Client) tc.Net = "tcp" t.Logf("Creating DNS query message") m := new(dns.Msg) m.RecursionDesired = true m.SetQuestion(nonLocalName, dns.TypeA) t.Logf("Checking the fallback server at %s returns a truncated response with UDP", fallbackUDPAddr) r, _, err := uc.Exchange(m, fallbackUDPAddr) t.Logf("Got response from fallback server (UDP) with %d answers", len(r.Answer)) t.Logf("Response:\n%+v\n", r) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertTrue(t, r.MsgHdr.Truncated, "DNS truncated reponse flag") wt.AssertNotEqualInt(t, len(r.Answer), numAnswers, "number of answers (UDP)") t.Logf("Checking the WeaveDNS server at %s returns a truncated reponse with UDP", dnsAddr) r, _, err = uc.Exchange(m, dnsAddr) t.Logf("UDP Response:\n%+v\n", r) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertNotNil(t, r, "response") t.Logf("%d answers", len(r.Answer)) wt.AssertTrue(t, r.MsgHdr.Truncated, "DNS truncated reponse flag") wt.AssertNotEqualInt(t, len(r.Answer), numAnswers, "number of answers (UDP)") t.Logf("Checking the WeaveDNS server at %s does not return a truncated reponse with TCP", dnsAddr) r, _, err = tc.Exchange(m, dnsAddr) t.Logf("TCP Response:\n%+v\n", r) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertNotNil(t, r, "response") t.Logf("%d answers", len(r.Answer)) wt.AssertFalse(t, r.MsgHdr.Truncated, "DNS truncated response flag") wt.AssertEqualInt(t, len(r.Answer), numAnswers, "number of answers (TCP)") t.Logf("Checking the WeaveDNS server at %s does not return a truncated reponse with UDP with a bigger buffer", dnsAddr) m.SetEdns0(testUDPBufSize, false) r, _, err = uc.Exchange(m, dnsAddr) t.Logf("UDP-large Response:\n%+v\n", r) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertNotNil(t, r, "response") t.Logf("%d answers", len(r.Answer)) wt.AssertNoErr(t, err) wt.AssertFalse(t, r.MsgHdr.Truncated, "DNS truncated response flag") wt.AssertEqualInt(t, len(r.Answer), numAnswers, "number of answers (UDP-long)") }