Example #1
	Context("Default Config", func() {
		It("sets the api key and defaults for the HttpClient and api host", func() {

	Context("Initialization", func() {
		It("panics if no api key is set in the config", func() {
			conf.ApiKey = ""
			Expect(func() { wunderground.New(conf) }).To(Panic())

		It("panics if no api host is set in the config", func() {
			conf.ApiHost = ""
			Expect(func() { wunderground.New(conf) }).To(Panic())

	Context("Conditions", func() {

		var (
			fakeServer *MockWunderground
			w          *wunderground.Wunderground

		BeforeEach(func() {
			fakeServer = NewMockWunderground()
			conf.ApiHost = fakeServer.Server.URL