Example #1
func mergeNetworkPayloads(networkPayloads []spec.NetworkPayload) (spec.NetworkPayload, error) {
	if len(networkPayloads) == 0 {
		return nil, maskAny(networkPayloadNotFoundError)

	var args []reflect.Value
	var sources []string
	for _, np := range networkPayloads {
		for _, v := range np.GetArgs() {
			args = append(args, v)

		sources = append(sources, np.GetSources()...)

	ctx := networkPayloads[0].GetContext()
	behaviourID, ok := ctx.GetBehaviourID()
	if !ok {
		return nil, maskAnyf(invalidBehaviourIDError, "must not be empty")

	networkPayloadConfig := networkpayload.DefaultConfig()
	networkPayloadConfig.Args = args
	networkPayloadConfig.Context = ctx
	networkPayloadConfig.Destination = string(behaviourID)
	networkPayloadConfig.Sources = sources
	networkPayload, err := networkpayload.New(networkPayloadConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, maskAny(err)

	return networkPayload, nil
Example #2
func testMustNew(t *testing.T, ctx objectspec.Context, input string) objectspec.NetworkPayload {
	newNetworkPayloadConfig := networkpayload.DefaultConfig()
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Args = []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(input)}
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Context = ctx
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Destination = "destination"
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Sources = []string{"source"}
	newNetworkPayload, err := networkpayload.New(newNetworkPayloadConfig)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("expected", nil, "got", err)

	return newNetworkPayload
Example #3
func (f *forwarder) GetNetworkPayloads(CLG systemspec.CLG, networkPayload objectspec.NetworkPayload) ([]objectspec.NetworkPayload, error) {
	ctx := networkPayload.GetContext()

	// Check if there are behaviour IDs known that we can use to forward the
	// current network payload to.
	behaviourID, ok := ctx.GetBehaviourID()
	if !ok {
		return nil, maskAnyf(invalidBehaviourIDError, "must not be empty")
	behaviourIDsKey := key.NewNetworkKey("forward:configuration:behaviour-id:%s:behaviour-ids", behaviourID)
	newBehaviourIDs, err := f.Storage().General().GetAllFromSet(behaviourIDsKey)
	if storage.IsNotFound(err) {
		// No configuration of behaviour IDs is stored. Thus we return an error.
		// Eventually some other lookup is able to find sufficient network payloads.
		return nil, maskAny(networkPayloadsNotFoundError)
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, maskAny(err)

	// Create a list of new network payloads.
	var newNetworkPayloads []objectspec.NetworkPayload
	for _, behaviourID := range newBehaviourIDs {
		// Prepare a new context for the new network payload.
		newCtx := ctx.Clone()

		// Create a new network payload.
		newNetworkPayloadConfig := networkpayload.DefaultConfig()
		newNetworkPayloadConfig.Args = networkPayload.GetArgs()
		newNetworkPayloadConfig.Context = newCtx
		newNetworkPayloadConfig.Destination = string(behaviourID)
		newNetworkPayloadConfig.Sources = []string{networkPayload.GetDestination()}
		newNetworkPayload, err := networkpayload.New(newNetworkPayloadConfig)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, maskAny(err)

		newNetworkPayloads = append(newNetworkPayloads, newNetworkPayload)

	return newNetworkPayloads, nil
Example #4
func (n *network) Calculate(CLG systemspec.CLG, networkPayload objectspec.NetworkPayload) (objectspec.NetworkPayload, error) {
	n.Log.WithTags(systemspec.Tags{C: nil, L: "D", O: n, V: 13}, "call Calculate")

	outputs, err := filterError(reflect.ValueOf(CLG.GetCalculate()).Call(networkPayload.GetCLGInput()))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, maskAny(err)

	newNetworkPayloadConfig := networkpayload.DefaultConfig()
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Args = outputs
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Context = networkPayload.GetContext()
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Destination = networkPayload.GetDestination()
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Sources = networkPayload.GetSources()
	newNetworkPayload, err := networkpayload.New(newNetworkPayloadConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, maskAny(err)

	return newNetworkPayload, nil
Example #5
func (f *forwarder) News(CLG systemspec.CLG, networkPayload objectspec.NetworkPayload) ([]objectspec.NetworkPayload, error) {
	ctx := networkPayload.GetContext()

	// Decide how many new behaviour IDs should be created. This defines the
	// number of signals being forwarded to other CLGs. Here we want to make a
	// pseudo random decision. CreateMax takes a max paramater which is exclusive.
	// Therefore we increment the configuration for the maximum signals desired by
	// one, to reflect the maximum setting properly.
	maxSignals, err := f.Service().Random().CreateMax(f.GetMaxSignals() + 1)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, maskAny(err)

	// Create the desired number of behaviour IDs.
	var newBehaviourIDs []string
	for i := 0; i < maxSignals; i++ {
		newBehaviourID, err := f.Service().ID().New()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, maskAny(err)
		newBehaviourIDs = append(newBehaviourIDs, string(newBehaviourID))

	// TODO find a CLG name that can be connected to the current CLG for each new
	// behaviour ID and pair these combinations (network event tracker)

	// Store each new behaviour ID in the underlying storage.
	behaviourID, ok := ctx.GetBehaviourID()
	if !ok {
		return nil, maskAnyf(invalidBehaviourIDError, "must not be empty")
	behaviourIDsKey := key.NewNetworkKey("forward:configuration:behaviour-id:%s:behaviour-ids", behaviourID)
	for _, behaviourID := range newBehaviourIDs {
		// TODO store asynchronuously
		err = f.Storage().General().PushToSet(behaviourIDsKey, behaviourID)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, maskAny(err)

	// Create a list of new network payloads.
	var newNetworkPayloads []objectspec.NetworkPayload
	for _, behaviourID := range newBehaviourIDs {
		// Prepare a new context for the new network payload.
		newCtx := ctx.Clone()
		// TODO set the paired CLG name to the new context

		// Create a new network payload.
		newNetworkPayloadConfig := networkpayload.DefaultConfig()
		newNetworkPayloadConfig.Args = networkPayload.GetArgs()
		newNetworkPayloadConfig.Context = newCtx
		newNetworkPayloadConfig.Destination = string(behaviourID)
		newNetworkPayloadConfig.Sources = []string{networkPayload.GetDestination()}
		newNetworkPayload, err := networkpayload.New(newNetworkPayloadConfig)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, maskAny(err)

		newNetworkPayloads = append(newNetworkPayloads, newNetworkPayload)

	return newNetworkPayloads, nil
Example #6
func (n *network) InputHandler(CLG systemspec.CLG, textInput objectspec.TextInput) error {
	// In case the text request defines the echo flag, we overwrite the given CLG
	// directly to the output CLG. This will cause the created network payload to
	// be forwarded to the output CLG without indirection. Note that this should
	// only be used for testing purposes to bypass more complex neural network
	// activities to directly respond with the received input.
	if textInput.GetEcho() {
		var ok bool
		CLG, ok = n.CLGs["output"]
		if !ok {
			return maskAnyf(clgNotFoundError, "name: %s", "output")

	// Create new IDs for the new CLG tree and the input CLG.
	clgTreeID, err := n.Service().ID().New()
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)
	behaviourID, err := n.Service().ID().New()
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)

	// Create a new context and adapt it using the information of the current scope.
	ctx := context.MustNew()

	// We transform the received text request to a network payload to have a
	// conventional data structure within the neural network.
	newNetworkPayloadConfig := networkpayload.DefaultConfig()
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Args = []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(textInput.GetInput())}
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Context = ctx
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Destination = behaviourID
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Sources = []string{n.GetID()}
	newNetworkPayload, err := networkpayload.New(newNetworkPayloadConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)

	// Write the new CLG tree ID to reference the input CLG ID and add the CLG
	// tree ID to the new context.
	firstBehaviourIDKey := key.NewNetworkKey("clg-tree-id:%s:first-behaviour-id", clgTreeID)
	err = n.Storage().General().Set(firstBehaviourIDKey, string(behaviourID))
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)

	// Write the transformed network payload to the queue.
	eventKey := key.NewNetworkKey("event:network-payload")
	b, err := json.Marshal(newNetworkPayload)
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)
	err = n.Storage().General().PushToList(eventKey, string(b))
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)

	return nil
Example #7
func (c *clg) forwardNetworkPayload(ctx spec.Context, informationSequence string) error {
	// Find the original information sequence using the information ID from the
	// context.
	informationID, ok := ctx.GetInformationID()
	if !ok {
		return maskAnyf(invalidInformationIDError, "must not be empty")
	informationSequenceKey := key.NewNetworkKey("information-id:%s:information-sequence", informationID)
	informationSequence, err := c.Storage().General().Get(informationSequenceKey)
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)

	// Find the first behaviour ID using the CLG tree ID from the context. The
	// behaviour ID we are looking up here is the ID of the initial input CLG.
	clgTreeID, ok := ctx.GetCLGTreeID()
	if !ok {
		return maskAnyf(invalidCLGTreeIDError, "must not be empty")
	firstBehaviourIDKey := key.NewNetworkKey("clg-tree-id:%s:first-behaviour-id", clgTreeID)
	inputBehaviourID, err := c.Storage().General().Get(firstBehaviourIDKey)
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)

	// Lookup the behaviour ID of the current output CLG. Below we are using this
	// to set the source of the new network payload accordingly.
	outputBehaviourID, ok := ctx.GetBehaviourID()
	if !ok {
		return maskAnyf(invalidBehaviourIDError, "must not be empty")

	// Create a new contect using the given context and adapt the new context with
	// the information of the current scope.
	newCtx := ctx.Clone()
	// We do not need to set the expectation because it never changes.
	// We do not need to set the session ID because it never changes.

	// Create a new network payload.
	newNetworkPayloadConfig := networkpayload.DefaultConfig()
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Args = []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(informationSequence)}
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Context = newCtx
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Destination = string(inputBehaviourID)
	newNetworkPayloadConfig.Sources = []string{string(outputBehaviourID)}
	newNetworkPayload, err := networkpayload.New(newNetworkPayloadConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)

	// Write the transformed network payload to the queue.
	networkPayloadKey := key.NewNetworkKey("events:network-payload")
	b, err := json.Marshal(newNetworkPayload)
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)
	err = c.Storage().General().PushToList(networkPayloadKey, string(b))
	if err != nil {
		return maskAny(err)

	return nil