Example #1
// agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorDialExpiredContext verifies that
// client.IsTimeoutError() returns true for RPCs failed due to an expired
// context before .Dial().
func agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorDialExpiredContext(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client tmclient.TabletManagerClient, ti *topo.TabletInfo) {
	// Using a timeout of 0 here such that .Dial() will fail immediately.
	expiredCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 0)
	defer cancel()
	err := client.Ping(expiredCtx, ti)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatal("agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorDialExpiredContext: RPC with expired context did not fail")
	if !client.IsTimeoutError(err) {
		t.Errorf("agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorDialExpiredContext: want: IsTimeoutError() = true. error: %v", err)
Example #2
// agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorDialTimeout verifies that client.IsTimeoutError()
// returns true for RPCs failed due to a connect timeout during .Dial().
func agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorDialTimeout(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client tmclient.TabletManagerClient, ti *topo.TabletInfo) {
	// Connect to a non-existing tablet.
	// For example, this provokes gRPC to return error grpc.ErrClientConnTimeout.
	invalidTi := topo.NewTabletInfo(ti.Tablet, ti.Version())
	invalidTi.Tablet = proto.Clone(invalidTi.Tablet).(*topodatapb.Tablet)
	invalidTi.Tablet.Hostname = "Non-Existent.Server"

	shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Millisecond)
	defer cancel()
	err := client.Ping(shortCtx, invalidTi)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatal("agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorDialTimeout: connect to non-existant tablet did not fail")
	if !client.IsTimeoutError(err) {
		t.Errorf("agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorDialTimeout: want: IsTimeoutError() = true. error: %v", err)
Example #3
// agentRPCTestDialExpiredContext verifies that
// the context returns the right DeadlineExceeded Err() for
// RPCs failed due to an expired context before .Dial().
func agentRPCTestDialExpiredContext(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client tmclient.TabletManagerClient, tablet *topodatapb.Tablet) {
	// Using a timeout of 0 here such that .Dial() will fail immediately.
	expiredCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 0)
	defer cancel()
	err := client.Ping(expiredCtx, tablet)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatal("agentRPCTestDialExpiredContext: RPC with expired context did not fail")
	// The context was already expired when we created it. Here we only verify that it returns the expected error.
	select {
	case <-expiredCtx.Done():
		if err := expiredCtx.Err(); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
			t.Errorf("agentRPCTestDialExpiredContext: got %v want context.DeadlineExceeded", err)
		t.Errorf("agentRPCTestDialExpiredContext: context.Done() not closed")
Example #4
// agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorRPC verifies that client.IsTimeoutError() returns
// true for RPCs failed due to an expired context during RPC execution.
func agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorRPC(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client tmclient.TabletManagerClient, ti *topo.TabletInfo, fakeAgent *fakeRPCAgent) {
	// We must use a timeout > 0 such that the context deadline hasn't expired
	// yet in grpctmclient.Client.dial().
	// NOTE: This might still race e.g. when test execution takes too long the
	//       context will be expired in dial() already. In such cases coverage
	//       will be reduced but the test will not flake.
	shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Millisecond)
	defer cancel()
	fakeAgent.slow = true
	defer func() { fakeAgent.slow = false }()
	err := client.Ping(shortCtx, ti)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatal("agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorRPC: RPC with expired context did not fail")
	if !client.IsTimeoutError(err) {
		t.Errorf("agentRPCTestIsTimeoutErrorRPC: want: IsTimeoutError() = true. error: %v", err)
Example #5
// agentRPCTestRPCTimeout verifies that
// the context returns the right DeadlineExceeded Err() for
// RPCs failed due to an expired context during execution.
func agentRPCTestRPCTimeout(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client tmclient.TabletManagerClient, tablet *topodatapb.Tablet, fakeAgent *fakeRPCAgent) {
	// We must use a timeout > 0 such that the context deadline hasn't expired
	// yet in grpctmclient.Client.dial().
	// NOTE: This might still race e.g. when test execution takes too long the
	//       context will be expired in dial() already. In such cases coverage
	//       will be reduced but the test will not flake.
	shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Millisecond)
	defer cancel()
	defer func() { fakeAgent.setSlow(false) }()
	err := client.Ping(shortCtx, tablet)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatal("agentRPCTestRPCTimeout: RPC with expired context did not fail")
	select {
	case <-shortCtx.Done():
		if err := shortCtx.Err(); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
			t.Errorf("agentRPCTestRPCTimeout: got %v want context.DeadlineExceeded", err)
		t.Errorf("agentRPCTestRPCTimeout: context.Done() not closed")
Example #6
func agentRPCTestPingPanic(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client tmclient.TabletManagerClient, tablet *topodatapb.Tablet) {
	err := client.Ping(ctx, tablet)
	expectRPCWrapPanic(t, err)
Example #7
func agentRPCTestPing(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client tmclient.TabletManagerClient, tablet *topodatapb.Tablet) {
	err := client.Ping(ctx, tablet)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Ping failed: %v", err)
Example #8
func agentRPCTestPingPanic(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client tmclient.TabletManagerClient, tablet *topodatapb.Tablet) {
	err := client.Ping(ctx, tablet)
	expectHandleRPCPanic(t, "Ping", false /*verbose*/, err)
Example #9
func agentRpcTestPing(t *testing.T, client tmclient.TabletManagerClient, ti *topo.TabletInfo) {
	err := client.Ping(ti, time.Minute)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Ping failed: %v", err)