// Create a new TabletConn instance conn, err := tabletconn.GetDialer()(tabletaddr, tlsConfig) // Execute a SELECT statement and iterate over the results qr, err := conn.Execute(context.Background(), "SELECT * FROM my_table", nil) for _, row := range qr.Rows { fmt.Println(row) } // Start a new transaction tx, err := conn.Begin(context.Background()) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Execute multiple statements as part of the same transaction _, err = tx.Execute(context.Background(), "UPDATE my_table SET name='foo' WHERE id=1") _, err = tx.Execute(context.Background(), "UPDATE my_table SET name='bar' WHERE id=2") if err != nil { panic(err) } // Commit the transaction if err = tx.Commit(context.Background()); err != nil { panic(err) }In summary, the `github.com.youtube.vitess.go.vt.tabletserver.tabletconn` package provides a simple interface for communicating with a MySQL database from a Vitess tablet. The `TabletConn` struct and associated functions allow you to execute queries, manage transactions, and perform other low-level database operations.