Example #1
// Runs "git pull; make all".
func updateAndBuild() error {
	token := statusTracker.StartTask(UPDATE_AND_BUILD)
	makefilePath := ctutil.CtTreeDir

	// TODO(benjaminwagner): Should this also do 'go get -u ...' and/or 'gclient sync'?
	err := exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name:      "git",
		Args:      []string{"pull"},
		Dir:       makefilePath,
		Timeout:   ctutil.GIT_PULL_TIMEOUT,
		LogStdout: true,
		LogStderr: true,
	if err != nil {
		statusTracker.FinishTask(token, err)
		return err
	err = exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name:      "make",
		Args:      []string{"all"},
		Dir:       makefilePath,
		Timeout:   ctutil.MAKE_ALL_TIMEOUT,
		LogStdout: true,
		LogStderr: true,
	statusTracker.FinishTask(token, err)
	return err
Example #2
func (task *LuaScriptTask) Execute() error {
	runId := runId(task)
	chromiumBuildDir := ctutil.ChromiumBuildDir(task.ChromiumRev, task.SkiaRev, "")
	// TODO(benjaminwagner): Since run_lua_on_workers only reads the lua script in order to
	// upload to Google Storage, eventually we should move the upload step here to avoid writing
	// to disk. Not sure if we can/should do the same for the aggregator script.
	luaScriptName := runId + ".lua"
	luaScriptPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), luaScriptName)
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(luaScriptPath, []byte(task.LuaScript), 0666); err != nil {
		return err
	defer skutil.Remove(luaScriptPath)
	if task.LuaAggregatorScript != "" {
		luaAggregatorName := runId + ".aggregator"
		luaAggregatorPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), luaAggregatorName)
		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(luaAggregatorPath, []byte(task.LuaAggregatorScript), 0666); err != nil {
			return err
		defer skutil.Remove(luaAggregatorPath)
	return exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "run_lua_on_workers",
		Args: []string{
			"--emails=" + task.Username,
			"--description=" + task.Description,
			"--gae_task_id=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.Id, 10),
			"--pageset_type=" + task.PageSets,
			"--chromium_build=" + chromiumBuildDir,
			"--run_id=" + runId,
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			"--log_id=" + runId,
Example #3
func checkWorkerHealth() error {
	return exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name:    "check_workers_health",
		Args:    []string{"--log_dir=" + logDir},
// performBinaryAnalysis executes a command like:
// timeout AnalysisTimeout catchsegv ./parse_foo_debug --input badbeef
// from the working dir specified.
// GNU timeout is used instead of the option on exec.Command because experimentation with the latter
// showed evidence of that way leaking processes, which lead to OOM errors.
// GNU catchsegv generates human readable dumps of crashes, which can then be scanned for stacktrace
// information. The dumps (which come via standard out) and standard errors are recorded as strings.
func performBinaryAnalysis(workingDirPath, baseExecutableName, fileName string, isDebug bool) (string, string, error) {
	suffix := "_release"
	if isDebug {
		suffix = "_debug"

	pathToFile := filepath.Join(config.Aggregator.BinaryFuzzPath, fileName)
	pathToExecutable := fmt.Sprintf("./%s%s", baseExecutableName, suffix)
	timeoutInSeconds := fmt.Sprintf("%ds", config.Aggregator.AnalysisTimeout/time.Second)

	var dump bytes.Buffer
	var stdErr bytes.Buffer

	cmd := &exec.Command{
		Name:      "timeout",
		Args:      []string{timeoutInSeconds, "catchsegv", pathToExecutable, "--src", "skp", "--skps", pathToFile, "--config", "8888"},
		LogStdout: false,
		LogStderr: false,
		Stdout:    &dump,
		Stderr:    &stdErr,
		Dir:       workingDirPath,

	//errors are fine/expected from this, as we are dealing with bad fuzzes
	if err := exec.Run(cmd); err != nil {
		return dump.String(), stdErr.String(), nil
	return dump.String(), stdErr.String(), nil
// downloadSkia uses git to clone Skia from googlesource.com and check it out to the specified version.
// Upon sucess, the SkiaVersion in config is set to be the current version and any dependencies
// needed to compile Skia have been installed (e.g. the latest version of gyp).
// It returns an error on failure.
func DownloadSkia(version, path string, v config.VersionSetter) error {
	glog.Infof("Cloning Skia version %s to %s", version, path)

	repo, err := gitinfo.CloneOrUpdate("https://skia.googlesource.com/skia", path, false)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed cloning Skia: %s", err)

	if err = repo.SetToCommit(version); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Problem setting Skia to version %s: %s", version, err)

	syncCmd := &exec.Command{
		Name: "bin/sync-and-gyp",
		Dir:  path,

	if err := exec.Run(syncCmd); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed syncing and setting up gyp: %s", err)

	if v != nil {
		if lc, err := repo.Details(version, false); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Could not get git details for skia version %s: %s", version, err)
		} else {
	return nil
Example #6
func checkWorkerHealth() error {
	token := statusTracker.StartTask(CHECK_WORKER_HEALTH)
	err := exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "check_workers_health",
		Args: []string{
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			fmt.Sprintf("--local=%t", *master_common.Local),
	statusTracker.FinishTask(token, err)
	return err
Example #7
// ExecuteCmd executes the specified binary with the specified args and env. Stdout and Stderr are
// written to stdout and stderr respectively if specified. If not specified then Stdout and Stderr
// will be outputted only to glog.
func ExecuteCmd(binary string, args, env []string, timeout time.Duration, stdout, stderr io.Writer) error {
	return exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name:        binary,
		Args:        args,
		Env:         env,
		InheritPath: true,
		Timeout:     timeout,
		LogStdout:   true,
		Stdout:      stdout,
		LogStderr:   true,
		Stderr:      stderr,
Example #8
// buildDM builds the test harness for parsing skp (and other) files.
// First it creates a hard link for the gyp and cpp files. The gyp file is linked into Skia's gyp folder and the cpp file is linked into SKIA_ROOT/../fuzzer_cache/src, which is where the gyp file is configured to point.
// Then it activates Skia's gyp command, which creates the build (ninja) files.
// Finally, it runs those build files.
// If any step fails in unexpected ways, it returns an error.
func buildDM(buildType string, isClean bool, buildVars []string) error {
	glog.Infof("Building %s dm", buildType)

	// clean previous build if specified
	buildLocation := filepath.Join("out", buildType)
	if isClean {
		if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(config.Generator.SkiaRoot, buildLocation)); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Could not clear out %s before building: %s", filepath.Join(config.Generator.SkiaRoot, buildLocation), err)

	gypCmd := &exec.Command{
		Name:      "./gyp_skia",
		Dir:       config.Generator.SkiaRoot,
		LogStdout: false,
		LogStderr: false,
		Env:       append(buildVars, "GYP_DEFINES=skia_clang_build=1"),

	// run gyp
	if err := exec.Run(gypCmd); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed gyp: %s", err)

	ninjaPath := filepath.Join(config.Common.DepotToolsPath, "ninja")

	ninjaCmd := &exec.Command{
		Name:        ninjaPath,
		Args:        []string{"-C", buildLocation, "dm"},
		LogStdout:   true,
		LogStderr:   true,
		InheritPath: true,
		Dir:         config.Generator.SkiaRoot,
		Env:         buildVars,

	// run ninja
	return exec.Run(ninjaCmd)
Example #9
// Runs "git pull; make all".
func updateAndBuild() error {
	makefilePath := ctutil.CtTreeDir

	// TODO(benjaminwagner): Should this also do 'go get -u ...' and/or 'gclient sync'?
	err := exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name:      "git",
		Args:      []string{"pull"},
		Dir:       makefilePath,
		Timeout:   ctutil.GIT_PULL_TIMEOUT,
		LogStdout: true,
		LogStderr: true,
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name:      "make",
		Args:      []string{"all"},
		Dir:       makefilePath,
		Timeout:   ctutil.MAKE_ALL_TIMEOUT,
		LogStdout: true,
		LogStderr: true,
Example #10
func (task *RecreatePageSetsTask) Execute() error {
	runId := runId(task)
	return exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "create_pagesets_on_workers",
		Args: []string{
			"--emails=" + task.Username,
			"--gae_task_id=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.Id, 10),
			"--run_id=" + runId,
			"--pageset_type=" + task.PageSets,
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			"--log_id=" + runId,
Example #11
func (task *RecreateWebpageArchivesTask) Execute() error {
	runId := runId(task)
	chromiumBuildDir := ctutil.ChromiumBuildDir(task.ChromiumRev, task.SkiaRev, "")
	return exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "capture_archives_on_workers",
		Args: []string{
			"--emails=" + task.Username,
			"--gae_task_id=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.Id, 10),
			"--run_id=" + runId,
			"--pageset_type=" + task.PageSets,
			"--chromium_build=" + chromiumBuildDir,
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			"--log_id=" + runId,
Example #12
func (task *ChromiumBuildTask) Execute() error {
	runId := runId(task)
	return exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "build_chromium",
		Args: []string{
			"--emails=" + task.Username,
			"--gae_task_id=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.Id, 10),
			"--run_id=" + runId,
			"--chromium_hash=" + task.ChromiumRev,
			"--skia_hash=" + task.SkiaRev,
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			"--log_id=" + runId,
Example #13
func (task *ChromiumPerfTask) Execute() error {
	token := statusTracker.StartTask(CHROMIUM_PERF)
	runId := runId(task)
	// TODO(benjaminwagner): Since run_chromium_perf_on_workers only reads these in order to
	// upload to Google Storage, eventually we should move the upload step here to avoid writing
	// to disk.
	for fileSuffix, patch := range map[string]string{
		".chromium.patch":  task.ChromiumPatch,
		".skia.patch":      task.SkiaPatch,
		".benchmark.patch": task.BenchmarkPatch,
	} {
		// Add an extra newline at the end because git sometimes rejects patches due to
		// missing newlines.
		patch = patch + "\n"
		patchPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), runId+fileSuffix)
		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(patchPath, []byte(patch), 0666); err != nil {
			return err
		defer skutil.Remove(patchPath)
	err := exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "run_chromium_perf_on_workers",
		Args: []string{
			"--emails=" + task.Username,
			"--description=" + task.Description,
			"--gae_task_id=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.Id, 10),
			"--pageset_type=" + task.PageSets,
			"--benchmark_name=" + task.Benchmark,
			"--benchmark_extra_args=" + task.BenchmarkArgs,
			"--browser_extra_args_nopatch=" + task.BrowserArgsNoPatch,
			"--browser_extra_args_withpatch=" + task.BrowserArgsWithPatch,
			"--repeat_benchmark=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.RepeatRuns, 10),
			"--run_in_parallel=" + strconv.FormatBool(task.RunInParallel),
			"--target_platform=" + task.Platform,
			"--run_id=" + runId,
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			"--log_id=" + runId,
			fmt.Sprintf("--local=%t", *master_common.Local),
	statusTracker.FinishTask(token, err)
	return err
Example #14
func (task *CaptureSkpsTask) Execute() error {
	runId := runId(task)
	chromiumBuildDir := ctutil.ChromiumBuildDir(task.ChromiumRev, task.SkiaRev, "")
	return exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "capture_skps_on_workers",
		Args: []string{
			"--emails=" + task.Username,
			"--description=" + task.Description,
			"--gae_task_id=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.Id, 10),
			"--pageset_type=" + task.PageSets,
			"--chromium_build=" + chromiumBuildDir,
			"--run_id=" + runId,
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			"--log_id=" + runId,
Example #15
func (task *RecreatePageSetsTask) Execute() error {
	token := statusTracker.StartTask(RECREATE_PAGE_SETS)
	runId := runId(task)
	err := exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "create_pagesets_on_workers",
		Args: []string{
			"--emails=" + task.Username,
			"--gae_task_id=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.Id, 10),
			"--run_id=" + runId,
			"--pageset_type=" + task.PageSets,
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			"--log_id=" + runId,
			fmt.Sprintf("--local=%t", *master_common.Local),
	statusTracker.FinishTask(token, err)
	return err
Example #16
func (task *RecreateWebpageArchivesTask) Execute() error {
	token := statusTracker.StartTask(RECREATE_WEBPAGE_ARCHIVES)
	runId := runId(task)
	chromiumBuildDir := ctutil.ChromiumBuildDir(task.ChromiumRev, task.SkiaRev, "")
	err := exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "capture_archives_on_workers",
		Args: []string{
			"--emails=" + task.Username,
			"--gae_task_id=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.Id, 10),
			"--run_id=" + runId,
			"--pageset_type=" + task.PageSets,
			"--chromium_build=" + chromiumBuildDir,
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			"--log_id=" + runId,
			fmt.Sprintf("--local=%t", *master_common.Local),
	statusTracker.FinishTask(token, err)
	return err
Example #17
func (task *ChromiumBuildTask) Execute() error {
	token := statusTracker.StartTask(CHROMIUM_BUILD)
	runId := runId(task)
	err := exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "build_chromium",
		Args: []string{
			"--emails=" + task.Username,
			"--gae_task_id=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.Id, 10),
			"--run_id=" + runId,
			"--chromium_hash=" + task.ChromiumRev,
			"--skia_hash=" + task.SkiaRev,
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			"--log_id=" + runId,
			fmt.Sprintf("--local=%t", *master_common.Local),
	statusTracker.FinishTask(token, err)
	return err
Example #18
func (task *CaptureSkpsTask) Execute() error {
	token := statusTracker.StartTask(CAPTURE_SKPS)
	runId := runId(task)
	chromiumBuildDir := ctutil.ChromiumBuildDir(task.ChromiumRev, task.SkiaRev, "")
	err := exec.Run(&exec.Command{
		Name: "capture_skps_on_workers",
		Args: []string{
			"--emails=" + task.Username,
			"--description=" + task.Description,
			"--gae_task_id=" + strconv.FormatInt(task.Id, 10),
			"--pageset_type=" + task.PageSets,
			"--chromium_build=" + chromiumBuildDir,
			"--run_id=" + runId,
			"--log_dir=" + logDir,
			"--log_id=" + runId,
			fmt.Sprintf("--local=%t", *master_common.Local),
	statusTracker.FinishTask(token, err)
	return err
Example #19
// LaTex finds <latex-pic> nodes in the html and
// replaces them with PNG images of the rendered LaTex.
func LaTex(node *html.Node, root string) error {
	latexNodes := []*html.Node{}
	var f func(*html.Node) error
	f = func(n *html.Node) error {
		if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "latex-pic" {
			// Create a tmp file to write the Latex code into.
			file, err := ioutil.TempFile("/tmp", "piccolo-latex-")
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't create temp file: %s", err)
			_, err = file.Write([]byte(n.FirstChild.Data))
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Failed to write file: %s", err)
			defer os.Remove(file.Name())
			// And create a tmp file to receive the PNG.
			dest, err := ioutil.TempFile("/tmp", "piccolo-latex-")
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't create temp file: %s", err)
			defer os.Remove(dest.Name())
			// Convert the latex to a PNG with:
			//   tex2im  -z -a -o ./dst/test.png test.tex
			args := fmt.Sprintf("-z -a -r 100x100 -x %s/tex2im_header -o %s %s", root, dest.Name(), file.Name())
			output := bytes.Buffer{}
			err = exec.Run(&exec.Command{
				Name:           "tex2im",
				Args:           strings.Split(args, " "),
				Env:            []string{},
				CombinedOutput: &output,
				Timeout:        10 * time.Minute,
				InheritPath:    true,
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Failed to run tex2im: %q %s", output, err)
			b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(dest.Name())
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Failed to read PNG: %s", err)
			uri := fmt.Sprintf("data:image/png;base64,%s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b))

			// Create an img node.
			imgNode := &html.Node{
				Type: html.ElementNode,
				Data: "img",
				Attr: []html.Attribute{
						Key: "src",
						Val: uri,
						Key: "alt",
						Val: n.FirstChild.Data,
						Key: "title",
						Val: n.FirstChild.Data,
			// Insert it just before the latex-pic element.
			n.Parent.InsertBefore(imgNode, n)
			// Remove the original latex-pic element later.
			latexNodes = append(latexNodes, n)
		for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
		return nil
	err := f(node)
	for _, n := range latexNodes {
	return err

Example #20
// buildSkiaAST returns a ~13GB dump of all ASTs created when building Skia.
// It builds a release version of Skia using Clang, once without the -ast-dump flag
// and once with.  The output of the latter is returned.
func buildSkiaAST() ([]byte, error) {
	// TODO(kjlubick): Refactor this to share functionality with common.BuildClangDM?
	// clean previous build
	buildLocation := filepath.Join("out", "Release")
	if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(config.FrontEnd.SkiaRoot, buildLocation)); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	gypCmd := &exec.Command{
		Name:      "./gyp_skia",
		Dir:       config.FrontEnd.SkiaRoot,
		LogStdout: false,
		LogStderr: false,
		Env: []string{
			fmt.Sprintf("CC=%s", config.Common.ClangPath),
			fmt.Sprintf("CXX=%s", config.Common.ClangPlusPlusPath),

	// run gyp
	if err := exec.Run(gypCmd); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed gyp: %s", err)
		return nil, err
	ninjaPath := filepath.Join(config.Common.DepotToolsPath, "ninja")

	ninjaCmd := &exec.Command{
		Name:      ninjaPath,
		Args:      []string{"-C", buildLocation},
		LogStdout: true,
		LogStderr: true,
		Dir:       config.FrontEnd.SkiaRoot,
		Env: []string{
			fmt.Sprintf("CC=%s", config.Common.ClangPath),
			fmt.Sprintf("CXX=%s", config.Common.ClangPlusPlusPath),
		InheritPath: true,

	// first build
	// Skia needs to be built once without the -ast-dump flag before it is built
	// with -ast-dump, otherwise, the build fails with an error about deleting a file
	// that doesn't exist.
	if err := exec.Run(ninjaCmd); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed ninja: %s", err)
		return nil, err

	// Quotes are NOT needed around the params.  Doing so actually causes
	// a failure that "-Xclang -ast-dump -fsyntax-only" is an unused argument.
	gypCmd.Env = append(gypCmd.Env, `CXXFLAGS=-Xclang -ast-dump -fsyntax-only`)

	// run gyp again to remake build files with ast-dump flags
	if err := exec.Run(gypCmd); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed gyp message: %s", err)
		return nil, err

	// Run ninja again, which will dump the ast to std out
	var ast bytes.Buffer
	var stdErr bytes.Buffer

	ninjaCmd = &exec.Command{
		Name:      ninjaPath,
		Args:      []string{"-C", buildLocation},
		LogStdout: false,
		LogStderr: false,
		Stdout:    &ast,
		Stderr:    &stdErr,
		Dir:       config.FrontEnd.SkiaRoot,
		Env: []string{
			fmt.Sprintf("CC=%s", config.Common.ClangPath),
			fmt.Sprintf("CXX=%s", config.Common.ClangPlusPlusPath),
		InheritPath: true,
	glog.Info("Generating AST")

	if err := exec.Run(ninjaCmd); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error generating AST %s:\nstderr: %s", err, stdErr.String())
	glog.Info("Done generating AST")

	return ast.Bytes(), nil
Example #21
// buildSkiaAST returns a ~13GB dump of all ASTs created when building Skia.
// It builds a release version of Skia using Clang, once without the -ast-dump flag
// and once with.  The output of the latter is returned.
func buildSkiaAST() ([]byte, error) {
	// both gyp_skia and ninja need the environment variables set, so it is easier
	// to just set them with os.Setenv rather than using the Command's Env: variables
	if err := os.Setenv("CC", config.Generator.ClangPath); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := os.Setenv("CXX", config.Generator.ClangPlusPlusPath); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// clean previous build
	buildLocation := filepath.Join("out", "Release")
	if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(config.Generator.SkiaRoot, buildLocation)); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	gypCmd := &exec.Command{
		Name: "./gyp_skia",
		Dir:  config.Generator.SkiaRoot,

	// run gyp
	if err := exec.Run(gypCmd); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed gyp: %s", err)
		return nil, err

	ninjaCmd := &exec.Command{
		Name:      "ninja",
		Args:      []string{"-C", buildLocation},
		LogStdout: false,
		LogStderr: false,
		Dir:       config.Generator.SkiaRoot,

	// first build
	// Skia needs to be built once without the -ast-dump flag before it is built
	// with -ast-dump, otherwise, the build fails with an error about deleting a file
	// that doesn't exist.
	if err := exec.Run(ninjaCmd); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed ninja: %s", err)
		return nil, err

	if err := os.Setenv("CXXFLAGS", "-Xclang -ast-dump -fsyntax-only"); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// run gyp again to remake build files with ast-dump flags
	if err := exec.Run(gypCmd); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed gyp message: %s", err)
		return nil, err

	// Run ninja again, which will dump the ast to std out
	var ast bytes.Buffer
	var stdErr bytes.Buffer

	ninjaCmd = &exec.Command{
		Name:      "ninja",
		Args:      []string{"-C", buildLocation},
		LogStdout: false,
		LogStderr: false,
		Stdout:    &ast,
		Stderr:    &stdErr,
		Dir:       config.Generator.SkiaRoot,

	if err := exec.Run(ninjaCmd); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error generating AST %s:\nstderr: %s", err, stdErr.String())
	glog.Info("Done parsing ast")

	return ast.Bytes(), nil