  Conditions to test.

  id   | config  | test name | corpus(source_type) |  digests
  a      8888      foo         gm                      aaa+, bbb-
  b      565       foo         gm                      ccc?, ddd?
  c      gpu       foo         gm                      eee+
  d      8888      bar         gm                      fff-, ggg?
  e      8888      quux        image                   jjj?

  foo  aaa  pos
  foo  bbb  neg
  foo  ccc  unt
  foo  ddd  unt
  foo  eee  pos
  bar  fff  neg


  Note no entry for quux or ggg, meaning untriaged.

  Test the following conditions and make sure you get
  the expected test summaries.

    foo - pos(aaa, eee):2  neg(bbb):1
    bar -                  neg(fff):1   unt(ggg):1

  source_type=gm includeIgnores=true
    foo - pos(aaa, eee):2  neg(bbb):1   unt(ccc, ddd):2
    bar -                  neg(fff):1   unt(ggg):1

  source_type=gm includeIgnores=true testName=foo
    foo - pos(aaa, eee):2  neg(bbb):1   unt(ccc, ddd):2

  testname = foo
    foo - pos(aaa, eee):2  neg(bbb):1

  testname = quux
    quux -                              unt(jjj):1

    foo - pos(aaa):1       neg(bbb):1
    bar -                  neg(fff):1   unt(ggg):1
    quux -                              unt(jjj):1

  config=565&config=8888 head=true
    foo -                  neg(bbb):1
    bar -                               unt(ggg):1
    quux -                              unt(jjj):1

    foo - pos(eee):1


func TestCalcSummaries(t *testing.T) {
	tile := &tiling.Tile{
		Traces: map[string]tiling.Trace{
			"a": &types.GoldenTrace{
				Values: []string{"aaa", "bbb"},
				Params_: map[string]string{
					"name":        "foo",
					"config":      "8888",
					"source_type": "gm"},
			"b": &types.GoldenTrace{
				Values: []string{"ccc", "ddd"},
				Params_: map[string]string{
					"name":        "foo",
					"config":      "565",
					"source_type": "gm"},
			"c": &types.GoldenTrace{
				Values: []string{"eee", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
				Params_: map[string]string{
					"name":        "foo",
					"config":      "gpu",
					"source_type": "gm"},
			"d": &types.GoldenTrace{
				Values: []string{"fff", "ggg"},
				Params_: map[string]string{
					"name":        "bar",
					"config":      "8888",
					"source_type": "gm"},
			"e": &types.GoldenTrace{
				Values: []string{"jjj", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
				Params_: map[string]string{
					"name":        "quux",
					"config":      "8888",
					"source_type": "image"},
		Commits: []*tiling.Commit{
				CommitTime: 42,
				Hash:       "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
				Author:     "*****@*****.**",
				CommitTime: 45,
				Hash:       "gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg",
				Author:     "*****@*****.**",
		Scale:     0,
		TileIndex: 0,

	eventBus := eventbus.New(nil)
	storages := &storage.Storage{
		DiffStore:         mocks.MockDiffStore{},
		ExpectationsStore: expstorage.NewMemExpectationsStore(eventBus),
		IgnoreStore:       ignore.NewMemIgnoreStore(),
		MasterTileBuilder: mocks.NewMockTileBuilderFromTile(t, tile),
		NCommits:          50,
		EventBus:          eventBus,
		DigestStore:       &mocks.MockDigestStore{FirstSeen: time.Now().Unix() + 1000, OkValue: true},

	assert.Nil(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(map[string]types.TestClassification{
		"foo": map[string]types.Label{
			"aaa": types.POSITIVE,
			"bbb": types.NEGATIVE,
			"ccc": types.UNTRIAGED,
			"ddd": types.UNTRIAGED,
			"eee": types.POSITIVE,
		"bar": map[string]types.Label{
			"fff": types.NEGATIVE,
	}, "*****@*****.**"))

	ta, _ := tally.New(storages)
	assert.Nil(t, storages.IgnoreStore.Create(&ignore.IgnoreRule{
		ID:      1,
		Name:    "foo",
		Expires: time.Now().Add(time.Hour),
		Query:   "config=565",

	blamer, err := blame.New(storages)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	summaries, err := New(storages, ta, blamer)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	sum, err := summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "source_type=gm", false, false)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 2, 1, 0)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "bar", 0, 1, 1)
	assert.Equal(t, []string{}, sum["foo"].UntHashes)
	assert.Equal(t, []string{"ggg"}, sum["bar"].UntHashes)

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "source_type=gm", true, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 2, 1, 2)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "bar", 0, 1, 1)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{"ccc", "ddd"})
	assert.Equal(t, sum["bar"].UntHashes, []string{"ggg"})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries([]string{"foo"}, "source_type=gm", true, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 2, 1, 2)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{"ccc", "ddd"})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries([]string{"foo"}, "", false, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 2, 1, 0)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "config=8888&config=565", false, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 1, 1, 0)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "bar", 0, 1, 1)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "quux", 0, 0, 1)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{})
	assert.Equal(t, sum["bar"].UntHashes, []string{"ggg"})
	assert.Equal(t, sum["quux"].UntHashes, []string{"jjj"})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "config=8888&config=565", false, true); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 0, 1, 0)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "bar", 0, 0, 1)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "quux", 0, 0, 1)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{})
	assert.Equal(t, sum["bar"].UntHashes, []string{"ggg"})
	assert.Equal(t, sum["quux"].UntHashes, []string{"jjj"})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "config=gpu", false, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 1, 0, 0)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "config=unknown", false, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 0, len(sum))
Example #2
func main() {
	defer common.LogPanic()
	var err error

	mainTimer := timer.New("main init")
	// Setup DB flags.
	dbConf := database.ConfigFromFlags(db.PROD_DB_HOST, db.PROD_DB_PORT, database.USER_RW, db.PROD_DB_NAME, db.MigrationSteps())

	// Global init to initialize
	common.InitWithMetrics("skiacorrectness", graphiteServer)

	v, err := skiaversion.GetVersion()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Unable to retrieve version: %s", err)
	glog.Infof("Version %s, built at %s", v.Commit, v.Date)

	// Enable the memory profiler if memProfile was set.
	// TODO(stephana): This should be moved to a HTTP endpoint that
	// only responds to internal IP addresses/ports.
	if *memProfile > 0 {
		time.AfterFunc(*memProfile, func() {
			glog.Infof("Writing Memory Profile")
			f, err := ioutil.TempFile("./", "memory-profile")
			if err != nil {
				glog.Fatalf("Unable to create memory profile file: %s", err)
			if err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f); err != nil {
				glog.Fatalf("Unable to write memory profile file: %v", err)
			glog.Infof("Memory profile written to %s", f.Name())


	if *cpuProfile > 0 {
		glog.Infof("Writing CPU Profile")
		f, err := ioutil.TempFile("./", "cpu-profile")
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to create cpu profile file: %s", err)

		if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to write cpu profile file: %v", err)
		time.AfterFunc(*cpuProfile, func() {
			glog.Infof("CPU profile written to %s", f.Name())

	// Init this module.

	// Initialize submodules.

	// Set up login
	// TODO (stephana): Factor out to go/login/login.go and removed hard coded
	// values.
	var cookieSalt = "notverysecret"
	var clientID = "31977622648-ubjke2f3staq6ouas64r31h8f8tcbiqp.apps.googleusercontent.com"
	var clientSecret = "rK-kRY71CXmcg0v9I9KIgWci"
	var useRedirectURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost%s/oauth2callback/", *port)
	if !*local {
		cookieSalt = metadata.Must(metadata.ProjectGet(metadata.COOKIESALT))
		clientID = metadata.Must(metadata.ProjectGet(metadata.CLIENT_ID))
		clientSecret = metadata.Must(metadata.ProjectGet(metadata.CLIENT_SECRET))
		useRedirectURL = *redirectURL
	login.Init(clientID, clientSecret, useRedirectURL, cookieSalt, login.DEFAULT_SCOPE, *authWhiteList, *local)

	// get the Oauthclient if necessary.
	client := getOAuthClient(*oauthCacheFile)

	// Set up the cache implementation to use.
	cacheFactory := filediffstore.MemCacheFactory
	if *redisHost != "" {
		cacheFactory = func(uniqueId string, codec util.LRUCodec) util.LRUCache {
			return redisutil.NewRedisLRUCache(*redisHost, *redisDB, uniqueId, codec)

	// Get the expecations storage, the filediff storage and the tilestore.
	diffStore, err := filediffstore.NewFileDiffStore(client, *imageDir, *gsBucketName, filediffstore.DEFAULT_GS_IMG_DIR_NAME, cacheFactory, filediffstore.RECOMMENDED_WORKER_POOL_SIZE)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Allocating DiffStore failed: %s", err)

	if !*local {
		if err := dbConf.GetPasswordFromMetadata(); err != nil {
	vdb, err := dbConf.NewVersionedDB()
	if err != nil {

	if !vdb.IsLatestVersion() {
		glog.Fatal("Wrong DB version. Please updated to latest version.")

	digestStore, err := digeststore.New(*storageDir)
	if err != nil {

	eventBus := eventbus.New(nil)
	storages = &storage.Storage{
		DiffStore:         diffStore,
		ExpectationsStore: expstorage.NewCachingExpectationStore(expstorage.NewSQLExpectationStore(vdb), eventBus),
		IgnoreStore:       ignore.NewSQLIgnoreStore(vdb),
		TileStore:         filetilestore.NewFileTileStore(*tileStoreDir, config.DATASET_GOLD, 2*time.Minute),
		DigestStore:       digestStore,
		NCommits:          *nCommits,
		EventBus:          eventBus,
		TrybotResults:     trybot.NewTrybotResultStorage(vdb),
		RietveldAPI:       rietveld.New(*rietveldURL, nil),

	if err := history.Init(storages, *nTilesToBackfill); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Unable to initialize history package: %s", err)

	if blamer, err = blame.New(storages); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Unable to create blamer: %s", err)

	if err := ignore.Init(storages.IgnoreStore); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Failed to start monitoring for expired ignore rules: %s", err)

	// Enable the experimental features.
	tallies, err = tally.New(storages)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Failed to build tallies: %s", err)

	paramsetSum = paramsets.New(tallies, storages)

	if !*local {
		*issueTrackerKey = metadata.Must(metadata.ProjectGet(metadata.APIKEY))

	issueTracker = issues.NewIssueTracker(*issueTrackerKey)

	summaries, err = summary.New(storages, tallies, blamer)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Failed to build summary: %s", err)

	statusWatcher, err = status.New(storages)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Failed to initialize status watcher: %s", err)

	imgFS := NewURLAwareFileServer(*imageDir, IMAGE_URL_PREFIX)
	pathToURLConverter = imgFS.GetURL

	if err := warmer.Init(storages, summaries, tallies); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Failed to initialize the warmer: %s", err)

	// Everything is wired up at this point. Run the self tests if requested.
	if *selfTest {
		search.SelfTest(storages, tallies, blamer, paramsetSum)

	router := mux.NewRouter()

	// Set up the resource to serve the image files.

	// New Polymer based UI endpoints.

	// TODO(stephana): Remove the 'poly' prefix from all the handlers and clean
	// up main2.go by either merging it it into main.go or making it clearer that
	// it contains all the handlers. Make it clearer what variables are shared
	// between the different file.

	// All the handlers will be prefixed with poly to differentiate it from the
	// angular code until the angular code is removed.
	router.HandleFunc(OAUTH2_CALLBACK_PATH, login.OAuth2CallbackHandler)
	router.HandleFunc("/", byBlameHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/list", templateHandler("list.html")).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/details", polyDetailsHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/diff", polyDiffJSONDigestHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/hashes", polyAllHashesHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/ignores", polyIgnoresJSONHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/ignores/add/", polyIgnoresAddHandler).Methods("POST")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/ignores/del/{id}", polyIgnoresDeleteHandler).Methods("POST")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/ignores/save/{id}", polyIgnoresUpdateHandler).Methods("POST")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/list", polyListTestsHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/paramset", polyParamsHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/nxn", nxnJSONHandler).Methods("GET")

	// TODO(stephana): Once /_/search3 is stable it will replace /_/search and the
	// /search*.html pages will be consolidated into one.
	router.HandleFunc("/_/search", polySearchJSONHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/search3", search3JSONHandler).Methods("GET")

	router.HandleFunc("/_/status/{test}", polyTestStatusHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/test", polyTestHandler).Methods("POST")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/triage", polyTriageHandler).Methods("POST")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/triagelog", polyTriageLogHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/triagelog/undo", triageUndoHandler).Methods("POST")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/failure", failureListJSONHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/failure/clear", failureClearJSONHandler).Methods("POST")
	router.HandleFunc("/_/trybot", listTrybotsJSONHandler).Methods("GET")

	router.HandleFunc("/byblame", byBlameHandler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/cluster", templateHandler("cluster.html")).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/search2", search2Handler).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/cmp/{test}", templateHandler("compare.html")).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/detail", templateHandler("single.html")).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/diff", templateHandler("diff.html")).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/help", templateHandler("help.html")).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/ignores", templateHandler("ignores.html")).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/loginstatus/", login.StatusHandler)
	router.HandleFunc("/logout/", login.LogoutHandler)
	router.HandleFunc("/search", templateHandler("search.html")).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/triagelog", templateHandler("triagelog.html")).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/trybot", templateHandler("trybot.html")).Methods("GET")
	router.HandleFunc("/failures", templateHandler("failures.html")).Methods("GET")

	// Add the necessary middleware and have the router handle all requests.
	// By structuring the middleware this way we only log requests that are
	// authenticated.
	rootHandler := util.LoggingGzipRequestResponse(router)
	if *forceLogin {
		rootHandler = login.ForceAuth(rootHandler, OAUTH2_CALLBACK_PATH)

	// The polyStatusHandler is being polled, so we exclude it from logging.
	http.HandleFunc("/_/trstatus", polyStatusHandler)
	http.Handle("/", rootHandler)

	// Start the server
	glog.Infoln("Serving on" + *port)
	glog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*port, nil))