Example #1
func (h handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	start := time.Now()

	defer req.Body.Close()
	if req.Method != "POST" {
		http.NotFound(w, req)

	service := req.Header.Get(ServiceHeader)
	procedure := req.Header.Get(ProcedureHeader)

	err := h.callHandler(w, req, start)
	if err == nil {

	err = errors.AsHandlerError(service, procedure, err)
	status := http.StatusInternalServerError
	if transport.IsBadRequestError(err) {
		status = http.StatusBadRequest
	} else if transport.IsTimeoutError(err) {
		status = http.StatusGatewayTimeout
	http.Error(w, err.Error(), status)
Example #2
// remoteTimeout tests if a yarpc client returns a remote timeout error behind
// the TimeoutError interface when a remote tchannel handler returns a handler
// timeout.
func remoteTimeout(t crossdock.T, dispatcher yarpc.Dispatcher) {
	assert := crossdock.Assert(t)

	headers := yarpc.NewHeaders()
	token := random.Bytes(5)

	_, _, err := rawCall(dispatcher, headers, "handlertimeout/raw", token)
	if skipOnConnRefused(t, err) {
	if !assert.Error(err, "expected an error") {

	if transport.IsBadRequestError(err) {
		t.Skipf("handlertimeout/raw procedure not implemented: %v", err)

	assert.True(transport.IsTimeoutError(err), "returns a TimeoutError: %T", err)

	form := strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(),
		`Timeout: call to procedure "handlertimeout/raw" of service "service" from caller "caller" timed out after`)
	assert.True(form, "must be a remote handler timeout: %q", err.Error())
Example #3
func (h handler) handle(ctx context.Context, call inboundCall) {
	start := time.Now()
	err := h.callHandler(ctx, call, start)
	if err == nil {

	if _, ok := err.(tchannel.SystemError); ok {

	err = errors.AsHandlerError(call.ServiceName(), call.MethodString(), err)
	status := tchannel.ErrCodeUnexpected
	if transport.IsBadRequestError(err) {
		status = tchannel.ErrCodeBadRequest
	} else if transport.IsTimeoutError(err) {
		status = tchannel.ErrCodeTimeout

	call.Response().SendSystemError(tchannel.NewSystemError(status, err.Error()))
Example #4
// runRaw tests if a yarpc client returns a remote timeout error behind the
// TimeoutError interface when a remote http handler returns a handler timeout.
func runRaw(t crossdock.T, disp yarpc.Dispatcher) {
	assert := crossdock.Assert(t)
	fatals := crossdock.Fatals(t)

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond)
	defer cancel()

	ch := raw.New(disp.Channel("yarpc-test"))
	_, _, err := ch.Call(ctx, yarpc.NewReqMeta().Procedure("handlertimeout/raw"), nil)
	fatals.Error(err, "expected an error")

	if transport.IsBadRequestError(err) {
		t.Skipf("handlertimeout/raw method not implemented: %v", err)

	assert.True(transport.IsTimeoutError(err), "returns a TimeoutError: %T", err)

	form := strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(),
		`Timeout: call to procedure "handlertimeout/raw" of service "service" from caller "caller" timed out after`)
	assert.True(form, "must be a remote handler timeout: %q", err.Error())
Example #5
// Run tests if a yarpc client returns correctly a client timeout error behind
// the TimeoutError interface when the context deadline is reached while the
// server is taking too long to respond.
func Run(t crossdock.T) {
	assert := crossdock.Assert(t)
	fatals := crossdock.Fatals(t)

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond)
	defer cancel()

	dispatcher := disp.Create(t)
	fatals.NoError(dispatcher.Start(), "could not start Dispatcher")
	defer dispatcher.Stop()

	ch := raw.New(dispatcher.Channel("yarpc-test"))
	_, _, err := ch.Call(ctx, yarpc.NewReqMeta().Procedure("sleep/raw"), nil)
	fatals.Error(err, "expected a failure for timeout")

	if transport.IsBadRequestError(err) {
		t.Skipf("sleep/raw method not implemented: %v", err)

	assert.True(transport.IsTimeoutError(err), "returns a TimeoutError: %T", err)

	trans := t.Param(params.Transport)
	switch trans {
	case "http":
		form := strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(),
			`client timeout for procedure "sleep/raw" of service "yarpc-test" after`)
		assert.True(form, "should be a client timeout: %q", err.Error())
	case "tchannel":
		form := strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), `timeout`)
			"should be a remote timeout (we cant represent client timeout with tchannel): %q",
		fatals.Fail("", "unknown transport %q", trans)