func TestUtils(t *testing.T) { _, currentfile, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0) image := cv.LoadImage(path.Join(path.Dir(currentfile), "lena-256x256.jpg")) rect := DetectFaces("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml", image) gobottest.Refute(t, len(rect), 0) gobottest.Refute(t, DrawRectangles(image, rect, 0, 0, 0, 0), nil) }
func TestMcp(t *testing.T) { a := initTestAPI() request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/api/", nil) response := httptest.NewRecorder() a.ServeHTTP(response, request) var body map[string]interface{} json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&body) gobottest.Refute(t, body["MCP"].(map[string]interface{})["robots"], nil) gobottest.Refute(t, body["MCP"].(map[string]interface{})["commands"], nil) }
func TestDirectPinDriverPwmWrite(t *testing.T) { d := initTestDirectPinDriver(newGpioTestAdaptor()) gobottest.Refute(t, d.PwmWrite(1), nil) d = initTestDirectPinDriver(&gpioTestBareAdaptor{}) gobottest.Assert(t, d.PwmWrite(1), ErrPwmWriteUnsupported) }
func TestLedDriver(t *testing.T) { var err interface{} d := initTestLedDriver(newGpioTestAdaptor()) gobottest.Assert(t, d.Pin(), "1") gobottest.Refute(t, d.Connection(), nil) testAdaptorDigitalWrite = func() (err error) { return errors.New("write error") } testAdaptorPwmWrite = func() (err error) { return errors.New("pwm error") } err = d.Command("Toggle")(nil) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("write error")) err = d.Command("On")(nil) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("write error")) err = d.Command("Off")(nil) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("write error")) err = d.Command("Brightness")(map[string]interface{}{"level": 100.0}) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("pwm error")) }
func TestButtonDriver(t *testing.T) { d := NewButtonDriver(newGpioTestAdaptor(), "1") gobottest.Refute(t, d.Connection(), nil) d = NewButtonDriver(newGpioTestAdaptor(), "1", 30*time.Second) gobottest.Assert(t, d.interval, 30*time.Second) }
func TestRgbLedDriver(t *testing.T) { var err interface{} d := initTestRgbLedDriver(newGpioTestAdaptor()) gobottest.Assert(t, d.Pin(), "r=1, g=2, b=3") gobottest.Assert(t, d.RedPin(), "1") gobottest.Assert(t, d.GreenPin(), "2") gobottest.Assert(t, d.BluePin(), "3") gobottest.Refute(t, d.Connection(), nil) testAdaptorDigitalWrite = func() (err error) { return errors.New("write error") } testAdaptorPwmWrite = func() (err error) { return errors.New("pwm error") } err = d.Command("Toggle")(nil) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("pwm error")) err = d.Command("On")(nil) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("pwm error")) err = d.Command("Off")(nil) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("pwm error")) err = d.Command("SetRGB")(map[string]interface{}{"r": 0xff, "g": 0xff, "b": 0xff}) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("pwm error")) }
func TestServoDriver(t *testing.T) { var err interface{} d := initTestServoDriver() gobottest.Assert(t, d.Pin(), "1") gobottest.Refute(t, d.Connection(), nil) testAdaptorServoWrite = func() (err error) { return errors.New("pwm error") } err = d.Command("Min")(nil) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("pwm error")) err = d.Command("Center")(nil) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("pwm error")) err = d.Command("Max")(nil) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("pwm error")) err = d.Command("Move")(map[string]interface{}{"angle": 100.0}) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("pwm error")) }
func TestAdaptorConnect(t *testing.T) { a, _ := initTestAdaptor() gobottest.Assert(t, a.Connect(), nil) a = NewAdaptor() sysfs.SetFilesystem(sysfs.NewMockFilesystem([]string{})) gobottest.Refute(t, a.Connect(), nil) }
func TestWiichuckDriver(t *testing.T) { wii := initTestWiichuckDriver() gobottest.Refute(t, wii.Connection(), nil) gobottest.Assert(t, wii.interval, 10*time.Millisecond) wii = NewWiichuckDriver(newI2cTestAdaptor(), 100*time.Millisecond) gobottest.Assert(t, wii.interval, 100*time.Millisecond) }
func TestMPU6050Driver(t *testing.T) { mpu := initTestMPU6050Driver() gobottest.Refute(t, mpu.Connection(), nil) gobottest.Assert(t, mpu.interval, 10*time.Millisecond) mpu = NewMPU6050Driver(newI2cTestAdaptor(), 100*time.Millisecond) gobottest.Assert(t, mpu.interval, 100*time.Millisecond) }
func TestAdaptorSetAPIServer(t *testing.T) { a := initTestAdaptor() apiServer := "new_api_server" gobottest.Refute(t, a.APIServer, apiServer) a.setAPIServer(apiServer) gobottest.Assert(t, a.APIServer, apiServer) }
func TestMakeyButtonDriver(t *testing.T) { d := initTestMakeyButtonDriver() gobottest.Assert(t, d.Pin(), "1") gobottest.Refute(t, d.Connection(), nil) gobottest.Assert(t, d.interval, 10*time.Millisecond) d = NewMakeyButtonDriver(newGpioTestAdaptor(), "1", 30*time.Second) gobottest.Assert(t, d.interval, MAKEY_TEST_DELAY*time.Second) }
func TestMockFilesystemOpen(t *testing.T) { fs := NewMockFilesystem([]string{"foo"}) f1 := fs.Files["foo"] gobottest.Assert(t, f1.Opened, false) f2, err := fs.OpenFile("foo", 0, 0666) gobottest.Assert(t, f1, f2) gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) err = f2.Sync() gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) _, err = fs.OpenFile("bar", 0, 0666) gobottest.Refute(t, err, nil) fs.Add("bar") f4, _ := fs.OpenFile("bar", 0, 0666) gobottest.Refute(t, f4.Fd(), f1.Fd()) }
func TestNewMCP23017Driver(t *testing.T) { var bm interface{} = NewMCP23017Driver(newMcpI2cTestAdaptor(), MCP23017Config{}, 0x20) _, ok := bm.(*MCP23017Driver) if !ok { t.Errorf("NewMCP23017Driver() should have returned a *MCP23017Driver") } b := NewMCP23017Driver(newMcpI2cTestAdaptor(), MCP23017Config{}, 0x20) gobottest.Refute(t, b.Connection(), nil) }
func TestAudioDriver(t *testing.T) { d := NewDriver(NewAdaptor(), "../../examples/laser.mp3") gobottest.Assert(t, d.Filename(), "../../examples/laser.mp3") gobottest.Refute(t, d.Connection(), nil) gobottest.Assert(t, d.Start(), nil) gobottest.Assert(t, d.Halt(), nil) }
func TestNewHMC6352Driver(t *testing.T) { // Does it return a pointer to an instance of HMC6352Driver? var bm interface{} = NewHMC6352Driver(newI2cTestAdaptor()) _, ok := bm.(*HMC6352Driver) if !ok { t.Errorf("NewHMC6352Driver() should have returned a *HMC6352Driver") } b := NewHMC6352Driver(newI2cTestAdaptor()) gobottest.Refute(t, b.Connection(), nil) }
func TestMavlinkDriver(t *testing.T) { m := NewAdaptor("/dev/null") m.sp = nullReadWriteCloser{} m.connect = func(port string) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) { return nil, nil } d := NewDriver(m) gobottest.Refute(t, d.Connection(), nil) gobottest.Assert(t, d.interval, 10*time.Millisecond) d = NewDriver(m, 100*time.Millisecond) gobottest.Assert(t, d.interval, 100*time.Millisecond) }
func TestNewI2cDevice(t *testing.T) { fs := NewMockFilesystem([]string{}) SetFilesystem(fs) i, err := NewI2cDevice(os.DevNull, 0xff) gobottest.Refute(t, err, nil) fs = NewMockFilesystem([]string{ "/dev/i2c-1", }) SetFilesystem(fs) i, err = NewI2cDevice("/dev/i2c-1", 0xff) gobottest.Refute(t, err, nil) SetSyscall(&MockSyscall{}) i, err = NewI2cDevice("/dev/i2c-1", 0xff) var _ I2cDevice = i gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) gobottest.Assert(t, i.SetAddress(0xff), nil) buf := []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03} n, err := i.Write(buf) gobottest.Assert(t, n, len(buf)) gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) buf = make([]byte, 4) n, err = i.Read(buf) gobottest.Assert(t, n, 3) gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) }
func TestCORS(t *testing.T) { api := initTestAPI() // Accepted origin allowedOrigin := []string{""} api.AddHandler(AllowRequestsFrom(allowedOrigin[0])) request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/api/", nil) request.Header.Set("Origin", allowedOrigin[0]) response := httptest.NewRecorder() api.ServeHTTP(response, request) gobottest.Assert(t, response.Header()["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"], allowedOrigin) // Not accepted Origin disallowedOrigin := []string{""} request, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "/api/", nil) request.Header.Set("Origin", disallowedOrigin[0]) response = httptest.NewRecorder() api.ServeHTTP(response, request) gobottest.Refute(t, response.Header()["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"], disallowedOrigin) gobottest.Refute(t, response.Header()["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"], allowedOrigin) }
func TestAdaptorDigitalWrite(t *testing.T) { a := initTestAdaptor() err := a.DigitalWrite("0", uint8(1)) gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) gobottest.Assert(t, a.littleWire.(*mock).pin, uint8(0)) gobottest.Assert(t, a.littleWire.(*mock).state, uint8(1)) err = a.DigitalWrite("?", uint8(1)) gobottest.Refute(t, err, nil) errorFunc = func() error { return errors.New("pin mode error") } err = a.DigitalWrite("0", uint8(1)) gobottest.Assert(t, err, errors.New("pin mode error")) }
func TestAdaptorFinalize(t *testing.T) { a, _ := initTestAdaptor() a.DigitalWrite("1", 1) a.PwmWrite("25", 100) sysfs.SetSyscall(&sysfs.MockSyscall{}) a.I2cStart(0xff) gobottest.Assert(t, a.Finalize(), nil) closeErr = errors.New("close error") sysfs.SetFilesystem(sysfs.NewMockFilesystem([]string{})) gobottest.Refute(t, a.Finalize(), nil) }
func TestCommaner(t *testing.T) { c := NewCommander() c.AddCommand("test", func(map[string]interface{}) interface{} { return "hi" }) if _, ok := c.Commands()["test"]; !ok { t.Errorf("Could not add command to list of Commands") } command := c.Command("test") gobottest.Refute(t, command, nil) command = c.Command("booyeah") gobottest.Assert(t, command, (func(map[string]interface{}) interface{})(nil)) }
func TestAnalogSensorDriver(t *testing.T) { d := NewAnalogSensorDriver(newAioTestAdaptor(), "1") gobottest.Refute(t, d.Connection(), nil) // default interval gobottest.Assert(t, d.interval, 10*time.Millisecond) d = NewAnalogSensorDriver(newAioTestAdaptor(), "42", 30*time.Second) gobottest.Assert(t, d.Pin(), "42") gobottest.Assert(t, d.interval, 30*time.Second) testAdaptorAnalogRead = func() (val int, err error) { val = 100 return } ret := d.Command("Read")(nil).(map[string]interface{}) gobottest.Assert(t, ret["val"].(int), 100) gobottest.Assert(t, ret["err"], nil) }
func TestCameraDriverStart(t *testing.T) { sem := make(chan bool) d := initTestCameraDriver() gobottest.Assert(t, d.Start(), nil) d.On(d.Event("frame"), func(data interface{}) { sem <- true }) select { case <-sem: case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond): t.Errorf("Event \"frame\" was not published") } d = NewCameraDriver("") gobottest.Assert(t, d.Start(), nil) d = NewCameraDriver(true) gobottest.Refute(t, d.Start(), nil) }
func TestDirectPinDriver(t *testing.T) { var ret map[string]interface{} var err interface{} d := initTestDirectPinDriver(newGpioTestAdaptor()) gobottest.Assert(t, d.Pin(), "1") gobottest.Refute(t, d.Connection(), nil) ret = d.Command("DigitalRead")(nil).(map[string]interface{}) gobottest.Assert(t, ret["val"].(int), 1) gobottest.Assert(t, ret["err"], nil) err = d.Command("DigitalWrite")(map[string]interface{}{"level": "1"}) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("write error")) err = d.Command("PwmWrite")(map[string]interface{}{"level": "1"}) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("write error")) err = d.Command("ServoWrite")(map[string]interface{}{"level": "1"}) gobottest.Assert(t, err.(error), errors.New("write error")) }
// Test Heater and getStatusRegister func TestSHT3xDriverHeater(t *testing.T) { sht3x, adaptor := initTestSHT3xDriverWithStubbedAdaptor() // heater enabled adaptor.i2cReadImpl = func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte{0x20, 0x00, 0x5d}, nil } status, err := sht3x.Heater() gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) gobottest.Assert(t, status, true) // heater disabled adaptor.i2cReadImpl = func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x81}, nil } status, err = sht3x.Heater() gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) gobottest.Assert(t, status, false) // heater crc failed adaptor.i2cReadImpl = func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, nil } status, err = sht3x.Heater() gobottest.Assert(t, err, ErrInvalidCrc) // heater read failed adaptor.i2cReadImpl = func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte{0x00, 0x00}, nil } status, err = sht3x.Heater() gobottest.Refute(t, err, nil) }
func TestDigitalPin(t *testing.T) { fs := NewMockFilesystem([]string{ "/sys/class/gpio/export", "/sys/class/gpio/unexport", "/sys/class/gpio/gpio10/value", "/sys/class/gpio/gpio10/direction", }) SetFilesystem(fs) pin := NewDigitalPin(10, "custom").(*digitalPin) gobottest.Assert(t,, "10") gobottest.Assert(t, pin.label, "custom") pin = NewDigitalPin(10).(*digitalPin) gobottest.Assert(t,, "10") gobottest.Assert(t, pin.label, "gpio10") gobottest.Assert(t, pin.value, nil) err := pin.Unexport() gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) gobottest.Assert(t, fs.Files["/sys/class/gpio/unexport"].Contents, "10") err = pin.Export() gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) gobottest.Assert(t, fs.Files["/sys/class/gpio/export"].Contents, "10") gobottest.Refute(t, pin.value, nil) err = pin.Write(1) gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) gobottest.Assert(t, fs.Files["/sys/class/gpio/gpio10/value"].Contents, "1") err = pin.Direction(IN) gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) gobottest.Assert(t, fs.Files["/sys/class/gpio/gpio10/direction"].Contents, "in") data, _ := pin.Read() gobottest.Assert(t, 1, data) pin2 := NewDigitalPin(30, "custom") err = pin2.Write(1) gobottest.Refute(t, err, nil) data, err = pin2.Read() gobottest.Refute(t, err, nil) gobottest.Assert(t, data, 0) writeFile = func(File, []byte) (int, error) { return 0, &os.PathError{Err: syscall.EINVAL} } err = pin.Unexport() gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) writeFile = func(File, []byte) (int, error) { return 0, &os.PathError{Err: errors.New("write error")} } err = pin.Unexport() gobottest.Assert(t, err.(*os.PathError).Err, errors.New("write error")) writeFile = func(File, []byte) (int, error) { return 0, &os.PathError{Err: syscall.EBUSY} } err = pin.Export() gobottest.Assert(t, err, nil) writeFile = func(File, []byte) (int, error) { return 0, &os.PathError{Err: errors.New("write error")} } err = pin.Export() gobottest.Assert(t, err.(*os.PathError).Err, errors.New("write error")) }
func TestBMP180Driver(t *testing.T) { bmp180 := initTestBMP180Driver() gobottest.Refute(t, bmp180.Connection(), nil) }
func TestL3GD20HDriver(t *testing.T) { d := initTestL3GD20HDriver() gobottest.Refute(t, d.Connection(), nil) }
func ExampleRefute() { t := &testing.T{} var a int = 100 var b int = 200 gobottest.Refute(t, a, b) }