Example #1
func ExampleReader() {
	formType, r, err := riff.NewReader(strings.NewReader(data))
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("RIFF(%s)\n", formType)
	if err := dump(r, ".\t"); err != nil {
	// Output:
	// .	ZERO ""
	// .	ONE  "a"
	// .	LIST(META)
	// .	.	LIST(GOOD)
	// .	.	.	ONE  "a"
	// .	.	.	FIVE "klmno"
	// .	.	ZERO ""
	// .	.	LIST(BAD )
	// .	.	.	THRE "def"
	// .	TWO  "bc"
	// .	LIST(UGLY)
	// .	.	FOUR "ghij"
	// .	.	SIX  "pqrstu"
Example #2
func decode(r io.Reader, configOnly bool) (image.Image, image.Config, error) {
	formType, riffReader, err := riff.NewReader(r)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, image.Config{}, err
	if formType != fccWEBP {
		return nil, image.Config{}, errInvalidFormat

	var (
		alpha          []byte
		alphaStride    int
		wantAlpha      bool
		widthMinusOne  uint32
		heightMinusOne uint32
		buf            [10]byte
	for {
		chunkID, chunkLen, chunkData, err := riffReader.Next()
		if err == io.EOF {
			err = errInvalidFormat
		if err != nil {
			return nil, image.Config{}, err

		switch chunkID {
		case fccALPH:
			if !wantAlpha {
				return nil, image.Config{}, errInvalidFormat
			wantAlpha = false
			// Read the Pre-processing | Filter | Compression byte.
			if _, err := io.ReadFull(chunkData, buf[:1]); err != nil {
				if err == io.EOF {
					err = errInvalidFormat
				return nil, image.Config{}, err
			alpha, alphaStride, err = readAlpha(chunkData, widthMinusOne, heightMinusOne, buf[0]&0x03)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, image.Config{}, err
			unfilterAlpha(alpha, alphaStride, (buf[0]>>2)&0x03)

		case fccVP8:
			if wantAlpha {
				return nil, image.Config{}, errInvalidFormat
			d := vp8.NewDecoder()
			d.Init(chunkData, int(chunkLen))
			fh, err := d.DecodeFrameHeader()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, image.Config{}, err
			if configOnly {
				return nil, image.Config{
					ColorModel: color.YCbCrModel,
					Width:      fh.Width,
					Height:     fh.Height,
				}, nil
			m, err := d.DecodeFrame()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, image.Config{}, err
			if alpha != nil {
				return &nycbcra.Image{
					YCbCr:   *m,
					A:       alpha,
					AStride: alphaStride,
				}, image.Config{}, nil
			return m, image.Config{}, nil

		case fccVP8L:
			if wantAlpha || alpha != nil {
				return nil, image.Config{}, errInvalidFormat
			if configOnly {
				c, err := vp8l.DecodeConfig(chunkData)
				return nil, c, err
			m, err := vp8l.Decode(chunkData)
			return m, image.Config{}, err

		case fccVP8X:
			if chunkLen != 10 {
				return nil, image.Config{}, errInvalidFormat
			if _, err := io.ReadFull(chunkData, buf[:10]); err != nil {
				return nil, image.Config{}, err
			const (
				animationBit    = 1 << 1
				xmpMetadataBit  = 1 << 2
				exifMetadataBit = 1 << 3
				alphaBit        = 1 << 4
				iccProfileBit   = 1 << 5
			if buf[0] != alphaBit {
				return nil, image.Config{}, errors.New("webp: non-Alpha VP8X is not implemented")
			widthMinusOne = uint32(buf[4]) | uint32(buf[5])<<8 | uint32(buf[6])<<16
			heightMinusOne = uint32(buf[7]) | uint32(buf[8])<<8 | uint32(buf[9])<<16
			if configOnly {
				return nil, image.Config{
					ColorModel: nycbcra.ColorModel,
					Width:      int(widthMinusOne) + 1,
					Height:     int(heightMinusOne) + 1,
				}, nil
			wantAlpha = true
Example #3
func (m Matcher) Identify(na string, b *siegreader.Buffer, exclude ...int) (chan core.Result, error) {
	buf, err := b.Slice(0, 8)
	if err != nil || buf[0] != 'R' || buf[1] != 'I' || buf[2] != 'F' || buf[3] != 'F' {
		res := make(chan core.Result)
		return res, nil
	rcc, rrdr, err := riff.NewReader(siegreader.ReaderFrom(b))
	if err != nil {
		res := make(chan core.Result)
		return res, nil
	// now make structures for testing
	uniqs := make(map[riff.FourCC]bool)
	res := make(chan core.Result)
	waitset := m.priorities.WaitSet(exclude...)
	// send and report if satisified
	send := func(cc riff.FourCC) bool {
		if config.Debug() {
			fmt.Fprintf(config.Out(), "riff match %s\n", string(cc[:]))
		if uniqs[cc] {
			return false
		uniqs[cc] = true
		for _, hit := range m.riffs[cc] {
			if waitset.Check(hit) {
				if config.Debug() {
					fmt.Fprintf(config.Out(), "sending riff match %s\n", string(cc[:]))
				res <- result{hit, cc}
				if waitset.Put(hit) {
					return true
		return false
	// riff walk
	var descend func(*riff.Reader) bool
	descend = func(r *riff.Reader) bool {
		for {
			chunkID, chunkLen, chunkData, err := r.Next()
			if err != nil || send(chunkID) {
				return true
			if chunkID == riff.LIST {
				listType, list, err := riff.NewListReader(chunkLen, chunkData)
				if err != nil || send(listType) {
					return true
				if descend(list) {
					return true
	// go time
	go func() {
		if send(rcc) {
	return res, nil