Example #1
func ExampleMap() {
	const source = `package P

var X []string
var Y []string

const p, q = 1.0, 2.0

func f(offset int32) (value byte, ok bool)
func g(rune) (uint8, bool)

	// Parse and type-check the package.
	fset := token.NewFileSet()
	f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "P.go", source, 0)
	if err != nil {
	pkg, err := new(types.Config).Check("P", fset, []*ast.File{f}, nil)
	if err != nil {

	scope := pkg.Scope()

	// Group names of package-level objects by their type.
	var namesByType typeutil.Map // value is []string
	for _, name := range scope.Names() {
		T := scope.Lookup(name).Type()

		names, _ := namesByType.At(T).([]string)
		names = append(names, name)
		namesByType.Set(T, names)

	// Format, sort, and print the map entries.
	var lines []string
	namesByType.Iterate(func(T types.Type, names interface{}) {
		lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s   %s", names, T))
	for _, line := range lines {

	// Output:
	// [X Y]   []string
	// [f g]   func(offset int32) (value byte, ok bool)
	// [p q]   untyped float
Example #2
func checkTypesExpectation(e *expectation, pts pointer.PointsToSet, typ types.Type) bool {
	var expected typeutil.Map
	var surplus typeutil.Map
	exact := true
	for _, g := range e.types {
		if g == types.Typ[types.Invalid] {
			exact = false
		expected.Set(g, struct{}{})

	if !pointer.CanHaveDynamicTypes(typ) {
		e.errorf("@types expectation requires an interface- or reflect.Value-typed operand, got %s", typ)
		return false

	// Find the set of types that the probe's
	// argument (x in print(x)) may contain.
	for _, T := range pts.DynamicTypes().Keys() {
		if expected.At(T) != nil {
		} else if exact {
			surplus.Set(T, struct{}{})
	// Report set difference:
	ok := true
	if expected.Len() > 0 {
		ok = false
		e.errorf("interface cannot contain these types: %s", expected.KeysString())
	if surplus.Len() > 0 {
		ok = false
		e.errorf("interface may additionally contain these types: %s", surplus.KeysString())
	return ok
Example #3
// If this PointsToSet came from a Pointer of interface kind
// or a reflect.Value, DynamicTypes returns the set of dynamic
// types that it may contain.  (For an interface, they will
// always be concrete types.)
// The result is a mapping whose keys are the dynamic types to which
// it may point.  For each pointer-like key type, the corresponding
// map value is the PointsToSet for pointers of that type.
// The result is empty unless CanHaveDynamicTypes(T).
func (s PointsToSet) DynamicTypes() *typeutil.Map {
	var tmap typeutil.Map
	if s.pts != nil {
		var space [50]int
		for _, x := range s.pts.AppendTo(space[:0]) {
			ifaceObjId := nodeid(x)
			if !s.a.isTaggedObject(ifaceObjId) {
				continue // !CanHaveDynamicTypes(tDyn)
			tDyn, v, indirect := s.a.taggedValue(ifaceObjId)
			if indirect {
				panic("indirect tagged object") // implement later
			pts, ok := tmap.At(tDyn).(PointsToSet)
			if !ok {
				pts = PointsToSet{s.a, new(nodeset)}
				tmap.Set(tDyn, pts)
	return &tmap
Example #4
File: cha.go Project: 2722/lantern
// CallGraph computes the call graph of the specified program using the
// Class Hierarchy Analysis algorithm.
func CallGraph(prog *ssa.Program) *callgraph.Graph {
	cg := callgraph.New(nil) // TODO(adonovan) eliminate concept of rooted callgraph

	allFuncs := ssautil.AllFunctions(prog)

	// funcsBySig contains all functions, keyed by signature.  It is
	// the effective set of address-taken functions used to resolve
	// a dynamic call of a particular signature.
	var funcsBySig typeutil.Map // value is []*ssa.Function

	// methodsByName contains all methods,
	// grouped by name for efficient lookup.
	methodsByName := make(map[string][]*ssa.Function)

	// methodsMemo records, for every abstract method call call I.f on
	// interface type I, the set of concrete methods C.f of all
	// types C that satisfy interface I.
	methodsMemo := make(map[*types.Func][]*ssa.Function)
	lookupMethods := func(m *types.Func) []*ssa.Function {
		methods, ok := methodsMemo[m]
		if !ok {
			I := m.Type().(*types.Signature).Recv().Type().Underlying().(*types.Interface)
			for _, f := range methodsByName[m.Name()] {
				C := f.Signature.Recv().Type() // named or *named
				if types.Implements(C, I) {
					methods = append(methods, f)
			methodsMemo[m] = methods
		return methods

	for f := range allFuncs {
		if f.Signature.Recv() == nil {
			// Package initializers can never be address-taken.
			if f.Name() == "init" && f.Synthetic == "package initializer" {
			funcs, _ := funcsBySig.At(f.Signature).([]*ssa.Function)
			funcs = append(funcs, f)
			funcsBySig.Set(f.Signature, funcs)
		} else {
			methodsByName[f.Name()] = append(methodsByName[f.Name()], f)

	addEdge := func(fnode *callgraph.Node, site ssa.CallInstruction, g *ssa.Function) {
		gnode := cg.CreateNode(g)
		callgraph.AddEdge(fnode, site, gnode)

	addEdges := func(fnode *callgraph.Node, site ssa.CallInstruction, callees []*ssa.Function) {
		// Because every call to a highly polymorphic and
		// frequently used abstract method such as
		// (io.Writer).Write is assumed to call every concrete
		// Write method in the program, the call graph can
		// contain a lot of duplication.
		// TODO(adonovan): opt: consider factoring the callgraph
		// API so that the Callers component of each edge is a
		// slice of nodes, not a singleton.
		for _, g := range callees {
			addEdge(fnode, site, g)

	for f := range allFuncs {
		fnode := cg.CreateNode(f)
		for _, b := range f.Blocks {
			for _, instr := range b.Instrs {
				if site, ok := instr.(ssa.CallInstruction); ok {
					call := site.Common()
					if call.IsInvoke() {
						addEdges(fnode, site, lookupMethods(call.Method))
					} else if g := call.StaticCallee(); g != nil {
						addEdge(fnode, site, g)
					} else if _, ok := call.Value.(*ssa.Builtin); !ok {
						callees, _ := funcsBySig.At(call.Signature()).([]*ssa.Function)
						addEdges(fnode, site, callees)

	return cg
Example #5
func TestMap(t *testing.T) {
	var tmap *typeutil.Map

	// All methods but Set are safe on on (*T)(nil).

	tmap = new(typeutil.Map)

	// Length of empty map.
	if l := tmap.Len(); l != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Len() on empty Map: got %d, want 0", l)
	// At of missing key.
	if v := tmap.At(tPStr1); v != nil {
		t.Errorf("At() on empty Map: got %v, want nil", v)
	// Deletion of missing key.
	if tmap.Delete(tPStr1) {
		t.Errorf("Delete() on empty Map: got true, want false")
	// Set of new key.
	if prev := tmap.Set(tPStr1, "*string"); prev != nil {
		t.Errorf("Set() on empty Map returned non-nil previous value %s", prev)

	// Now: {*string: "*string"}

	// Length of non-empty map.
	if l := tmap.Len(); l != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Len(): got %d, want 1", l)
	// At via insertion key.
	if v := tmap.At(tPStr1); v != "*string" {
		t.Errorf("At(): got %q, want \"*string\"", v)
	// At via equal key.
	if v := tmap.At(tPStr2); v != "*string" {
		t.Errorf("At(): got %q, want \"*string\"", v)
	// Iteration over sole entry.
	tmap.Iterate(func(key types.Type, value interface{}) {
		if key != tPStr1 {
			t.Errorf("Iterate: key: got %s, want %s", key, tPStr1)
		if want := "*string"; value != want {
			t.Errorf("Iterate: value: got %s, want %s", value, want)

	// Setion with key equal to present one.
	if prev := tmap.Set(tPStr2, "*string again"); prev != "*string" {
		t.Errorf("Set() previous value: got %s, want \"*string\"", prev)

	// Setion of another association.
	if prev := tmap.Set(tChanInt1, "<-chan int"); prev != nil {
		t.Errorf("Set() previous value: got %s, want nil", prev)

	// Now: {*string: "*string again", <-chan int: "<-chan int"}

	want1 := "{*string: \"*string again\", <-chan int: \"<-chan int\"}"
	want2 := "{<-chan int: \"<-chan int\", *string: \"*string again\"}"
	if s := tmap.String(); s != want1 && s != want2 {
		t.Errorf("String(): got %s, want %s", s, want1)

	want1 = "{*string, <-chan int}"
	want2 = "{<-chan int, *string}"
	if s := tmap.KeysString(); s != want1 && s != want2 {
		t.Errorf("KeysString(): got %s, want %s", s, want1)

	// Keys().
	I := types.Identical
	switch k := tmap.Keys(); {
	case I(k[0], tChanInt1) && I(k[1], tPStr1): // ok
	case I(k[1], tChanInt1) && I(k[0], tPStr1): // ok
		t.Errorf("Keys(): got %v, want %s", k, want2)

	if l := tmap.Len(); l != 2 {
		t.Errorf("Len(): got %d, want 1", l)
	// At via original key.
	if v := tmap.At(tPStr1); v != "*string again" {
		t.Errorf("At(): got %q, want \"*string again\"", v)
	hamming := 1
	tmap.Iterate(func(key types.Type, value interface{}) {
		switch {
		case I(key, tChanInt1):
			hamming *= 2 // ok
		case I(key, tPStr1):
			hamming *= 3 // ok
	if hamming != 6 {
		t.Errorf("Iterate: hamming: got %d, want %d", hamming, 6)

	if v := tmap.At(tChanInt2); v != "<-chan int" {
		t.Errorf("At(): got %q, want \"<-chan int\"", v)
	// Deletion with key equal to present one.
	if !tmap.Delete(tChanInt2) {
		t.Errorf("Delete() of existing key: got false, want true")

	// Now: {*string: "*string again"}

	if l := tmap.Len(); l != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Len(): got %d, want 1", l)
	// Deletion again.
	if !tmap.Delete(tPStr2) {
		t.Errorf("Delete() of existing key: got false, want true")

	// Now: {}

	if l := tmap.Len(); l != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Len(): got %d, want %d", l, 0)
	if s := tmap.String(); s != "{}" {
		t.Errorf("Len(): got %q, want %q", s, "")