Example #1
func main() {
	runtime.GOMAXPROCS(12) //max number of processes for concurrency
	for i := 1; i < 7; i++ {
		done := make(chan sort.Algorithm) //channel for communication
		nums := rand.Perm(1000 * i)
		println("\nusing", 1*graph.Pow(10, i), "elements")
		nums1, nums2 := make([]int, len(nums)), make([]int, len(nums))
		copy(nums1, nums) //create copies of the array for others to sort
		copy(nums2, nums)
		go sort.TimeEvent(sort.InsertionSort, nums, "Insertion Sort", done)
		go sort.TimeEvent(sort.QuickSort, nums1, "Quick Sort", done)
		go sort.TimeEvent(sort.TreeSort, nums2, "Tree Sort", done)
		n := 0
		for alg := range done { //wait for the events to finish execution
			println(alg.Name, "finished in", alg.Time)
			switch alg.Name {
			case "Insertion Sort":
				insertionVals.Y[i] = alg.Time
			case "Quick Sort":
				quickVals.Y[i] = alg.Time
			case "Tree Sort":
				treeVals.Y[i] = alg.Time
			if n > 2 {
			} //close the channel
	values := []graph.Values{treeVals, insertionVals, quickVals}
	graph.DrawToFile("output.svg", graph.NewGraph(100, 100, values))
Example #2
func main() {
	flag.Parse() // Scan the arguments list

	in, err := os.Open(*inputFileName)
	if err != nil {
		panic("couldn't open input file \"" + *inputFileName + "\"")
	defer func() { in.Close() }()

	for caseNumber := 1; ; caseNumber++ {
		var airportCount int
		var maxRadiusKm float64

		_, err = fmt.Fscan(in, &airportCount, &maxRadiusKm)
		if nil != err {

		fmt.Printf("Case %d:\n", caseNumber)

		airportsByIndex := make([]*g.Node, airportCount+1)
		airportsByName := make(map[string]*g.Node)
		airportRadiusNodes := make(map[*g.Node]*[]*g.Node)
		graph := g.NewGraph()

		for i := 1; i <= airportCount; i++ {
			var lat, lon float64
			_, err = fmt.Fscan(in, &lon, &lat)
			if nil != err {
				panic("couldn't read lon-lat")

			var name string
			names := make([]string, 0)
			if *readNames {
				for _, err = fmt.Fscanf(in, "%q", &name); err == nil; _, err = fmt.Fscanf(in, "%q", &name) {
					names = append(names, name)
			} else {
				name = fmt.Sprintf("Airport %d", i)
				names = append(names, name)

			ap := sphere.NewNVectorFromLatLongDeg(lat, lon)

			airport := Airport{*ap, names[0]}

			node := graph.NewNode(&airport)

			airportsByIndex[i] = node
			for _, name = range names {
				airportsByName[name] = node
			sl := make([]*g.Node, 0)
			airportRadiusNodes[node] = &sl

		radiusAngleRadians := maxRadiusKm / EARTH_RADIUS_KM
		circleRadiusKm := math.Sin(radiusAngleRadians) * EARTH_RADIUS_KM
		circleEarthRadiusKm := math.Cos(radiusAngleRadians) * EARTH_RADIUS_KM

		if *verbose {
			fmt.Printf("circle radius = %f; earth circle radius = %f\n", circleRadiusKm, circleEarthRadiusKm)

		for airport1Node, midpoints1 := range airportRadiusNodes {
			airport1 := airport1Node.Record.(*Airport)
				fmt.Printf("Connecting %q to other airports.\n", airport1.name)
			for airport2Node, midpoints2 := range airportRadiusNodes {
				airport2 := airport2Node.Record.(*Airport)

				if !airport1.NVector.LessThan(&airport2.NVector) {
					continue inner

				airportAngle := airport1.NVector.AngleBetween(&airport2.NVector)
				distance := airportAngle * EARTH_RADIUS_KM
				if *verbose {
					fmt.Printf("airports %s and %s are %f km apart consider:%t.\n", airport1.name, airport2.name, distance, distance <= 2*maxRadiusKm)
				if distance <= 2*maxRadiusKm {
					graph.ConnectBi(airport1Node, airport2Node, distance)

					perp := airport1.NVector.CrossProduct(&airport2.NVector).Normalize()
					toMeetV1 := perp.CrossProduct(&airport1.NVector)
					toMeetV2 := airport2.NVector.CrossProduct(perp)

					discCenter1 := airport1.ScaleTo(circleEarthRadiusKm)
					discCenter2 := airport2.ScaleTo(circleEarthRadiusKm)
					discMeetDistance := math.Tan(airportAngle/2) * circleEarthRadiusKm

					discMeetPoint := discCenter1.Add(toMeetV1.ScaleTo(discMeetDistance))
					discMeetPointAlt := discCenter2.Add(toMeetV2.ScaleTo(discMeetDistance)) // REMOVE

					if *verbose {
						fmt.Printf("%s and %s -> %s\n", airport1.name, airport2.name, toMeetV1.String())
						fmt.Printf("    %s==%s\n", discMeetPoint.String(), discMeetPointAlt.String())

					sphereRadiusFunc := func(in float64) float64 {
						return perp.ScaleBy(in).Add(discMeetPoint).Magnitude()

					intersectionFactor1, ok1 := ipolate.Interpolator(0.0, circleRadiusKm, EARTH_RADIUS_KM, INTERPOLATION_PRECISION, sphereRadiusFunc)
					intersectionFactor2, ok2 := ipolate.Interpolator(0.0, -circleRadiusKm, EARTH_RADIUS_KM, INTERPOLATION_PRECISION, sphereRadiusFunc)

					if ok1 && ok2 {
						airportPair := [2]*Airport{airport1Node.Record.(*Airport), airport2Node.Record.(*Airport)}

						intersection1 := perp.ScaleBy(intersectionFactor1).Add(discMeetPoint)
						// REMOVE name1 := fmt.Sprintf("intersection A of %s and %s", airport1.name, airport2.name)
						location1 := AirportIntersection{*intersection1, airportPair}
						node1 := graph.NewNode(&location1)

						intersection2 := perp.ScaleBy(intersectionFactor2).Add(discMeetPoint)
						// REMOVE name2 := fmt.Sprintf("intersection B of %s and %s", airport1.name, airport2.name)
						location2 := AirportIntersection{*intersection2, airportPair}
						node2 := graph.NewNode(&location2)

						createRoutes(graph, airport1Node, node1, midpoints1, maxRadiusKm)
						createRoutes(graph, airport1Node, node2, midpoints1, maxRadiusKm)

						createRoutes(graph, airport2Node, node1, midpoints2, maxRadiusKm)
						createRoutes(graph, airport2Node, node2, midpoints2, maxRadiusKm)

						*midpoints1 = append(*midpoints1, node1, node2)
						*midpoints2 = append(*midpoints2, node1, node2)
					} else if ok1 || ok2 {
						panic("only one point found with two nearby airports")
					} else {
						panic("no points found with two nearby airports")
				} else {
					if *verbose {
						fmt.Println("too great")

		var flightCount int
		fmt.Fscan(in, &flightCount)

		for flight := 0; flight < flightCount; flight++ {
			var planeRange float64
			var airportFrom, airportTo *g.Node

			if *readNames {
				var airportFromName, airportToName string
				_, err = fmt.Fscanf(in, "%q %q %f", &airportFromName, &airportToName, &planeRange)
				if err != nil {
					panic("could not read names of airports on route")
				airportFrom = airportsByName[airportFromName]
				airportTo = airportsByName[airportToName]
			} else {
				var airportFromIndex, airportToIndex int
				_, err = fmt.Fscanf(in, "%d %d %f", &airportFromIndex, &airportToIndex, &planeRange)
				if err != nil {
					panic("could not read indexes of airports on route")
				} else {
					airportFrom = airportsByIndex[airportFromIndex]
					airportTo = airportsByIndex[airportToIndex]

			if *verbose {
				fmt.Printf("from %s to %s with max plane range of %f\n", airportFrom.Record.(*Airport).String(), airportTo.Record.(*Airport).String(), planeRange)

			fs := newFlightState(planeRange, planeRange)

			route, distance, ok := graph.Traverse(fs, airportFrom, airportTo)

			if ok {
				fmt.Printf("%0.3f\n", distance)
				if DEBUG&PRINT_ROUTE != 0 {
					for _, n := range route {
				if *googleMapsURL {
					gmap := gsm.NewMap(640, 640, 2)
					airportsSeen := make(map[*Airport]bool)
					flightPath := make([]sphere.NVector, 0, len(route))
					for _, n := range route {
						if airport, isAirport := n.Record.(*Airport); isAirport {
							airportsSeen[airport] = true
							lat, lon := airport.NVector.ToLatLonDegrees()
							gmap.AddMarker(gsm.NewPoint(lat, lon))
							flightPath = append(flightPath, airport.NVector)
						} else if intersection, isIntersection := n.Record.(*AirportIntersection); isIntersection {
							airportsSeen[intersection.airports[0]] = true
							airportsSeen[intersection.airports[1]] = true
							// lat, lon := intersection.NVector.ToLatLonDegrees()
							// gmap.AddMarker(gsm.NewPoint(lat, lon))
							flightPath = append(flightPath, intersection.NVector)
					for airport, _ := range airportsSeen {
						pathPoints := airport.NVector.CircleOnSphere(EARTH_RADIUS_KM, maxRadiusKm, 33)
						polyLine := gsm.NewPolyLine()
						polyLine.ClosePath = true
						for _, pp := range pathPoints {
							lat, lon := pp.ToLatLonDegrees()
							polyLine.AddPointLatLon(lat, lon)
					flightPathPolyLine := makePolyLine(flightPath)
			} else {