Example #1
func (rw *RefWriter) writeRefsRecursive(n node.Node) (int, error) {
	nc := n.Cid()

	var count int
	for i, ng := range dag.GetDAG(rw.Ctx, rw.DAG, n) {
		lc := n.Links()[i].Cid
		if rw.skip(lc) {

		if err := rw.WriteEdge(nc, lc, n.Links()[i].Name); err != nil {
			return count, err

		nd, err := ng.Get(rw.Ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return count, err

		c, err := rw.writeRefsRecursive(nd)
		count += c
		if err != nil {
			return count, err
	return count, nil
Example #2
// GetDAG will fill out all of the links of the given Node.
// It returns a channel of nodes, which the caller can receive
// all the child nodes of 'root' on, in proper order.
func GetDAG(ctx context.Context, ds DAGService, root node.Node) []NodeGetter {
	var cids []*cid.Cid
	for _, lnk := range root.Links() {
		cids = append(cids, lnk.Cid)

	return GetNodes(ctx, ds, cids)
Example #3
func getOutput(dagnode node.Node) (*Object, error) {
	c := dagnode.Cid()
	output := &Object{
		Hash:  c.String(),
		Links: make([]Link, len(dagnode.Links())),

	for i, link := range dagnode.Links() {
		output.Links[i] = Link{
			Name: link.Name,
			Hash: link.Cid.String(),
			Size: link.Size,

	return output, nil
Example #4
func (rw *RefWriter) writeRefsSingle(n node.Node) (int, error) {
	c := n.Cid()

	if rw.skip(c) {
		return 0, nil

	count := 0
	for _, l := range n.Links() {
		lc := l.Cid
		if rw.skip(lc) {

		if err := rw.WriteEdge(c, lc, l.Name); err != nil {
			return count, err
	return count, nil
Example #5
// NewDagReader creates a new reader object that reads the data represented by
// the given node, using the passed in DAGService for data retreival
func NewDagReader(ctx context.Context, n node.Node, serv mdag.DAGService) (DagReader, error) {
	switch n := n.(type) {
	case *mdag.RawNode:
		return NewBufDagReader(n.RawData()), nil
	case *mdag.ProtoNode:
		pb := new(ftpb.Data)
		if err := proto.Unmarshal(n.Data(), pb); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		switch pb.GetType() {
		case ftpb.Data_Directory:
			// Dont allow reading directories
			return nil, ErrIsDir
		case ftpb.Data_File, ftpb.Data_Raw:
			return NewPBFileReader(ctx, n, pb, serv), nil
		case ftpb.Data_Metadata:
			if len(n.Links()) == 0 {
				return nil, errors.New("incorrectly formatted metadata object")
			child, err := n.Links()[0].GetNode(ctx, serv)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			childpb, ok := child.(*mdag.ProtoNode)
			if !ok {
				return nil, mdag.ErrNotProtobuf
			return NewDagReader(ctx, childpb, serv)
		case ftpb.Data_Symlink:
			return nil, ErrCantReadSymlinks
			return nil, ft.ErrUnrecognizedType
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized node type")