The IO operation in Go can be easily performed with the help of the io.ReadWriteCloser interface. This interface is used to represent objects that have the ability to read from, write to, and close a stream of data.
Example 1: Reading from a file using io.ReadWriteCloser
for { n, err := file.Read(buffer) if err != nil { break } fmt.Print(string(buffer[:n])) } }
In the above example, we are reading from a file using the os package and using the Read method of the io.ReadWriteCloser interface to read data from the file. We use a buffer to store the data, and then print the data on the console.
Example 2: Writing to a network connection using io.ReadWriteCloser
In the above example, we are writing data to a network connection using the net package, and using the Copy method of the io package to copy the data to the network connection. We use bytes.NewReader to create a reader object for the message, and then pass it to the Copy method.
The package library used in both examples is the standard Go io package.
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