// Generates apiserver-like line with average length of 100 symbols func generateLogLine(id int) string { method := httpMethods[rand.Intn(len(httpMethods))] namespace := namespaces[rand.Intn(len(namespaces))] podName := rand.String(rand.IntnRange(3, 5)) url := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/namespaces/%s/pods/%s", namespace, podName) status := rand.IntnRange(200, 600) return fmt.Sprintf("%d %s %s %d", id, method, url, status) }
func generateImageTags() []string { var tagList []string // Generate > maxNamesPerImageInNodeStatus tags so that the test can verify // that kubelet report up to maxNamesPerImageInNodeStatus tags. count := rand.IntnRange(maxNamesPerImageInNodeStatus+1, maxImageTagsForTest+1) for ; count > 0; count-- { tagList = append(tagList, "gcr.io/google_containers:v"+strconv.Itoa(count)) } return tagList }