Example #1
// Munge is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR
func (LGTMAfterCommitMunger) Munge(obj *github.MungeObject) {
	if !obj.IsPR() {

	if !obj.HasLabel(lgtmLabel) {

	lastModified := obj.LastModifiedTime()
	lgtmTime := obj.LabelTime(lgtmLabel)

	if lastModified == nil || lgtmTime == nil {
		glog.Errorf("PR %d unable to determine lastModified or lgtmTime", *obj.Issue.Number)

	if lastModified.After(*lgtmTime) {
		glog.Infof("PR: %d lgtm:%s  lastModified:%s", *obj.Issue.Number, lgtmTime.String(), lastModified.String())
		body := fmt.Sprintf(lgtmRemovedBody, mungerutil.GetIssueUsers(obj.Issue).AllUsers().Mention().Join())
		if err := obj.WriteComment(body); err != nil {
Example #2
func (h *ApprovalHandler) updateNotification(obj *github.MungeObject, ownersMap map[string]sets.String) error {
	notificationMatcher := c.MungerNotificationName(approvalNotificationName)
	comments, err := obj.ListComments()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Error("Could not list the comments for PR%v", obj.Issue.Number)
		return err
	notifications := c.FilterComments(comments, notificationMatcher)
	latestNotification := notifications.GetLast()
	if latestNotification == nil {
		return h.createMessage(obj, ownersMap)
	latestApprove := c.FilterComments(comments, c.CommandName(approveCommand)).GetLast()
	if latestApprove == nil || latestApprove.CreatedAt == nil {
		// there was already a bot notification and nothing has changed since
		// or we wouldn't tell when the latestApproval occurred
		return nil
	if latestApprove.CreatedAt.After(*latestNotification.CreatedAt) {
		// if we can't tell when latestApprove happened, we should make a new one
		return h.createMessage(obj, ownersMap)
	lastModified := obj.LastModifiedTime()
	if latestNotification.CreatedAt.Before(*lastModified) {
		return h.createMessage(obj, ownersMap)
	return nil
Example #3
// Munge is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR
func (LGTMAfterCommitMunger) Munge(obj *github.MungeObject) {
	if !obj.IsPR() {

	if !obj.HasLabel("lgtm") {

	lastModified := obj.LastModifiedTime()
	lgtmTime := obj.LabelTime("lgtm")

	if lastModified == nil || lgtmTime == nil {
		glog.Errorf("PR %d unable to determine lastModified or lgtmTime", *obj.Issue.Number)

	if lastModified.After(*lgtmTime) {
		glog.Infof("PR: %d lgtm:%s  lastModified:%s", *obj.Issue.Number, lgtmTime.String(), lastModified.String())
		lgtmRemovedBody := "PR changed after LGTM, removing LGTM."
		if err := obj.WriteComment(lgtmRemovedBody); err != nil {
Example #4
func getCommentsAfterLastModified(obj *github.MungeObject) ([]*githubapi.IssueComment, error) {
	afterLastModified := func(opt *githubapi.IssueListCommentsOptions) *githubapi.IssueListCommentsOptions {
		// Only comments updated at or after this time are returned.
		// One possible case is that reviewer might "/lgtm" first, contributor updated PR, and reviewer updated "/lgtm".
		// This is still valid. We don't recommend user to update it.
		lastModified := *obj.LastModifiedTime()
		opt.Since = lastModified
		return opt
	return obj.ListComments(afterLastModified)
Example #5
// assigneeActionNeeded returns true if we are waiting on an action from the reviewer.
func isReviewerActionNeeded(obj *github.MungeObject) (bool, error) {
	comments, err := obj.ListComments()
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	lastAuthorCommentTime := comment.LastComment(comments, comment.Author(*obj.Issue.User), nil)
	lastReviewerCommentTime := getLastReviewerComment(obj, comments)

	if lastReviewerCommentTime == nil {
		// this implies that no reviewer has commented on the PR yet.
		return true, nil

	if obj.LastModifiedTime().After(*lastReviewerCommentTime) {
		return true, nil

	if lastAuthorCommentTime == nil {
		return false, nil

	return lastReviewerCommentTime.Before(*lastAuthorCommentTime), nil
Example #6
// validForMerge is the base logic about what PR can be automatically merged.
// PRs must pass this logic to be placed on the queue and they must pass this
// logic a second time to be retested/merged after they get to the top of
// the queue.
// If you update the logic PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update serveMergeInfo() as well.
func (sq *SubmitQueue) validForMerge(obj *github.MungeObject) bool {
	// Can't merge an issue!
	if !obj.IsPR() {
		return false

	// Can't merge something already merged.
	if m, err := obj.IsMerged(); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("%d: unknown err: %v", *obj.Issue.Number, err)
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unknown)
		return false
	} else if m {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, mergedByHand)
		return false

	if milestone := obj.Issue.Milestone; true {
		title := ""
		// Net set means the empty milestone, ""
		if milestone != nil && milestone.Title != nil {
			title = *milestone.Title
		for _, blocked := range sq.DoNotMergeMilestones {
			if title == blocked {
				sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unmergeableMilestone)
				return false

	// Must pass CLA checks
	if !obj.HasLabel(claYesLabel) && !obj.HasLabel(claHumanLabel) && !obj.HasLabel(cncfClaYesLabel) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, noCLA)
		return false

	// Obviously must be mergeable
	if mergeable, err := obj.IsMergeable(); err != nil {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, undeterminedMergability)
		return false
	} else if !mergeable {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unmergeable)
		return false

	// Validate the status information for this PR
	if len(sq.RequiredStatusContexts) > 0 {
		if ok := obj.IsStatusSuccess(sq.RequiredStatusContexts); !ok {
			sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, ciFailure)
			return false
	if len(sq.RequiredRetestContexts) > 0 {
		if ok := obj.IsStatusSuccess(sq.RequiredRetestContexts); !ok {
			sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, ciFailure)
			return false

	// Clearly
	if !(obj.HasLabel(lgtmLabel) || obj.HasLabel(approvedLabel)) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, noLGTM)
		return false

	// PR cannot change since LGTM was added
	lastModifiedTime := obj.LastModifiedTime()

	// lgtmTime and approvedTime cannot both be nil at this point (see check above)
	earliestApproved := getEarliestApprovedTime(obj)

	if lastModifiedTime == nil || earliestApproved == nil {
		glog.Errorf("PR %d was unable to determine when LGTM was added or when last modified", *obj.Issue.Number)
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unknown)
		return false

	if lastModifiedTime.After(*earliestApproved) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, lgtmEarly)
		return false

	// PR cannot have the label which prevents merging.
	if obj.HasLabel(doNotMergeLabel) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, noMerge)
		return false

	return true
Example #7
// Munge is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR
func (sq *SubmitQueue) Munge(obj *github.MungeObject) {
	if !obj.IsPR() {

	e2e := sq.e2e
	userSet := sq.userWhitelist

	if !obj.HasLabels([]string{claYes}) && !obj.HasLabels([]string{claHuman}) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, noCLA, false)

	if mergeable, err := obj.IsMergeable(); err != nil {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, undeterminedMergability, false)
	} else if !mergeable {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unmergeable, false)

	// Validate the status information for this PR
	contexts := sq.requiredStatusContexts(obj)
	if ok := obj.IsStatusSuccess(contexts); !ok {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, ciFailure, false)

	if !obj.HasLabel(sq.WhitelistOverride) && !userSet.Has(*obj.Issue.User.Login) {
		if !obj.HasLabel(needsOKToMergeLabel) {
			body := "The author of this PR is not in the whitelist for merge, can one of the admins add the 'ok-to-merge' label?"
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, needsok, false)

	// Tidy up the issue list.
	if obj.HasLabel(needsOKToMergeLabel) {

	if !obj.HasLabels([]string{"lgtm"}) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, noLGTM, false)

	lastModifiedTime := obj.LastModifiedTime()
	lgtmTime := obj.LabelTime("lgtm")

	if lastModifiedTime == nil || lgtmTime == nil {
		glog.Errorf("PR %d was unable to determine when LGTM was added or when last modified", *obj.Issue.Number)
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unknown, false)

	if lastModifiedTime.After(*lgtmTime) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, lgtmEarly, false)

	if !e2e.Stable() {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, e2eFailure, false)

	// if there is a 'e2e-not-required' label, just merge it.
	if obj.HasLabel(e2eNotRequiredLabel) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, merged, true)

	added := false
	if _, ok := sq.githubE2EQueue[*obj.Issue.Number]; !ok {
		sq.githubE2EQueue[*obj.Issue.Number] = obj
		sq.githubE2EWakeup <- true
		added = true
	if added {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, ghE2EQueued, true)

Example #8
// Munge is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR
func (sq *SubmitQueue) Munge(obj *github.MungeObject) {
	if !obj.IsPR() {

	userSet := sq.userWhitelist

	if !obj.HasLabels([]string{claYes}) && !obj.HasLabels([]string{claHuman}) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, noCLA, false)

	if mergeable, err := obj.IsMergeable(); err != nil {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, undeterminedMergability, false)
	} else if !mergeable {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unmergeable, false)

	// Validate the status information for this PR
	contexts := sq.requiredStatusContexts(obj)
	if ok := obj.IsStatusSuccess(contexts); !ok {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, ciFailure, false)

	if !obj.HasLabel(sq.WhitelistOverride) && !userSet.Has(*obj.Issue.User.Login) {
		if !obj.HasLabel(needsOKToMergeLabel) {
			body := "The author of this PR is not in the whitelist for merge, can one of the admins add the 'ok-to-merge' label?"
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, needsok, false)

	// Tidy up the issue list.
	if obj.HasLabel(needsOKToMergeLabel) {

	if !obj.HasLabels([]string{"lgtm"}) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, noLGTM, false)

	lastModifiedTime := obj.LastModifiedTime()
	lgtmTime := obj.LabelTime("lgtm")

	if lastModifiedTime == nil || lgtmTime == nil {
		glog.Errorf("PR %d was unable to determine when LGTM was added or when last modified", *obj.Issue.Number)
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unknown, false)

	if lastModifiedTime.After(*lgtmTime) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, lgtmEarly, false)

	added := false
	if _, ok := sq.githubE2EQueue[*obj.Issue.Number]; !ok {
		added = true
	// Add this most-recent object in place of the existing object. It will
	// have more up2date information. Even though we explicitly refresh the
	// PR information before do anything with it, this allow things like the
	// queue order to change dynamically as labels are added/removed.
	sq.githubE2EQueue[*obj.Issue.Number] = obj
	if added {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, ghE2EQueued, true)

Example #9
// validForMerge is the base logic about what PR can be automatically merged.
// PRs must pass this logic to be placed on the queue and they must pass this
// logic a second time to be retested/merged after they get to the top of
// the queue.
// If you update the logic PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update serveMergeInfo() as well.
func (sq *SubmitQueue) validForMerge(obj *github.MungeObject) bool {
	// Can't merge an issue!
	if !obj.IsPR() {
		return false

	// Can't merge something already merged.
	if m, err := obj.IsMerged(); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("%d: unknown err: %v", *obj.Issue.Number, err)
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unknown)
		return false
	} else if m {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, merged)
		return false

	userSet := sq.userWhitelist

	// Must pass CLA checks
	if !obj.HasLabel(claYesLabel) && !obj.HasLabel(claHumanLabel) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, noCLA)
		return false

	// Obviously must be mergeable
	if mergeable, err := obj.IsMergeable(); err != nil {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, undeterminedMergability)
		return false
	} else if !mergeable {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unmergeable)
		return false

	// Validate the status information for this PR
	contexts := sq.requiredStatusContexts(obj)
	if ok := obj.IsStatusSuccess(contexts); !ok {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, ciFailure)
		return false

	// The user either must be on the whitelist or have ok-to-merge
	if !obj.HasLabel(okToMergeLabel) && !userSet.Has(*obj.Issue.User.Login) {
		if !obj.HasLabel(needsOKToMergeLabel) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, needsok)
		return false

	// Tidy up the issue list.
	if obj.HasLabel(needsOKToMergeLabel) {

	// Clearly
	if !obj.HasLabel(lgtmLabel) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, noLGTM)
		return false

	// PR cannot change since LGTM was added
	lastModifiedTime := obj.LastModifiedTime()
	lgtmTime := obj.LabelTime(lgtmLabel)

	if lastModifiedTime == nil || lgtmTime == nil {
		glog.Errorf("PR %d was unable to determine when LGTM was added or when last modified", *obj.Issue.Number)
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, unknown)
		return false

	if lastModifiedTime.After(*lgtmTime) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, lgtmEarly)
		return false

	// PR cannot have the label which prevents merging.
	if obj.HasLabel(doNotMergeLabel) {
		sq.SetMergeStatus(obj, noMerge)
		return false

	return true