Example #1
func checkTag(comments []string, require ...string) bool {
	values := types.ExtractCommentTags("+", comments)[tagName]
	if len(require) == 0 {
		return len(values) == 1 && values[0] == ""
	return reflect.DeepEqual(values, require)
Example #2
// hasOptionalTag returns true if the member has +optional in its comments or
// omitempty in its json tags.
func hasOptionalTag(m *types.Member) bool {
	hasOptionalCommentTag := types.ExtractCommentTags(
		"+", m.CommentLines)[tagOptional] != nil
	hasOptionalJsonTag := strings.Contains(
		reflect.StructTag(m.Tags).Get("json"), "omitempty")
	return hasOptionalCommentTag || hasOptionalJsonTag
func hasOpenAPITagValue(comments []string, value string) bool {
	tagValues := types.ExtractCommentTags("+", comments)[tagName]
	if tagValues == nil {
		return false
	for _, val := range tagValues {
		if val == value {
			return true
	return false
Example #4
// Filter ignores types that are identified as not exportable.
func (g *genProtoIDL) Filter(c *generator.Context, t *types.Type) bool {
	tagVals := types.ExtractCommentTags("+", t.CommentLines)["protobuf"]
	if tagVals != nil {
		if tagVals[0] == "false" {
			// Type specified "false".
			return false
		if tagVals[0] == "true" {
			// Type specified "true".
			return true
		glog.Fatalf(`Comment tag "protobuf" must be true or false, found: %q`, tagVals[0])
	if !g.generateAll {
		// We're not generating everything.
		return false
	seen := map[*types.Type]bool{}
	ok := isProtoable(seen, t)
	return ok
Example #5
func extractTag(comments []string) *tagValue {
	tagVals := types.ExtractCommentTags("+", comments)[tagName]
	if tagVals == nil {
		// No match for the tag.
		return nil
	// If there are multiple values, abort.
	if len(tagVals) > 1 {
		glog.Fatalf("Found %d %s tags: %q", len(tagVals), tagName, tagVals)

	// If we got here we are returning something.
	tag := &tagValue{}

	// Get the primary value.
	parts := strings.Split(tagVals[0], ",")
	if len(parts) >= 1 {
		tag.value = parts[0]

	// Parse extra arguments.
	parts = parts[1:]
	for i := range parts {
		kv := strings.SplitN(parts[i], "=", 2)
		k := kv[0]
		v := ""
		if len(kv) == 2 {
			v = kv[1]
		switch k {
		case "register":
			if v != "false" {
				tag.register = true
			glog.Fatalf("Unsupported %s param: %q", tagName, parts[i])
	return tag
Example #6
func (g *genGroup) GenerateType(c *generator.Context, t *types.Type, w io.Writer) error {
	sw := generator.NewSnippetWriter(w, c, "$", "$")
	const pkgRESTClient = "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
	const pkgRegistered = "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apimachinery/registered"
	const pkgAPI = "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
	const pkgSerializer = "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime/serializer"
	apiPath := func(group string) string {
		if len(g.apiPath) > 0 {
			return `"` + g.apiPath + `"`
		if group == "core" {
			return `"/api"`
		return `"/apis"`

	groupName := g.group
	if g.group == "core" {
		groupName = ""
	// allow user to define a group name that's different from the one parsed from the directory.
	p := c.Universe.Package(g.inputPacakge)
	if override := types.ExtractCommentTags("+", p.DocComments)["groupName"]; override != nil {
		groupName = override[0]

	m := map[string]interface{}{
		"group":                      normalization.BeforeFirstDot(g.group),
		"Group":                      namer.IC(normalization.BeforeFirstDot(g.group)),
		"groupName":                  groupName,
		"types":                      g.types,
		"Config":                     c.Universe.Type(types.Name{Package: pkgRESTClient, Name: "Config"}),
		"DefaultKubernetesUserAgent": c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgRESTClient, Name: "DefaultKubernetesUserAgent"}),
		"RESTClientInterface":        c.Universe.Type(types.Name{Package: pkgRESTClient, Name: "Interface"}),
		"RESTClientFor":              c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgRESTClient, Name: "RESTClientFor"}),
		"latestGroup":                c.Universe.Variable(types.Name{Package: pkgRegistered, Name: "Group"}),
		"GroupOrDie":                 c.Universe.Variable(types.Name{Package: pkgRegistered, Name: "GroupOrDie"}),
		"apiPath":                    apiPath(g.group),
		"codecs":                     c.Universe.Variable(types.Name{Package: pkgAPI, Name: "Codecs"}),
		"directCodecFactory":         c.Universe.Variable(types.Name{Package: pkgSerializer, Name: "DirectCodecFactory"}),
		"Errorf":                     c.Universe.Variable(types.Name{Package: "fmt", Name: "Errorf"}),
	sw.Do(groupInterfaceTemplate, m)
	sw.Do(groupClientTemplate, m)
	for _, t := range g.types {
		wrapper := map[string]interface{}{
			"type":  t,
			"Group": namer.IC(normalization.BeforeFirstDot(g.group)),
		namespaced := !extractBoolTagOrDie("nonNamespaced", t.SecondClosestCommentLines)
		if namespaced {
			sw.Do(getterImplNamespaced, wrapper)
		} else {
			sw.Do(getterImplNonNamespaced, wrapper)

	sw.Do(newClientForConfigTemplate, m)
	sw.Do(newClientForConfigOrDieTemplate, m)
	sw.Do(newClientForRESTClientTemplate, m)
	if g.version == "unversioned" {
		sw.Do(setInternalVersionClientDefaultsTemplate, m)
	} else {
		sw.Do(setClientDefaultsTemplate, m)
	sw.Do(getRESTClient, m)

	return sw.Error()
func hasOptionalTag(comments []string) bool {
	tagValues := types.ExtractCommentTags("+", comments)[tagOptional]
	return tagValues != nil
// GenerateType makes the body of a file implementing the individual typed client for type t.
func (g *genFakeForType) GenerateType(c *generator.Context, t *types.Type, w io.Writer) error {
	sw := generator.NewSnippetWriter(w, c, "$", "$")
	pkg := filepath.Base(t.Name.Package)
	const pkgTestingCore = "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/testing/core"
	namespaced := !extractBoolTagOrDie("nonNamespaced", t.SecondClosestCommentLines)
	canonicalGroup := g.group
	if canonicalGroup == "core" {
		canonicalGroup = ""

	groupName := g.group
	if g.group == "core" {
		groupName = ""

	// allow user to define a group name that's different from the one parsed from the directory.
	p := c.Universe.Package(g.inputPackage)
	if override := types.ExtractCommentTags("+", p.DocComments)["groupName"]; override != nil {
		groupName = override[0]

	m := map[string]interface{}{
		"type":                 t,
		"package":              pkg,
		"Package":              namer.IC(pkg),
		"namespaced":           namespaced,
		"Group":                namer.IC(g.group),
		"GroupVersion":         namer.IC(g.group) + namer.IC(g.version),
		"group":                canonicalGroup,
		"groupName":            groupName,
		"version":              g.version,
		"watchInterface":       c.Universe.Type(types.Name{Package: "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch", Name: "Interface"}),
		"GroupVersionResource": c.Universe.Type(types.Name{Package: "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime/schema", Name: "GroupVersionResource"}),
		"PatchType":            c.Universe.Type(types.Name{Package: "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api", Name: "PatchType"}),
		"Everything":           c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/labels", Name: "Everything"}),

		"NewRootListAction":              c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewRootListAction"}),
		"NewListAction":                  c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewListAction"}),
		"NewRootGetAction":               c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewRootGetAction"}),
		"NewGetAction":                   c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewGetAction"}),
		"NewRootDeleteAction":            c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewRootDeleteAction"}),
		"NewDeleteAction":                c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewDeleteAction"}),
		"NewRootDeleteCollectionAction":  c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewRootDeleteCollectionAction"}),
		"NewDeleteCollectionAction":      c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewDeleteCollectionAction"}),
		"NewRootUpdateAction":            c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewRootUpdateAction"}),
		"NewUpdateAction":                c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewUpdateAction"}),
		"NewRootCreateAction":            c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewRootCreateAction"}),
		"NewCreateAction":                c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewCreateAction"}),
		"NewRootWatchAction":             c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewRootWatchAction"}),
		"NewWatchAction":                 c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewWatchAction"}),
		"NewUpdateSubresourceAction":     c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewUpdateSubresourceAction"}),
		"NewRootUpdateSubresourceAction": c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewRootUpdateSubresourceAction"}),
		"NewRootPatchAction":             c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewRootPatchAction"}),
		"NewPatchAction":                 c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewPatchAction"}),
		"NewRootPatchSubresourceAction":  c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewRootPatchSubresourceAction"}),
		"NewPatchSubresourceAction":      c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "NewPatchSubresourceAction"}),
		"ExtractFromListOptions":         c.Universe.Function(types.Name{Package: pkgTestingCore, Name: "ExtractFromListOptions"}),

	if g.version == "" {
		m["DeleteOptions"] = c.Universe.Type(types.Name{Package: "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api", Name: "DeleteOptions"})
		m["ListOptions"] = c.Universe.Type(types.Name{Package: "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api", Name: "ListOptions"})
	} else {
		m["DeleteOptions"] = c.Universe.Type(types.Name{Package: "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1", Name: "DeleteOptions"})
		m["ListOptions"] = c.Universe.Type(types.Name{Package: "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1", Name: "ListOptions"})
	m["GetOptions"] = c.Universe.Type(types.Name{Package: "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/meta/v1", Name: "GetOptions"})

	noMethods := extractBoolTagOrDie("noMethods", t.SecondClosestCommentLines) == true

	if namespaced {
		sw.Do(structNamespaced, m)
	} else {
		sw.Do(structNonNamespaced, m)

	if !noMethods {
		sw.Do(resource, m)
		sw.Do(createTemplate, m)
		sw.Do(updateTemplate, m)
		// Generate the UpdateStatus method if the type has a status
		if genStatus(t) {
			sw.Do(updateStatusTemplate, m)
		sw.Do(deleteTemplate, m)
		sw.Do(deleteCollectionTemplate, m)
		sw.Do(getTemplate, m)
		if hasObjectMeta(t) {
			sw.Do(listUsingOptionsTemplate, m)
		} else {
			sw.Do(listTemplate, m)
		sw.Do(watchTemplate, m)
		sw.Do(patchTemplate, m)

	return sw.Error()
Example #9
func extractTag(comments []string) []string {
	return types.ExtractCommentTags("+", comments)[tagName]
Example #10
func (b bodyGen) doStruct(sw *generator.SnippetWriter) error {
	if len(b.t.Name.Name) == 0 {
		return nil
	if namer.IsPrivateGoName(b.t.Name.Name) {
		return nil

	var alias *types.Type
	var fields []protoField
	options := []string{}
	allOptions := types.ExtractCommentTags("+", b.t.CommentLines)
	for k, v := range allOptions {
		switch {
		case strings.HasPrefix(k, "protobuf.options."):
			key := strings.TrimPrefix(k, "protobuf.options.")
			switch key {
			case "marshal":
				if v[0] == "false" {
					if !b.omitGogo {
						options = append(options,
							"(gogoproto.marshaler) = false",
							"(gogoproto.unmarshaler) = false",
							"(gogoproto.sizer) = false",
				if !b.omitGogo || !strings.HasPrefix(key, "(gogoproto.") {
					if key == "(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)" && v[0] == "false" {
						options = append(options, "(gogoproto.stringer) = false")
					options = append(options, fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", key, v[0]))
		// protobuf.as allows a type to have the same message contents as another Go type
		case k == "protobuf.as":
			fields = nil
			if alias = b.locator.GoTypeForName(types.Name{Name: v[0]}); alias == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("type %v references alias %q which does not exist", b.t, v[0])
		// protobuf.embed instructs the generator to use the named type in this package
		// as an embedded message.
		case k == "protobuf.embed":
			fields = []protoField{
					Tag:  1,
					Name: v[0],
					Type: &types.Type{
						Name: types.Name{
							Name:    v[0],
							Package: b.localPackage.Package,
							Path:    b.localPackage.Path,
	if alias == nil {
		alias = b.t

	// If we don't explicitly embed anything, generate fields by traversing fields.
	if fields == nil {
		memberFields, err := membersToFields(b.locator, alias, b.localPackage, b.omitFieldTypes)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("type %v cannot be converted to protobuf: %v", b.t, err)
		fields = memberFields

	out := sw.Out()
	genComment(out, b.t.CommentLines, "")
	sw.Do(`message $.Name.Name$ {
`, b.t)

	if len(options) > 0 {
		for _, s := range options {
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "  option %s;\n", s)

	for i, field := range fields {
		genComment(out, field.CommentLines, "  ")
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "  ")
		switch {
		case field.Map:
		case field.Repeated:
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "repeated ")
		case field.Required:
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "required ")
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "optional ")
		sw.Do(`$.Type|local$ $.Name$ = $.Tag$`, field)
		if len(field.Extras) > 0 {
			extras := []string{}
			for k, v := range field.Extras {
				if b.omitGogo && strings.HasPrefix(k, "(gogoproto.") {
				extras = append(extras, fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", k, v))
			if len(extras) > 0 {
				fmt.Fprintf(out, " [")
				fmt.Fprint(out, strings.Join(extras, ", "))
				fmt.Fprintf(out, "]")
		fmt.Fprintf(out, ";\n")
		if i != len(fields)-1 {
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n")
	fmt.Fprintf(out, "}\n\n")
	return nil