Example #1
// RecordConfigEvent records an event for the deployment config referenced by the
// deployment.
func RecordConfigEvent(client kclient.EventNamespacer, deployment *kapi.ReplicationController, decoder runtime.Decoder, eventType, reason, msg string) {
	t := unversioned.Time{Time: time.Now()}
	var obj runtime.Object = deployment
	if config, err := deployutil.DecodeDeploymentConfig(deployment, decoder); err == nil {
		obj = config
	} else {
		glog.Errorf("Unable to decode deployment config from %s/%s: %v", deployment.Namespace, deployment.Name, err)
	ref, err := kapi.GetReference(obj)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Unable to get reference for %#v: %v", obj, err)
	event := &kapi.Event{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      fmt.Sprintf("%v.%x", ref.Name, t.UnixNano()),
			Namespace: ref.Namespace,
		InvolvedObject: *ref,
		Reason:         reason,
		Message:        msg,
		Source: kapi.EventSource{
			Component: deployutil.DeployerPodNameFor(deployment),
		FirstTimestamp: t,
		LastTimestamp:  t,
		Count:          1,
		Type:           eventType,
	if _, err := client.Events(ref.Namespace).Create(event); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not create event '%#v': %v", event, err)
Example #2
// Convert_string_slice_To_unversioned_Time allows converting a URL query parameter value
func Convert_string_slice_To_unversioned_Time(input *[]string, out *unversioned.Time, s conversion.Scope) error {
	str := ""
	if len(*input) > 0 {
		str = (*input)[0]
	return out.UnmarshalQueryParameter(str)
Example #3
func (e *HookExecutor) emitEvent(deployment *kapi.ReplicationController, eventType, reason, msg string) {
	t := unversioned.Time{Time: time.Now()}
	var ref *kapi.ObjectReference
	if config, err := deployutil.DecodeDeploymentConfig(deployment, e.decoder); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Unable to decode deployment %s/%s to replication contoller: %v", deployment.Namespace, deployment.Name, err)
		if ref, err = kapi.GetReference(deployment); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to get reference for %#v: %v", deployment, err)
	} else {
		if ref, err = kapi.GetReference(config); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to get reference for %#v: %v", config, err)
	event := &kapi.Event{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      fmt.Sprintf("%v.%x", ref.Name, t.UnixNano()),
			Namespace: ref.Namespace,
		InvolvedObject: *ref,
		Reason:         reason,
		Message:        msg,
		FirstTimestamp: t,
		LastTimestamp:  t,
		Count:          1,
		Type:           eventType,
	if _, err := e.events.Create(event); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not send event '%#v': %v", event, err)
Example #4
func (u *Unstructured) GetDeletionTimestamp() *unversioned.Time {
	var timestamp unversioned.Time
	timestamp.UnmarshalQueryParameter(getNestedString(u.Object, "metadata", "deletionTimestamp"))
	if timestamp.IsZero() {
		return nil
	return &timestamp
Example #5
func containerRestartedRecently(status kapi.ContainerStatus, now unversioned.Time) bool {
	if status.RestartCount == 0 {
		return false
	if status.LastTerminationState.Terminated != nil && now.Sub(status.LastTerminationState.Terminated.FinishedAt.Time) < RestartRecentDuration {
		return true
	return false
Example #6
// hasIngressBeenTouched returns true if the route appears to have been touched since the last time
func (a *StatusAdmitter) hasIngressBeenTouched(route *routeapi.Route, lastTouch *unversioned.Time) bool {
	glog.V(4).Infof("has last touch %v for %s/%s", lastTouch, route.Namespace, route.Name)
	if lastTouch.IsZero() {
		return false
	old, ok := a.expected.Get(route.UID)
	if !ok || old.(time.Time).Equal(lastTouch.Time) {
		return false
	return true
func deepCopy_unversioned_Time(in unversioned.Time, out *unversioned.Time, c *conversion.Cloner) error {
	if newVal, err := c.DeepCopy(in.Time); err != nil {
		return err
	} else {
		out.Time = newVal.(time.Time)
	return nil
Example #8
func describeAdditionalBuildDetail(build *buildgraph.BuildConfigNode, lastSuccessfulBuild *buildgraph.BuildNode, lastUnsuccessfulBuild *buildgraph.BuildNode, activeBuilds []*buildgraph.BuildNode, pushTargetResolved bool, includeSuccess bool) []string {
	if build == nil {
		return nil
	out := []string{}

	passTime := unversioned.Time{}
	if lastSuccessfulBuild != nil {
		passTime = buildTimestamp(lastSuccessfulBuild.Build)
	failTime := unversioned.Time{}
	if lastUnsuccessfulBuild != nil {
		failTime = buildTimestamp(lastUnsuccessfulBuild.Build)

	lastTime := failTime
	if passTime.After(failTime.Time) {
		lastTime = passTime

	// display the last successful build if specifically requested or we're going to display an active build for context
	if lastSuccessfulBuild != nil && (includeSuccess || len(activeBuilds) > 0) {
		out = append(out, describeBuildPhase(lastSuccessfulBuild.Build, &passTime, build.BuildConfig.Name, pushTargetResolved))
	if passTime.Before(failTime) {
		out = append(out, describeBuildPhase(lastUnsuccessfulBuild.Build, &failTime, build.BuildConfig.Name, pushTargetResolved))

	if len(activeBuilds) > 0 {
		activeOut := []string{}
		for i := range activeBuilds {
			activeOut = append(activeOut, describeBuildPhase(activeBuilds[i].Build, nil, build.BuildConfig.Name, pushTargetResolved))

		if buildTimestamp(activeBuilds[0].Build).Before(lastTime) {
			out = append(out, activeOut...)
		} else {
			out = append(activeOut, out...)
	if len(out) == 0 && lastSuccessfulBuild == nil {
		out = append(out, "not built yet")
	return out
Example #9
func printImageStream(stream *imageapi.ImageStream, w io.Writer, opts kctl.PrintOptions) error {
	name := formatResourceName(opts.Kind, stream.Name, opts.WithKind)
	tags := ""
	const numOfTagsShown = 3

	var latest unversioned.Time
	for _, list := range stream.Status.Tags {
		if len(list.Items) > 0 {
			if list.Items[0].Created.After(latest.Time) {
				latest = list.Items[0].Created
	latestTime := ""
	if !latest.IsZero() {
		latestTime = fmt.Sprintf("%s ago", formatRelativeTime(latest.Time))
	list := imageapi.SortStatusTags(stream.Status.Tags)
	more := false
	if len(list) > numOfTagsShown {
		list = list[:numOfTagsShown]
		more = true
	tags = strings.Join(list, ",")
	if more {
		tags = fmt.Sprintf("%s + %d more...", tags, len(stream.Status.Tags)-numOfTagsShown)
	if opts.WithNamespace {
		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", stream.Namespace); err != nil {
			return err
	repo := stream.Spec.DockerImageRepository
	if len(repo) == 0 {
		repo = stream.Status.DockerImageRepository
	if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s", name, repo, tags, latestTime); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := appendItemLabels(stream.Labels, w, opts.ColumnLabels, opts.ShowLabels); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Example #10
func (recorder *recorderImpl) makeEvent(ref *api.ObjectReference, reason, message string) *api.Event {
	t := unversioned.Time{recorder.clock.Now()}
	namespace := ref.Namespace
	if namespace == "" {
		namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
	return &api.Event{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      fmt.Sprintf("%v.%x", ref.Name, t.UnixNano()),
			Namespace: namespace,
		InvolvedObject: *ref,
		Reason:         reason,
		Message:        message,
		FirstTimestamp: t,
		LastTimestamp:  t,
		Count:          1,
Example #11
func describeBuildPhase(build *buildapi.Build, t *unversioned.Time, parentName string, pushTargetResolved bool) string {
	imageStreamFailure := ""
	// if we're using an image stream and that image stream is the internal registry and that registry doesn't exist
	if (build.Spec.Output.To != nil) && !pushTargetResolved {
		imageStreamFailure = " (can't push to image)"

	if t == nil {
		ts := buildTimestamp(build)
		t = &ts
	var time string
	if t.IsZero() {
		time = "<unknown>"
	} else {
		time = strings.ToLower(formatRelativeTime(t.Time))
	buildIdentification := fmt.Sprintf("build/%s", build.Name)
	prefix := parentName + "-"
	if strings.HasPrefix(build.Name, prefix) {
		suffix := build.Name[len(prefix):]

		if buildNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(suffix); err == nil {
			buildIdentification = fmt.Sprintf("build #%d", buildNumber)

	revision := describeSourceRevision(build.Spec.Revision)
	if len(revision) != 0 {
		revision = fmt.Sprintf(" - %s", revision)
	switch build.Status.Phase {
	case buildapi.BuildPhaseComplete:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s succeeded %s ago%s%s", buildIdentification, time, revision, imageStreamFailure)
	case buildapi.BuildPhaseError:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s stopped with an error %s ago%s%s", buildIdentification, time, revision, imageStreamFailure)
	case buildapi.BuildPhaseFailed:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s failed %s ago%s%s", buildIdentification, time, revision, imageStreamFailure)
		status := strings.ToLower(string(build.Status.Phase))
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s for %s%s%s", buildIdentification, status, time, revision, imageStreamFailure)
Example #12
func (f *FakeRecorder) makeEvent(ref *v1.ObjectReference, eventtype, reason, message string) *v1.Event {
	fmt.Println("make event")
	t := unversioned.Time{Time: f.clock.Now()}
	namespace := ref.Namespace
	if namespace == "" {
		namespace = v1.NamespaceDefault
	return &v1.Event{
		ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      fmt.Sprintf("%v.%x", ref.Name, t.UnixNano()),
			Namespace: namespace,
		InvolvedObject: *ref,
		Reason:         reason,
		Message:        message,
		FirstTimestamp: t,
		LastTimestamp:  t,
		Count:          1,
		Type:           eventtype,
Example #13
// hasIngressBeenTouched returns true if the route appears to have been touched since the last time
func (a *StatusAdmitter) hasIngressBeenTouched(route *routeapi.Route, lastTouch *unversioned.Time) bool {
	glog.V(4).Infof("has last touch %v for %s/%s", lastTouch, route.Namespace, route.Name)
	if lastTouch.IsZero() {
		return false
	old, ok := a.expected.Get(route.UID)
	if ok && old.(time.Time).Before(nowFn().Add(-a.contentionInterval)) {
		// throw out cache entries from before the contention interval, in case this is no longer valid
		// (e.g. the previous updater no longer exists due to scale down)
		glog.V(4).Infof("expired cached last touch of %s", old.(time.Time))
		ok = false

	if !ok || old.(time.Time).Equal(lastTouch.Time) {
		glog.V(4).Infof("missing or equal cached last touch")
		return false
	glog.V(4).Infof("different cached last touch of %s", old.(time.Time))
	return true
Example #14
func printImageStream(stream *imageapi.ImageStream, w io.Writer, withNamespace, wide, showAll bool, columnLabels []string) error {
	tags := ""
	const numOfTagsShown = 3

	var latest unversioned.Time
	for _, list := range stream.Status.Tags {
		if len(list.Items) > 0 {
			if list.Items[0].Created.After(latest.Time) {
				latest = list.Items[0].Created
	latestTime := ""
	if !latest.IsZero() {
		latestTime = fmt.Sprintf("%s ago", formatRelativeTime(latest.Time))
	list := imageapi.SortStatusTags(stream.Status.Tags)
	more := false
	if len(list) > numOfTagsShown {
		list = list[:numOfTagsShown]
		more = true
	tags = strings.Join(list, ",")
	if more {
		tags = fmt.Sprintf("%s + %d more...", tags, len(stream.Status.Tags)-numOfTagsShown)
	if withNamespace {
		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", stream.Namespace); err != nil {
			return err
	repo := stream.Spec.DockerImageRepository
	if len(repo) == 0 {
		repo = stream.Status.DockerImageRepository
	_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", stream.Name, repo, tags, latestTime)
	return err
Example #15
func (u *Unstructured) SetDeletionTimestamp(timestamp *unversioned.Time) {
	ts, _ := timestamp.MarshalQueryParameter()
	u.setNestedField(ts, "metadata", "deletionTimestamp")
func TestWildcardSubDomainOwnership(t *testing.T) {
	p := &fakePlugin{}

	recorder := rejectionRecorder{rejections: make(map[string]string)}
	admitter := NewHostAdmitter(p, wildcardAdmitter, true, recorder)

	oldest := unversioned.Time{Time: time.Now()}

	ownerRoute := &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			CreationTimestamp: oldest,
			Name:              "first",
			Namespace:         "owner",
		Spec: routeapi.RouteSpec{
			Host:           "owner.namespace.test",
			WildcardPolicy: routeapi.WildcardPolicySubdomain,

	err := admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Added, ownerRoute)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Owner route not admitted: %v", err)

	tests := []struct {
		createdAt unversioned.Time
		name      string
		namespace string
		host      string
		policy    routeapi.WildcardPolicyType
		reason    string
			name:      "nohost",
			namespace: "something",
			name:      "blockedhost",
			namespace: "blocked",
			host:      "www.internal." + BlockedTestDomain,
			reason:    "RouteNotAdmitted",
			name:      "blockedhost2",
			namespace: "blocked",
			host:      "www.internal." + BlockedTestDomain,
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicyNone,
			reason:    "RouteNotAdmitted",
			name:      "blockedhostwildcard",
			namespace: "blocked",
			host:      "www.wildcard." + BlockedTestDomain,
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicySubdomain,
			reason:    "RouteNotAdmitted",
			createdAt: unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(2 * time.Hour)},
			name:      "diffnamespace",
			namespace: "notowner",
			host:      "www.namespace.test",
			reason:    "HostAlreadyClaimed",
			createdAt: unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(2 * time.Hour)},
			name:      "diffnamespace2",
			namespace: "notowner",
			host:      "www.namespace.test",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicyNone,
			reason:    "HostAlreadyClaimed",
			createdAt: unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(2 * time.Hour)},
			name:      "diffnamespacewildcard",
			namespace: "notowner",
			host:      "www.namespace.test",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicySubdomain,
			reason:    "HostAlreadyClaimed",
			createdAt: unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(2 * time.Hour)},
			name:      "diffns2",
			namespace: "fortytwo",
			host:      "www.namespace.test",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicyNone,
			reason:    "HostAlreadyClaimed",
			createdAt: unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(3 * time.Hour)},
			name:      "host2diffns2",
			namespace: "fortytwo",
			host:      "api.namespace.test",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicyNone,
			reason:    "HostAlreadyClaimed",
			createdAt: unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(3 * time.Hour)},
			name:      "host2diffns3",
			namespace: "fortytwo",
			host:      "api.namespace.test",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicySubdomain,
			reason:    "HostAlreadyClaimed",
			createdAt: unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(4 * time.Hour)},
			name:      "ownernshost",
			namespace: "owner",
			host:      "api.namespace.test",
			createdAt: unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(4 * time.Hour)},
			name:      "ownernswildcardhost",
			namespace: "owner",
			host:      "wild.namespace.test",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicySubdomain,
			reason:    "HostAlreadyClaimed",
			name:      "tldhost",
			namespace: "ns1",
			host:      "ns1.org",
			name:      "tldhost2",
			namespace: "ns2",
			host:      "ns2.org",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicyNone,
			name:      "tldhostwildcard",
			namespace: "wild",
			host:      "wild.play",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicySubdomain,
			name:      "anothertldhostwildcard",
			namespace: "oscarwilde",
			host:      "oscarwilde.com",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicySubdomain,
			name:      "yatldhostwildcard",
			namespace: "yap",
			host:      "test.me",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicySubdomain,
			name:      "yatldhost2",
			namespace: "yap",
			host:      "vinyl.play",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicyNone,
			name:      "level2sub",
			namespace: "l2s",
			host:      "test.co.us",
			name:      "level2sub2",
			namespace: "l2s",
			host:      "unit.co.us",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicyNone,
			name:      "level2sub3",
			namespace: "l2s",
			host:      "qe.co.us",
			policy:    routeapi.WildcardPolicySubdomain,

	for _, tc := range tests {
		route := &routeapi.Route{
			ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
				CreationTimestamp: tc.createdAt,
				Name:              tc.name,
				Namespace:         tc.namespace,
			Spec: routeapi.RouteSpec{
				Host:           tc.host,
				WildcardPolicy: tc.policy,

		err := admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Added, route)
		if tc.reason != "" {
			if err == nil {
				t.Fatalf("Test case %s expected errors, got none", tc.name)

			k := recorder.rejectionKey(route)
			if recorder.rejections[k] != tc.reason {
				t.Fatalf("Test case %s expected error %s, got %s", tc.name, tc.reason, recorder.rejections[k])
		} else {
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Test case %s expected no errors, got %v", tc.name, err)

	wildcardRoute := &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			CreationTimestamp: unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(time.Hour)},
			Name:              "wildcard-owner",
			Namespace:         "owner",
		Spec: routeapi.RouteSpec{
			Host:           "wildcard.namespace.test",
			WildcardPolicy: routeapi.WildcardPolicySubdomain,

	err = admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Added, wildcardRoute)
	if err != nil {
		k := recorder.rejectionKey(wildcardRoute)
		if recorder.rejections[k] != "HostAlreadyClaimed" {
			t.Fatalf("Wildcard route expected host already claimed error, got %v - error=%v", recorder.rejections[k], err)
	} else {
		t.Fatalf("Newer wildcard route expected errors, got none")

	// bounce all the routes from the namespace "owner" and claim
	// ownership of the subdomain for the namespace "bouncer".
	bouncer := &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			CreationTimestamp: unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(-1 * time.Hour)},
			Name:              "hosted",
			Namespace:         "bouncer",
		Spec: routeapi.RouteSpec{
			Host: "api.namespace.test",

	err = admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Added, bouncer)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("bouncer route expected no errors, got %v", err)

	// The bouncer route should kick out the owner and wildcard routes.
	bouncedRoutes := []*routeapi.Route{ownerRoute, wildcardRoute}
	for _, route := range bouncedRoutes {
		k := recorder.rejectionKey(route)
		if recorder.rejections[k] != "HostAlreadyClaimed" {
			t.Fatalf("bounced route %s expected a subdomain already claimed error, got %s", k, recorder.rejections[k])
Example #17
				scheduleTimes := make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0)
				runTimes := make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0)
				watchTimes := make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0)

				var mutex sync.Mutex
				checkPod := func(p *api.Pod) {
					defer mutex.Unlock()
					defer GinkgoRecover()

					if p.Status.Phase == api.PodRunning {
						if _, found := watchTimes[p.Name]; !found {
							watchTimes[p.Name] = unversioned.Now()
							createTimes[p.Name] = p.CreationTimestamp
							nodes[p.Name] = p.Spec.NodeName
							var startTime unversioned.Time
							for _, cs := range p.Status.ContainerStatuses {
								if cs.State.Running != nil {
									if startTime.Before(cs.State.Running.StartedAt) {
										startTime = cs.State.Running.StartedAt
							if startTime != unversioned.NewTime(time.Time{}) {
								runTimes[p.Name] = startTime
							} else {
								Failf("Pod %v is reported to be running, but none of its containers is", p.Name)
func TestValidRouteAdmissionFuzzing(t *testing.T) {
	p := &fakePlugin{}

	admitAll := func(route *routeapi.Route) error { return nil }
	recorder := rejectionRecorder{rejections: make(map[string]string)}
	admitter := NewHostAdmitter(p, RouteAdmissionFunc(admitAll), true, recorder)

	oldest := unversioned.Time{Time: time.Now()}

	makeTime := func(d time.Duration) unversioned.Time {
		return unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(d)}

	routes := []*routeapi.Route{
		makeRoute("ns1", "r1", "net", "", false, makeTime(0*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns2", "r2", "com", "", false, makeTime(1*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns3", "r3", "domain1.com", "", false, makeTime(2*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns4", "r4", "domain2.com", "", false, makeTime(3*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns5", "r5", "foo.domain1.com", "", false, makeTime(4*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns6", "r6", "bar.domain1.com", "", false, makeTime(5*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns7", "r7", "sub.foo.domain1.com", "", true, makeTime(6*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns8", "r8", "sub.bar.domain1.com", "", true, makeTime(7*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns8", "r9", "sub.bar.domain1.com", "/p1", true, makeTime(8*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns8", "r10", "sub.bar.domain1.com", "/p2", true, makeTime(9*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns8", "r11", "sub.bar.domain1.com", "/p1/p2/p3", true, makeTime(10*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns9", "r12", "sub.bar.domain2.com", "", false, makeTime(11*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns9", "r13", "sub.bar.domain2.com", "/p1", false, makeTime(12*time.Second)),
		makeRoute("ns9", "r14", "sub.bar.domain2.com", "/p2", false, makeTime(13*time.Second)),

	existing := sets.NewInt()
	errors := sets.NewString()
	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		add := false
		switch {
		case len(existing) == len(routes):
			add = false
		case len(existing) == 0:
			add = true
			add = (rand.Intn(4) > 0)

		index := 0
		if add {
			index = rand.Intn(len(routes))
			if existing.Has(index) {
				// t.Logf("%d: updated route %d", i, index)
				if err := admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Modified, routes[index]); err != nil {
					errors.Insert(fmt.Sprintf("error updating route %s/%s: %v", routes[index].Namespace, routes[index].Name, err.Error()))
			} else {
				// t.Logf("%d: added route %d", i, index)
				if err := admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Added, routes[index]); err != nil {
					errors.Insert(fmt.Sprintf("error adding route %s/%s: %v", routes[index].Namespace, routes[index].Name, err.Error()))
		} else {
			index = existing.List()[rand.Intn(len(existing))]
			// t.Logf("%d: deleted route %d", i, index)
			if err := admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Deleted, routes[index]); err != nil {
				errors.Insert(fmt.Sprintf("error deleting route %s/%s: %v", routes[index].Namespace, routes[index].Name, err.Error()))

	if len(errors) > 0 {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected errors:\n%s", strings.Join(errors.List(), "\n"))
	if len(recorder.rejections) > 0 {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected rejections: %#v", recorder.rejections)
Example #19
// afterOrZero checks if time t1 is after time t2; if one of them
// is zero, the zero time is seen as after non-zero time.
func afterOrZero(t1, t2 unversioned.Time) bool {
	if t1.Time.IsZero() || t2.Time.IsZero() {
		return t1.Time.IsZero()
	return t1.After(t2.Time)
func TestInvalidRouteAdmissionFuzzing(t *testing.T) {
	p := &fakePlugin{}

	admitAll := func(route *routeapi.Route) error { return nil }
	recorder := rejectionRecorder{rejections: make(map[string]string)}
	admitter := NewHostAdmitter(p, RouteAdmissionFunc(admitAll), true, recorder)

	oldest := unversioned.Time{Time: time.Now()}

	makeTime := func(d time.Duration) unversioned.Time {
		return unversioned.Time{Time: oldest.Add(d)}

	routes := []struct {
		Route    *routeapi.Route
		ErrIfInt sets.Int
		ErrIf    sets.String
		// Wildcard and explicit allowed in same namespace
		{Route: makeRoute("ns1", "r1", "net", "", false, makeTime(0*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns1", "r2", "net", "", true, makeTime(1*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns1", "r3", "www.same.net", "", false, makeTime(2*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns1", "r4", "www.same.net", "", true, makeTime(3*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns1", "r5", "foo.same.net", "", true, makeTime(4*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns1/r4`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns2", "r1", "com", "", false, makeTime(10*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns1/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns2", "r2", "com", "", true, makeTime(11*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns1/r1`, `ns1/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns2", "r3", "www.same.com", "", false, makeTime(12*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns2", "r4", "www.same.com", "", true, makeTime(13*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns2", "r5", "www.same.com", "/abc", true, makeTime(13*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns2", "r6", "foo.same.com", "", true, makeTime(14*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns2/r4`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns2", "r7", "foo.same.com", "/abc", true, makeTime(14*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns2/r5`)},
		// Fails because of other namespaces
		{Route: makeRoute("ns3", "r1", "net", "", false, makeTime(20*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns1/r1`, `ns1/r2`, `ns2/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns3", "r2", "net", "", true, makeTime(21*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns1/r1`, `ns1/r2`, `ns2/r1`, `ns2/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns3", "r3", "net", "/p1", true, makeTime(22*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns1/r1`, `ns1/r2`, `ns2/r1`, `ns2/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns3", "r4", "com", "", false, makeTime(23*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns1/r2`, `ns2/r1`, `ns2/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns3", "r5", "com", "", true, makeTime(24*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns1/r1`, `ns1/r2`, `ns2/r1`, `ns2/r2`, `ns3/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns3", "r6", "com", "/p1/p2", true, makeTime(25*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns1/r1`, `ns1/r2`, `ns2/r1`, `ns2/r2`)},

		// Interleaved ages between namespaces
		{Route: makeRoute("ns4", "r1", "domain1.com", "", false, makeTime(30*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns5", "r1", "domain1.com", "", false, makeTime(31*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns4/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns4", "r2", "domain1.com", "", false, makeTime(32*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns4/r1`, `ns5/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns5", "r2", "domain1.com", "", false, makeTime(33*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns4/r1`, `ns5/r1`, `ns4/r2`)},

		// namespace with older wildcard wins over specific and wildcard routes in other namespaces
		{Route: makeRoute("ns6", "r1", "foo.domain1.com", "", true, makeTime(40*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns7", "r1", "bar.domain1.com", "", true, makeTime(50*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns6/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns7", "r2", "bar.domain1.com", "", false, makeTime(51*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns6/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns7", "r3", "bar.domain1.com", "/foo", false, makeTime(51*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns6/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns8", "r1", "baz.domain1.com", "", true, makeTime(60*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns6/r1`, `ns7/r1`, `ns7/r2`, `ns7/r3`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns8", "r2", "baz.domain1.com", "", false, makeTime(61*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns6/r1`, `ns7/r1`)},

		// namespace with older explicit host and wildcard wins over specific and wildcard routes in other namespaces
		{Route: makeRoute("ns9", "r1", "foo.domain2.com", "", false, makeTime(40*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns10", "r1", "bar.domain2.com", "", true, makeTime(50*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns9/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns10", "r2", "bar.domain2.com", "", false, makeTime(51*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns10", "r3", "foo.domain2.com", "", false, makeTime(52*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns9/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns10", "r4", "foo.domain2.com", "/p1", false, makeTime(53*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns9/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns10", "r5", "foo.domain2.com", "/p2", false, makeTime(54*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns9/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns10", "r6", "foo.domain2.com", "/p1/p2/other", false, makeTime(55*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns9/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns10", "r7", "foo.domain2.com", "/someother", false, makeTime(56*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns9/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns11", "r1", "baz.domain2.com", "", true, makeTime(60*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns9/r1`, `ns10/r1`, `ns10/r2`, `ns10/r3`, `ns10/r4`, `ns10/r5`, `ns10/r6`, `ns10/r7`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns11", "r2", "baz.domain2.com", "", false, makeTime(61*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns10/r1`)},

		// namespace with specific and wildcard route with paths wins over specific and wildcard routes in other namespaces
		{Route: makeRoute("ns12", "r1", "foo.domain3.com", "", false, makeTime(70*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns12", "r2", "bar.domain3.com", "/abc", false, makeTime(71*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns13", "r1", "foo.domain3.com", "", true, makeTime(80*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns12/r1`, `ns12/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns13", "r2", "bar.domain3.com", "", false, makeTime(81*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns12/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns13", "r3", "bar.domain3.com", "/abc", false, makeTime(82*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns12/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns13", "r4", "bar.domain3.com", "/def", false, makeTime(83*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns12/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns13", "r5", "wild.domain3.com", "/aces", true, makeTime(84*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns12/r1`, `ns12/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns13", "r6", "wild.domain3.com", "", true, makeTime(85*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns12/r1`, `ns12/r2`, `ns13/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns14", "r1", "foo.domain3.com", "", false, makeTime(90*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns12/r1`, `ns13/r1`, `ns13/r5`, `ns13/r6`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns14", "r2", "bar.domain3.com", "", false, makeTime(91*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns12/r2`, `ns13/r1`, `ns13/r2`, `ns13/r3`, `ns13/r4`, `ns13/r5`, `ns13/r6`)},

		// namespace with oldest wildcard and non-wildcard routes with same paths wins
		{Route: makeRoute("ns15", "r1", "foo.domain4.com", "", false, makeTime(100*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns15", "r2", "foo.domain4.com", "/abc", false, makeTime(101*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns15", "r3", "foo.domain4.com", "", false, makeTime(102*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns15/r1`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns15", "r4", "foo.domain4.com", "/abc", false, makeTime(103*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns15/r2`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns15", "r5", "www.domain4.com", "", true, makeTime(104*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns15", "r6", "www.domain4.com", "/abc", true, makeTime(105*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns15", "r7", "www.domain4.com", "", true, makeTime(106*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns15/r5`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns15", "r8", "www.domain4.com", "/abc", true, makeTime(107*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns15/r6`)},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns15", "r9", "www.domain4.com", "/def", true, makeTime(108*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString()},
		{Route: makeRoute("ns15", "r10", "www.domain4.com", "/def", true, makeTime(109*time.Second)), ErrIf: sets.NewString(`ns15/r9`)},

	nameToIndex := map[string]int{}
	for i, tc := range routes {
		name := tc.Route.Namespace + "/" + tc.Route.Name
		if _, exists := nameToIndex[name]; exists {
			t.Fatalf("%d has a duplicate route name %s", i, name)
		nameToIndex[name] = i
	for i, tc := range routes {
		errIfInt := sets.NewInt()
		for name := range tc.ErrIf {
			if index, ok := nameToIndex[name]; ok {
			} else {
				t.Fatalf("%d references an unknown route name: %s", i, name)
		tc.ErrIfInt = errIfInt
		routes[i] = tc

	existing := sets.NewInt()
	errors := sets.NewString()
	for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
		add := false
		switch {
		case len(existing) == len(routes):
			add = false
		case len(existing) == 0:
			add = true
			add = (rand.Intn(4) > 0)

		index := 0
		eventType := watch.Deleted
		if add {
			index = rand.Intn(len(routes))
			if existing.Has(index) {
				eventType = watch.Modified
			} else {
				eventType = watch.Added
		} else {
			index = existing.List()[rand.Intn(len(existing))]
			eventType = watch.Deleted

		route := routes[index].Route
		err := admitter.HandleRoute(eventType, route)
		if eventType != watch.Deleted && existing.HasAny(routes[index].ErrIfInt.List()...) {
			if err == nil {
				errors.Insert(fmt.Sprintf("no error %s route %s/%s (existing=%v, errif=%v)", eventType, route.Namespace, route.Name, existing.List(), routes[index].ErrIfInt.List()))
		} else {
			if err != nil {
				errors.Insert(fmt.Sprintf("error %s route %s/%s: %v (existing=%v, errif=%v)", eventType, route.Namespace, route.Name, err.Error(), existing.List(), routes[index].ErrIfInt.List()))

		existingNames := sets.NewString()
		for _, routes := range admitter.claimedHosts {
			for _, route := range routes {
				existingNames.Insert(route.Namespace + "/" + route.Name)
		for _, routes := range admitter.claimedWildcards {
			for _, route := range routes {
				existingNames.Insert(route.Namespace + "/" + route.Name)
		for _, routes := range admitter.blockedWildcards {
			for _, route := range routes {
				if !existingNames.Has(route.Namespace + "/" + route.Name) {
					t.Fatalf("blockedWildcards has %s/%s, not in claimedHosts or claimedWildcards", route.Namespace, route.Name)
		existing = sets.NewInt()
		for name := range existingNames {
			index, ok := nameToIndex[name]
			if !ok {
				t.Fatalf("unknown route %s", name)

	if len(errors) > 0 {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected errors:\n%s", strings.Join(errors.List(), "\n"))
Example #21
// TestHandleRoute test route watch events
func TestHandleRoute(t *testing.T) {
	rejections := &fakeRejections{}
	router := newTestRouter(make(map[string]ServiceUnit))
	templatePlugin := newDefaultTemplatePlugin(router, true)
	// TODO: move tests that rely on unique hosts to pkg/router/controller and remove them from
	// here
	plugin := controller.NewUniqueHost(templatePlugin, controller.HostForRoute, rejections)

	original := unversioned.Time{Time: time.Now()}

	route := &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			CreationTimestamp: original,
			Namespace:         "foo",
			Name:              "test",
		Spec: routeapi.RouteSpec{
			Host: "www.example.com",
			To: kapi.ObjectReference{
				Name: "TestService",
	serviceUnitKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", route.Namespace, route.Spec.To.Name)

	plugin.HandleRoute(watch.Added, route)

	if !router.Committed {
		t.Errorf("Expected router to be committed after HandleRoute call")

	actualSU, ok := router.FindServiceUnit(serviceUnitKey)

	if !ok {
		t.Errorf("TestHandleRoute was unable to find the service unit %s after HandleRoute was called", route.Spec.To.Name)
	} else {
		serviceAliasCfg, ok := actualSU.ServiceAliasConfigs[router.routeKey(route)]

		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("TestHandleRoute expected route key %s", router.routeKey(route))
		} else {
			if serviceAliasCfg.Host != route.Spec.Host || serviceAliasCfg.Path != route.Spec.Path {
				t.Errorf("Expected route did not match service alias config %v : %v", route, serviceAliasCfg)

	if len(rejections.rejections) > 0 {
		t.Fatalf("did not expect a recorded rejection: %#v", rejections)

	// attempt to add a second route with a newer time, verify it is ignored
	duplicateRoute := &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			CreationTimestamp: unversioned.Time{Time: original.Add(time.Hour)},
			Namespace:         "foo",
			Name:              "dupe",
		Spec: routeapi.RouteSpec{
			Host: "www.example.com",
			To: kapi.ObjectReference{
				Name: "TestService2",
	if err := plugin.HandleRoute(watch.Added, duplicateRoute); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("unexpected non-error")
	if _, ok := router.FindServiceUnit("foo/TestService2"); ok {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected second unit: %#v", router)
	if r, ok := plugin.RoutesForHost("www.example.com"); !ok || r[0].Name != "test" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected claimed routes: %#v", r)
	if len(rejections.rejections) != 1 ||
		rejections.rejections[0].route.Name != "dupe" ||
		rejections.rejections[0].reason != "HostAlreadyClaimed" ||
		rejections.rejections[0].message != "route test already exposes www.example.com and is older" {
		t.Fatalf("did not record rejection: %#v", rejections)
	rejections.rejections = nil

	// attempt to remove the second route that is not being used, verify it is ignored
	if err := plugin.HandleRoute(watch.Deleted, duplicateRoute); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("unexpected non-error")
	if _, ok := router.FindServiceUnit("foo/TestService2"); ok {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected second unit: %#v", router)
	if _, ok := router.FindServiceUnit("foo/TestService"); !ok {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected first unit: %#v", router)
	if r, ok := plugin.RoutesForHost("www.example.com"); !ok || r[0].Name != "test" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected claimed routes: %#v", r)
	if len(rejections.rejections) != 1 ||
		rejections.rejections[0].route.Name != "dupe" ||
		rejections.rejections[0].reason != "HostAlreadyClaimed" ||
		rejections.rejections[0].message != "route test already exposes www.example.com and is older" {
		t.Fatalf("did not record rejection: %#v", rejections)
	rejections.rejections = nil

	// add a second route with an older time, verify it takes effect
	duplicateRoute.CreationTimestamp = unversioned.Time{Time: original.Add(-time.Hour)}
	if err := plugin.HandleRoute(watch.Added, duplicateRoute); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("unexpected error")
	otherSU, ok := router.FindServiceUnit("foo/TestService2")
	if !ok {
		t.Fatalf("missing second unit: %#v", router)
	if len(actualSU.ServiceAliasConfigs) != 0 || len(otherSU.ServiceAliasConfigs) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("incorrect router state: %#v", router)
	if _, ok := actualSU.ServiceAliasConfigs[router.routeKey(route)]; ok {
		t.Errorf("unexpected service alias config %s", router.routeKey(route))
	if len(rejections.rejections) != 1 ||
		rejections.rejections[0].route.Name != "test" ||
		rejections.rejections[0].reason != "HostAlreadyClaimed" ||
		rejections.rejections[0].message != "replaced by older route dupe" {
		t.Fatalf("did not record rejection: %#v", rejections)
	rejections.rejections = nil

	route.Spec.Host = "www.example2.com"
	if err := plugin.HandleRoute(watch.Modified, route); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("unexpected error")
	if !router.Committed {
		t.Errorf("Expected router to be committed after HandleRoute call")
	actualSU, ok = router.FindServiceUnit(serviceUnitKey)
	if !ok {
		t.Errorf("TestHandleRoute was unable to find the service unit %s after HandleRoute was called", route.Spec.To.Name)
	} else {
		serviceAliasCfg, ok := actualSU.ServiceAliasConfigs[router.routeKey(route)]

		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("TestHandleRoute expected route key %s", router.routeKey(route))
		} else {
			if serviceAliasCfg.Host != route.Spec.Host || serviceAliasCfg.Path != route.Spec.Path {
				t.Errorf("Expected route did not match service alias config %v : %v", route, serviceAliasCfg)
	if plugin.HostLen() != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("did not clear claimed route: %#v", plugin)
	if len(rejections.rejections) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected rejection: %#v", rejections)

	if err := plugin.HandleRoute(watch.Deleted, route); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("unexpected error")
	if !router.Committed {
		t.Errorf("Expected router to be committed after HandleRoute call")
	actualSU, ok = router.FindServiceUnit(serviceUnitKey)
	if !ok {
		t.Errorf("TestHandleRoute was unable to find the service unit %s after HandleRoute was called", route.Spec.To.Name)
	} else {
		_, ok := actualSU.ServiceAliasConfigs[router.routeKey(route)]

		if ok {
			t.Errorf("TestHandleRoute did not expect route key %s", router.routeKey(route))
	if plugin.HostLen() != 0 {
		t.Errorf("did not clear claimed route: %#v", plugin)
	if len(rejections.rejections) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected rejection: %#v", rejections)
Example #22
func genOnePod(pod *api.Pod) page.Pod {
	var containerBirth unversioned.Time
	restarts := 0
	totalContainers := len(pod.Spec.Containers)
	readyContainers := 0
	reason := string(pod.Status.Phase)
	conditionMap := make(map[api.PodConditionType]*api.PodCondition)
	PodAllConditions := []api.PodConditionType{api.PodReady}
	for i := range pod.Status.Conditions {
		cond := pod.Status.Conditions[i]
		conditionMap[cond.Type] = &cond
	for _, validCondition := range PodAllConditions {
		if condition, ok := conditionMap[validCondition]; ok {
			if condition.Status != api.ConditionTrue {
				reason = "Not" + string(condition.Type)
	if pod.Status.Reason != "" {
		reason = pod.Status.Reason
	for i := len(pod.Status.ContainerStatuses) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		container := pod.Status.ContainerStatuses[i]

		restarts += container.RestartCount
		if container.State.Waiting != nil && container.State.Waiting.Reason != "" {
			reason = container.State.Waiting.Reason
		} else if container.State.Terminated != nil && container.State.Terminated.Reason != "" {
			reason = container.State.Terminated.Reason
		} else if container.State.Terminated != nil && container.State.Terminated.Reason == "" {
			if container.State.Terminated.Signal != 0 {
				reason = fmt.Sprintf("Signal:%d", container.State.Terminated.Signal)
			} else {
				reason = fmt.Sprintf("ExitCode:%d", container.State.Terminated.ExitCode)
		} else if container.Ready && container.State.Running != nil {
			if containerBirth.Before(container.State.Running.StartedAt) {
				containerBirth = container.State.Running.StartedAt
			if container.Image == PauseImage {
				reason = "Stopped"
	if pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		reason = "Terminating"
	podIP := ""
	portString := ""
	if pod.Spec.HostNetwork {
		podIP = ""
		for i := range pod.Spec.Containers {
			for j := range pod.Spec.Containers[i].Ports {
				port := pod.Spec.Containers[i].Ports[j]
				portString += fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s,", port.HostPort, port.Protocol)
		portString = strings.TrimSuffix(portString, ",")
	} else {
		podIP = pod.Status.PodIP
		matches := portMapping.FindStringSubmatch(pod.Status.Message)
		if len(matches) > 1 {
			portString = matches[1]
	var ports []string
	for _, p := range strings.Split(portString, ",") {
		ports = append(ports, strings.TrimSuffix(p, "/TCP"))
	req, limit, _ := kube.GetSinglePodTotalRequestsAndLimits(pod)

	return page.Pod{
		Namespace:       pod.Namespace,
		Name:            pod.Name,
		Images:          populatePodImages(pod.Spec.Containers),
		TotalContainers: totalContainers,
		ReadyContainers: readyContainers,
		Status:          reason,
		Restarts:        restarts,
		Age:             kube.TranslateTimestamp(pod.CreationTimestamp),
		ContainerAge:    kube.TranslateTimestamp(containerBirth),
		ContainerBirth:  containerBirth.Time,
		HostNetwork:     pod.Spec.HostNetwork,
		HostIP:          pod.Spec.NodeName,
		PodIP:           podIP,
		Ports:           ports,
		Requests:        kube.TranslateResourseList(req),
		Limits:          kube.TranslateResourseList(limit),
Example #23
// translateTimestamp returns the elapsed time since timestamp in
// human-readable approximation.
func translateTimestamp(timestamp unversioned.Time) string {
	if timestamp.IsZero() {
		return "<unknown>"
	return shortHumanDuration(time.Now().Sub(timestamp.Time))
Example #24
func runLatencyTest(nodeCount int, c *client.Client, ns string) {
	var (
		nodes              = make(map[string]string, 0)           // pod name -> node name
		createTimestamps   = make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0) // pod name -> create time
		scheduleTimestamps = make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0) // pod name -> schedule time
		startTimestamps    = make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0) // pod name -> time to run
		watchTimestamps    = make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0) // pod name -> time to read from informer

		additionalPodsPrefix = "latency-pod-" + string(util.NewUUID())

	var mutex sync.Mutex
	readPodInfo := func(p *api.Pod) {
		defer mutex.Unlock()
		defer GinkgoRecover()

		if p.Status.Phase == api.PodRunning {
			if _, found := watchTimestamps[p.Name]; !found {
				watchTimestamps[p.Name] = unversioned.Now()
				createTimestamps[p.Name] = p.CreationTimestamp
				nodes[p.Name] = p.Spec.NodeName
				var startTimestamp unversioned.Time
				for _, cs := range p.Status.ContainerStatuses {
					if cs.State.Running != nil {
						if startTimestamp.Before(cs.State.Running.StartedAt) {
							startTimestamp = cs.State.Running.StartedAt
				if startTimestamp != unversioned.NewTime(time.Time{}) {
					startTimestamps[p.Name] = startTimestamp
				} else {
					Failf("Pod %v is reported to be running, but none of its containers are", p.Name)

	// Create a informer to read timestamps for each pod
	stopCh := make(chan struct{})
	_, informer := framework.NewInformer(
			ListFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
				options.LabelSelector = labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set{"name": additionalPodsPrefix})
				return c.Pods(ns).List(options)
			WatchFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
				options.LabelSelector = labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set{"name": additionalPodsPrefix})
				return c.Pods(ns).Watch(options)
			AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
				p, ok := obj.(*api.Pod)
				go readPodInfo(p)
			UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
				p, ok := newObj.(*api.Pod)
				go readPodInfo(p)
	go informer.Run(stopCh)

	// Create  additional pods with throughput ~5 pods/sec.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	podLabels := map[string]string{
		"name": additionalPodsPrefix,
	for i := 1; i <= nodeCount; i++ {
		name := additionalPodsPrefix + "-" + strconv.Itoa(i)
		go createRunningPod(&wg, c, name, ns, "gcr.io/google_containers/pause:go", podLabels)
		time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)

	Logf("Waiting for all Pods begin observed by the watch...")
	for start := time.Now(); len(watchTimestamps) < nodeCount; time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) {
		if time.Since(start) < timeout {
			Failf("Timeout reached waiting for all Pods being observed by the watch.")

	// Read the schedule timestamp by checking the scheduler event for each pod
	selector := fields.Set{
		"involvedObject.kind":      "Pod",
		"involvedObject.namespace": ns,
		"source":                   "scheduler",
	options := api.ListOptions{FieldSelector: selector}
	schedEvents, err := c.Events(ns).List(options)
	for k := range createTimestamps {
		for _, event := range schedEvents.Items {
			if event.InvolvedObject.Name == k {
				scheduleTimestamps[k] = event.FirstTimestamp

	var (
		scheduleLatencies        = make([]podLatencyData, 0)
		startLatencies           = make([]podLatencyData, 0)
		watchLatencies           = make([]podLatencyData, 0)
		scheduleToWatchLatencies = make([]podLatencyData, 0)
		e2eLatencies             = make([]podLatencyData, 0)

	for name, podNode := range nodes {
		createTs, ok := createTimestamps[name]
		scheduleTs, ok := scheduleTimestamps[name]
		runTs, ok := startTimestamps[name]
		watchTs, ok := watchTimestamps[name]

		var (
			scheduleLatency        = podLatencyData{name, podNode, scheduleTs.Time.Sub(createTs.Time)}
			startLatency           = podLatencyData{name, podNode, runTs.Time.Sub(scheduleTs.Time)}
			watchLatency           = podLatencyData{name, podNode, watchTs.Time.Sub(runTs.Time)}
			scheduleToWatchLatency = podLatencyData{name, podNode, watchTs.Time.Sub(scheduleTs.Time)}
			e2eLatency             = podLatencyData{name, podNode, watchTs.Time.Sub(createTs.Time)}

		scheduleLatencies = append(scheduleLatencies, scheduleLatency)
		startLatencies = append(startLatencies, startLatency)
		watchLatencies = append(watchLatencies, watchLatency)
		scheduleToWatchLatencies = append(scheduleToWatchLatencies, scheduleToWatchLatency)
		e2eLatencies = append(e2eLatencies, e2eLatency)


	printLatencies(scheduleLatencies, "worst schedule latencies")
	printLatencies(startLatencies, "worst run-after-schedule latencies")
	printLatencies(watchLatencies, "worst watch latencies")
	printLatencies(scheduleToWatchLatencies, "worst scheduled-to-end total latencies")
	printLatencies(e2eLatencies, "worst e2e total latencies")

	// Ensure all scheduleLatencies are under expected ceilings.
	// These numbers were guessed based on numerous Jenkins e2e runs.
	testMaximumLatencyValue(scheduleLatencies, 1*time.Second, "scheduleLatencies")
	testMaximumLatencyValue(startLatencies, 15*time.Second, "startLatencies")
	testMaximumLatencyValue(watchLatencies, 8*time.Second, "watchLatencies")
	testMaximumLatencyValue(scheduleToWatchLatencies, 5*time.Second, "scheduleToWatchLatencies")
	testMaximumLatencyValue(e2eLatencies, 5*time.Second, "e2eLatencies")

	// Test whether e2e pod startup time is acceptable.
	podStartupLatency := PodStartupLatency{Latency: extractLatencyMetrics(e2eLatencies)}

	// Log suspicious latency metrics/docker errors from all nodes that had slow startup times
	logSuspiciousLatency(startLatencies, nil, nodeCount, c)
Example #25
// translateTimestamp returns the elapsed time since timestamp in
// human-readable approximation.
func TranslateTimestamp(timestamp api_uv.Time) string {
	if timestamp.IsZero() {
		return "<unknown>"
	return shortHumanDuration(time.Now().Sub(timestamp.Time))
Example #26
func (u *Unstructured) GetCreationTimestamp() unversioned.Time {
	var timestamp unversioned.Time
	timestamp.UnmarshalQueryParameter(getNestedString(u.Object, "metadata", "creationTimestamp"))
	return timestamp