Example #1
// Create a new Cacher responsible from service WATCH and LIST requests from its
// internal cache and updating its cache in the background based on the given
// configuration.
func NewCacherFromConfig(config CacherConfig) *Cacher {
	watchCache := newWatchCache(config.CacheCapacity)
	listerWatcher := newCacherListerWatcher(config.Storage, config.ResourcePrefix, config.NewListFunc)

	// Give this error when it is constructed rather than when you get the
	// first watch item, because it's much easier to track down that way.
	if obj, ok := config.Type.(runtime.Object); ok {
		if err := runtime.CheckCodec(config.Codec, obj); err != nil {
			panic("storage codec doesn't seem to match given type: " + err.Error())

	cacher := &Cacher{
		ready:       newReady(),
		storage:     config.Storage,
		objectType:  reflect.TypeOf(config.Type),
		watchCache:  watchCache,
		reflector:   cache.NewReflector(listerWatcher, config.Type, watchCache, 0),
		versioner:   config.Versioner,
		keyFunc:     config.KeyFunc,
		triggerFunc: config.TriggerPublisherFunc,
		watcherIdx:  0,
		watchers: indexedWatchers{
			allWatchers:   make(map[int]*cacheWatcher),
			valueWatchers: make(map[string]watchersMap),
		// TODO: Figure out the correct value for the buffer size.
		incoming: make(chan watchCacheEvent, 100),
		// We need to (potentially) stop both:
		// - wait.Until go-routine
		// - reflector.ListAndWatch
		// and there are no guarantees on the order that they will stop.
		// So we will be simply closing the channel, and synchronizing on the WaitGroup.
		stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
	go cacher.dispatchEvents()

	stopCh := cacher.stopCh
	go func() {
		defer cacher.stopWg.Done()
			func() {
				if !cacher.isStopped() {
			}, time.Second, stopCh,
	return cacher
Example #2
// Create a new Cacher responsible from service WATCH and LIST requests from its
// internal cache and updating its cache in the background based on the given
// configuration.
func NewCacherFromConfig(config CacherConfig) *Cacher {
	watchCache := newWatchCache(config.CacheCapacity)
	listerWatcher := newCacherListerWatcher(config.Storage, config.ResourcePrefix, config.NewListFunc)

	// Give this error when it is constructed rather than when you get the
	// first watch item, because it's much easier to track down that way.
	if obj, ok := config.Type.(runtime.Object); ok {
		if err := runtime.CheckCodec(config.Storage.Codec(), obj); err != nil {
			panic("storage codec doesn't seem to match given type: " + err.Error())

	cacher := &Cacher{
		usable:     sync.RWMutex{},
		storage:    config.Storage,
		watchCache: watchCache,
		reflector:  cache.NewReflector(listerWatcher, config.Type, watchCache, 0),
		watcherIdx: 0,
		watchers:   make(map[int]*cacheWatcher),
		versioner:  config.Versioner,
		keyFunc:    config.KeyFunc,
		stopped:    false,
		// We need to (potentially) stop both:
		// - wait.Until go-routine
		// - reflector.ListAndWatch
		// and there are no guarantees on the order that they will stop.
		// So we will be simply closing the channel, and synchronizing on the WaitGroup.
		stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
		stopWg: sync.WaitGroup{},
	// See startCaching method for why explanation on it.
	watchCache.SetOnReplace(func() { cacher.usable.Unlock() })

	stopCh := cacher.stopCh
	go func() {
		defer cacher.stopWg.Done()
			func() {
				if !cacher.isStopped() {
			}, time.Second, stopCh,
	return cacher