Example #1
func applyDefaults(pod *api.Pod, source string, isFile bool, nodeName string) error {
	if len(pod.UID) == 0 {
		hasher := md5.New()
		if isFile {
			fmt.Fprintf(hasher, "host:%s", nodeName)
			fmt.Fprintf(hasher, "file:%s", source)
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(hasher, "url:%s", source)
		hash.DeepHashObject(hasher, pod)
		pod.UID = types.UID(hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)[0:]))
		glog.V(5).Infof("Generated UID %q pod %q from %s", pod.UID, pod.Name, source)

	pod.Name = generatePodName(pod.Name, nodeName)
	glog.V(5).Infof("Generated Name %q for UID %q from URL %s", pod.Name, pod.UID, source)

	if pod.Namespace == "" {
		pod.Namespace = kubetypes.NamespaceDefault
	glog.V(5).Infof("Using namespace %q for pod %q from %s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, source)

	// Set the Host field to indicate this pod is scheduled on the current node.
	pod.Spec.NodeName = nodeName

	pod.ObjectMeta.SelfLink = getSelfLink(pod.Name, pod.Namespace)

	if pod.Annotations == nil {
		pod.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
	// The generated UID is the hash of the file.
	pod.Annotations[kubetypes.ConfigHashAnnotationKey] = string(pod.UID)
	return nil
Example #2
// keyFunc returns the key of an object, which is used to look up in the cache for it's matching object.
// Since we match objects by namespace and Labels/Selector, so if two objects have the same namespace and labels,
// they will have the same key.
func keyFunc(obj objectWithMeta) uint64 {
	hash := adler32.New()
	hashutil.DeepHashObject(hash, &equivalenceLabelObj{
		namespace: obj.GetNamespace(),
		labels:    obj.GetLabels(),
	return uint64(hash.Sum32())
Example #3
func hashAddresses(addrs addressSet) string {
	// Flatten the list of addresses into a string so it can be used as a
	// map key.  Unfortunately, DeepHashObject is implemented in terms of
	// spew, and spew does not handle non-primitive map keys well.  So
	// first we collapse it into a slice, sort the slice, then hash that.
	slice := make([]addrReady, 0, len(addrs))
	for k, ready := range addrs {
		slice = append(slice, addrReady{k, ready})
	hasher := md5.New()
	hashutil.DeepHashObject(hasher, slice)
	return hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)[0:])
Example #4
func verifyPackUnpack(t *testing.T, podNamespace, podUID, podName, containerName string) {
	container := &api.Container{Name: containerName}
	hasher := adler32.New()
	hashutil.DeepHashObject(hasher, *container)
	computedHash := uint64(hasher.Sum32())
	podFullName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", podName, podNamespace)
	_, name, _ := BuildDockerName(KubeletContainerName{podFullName, types.UID(podUID), container.Name}, container)
	returned, hash, err := ParseDockerName(name)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed to parse Docker container name %q: %v", name, err)
	if podFullName != returned.PodFullName || podUID != string(returned.PodUID) || containerName != returned.ContainerName || computedHash != hash {
		t.Errorf("For (%s, %s, %s, %d), unpacked (%s, %s, %s, %d)", podFullName, podUID, containerName, computedHash, returned.PodFullName, returned.PodUID, returned.ContainerName, hash)
Example #5
// HashContainer returns the hash of the container. It is used to compare
// the running container with its desired spec.
func HashContainer(container *api.Container) uint64 {
	hash := adler32.New()
	hashutil.DeepHashObject(hash, *container)
	return uint64(hash.Sum32())
Example #6
func hashObject(hasher hash.Hash, obj interface{}) []byte {
	hashutil.DeepHashObject(hasher, obj)
	return hasher.Sum(nil)
Example #7
func GetPodTemplateSpecHash(template api.PodTemplateSpec) uint32 {
	podTemplateSpecHasher := adler32.New()
	hashutil.DeepHashObject(podTemplateSpecHasher, template)
	return podTemplateSpecHasher.Sum32()
// hashEquivalencePod returns the hash of equivalence pod.
func (ec *EquivalenceCache) hashEquivalencePod(pod *v1.Pod) uint64 {
	equivalencePod := ec.getEquivalencePod(pod)
	hash := adler32.New()
	hashutil.DeepHashObject(hash, equivalencePod)
	return uint64(hash.Sum32())
Example #9
func getTimeHash(scheduledTime time.Time) uint32 {
	timeHasher := adler32.New()
	hashutil.DeepHashObject(timeHasher, scheduledTime)
	return timeHasher.Sum32()
Example #10
func GetPodTemplateSpecHashFnv(template v1.PodTemplateSpec) uint32 {
	podTemplateSpecHasher := fnv.New32a()
	hashutil.DeepHashObject(podTemplateSpecHasher, template)
	return podTemplateSpecHasher.Sum32()