Example #1
// CleanupLeftovers removes all iptables rules and chains created by the Proxier
// It returns true if an error was encountered. Errors are logged.
func CleanupLeftovers(ipt utiliptables.Interface) (encounteredError bool) {
	//TODO: actually tear down all rules and chains.
	args := []string{"-m", "comment", "--comment", "kubernetes service portals", "-j", string(iptablesServicesChain)}
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(utiliptables.TableNAT, utiliptables.ChainOutput, args...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing pure-iptables proxy rule: %v", err)
		encounteredError = true
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(utiliptables.TableNAT, utiliptables.ChainPrerouting, args...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing pure-iptables proxy rule: %v", err)
		encounteredError = true

	args = []string{"-m", "comment", "--comment", "kubernetes service traffic requiring SNAT", "-m", "mark", "--mark", iptablesMasqueradeMark, "-j", "MASQUERADE"}
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(utiliptables.TableNAT, utiliptables.ChainPostrouting, args...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing pure-iptables proxy rule: %v", err)
		encounteredError = true

	// flush and delete chains.
	chains := []utiliptables.Chain{iptablesServicesChain, iptablesNodePortsChain}
	for _, c := range chains {
		// flush chain, then if sucessful delete, delete will fail if flush fails.
		if err := ipt.FlushChain(utiliptables.TableNAT, c); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Error flushing pure-iptables proxy chain: %v", err)
			encounteredError = true
		} else {
			if err = ipt.DeleteChain(utiliptables.TableNAT, c); err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Error deleting pure-iptables proxy chain: %v", err)
				encounteredError = true
	return encounteredError
Example #2
// remove the iptables rules from the pure iptables Proxier
func tearDownIptablesProxierRules(ipt iptables.Interface) {
	//TODO: actually tear down all rules and chains.
	//NOTE: this needs to be kept in sync with the proxy/iptables Proxier's rules.
	args := []string{"-j", "KUBE-SERVICES"}
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainOutput, args...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing pure-iptables proxy rule: %v", err)
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainPrerouting, args...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing pure-iptables proxy rule: %v", err)
Example #3
// nonMasqueradeCIDR is the CIDR for our internal IP range; traffic to IPs
// outside this range will use IP masquerade.
func ensureIPTablesMasqRule(client iptables.Interface, nonMasqueradeCIDR string) error {
	if _, err := client.EnsureRule(iptables.Append, iptables.TableNAT,
		"-m", "comment", "--comment", "kubelet: SNAT outbound cluster traffic",
		"-m", "addrtype", "!", "--dst-type", "LOCAL",
		"!", "-d", nonMasqueradeCIDR,
		"-j", "MASQUERADE"); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to ensure masquerading for %s chain %s: %v",
			iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainPostrouting, err)
	return nil
Example #4
// CleanupLeftovers removes all iptables rules and chains created by the Proxier
// It returns true if an error was encountered. Errors are logged.
func CleanupLeftovers(ipt utiliptables.Interface) (encounteredError bool) {
	//TODO: actually tear down all rules and chains.
	args := []string{"-j", "KUBE-SERVICES"}
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(utiliptables.TableNAT, utiliptables.ChainOutput, args...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing pure-iptables proxy rule: %v", err)
		encounteredError = true
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(utiliptables.TableNAT, utiliptables.ChainPrerouting, args...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing pure-iptables proxy rule: %v", err)
		encounteredError = true
	return encounteredError
Example #5
func SetupIptables(ipt iptables.Interface, clusterNetworkCIDR string) error {
	rules := []FirewallRule{
		{"nat", "POSTROUTING", []string{"-s", clusterNetworkCIDR, "!", "-d", clusterNetworkCIDR, "-j", "MASQUERADE"}},
		{"filter", "INPUT", []string{"-p", "udp", "-m", "multiport", "--dports", "4789", "-m", "comment", "--comment", "001 vxlan incoming", "-j", "ACCEPT"}},
		{"filter", "INPUT", []string{"-i", "tun0", "-m", "comment", "--comment", "traffic from docker for internet", "-j", "ACCEPT"}},
		{"filter", "FORWARD", []string{"-d", clusterNetworkCIDR, "-j", "ACCEPT"}},
		{"filter", "FORWARD", []string{"-s", clusterNetworkCIDR, "-j", "ACCEPT"}},

	for _, rule := range rules {
		_, err := ipt.EnsureRule(iptables.Prepend, iptables.Table(rule.table), iptables.Chain(rule.chain), rule.args...)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Example #6
// Flush all of our custom iptables rules.
func iptablesFlush(ipt iptables.Interface) error {
	el := []error{}
	if err := ipt.FlushChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesContainerPortalChain); err != nil {
		el = append(el, err)
	if err := ipt.FlushChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesHostPortalChain); err != nil {
		el = append(el, err)
	if err := ipt.FlushChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesContainerNodePortChain); err != nil {
		el = append(el, err)
	if err := ipt.FlushChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesHostNodePortChain); err != nil {
		el = append(el, err)
	if err := ipt.FlushChain(iptables.TableFilter, iptablesNonLocalNodePortChain); err != nil {
		el = append(el, err)
	if len(el) != 0 {
		glog.Errorf("Some errors flushing old iptables portals: %v", el)
	return utilerrors.NewAggregate(el)
Example #7
// Ensure that the iptables infrastructure we use is set up.  This can safely be called periodically.
func iptablesInit(ipt iptables.Interface) error {
	// TODO: There is almost certainly room for optimization here.  E.g. If
	// we knew the service-cluster-ip-range CIDR we could fast-track outbound packets not
	// destined for a service. There's probably more, help wanted.

	// Danger - order of these rules matters here:
	// We match portal rules first, then NodePort rules.  For NodePort rules, we filter primarily on --dst-type LOCAL,
	// because we want to listen on all local addresses, but don't match internet traffic with the same dst port number.
	// There is one complication (per thockin):
	// -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL is what we want except that it is broken (by intent without foresight to our usecase)
	// on at least GCE. Specifically, GCE machines have a daemon which learns what external IPs are forwarded to that
	// machine, and configure a local route for that IP, making a match for --dst-type LOCAL when we don't want it to.
	// Removing the route gives correct behavior until the daemon recreates it.
	// Killing the daemon is an option, but means that any non-kubernetes use of the machine with external IP will be broken.
	// This applies to IPs on GCE that are actually from a load-balancer; they will be categorized as LOCAL.
	// _If_ the chains were in the wrong order, and the LB traffic had dst-port == a NodePort on some other service,
	// the NodePort would take priority (incorrectly).
	// This is unlikely (and would only affect outgoing traffic from the cluster to the load balancer, which seems
	// doubly-unlikely), but we need to be careful to keep the rules in the right order.
	args := []string{ /* service-cluster-ip-range matching could go here */ }
	args = append(args, "-m", "comment", "--comment", "handle ClusterIPs; NOTE: this must be before the NodePort rules")
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesContainerPortalChain); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureRule(iptables.Prepend, iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainPrerouting, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesContainerPortalChain))...); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesHostPortalChain); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureRule(iptables.Prepend, iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainOutput, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesHostPortalChain))...); err != nil {
		return err

	// This set of rules matches broadly (addrtype & destination port), and therefore must come after the portal rules
	args = []string{"-m", "addrtype", "--dst-type", "LOCAL"}
	args = append(args, "-m", "comment", "--comment", "handle service NodePorts; NOTE: this must be the last rule in the chain")
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesContainerNodePortChain); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureRule(iptables.Append, iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainPrerouting, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesContainerNodePortChain))...); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesHostNodePortChain); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureRule(iptables.Append, iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainOutput, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesHostNodePortChain))...); err != nil {
		return err

	// TODO: Verify order of rules.
	return nil
Example #8
// CleanupLeftovers removes all iptables rules and chains created by the Proxier
// It returns true if an error was encountered. Errors are logged.
func CleanupLeftovers(ipt iptables.Interface) (encounteredError bool) {
	// NOTE: Warning, this needs to be kept in sync with the userspace Proxier,
	// we want to ensure we remove all of the iptables rules it creates.
	// Currently they are all in iptablesInit()
	// Delete Rules first, then Flush and Delete Chains
	args := []string{"-m", "comment", "--comment", "handle ClusterIPs; NOTE: this must be before the NodePort rules"}
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainOutput, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesHostPortalChain))...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing userspace rule: %v", err)
		encounteredError = true
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainPrerouting, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesContainerPortalChain))...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing userspace rule: %v", err)
		encounteredError = true
	args = []string{"-m", "addrtype", "--dst-type", "LOCAL"}
	args = append(args, "-m", "comment", "--comment", "handle service NodePorts; NOTE: this must be the last rule in the chain")
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainOutput, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesHostNodePortChain))...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing userspace rule: %v", err)
		encounteredError = true
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainPrerouting, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesContainerNodePortChain))...); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error removing userspace rule: %v", err)
		encounteredError = true

	// flush and delete chains.
	chains := []iptables.Chain{iptablesContainerPortalChain, iptablesHostPortalChain, iptablesHostNodePortChain, iptablesContainerNodePortChain}
	for _, c := range chains {
		// flush chain, then if successful delete, delete will fail if flush fails.
		if err := ipt.FlushChain(iptables.TableNAT, c); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Error flushing userspace chain: %v", err)
			encounteredError = true
		} else {
			if err = ipt.DeleteChain(iptables.TableNAT, c); err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Error deleting userspace chain: %v", err)
				encounteredError = true
	return encounteredError
Example #9
// CleanupLeftovers removes all iptables rules and chains created by the Proxier
// It returns true if an error was encountered. Errors are logged.
func CleanupLeftovers(ipt utiliptables.Interface) (encounteredError bool) {
	// Unlink the services chain.
	args := []string{
		"-m", "comment", "--comment", "kubernetes service portals",
		"-j", string(kubeServicesChain),
	tableChainsWithJumpServices := []struct {
		table utiliptables.Table
		chain utiliptables.Chain
		{utiliptables.TableFilter, utiliptables.ChainOutput},
		{utiliptables.TableNAT, utiliptables.ChainOutput},
		{utiliptables.TableNAT, utiliptables.ChainPrerouting},
	for _, tc := range tableChainsWithJumpServices {
		if err := ipt.DeleteRule(tc.table, tc.chain, args...); err != nil {
			if !utiliptables.IsNotFoundError(err) {
				glog.Errorf("Error removing pure-iptables proxy rule: %v", err)
				encounteredError = true

	// Unlink the postrouting chain.
	args = []string{
		"-m", "comment", "--comment", "kubernetes postrouting rules",
		"-j", string(kubePostroutingChain),
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(utiliptables.TableNAT, utiliptables.ChainPostrouting, args...); err != nil {
		if !utiliptables.IsNotFoundError(err) {
			glog.Errorf("Error removing pure-iptables proxy rule: %v", err)
			encounteredError = true

	// Flush and remove all of our chains.
	if iptablesSaveRaw, err := ipt.Save(utiliptables.TableNAT); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute iptables-save for %s: %v", utiliptables.TableNAT, err)
		encounteredError = true
	} else {
		existingNATChains := getChainLines(utiliptables.TableNAT, iptablesSaveRaw)
		natChains := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
		natRules := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
		writeLine(natChains, "*nat")
		// Start with chains we know we need to remove.
		for _, chain := range []utiliptables.Chain{kubeServicesChain, kubeNodePortsChain, kubePostroutingChain, kubeMarkMasqChain} {
			if _, found := existingNATChains[chain]; found {
				chainString := string(chain)
				writeLine(natChains, existingNATChains[chain]) // flush
				writeLine(natRules, "-X", chainString)         // delete
		// Hunt for service and endpoint chains.
		for chain := range existingNATChains {
			chainString := string(chain)
			if strings.HasPrefix(chainString, "KUBE-SVC-") || strings.HasPrefix(chainString, "KUBE-SEP-") {
				writeLine(natChains, existingNATChains[chain]) // flush
				writeLine(natRules, "-X", chainString)         // delete
		writeLine(natRules, "COMMIT")
		natLines := append(natChains.Bytes(), natRules.Bytes()...)
		// Write it.
		err = ipt.Restore(utiliptables.TableNAT, natLines, utiliptables.NoFlushTables, utiliptables.RestoreCounters)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to execute iptables-restore for %s: %v", utiliptables.TableNAT, err)
			encounteredError = true
		filterBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
		writeLine(filterBuf, "*filter")
		writeLine(filterBuf, fmt.Sprintf(":%s - [0:0]", kubeServicesChain))
		writeLine(filterBuf, fmt.Sprintf("-X %s", kubeServicesChain))
		writeLine(filterBuf, "COMMIT")
		// Write it.
		if err := ipt.Restore(utiliptables.TableFilter, filterBuf.Bytes(), utiliptables.NoFlushTables, utiliptables.RestoreCounters); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to execute iptables-restore for %s: %v", utiliptables.TableFilter, err)
			encounteredError = true

	// Clean up the older SNAT rule which was directly in POSTROUTING.
	// TODO(thockin): Remove this for v1.3 or v1.4.
	args = []string{
		"-m", "comment", "--comment", "kubernetes service traffic requiring SNAT",
		"-m", "mark", "--mark", oldIptablesMasqueradeMark,
		"-j", "MASQUERADE",
	if err := ipt.DeleteRule(utiliptables.TableNAT, utiliptables.ChainPostrouting, args...); err != nil {
		if !utiliptables.IsNotFoundError(err) {
			glog.Errorf("Error removing old-style SNAT rule: %v", err)
			encounteredError = true

	return encounteredError
Example #10
// NewProxyServerDefault creates a new ProxyServer object with default parameters.
func NewProxyServerDefault(config *options.ProxyServerConfig) (*ProxyServer, error) {
	if c, err := configz.New("componentconfig"); err == nil {
	} else {
		glog.Errorf("unable to register configz: %s", err)
	protocol := utiliptables.ProtocolIpv4
	if net.ParseIP(config.BindAddress).To4() == nil {
		protocol = utiliptables.ProtocolIpv6

	var netshInterface utilnetsh.Interface
	var iptInterface utiliptables.Interface
	var dbus utildbus.Interface

	// Create a iptables utils.
	execer := exec.New()

	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		netshInterface = utilnetsh.New(execer)
	} else {
		dbus = utildbus.New()
		iptInterface = utiliptables.New(execer, dbus, protocol)

	// We omit creation of pretty much everything if we run in cleanup mode
	if config.CleanupAndExit {
		return &ProxyServer{
			Config:       config,
			IptInterface: iptInterface,
		}, nil

	// TODO(vmarmol): Use container config for this.
	var oomAdjuster *oom.OOMAdjuster
	if config.OOMScoreAdj != nil {
		oomAdjuster = oom.NewOOMAdjuster()
		if err := oomAdjuster.ApplyOOMScoreAdj(0, int(*config.OOMScoreAdj)); err != nil {

	if config.ResourceContainer != "" {
		// Run in its own container.
		if err := resourcecontainer.RunInResourceContainer(config.ResourceContainer); err != nil {
			glog.Warningf("Failed to start in resource-only container %q: %v", config.ResourceContainer, err)
		} else {
			glog.V(2).Infof("Running in resource-only container %q", config.ResourceContainer)

	// Create a Kube Client
	// define api config source
	if config.Kubeconfig == "" && config.Master == "" {
		glog.Warningf("Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified.  Using default API client.  This might not work.")
	// This creates a client, first loading any specified kubeconfig
	// file, and then overriding the Master flag, if non-empty.
	kubeconfig, err := clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(
		&clientcmd.ClientConfigLoadingRules{ExplicitPath: config.Kubeconfig},
		&clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{ClusterInfo: clientcmdapi.Cluster{Server: config.Master}}).ClientConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	kubeconfig.ContentType = config.ContentType
	// Override kubeconfig qps/burst settings from flags
	kubeconfig.QPS = config.KubeAPIQPS
	kubeconfig.Burst = int(config.KubeAPIBurst)

	client, err := clientset.NewForConfig(kubeconfig)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Invalid API configuration: %v", err)

	// Create event recorder
	hostname := nodeutil.GetHostname(config.HostnameOverride)
	eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
	recorder := eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(v1.EventSource{Component: "kube-proxy", Host: hostname})

	var proxier proxy.ProxyProvider
	var endpointsHandler proxyconfig.EndpointsConfigHandler

	proxyMode := getProxyMode(string(config.Mode), client.Core().Nodes(), hostname, iptInterface, iptables.LinuxKernelCompatTester{})
	if proxyMode == proxyModeIPTables {
		glog.V(0).Info("Using iptables Proxier.")
		if config.IPTablesMasqueradeBit == nil {
			// IPTablesMasqueradeBit must be specified or defaulted.
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to read IPTablesMasqueradeBit from config")
		proxierIPTables, err := iptables.NewProxier(iptInterface, utilsysctl.New(), execer, config.IPTablesSyncPeriod.Duration, config.IPTablesMinSyncPeriod.Duration, config.MasqueradeAll, int(*config.IPTablesMasqueradeBit), config.ClusterCIDR, hostname, getNodeIP(client, hostname))
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to create proxier: %v", err)
		proxier = proxierIPTables
		endpointsHandler = proxierIPTables
		// No turning back. Remove artifacts that might still exist from the userspace Proxier.
		glog.V(0).Info("Tearing down userspace rules.")
	} else {
		glog.V(0).Info("Using userspace Proxier.")
		// This is a proxy.LoadBalancer which NewProxier needs but has methods we don't need for
		// our config.EndpointsConfigHandler.
		loadBalancer := userspace.NewLoadBalancerRR()
		// set EndpointsConfigHandler to our loadBalancer
		endpointsHandler = loadBalancer

		var proxierUserspace proxy.ProxyProvider

		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			proxierUserspace, err = winuserspace.NewProxier(
				// TODO @pires replace below with default values, if applicable
		} else {
			proxierUserspace, err = userspace.NewProxier(
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to create proxier: %v", err)
		proxier = proxierUserspace
		// Remove artifacts from the pure-iptables Proxier, if not on Windows.
		if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
			glog.V(0).Info("Tearing down pure-iptables proxy rules.")

	// Add iptables reload function, if not on Windows.
	if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {

	// Create configs (i.e. Watches for Services and Endpoints)
	// Note: RegisterHandler() calls need to happen before creation of Sources because sources
	// only notify on changes, and the initial update (on process start) may be lost if no handlers
	// are registered yet.
	serviceConfig := proxyconfig.NewServiceConfig()

	endpointsConfig := proxyconfig.NewEndpointsConfig()


	config.NodeRef = &api.ObjectReference{
		Kind:      "Node",
		Name:      hostname,
		UID:       types.UID(hostname),
		Namespace: "",

	conntracker := realConntracker{}

	return NewProxyServer(client, config, iptInterface, proxier, eventBroadcaster, recorder, conntracker, proxyMode)