Example #1
// generateEvents is a helper function that generates some container
// life cycle events for containers in a pod.
func (r *Runtime) generateEvents(runtimePod *kubecontainer.Pod, reason string, failure error) {
	// Set up container references.
	for _, c := range runtimePod.Containers {
		containerID := c.ID
		id, err := parseContainerID(containerID)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Warningf("Invalid container ID %q", containerID)

		ref, ok := r.containerRefManager.GetRef(containerID)
		if !ok {
			glog.Warningf("No ref for container %q", containerID)

		// Note that 'rkt id' is the pod id.
		uuid := utilstrings.ShortenString(id.uuid, 8)
		switch reason {
		case "Created":
			r.recorder.Eventf(ref, api.EventTypeNormal, kubecontainer.CreatedContainer, "Created with rkt id %v", uuid)
		case "Started":
			r.recorder.Eventf(ref, api.EventTypeNormal, kubecontainer.StartedContainer, "Started with rkt id %v", uuid)
		case "Failed":
			r.recorder.Eventf(ref, api.EventTypeWarning, kubecontainer.FailedToStartContainer, "Failed to start with rkt id %v with error %v", uuid, failure)
		case "Killing":
			r.recorder.Eventf(ref, api.EventTypeNormal, kubecontainer.KillingContainer, "Killing with rkt id %v", uuid)
			glog.Errorf("rkt: Unexpected event %q", reason)
func TestCreateAppArmorContanier(t *testing.T) {
	dm, fakeDocker := newTestDockerManagerWithVersion("1.11.1", "1.23")
	// We want to capture events.
	recorder := record.NewFakeRecorder(20)
	dm.recorder = recorder

	pod := &v1.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
			UID:       "12345678",
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "new",
			Annotations: map[string]string{
				apparmor.ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "test": apparmor.ProfileNamePrefix + "test-profile",
		Spec: v1.PodSpec{
			Containers: []v1.Container{
				{Name: "test"},

	runSyncPod(t, dm, fakeDocker, pod, nil, false)

	verifyCalls(t, fakeDocker, []string{
		// Create pod infra container.
		"create", "start", "inspect_container", "inspect_container",
		// Create container.
		"create", "start", "inspect_container",

	if len(fakeDocker.Created) != 2 ||
		!matchString(t, "/k8s_POD\\.[a-f0-9]+_foo_new_", fakeDocker.Created[0]) ||
		!matchString(t, "/k8s_test\\.[a-f0-9]+_foo_new_", fakeDocker.Created[1]) {
		t.Errorf("unexpected containers created %v", fakeDocker.Created)

	// Verify security opts.
	newContainer, err := fakeDocker.InspectContainer(fakeDocker.Created[1])
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v", err)
	securityOpts := newContainer.HostConfig.SecurityOpt
	assert.Contains(t, securityOpts, "apparmor=test-profile", "Container should have apparmor security opt")

	cid := utilstrings.ShortenString(fakeDocker.Created[1], 12)
	assert.NoError(t, expectEvent(recorder, v1.EventTypeNormal, events.CreatedContainer,
		fmt.Sprintf("Created container with docker id %s; Security:[seccomp=unconfined apparmor=test-profile]", cid)))
func TestSeccompIsUnconfinedByDefaultWithDockerV110(t *testing.T) {
	dm, fakeDocker := newTestDockerManagerWithVersion("1.10.1", "1.22")
	// We want to capture events.
	recorder := record.NewFakeRecorder(20)
	dm.recorder = recorder

	pod := makePod("foo", &v1.PodSpec{
		Containers: []v1.Container{
			{Name: "bar"},

	runSyncPod(t, dm, fakeDocker, pod, nil, false)

	verifyCalls(t, fakeDocker, []string{
		// Create pod infra container.
		"create", "start", "inspect_container", "inspect_container",
		// Create container.
		"create", "start", "inspect_container",

	if len(fakeDocker.Created) != 2 ||
		!matchString(t, "/k8s_POD\\.[a-f0-9]+_foo_new_", fakeDocker.Created[0]) ||
		!matchString(t, "/k8s_bar\\.[a-f0-9]+_foo_new_", fakeDocker.Created[1]) {
		t.Errorf("unexpected containers created %v", fakeDocker.Created)

	newContainer, err := fakeDocker.InspectContainer(fakeDocker.Created[1])
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v", err)
	assert.Contains(t, newContainer.HostConfig.SecurityOpt, "seccomp:unconfined", "Pods with Docker versions >= 1.10 must not have seccomp disabled by default")

	cid := utilstrings.ShortenString(fakeDocker.Created[1], 12)
	assert.NoError(t, expectEvent(recorder, v1.EventTypeNormal, events.CreatedContainer,
		fmt.Sprintf("Created container with docker id %s; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]", cid)))
func TestSeccompLocalhostProfileIsLoaded(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		annotations    map[string]string
		expectedSecOpt string
		expectedSecMsg string
		expectedError  string
			annotations: map[string]string{
				v1.SeccompPodAnnotationKey: "localhost/test",
			expectedSecOpt: `seccomp={"foo":"bar"}`,
			expectedSecMsg: "seccomp=test(md5:21aeae45053385adebd25311f9dd9cb1)",
			annotations: map[string]string{
				v1.SeccompPodAnnotationKey: "localhost/sub/subtest",
			expectedSecOpt: `seccomp={"abc":"def"}`,
			expectedSecMsg: "seccomp=sub/subtest(md5:07c9bcb4db631f7ca191d6e0bca49f76)",
			annotations: map[string]string{
				v1.SeccompPodAnnotationKey: "localhost/not-existing",
			expectedError: "cannot load seccomp profile",

	for i, test := range tests {
		dm, fakeDocker := newTestDockerManagerWithVersion("1.11.0", "1.23")
		// We want to capture events.
		recorder := record.NewFakeRecorder(20)
		dm.recorder = recorder

		dm.seccompProfileRoot = path.Join("fixtures", "seccomp")

		pod := makePod("foo2", &v1.PodSpec{
			Containers: []v1.Container{
				{Name: "bar2"},
		pod.Annotations = test.annotations

		result := runSyncPod(t, dm, fakeDocker, pod, nil, test.expectedError != "")
		if test.expectedError != "" {
			assert.Contains(t, result.Error().Error(), test.expectedError)

		verifyCalls(t, fakeDocker, []string{
			// Create pod infra container.
			"create", "start", "inspect_container", "inspect_container",
			// Create container.
			"create", "start", "inspect_container",

		if len(fakeDocker.Created) != 2 ||
			!matchString(t, "/k8s_POD\\.[a-f0-9]+_foo2_new_", fakeDocker.Created[0]) ||
			!matchString(t, "/k8s_bar2\\.[a-f0-9]+_foo2_new_", fakeDocker.Created[1]) {
			t.Errorf("unexpected containers created %v", fakeDocker.Created)

		newContainer, err := fakeDocker.InspectContainer(fakeDocker.Created[1])
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v", err)
		assert.Contains(t, newContainer.HostConfig.SecurityOpt, test.expectedSecOpt, "The compacted seccomp json profile should be loaded.")

		cid := utilstrings.ShortenString(fakeDocker.Created[1], 12)
		assert.NoError(t, expectEvent(recorder, v1.EventTypeNormal, events.CreatedContainer,
			fmt.Sprintf("Created container with docker id %s; Security:[%s]", cid, test.expectedSecMsg)),
			"testcase %d", i)