Example #1
			TimeToSaturate: e2eStartupTime,
			NumberOfNodes:  nodeCount,
			NumberOfPods:   totalPods,
			Throughput:     float32(totalPods) / float32(e2eStartupTime/time.Second),
		framework.Logf("Cluster saturation time: %s", framework.PrettyPrintJSON(saturationData))

		// Verify latency metrics.
		highLatencyRequests, err := framework.HighLatencyRequests(c)
		Expect(highLatencyRequests).NotTo(BeNumerically(">", 0), "There should be no high-latency requests")

		// Verify scheduler metrics.
		// TODO: Reset metrics at the beginning of the test.
		// We should do something similar to how we do it for APIserver.

	// Explicitly put here, to delete namespace at the end of the test
	// (after measuring latency metrics, etc.).
	f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("density")
	f.NamespaceDeletionTimeout = time.Hour

	BeforeEach(func() {
		c = f.Client
		ns = f.Namespace.Name

		// In large clusters we may get to this point but still have a bunch
		// of nodes without Routes created. Since this would make a node
		// unschedulable, we need to wait until all of them are schedulable.
Example #2
			TimeToSaturate: e2eStartupTime,
			NumberOfNodes:  nodeCount,
			NumberOfPods:   totalPods,
			Throughput:     float32(totalPods) / float32(e2eStartupTime/time.Second),
		framework.Logf("Cluster saturation time: %s", framework.PrettyPrintJSON(saturationData))

		// Verify latency metrics.
		highLatencyRequests, err := framework.HighLatencyRequests(c)
		Expect(highLatencyRequests).NotTo(BeNumerically(">", 0), "There should be no high-latency requests")

		// Verify scheduler metrics.
		// TODO: Reset metrics at the beginning of the test.
		// We should do something similar to how we do it for APIserver.
		if err = framework.VerifySchedulerLatency(c); err != nil {
			framework.Logf("Warning: Scheduler latency not calculated, %v", err)

	// Explicitly put here, to delete namespace at the end of the test
	// (after measuring latency metrics, etc.).
	f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("density")
	f.NamespaceDeletionTimeout = time.Hour

	BeforeEach(func() {
		c = f.ClientSet
		ns = f.Namespace.Name

		// In large clusters we may get to this point but still have a bunch
		// of nodes without Routes created. Since this would make a node