Example #1
File: tests.go Project: kego/ke
func (c *ContextBuilder) initSys() *sysctx.SysCache {
	scache := sysctx.FromContextOrNil(c.ctx)
	if scache == nil {
		c.ctx = sysctx.NewContext(c.ctx)
		scache = sysctx.FromContext(c.ctx)
	return scache
Example #2
func Initialise(ctx context.Context, overrides OptionsInterface) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc, error) {
	if overrides == nil {
		overrides = Flags{}
	options := overrides.getOptions()

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	ctx = jsonctx.AutoContext(ctx)
	ctx = wgctx.NewContext(ctx)
	ctx = sysctx.NewContext(ctx)

	cmd := &cmdctx.Cmd{}

	vos := vosctx.FromContext(ctx)

	path := ""
	cmd.Edit = options.Edit
	cmd.Validate = options.Validate
	cmd.Update = options.Update
	cmd.Log = options.Log
	cmd.Debug = options.Debug
	cmd.Port = options.Port
	if options.Path == "" {
		dir, err := vos.Getwd()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, kerr.Wrap("OKOLXAMBSJ", err)
		p, err := packages.GetPackageFromDir(ctx, dir)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, kerr.Wrap("ADNJKTLAWY", err)
		path = p
	} else {
		path = options.Path

	ctx = cmdctx.NewContext(ctx, cmd)

	pcache, err := parser.Parse(ctx, path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, kerr.Wrap("EBMBIBIKUF", err)

	ctx = envctx.NewContext(ctx, pcache.Env)

	return ctx, cancel, nil
Example #3
File: package.go Project: kego/ke
func Scan(ctx context.Context, path string) (*Package, error) {
	p := new(Package)
	// use a new system context for the duration of the scan
	ctx = sysctx.NewContext(ctx)
	env, err := parser.ScanForEnv(ctx, path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, kerr.Wrap("SFPSTLPKMX", err)
	p.Env = env
	files := scanner.ScanDirToFiles(ctx, env.Dir, env.Recursive)
	bytes := scanner.ScanFilesToBytes(ctx, files)
	localContext := envctx.NewContext(ctx, env)
	for b := range bytes {
		f := new(File)
		f.Package = p
		if b.Err != nil {
			return nil, kerr.Wrap("IPUHPBBWEA", b.Err)
		o := &system.ObjectStub{}
		if err := system.Unmarshal(localContext, b.Bytes, o); err != nil {
			return nil, kerr.Wrap("DCAGIDLXRT", err)
		if o.Type == nil {
			return nil, kerr.New("AJPCEQTWPS", "%s has no type", b.File)
		if o.Id == nil && *o.Type != *system.NewReference("kego.io/system", "package") {
			// we tolerate missing ID only for system:package
			return nil, kerr.New("YDKYLXTGYC", "%s has no id", b.File)
		f.AbsoluteFilepath = b.File
		f.Type = o.Type
		f.Id = o.Id
		if f.RelativeFilepath, err = filepath.Rel(env.Dir, b.File); err != nil {
			return nil, kerr.Wrap("QDAEGOWTWP", err)
		f.Directory, f.Filename = filepath.Split(b.File)
		f.IsInRoot = DirEqual(f.Directory, env.Dir)
		f.Extension = filepath.Ext(b.File)
		f.Yaml = f.Extension == ".yaml" || f.Extension == ".yml"
		p.Files = append(p.Files, f)
	return p, nil
Example #4
File: server.go Project: kego/ke
func root(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, auth auther.Auther) error {

	wgctx.Add(ctx, "root")
	defer wgctx.Done(ctx, "root")

	if b, err := static.Asset(req.URL.Path[1:]); err == nil {
		if strings.HasSuffix(req.URL.Path, ".css") {
			w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/css")
		if err := writeWithTimeout(w, b); err != nil {
			return kerr.Wrap("PVPCXBIUJT", err)
		return nil

	path := req.URL.Path[1:]
	if strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
		path = path[0 : len(path)-1]

	// use a new context with a blank sysctx for the duration of this function
	// to prevent caching
	ctx = sysctx.NewContext(ctx)

	scache := sysctx.FromContext(ctx)

	env, err := parser.ScanForEnv(ctx, path)
	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := kerr.Source(err).(gopackages.NotFoundError); ok {
			return nil
		return kerr.Wrap("ALINBMKDRP", err)

	pcache, err := parser.Parse(ctx, path)
	if err != nil {
		return kerr.Wrap("HIHWJRPUKE", err)

	if err := process.GenerateAll(ctx, env.Path, map[string]bool{}); err != nil {
		return kerr.Wrap("LVGHABDYNQ", err)

	data := map[string]string{}
	for _, name := range pcache.Globals.Keys() {
		if g, ok := pcache.Globals.Get(name); ok {
			data[name] = g.File

	pkgBytes := pcache.PackageBytes
	pkgFilename := pcache.PackageFilename
	if pkgBytes == nil {
		b, err := system.Marshal(ctx, system.EmptyPackage())
		if err != nil {
			return kerr.Wrap("OUBOTYGPKU", err)
		pkgBytes = b
		pkgFilename = "package.ke.json"

	imports := map[string]shared.ImportInfo{}

	var scan func(string) error
	scan = func(path string) error {
		if _, ok := imports[path]; ok {
			return nil
		syspi, ok := scache.Get(path)
		if !ok {
			return kerr.New("VIGKIUPNCF", "%s not found in sys ctx", path)
		info := shared.ImportInfo{
			Path:    path,
			Aliases: syspi.Aliases,
			Types:   map[string]shared.TypeInfo{},
		for _, name := range syspi.Files.Keys() {
			if b, ok := syspi.Files.Get(name); ok {
				info.Types[name] = shared.TypeInfo{
					File:  b.File,
					Bytes: b.Bytes,
		imports[path] = info

		for _, child := range syspi.Aliases {
			if err := scan(child); err != nil {
				return kerr.Wrap("NCULMUUUOT", err)
		return nil
	// First we always import system
	if err := scan("kego.io/system"); err != nil {
		return kerr.Wrap("KRXSLOJKWV", err)
	if err := scan(env.Path); err != nil {
		return kerr.Wrap("EELKQDCJGN", err)

	info := shared.Info{
		Path:            env.Path,
		Aliases:         env.Aliases,
		Data:            data,
		Package:         pkgBytes,
		PackageFilename: pkgFilename,
		Imports:         imports,
		Hash:            auth.Sign([]byte(env.Path)),
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
	err = gob.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(info)
	if err != nil {
		return kerr.Wrap("OHBYTULHUQ", err)
	base64EncodedString := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes())
	attrib := base64EncodedString

	source := []byte(`
				<meta charset="utf-8">
				<link rel="stylesheet" href="/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css">
				<link rel="stylesheet" href="/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css">
				<link rel="stylesheet" href="/split.css">
				<link rel="stylesheet" href="/editors.css">
				<link rel="stylesheet" href="/tree.css">
				<script src="/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script>
				<script src="/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
				<script src="/split.min.js"></script>
				<script src="/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
				<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="">
			<body id="body" info="` + attrib + `"></body>
			<script src="/` + env.Path + `/script.js"></script>

	if err := writeWithTimeout(w, source); err != nil {
		return kerr.Wrap("ICJSAIMDRF", err)

	return nil
Example #5
File: client.go Project: kego/ke
func Start() error {

	loc := dom.GetWindow().Location()
	addr := fmt.Sprintf("ws://%s:%s/_rpc", loc.Hostname, loc.Port)
	ws, err := websocket.Dial(addr)
	if err != nil {
		return kerr.Wrap("HNQFLPFAJD", err)

	app := &stores.App{
		Conn: connection.New(rpc.NewClient(ws)),
		Fail: make(chan error),

	// We parse the info attribute from the body tag
	info, err := getInfo(getRawInfo())
	if err != nil {
		return kerr.Wrap("MGLVIQIDDY", err)

	var ctx context.Context
	ctx = context.Background()
	ctx = envctx.NewContext(ctx, &envctx.Env{Path: info.Path, Aliases: info.Aliases})
	ctx = sysctx.NewContext(ctx)
	ctx = jsonctx.AutoContext(ctx)
	ctx = stores.NewContext(ctx, app)
	ctx = clientctx.NewContext(ctx)


	// Don't do this. Implement the Editable interface instead. We can't do
	// this for system types so we use this method instead.

	if _, err := registerTypes(ctx, info.Path, info.Imports); err != nil {
		return kerr.Wrap("MMJDDOBAUK", err)

	p := views.NewPage(ctx)

	// TODO: work out why I can't seem to call this without using eval
	js.Global.Get("window").Call("eval", "Split(['#tree', '#main'], {sizes:[25, 75]});")

		Info: info,

	go func() {
		err, open := <-app.Fail
		if !open {
			// Channel has been closed, so app should gracefully exit.
			fmt.Println("Server disconnected")
		} else {
			// Error received, so app should display error.

	return nil