Example #1
// Decorations implements part of the xrefs Service interface.
func (t *tableImpl) Decorations(ctx context.Context, req *xpb.DecorationsRequest) (*xpb.DecorationsReply, error) {
	if req.GetLocation() == nil || req.GetLocation().Ticket == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("missing location")

	ticket, err := kytheuri.Fix(req.GetLocation().Ticket)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid ticket %q: %v", req.GetLocation().Ticket, err)

	decor, err := t.fileDecorations(ctx, ticket)
	if err == table.ErrNoSuchKey {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("decorations not found for file %q", ticket)
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("lookup error for file decorations %q: %v", ticket, err)

	text := decor.SourceText
	if len(req.DirtyBuffer) > 0 {
		text = req.DirtyBuffer
	norm := xrefs.NewNormalizer(text)

	loc, err := norm.Location(req.GetLocation())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	reply := &xpb.DecorationsReply{Location: loc}

	if req.SourceText {
		reply.Encoding = decor.Encoding
		if loc.Kind == xpb.Location_FILE {
			reply.SourceText = text
		} else {
			reply.SourceText = text[loc.Start.ByteOffset:loc.End.ByteOffset]

	if req.References {
		// Set of node tickets for which to retrieve facts.  These are the nodes
		// used in the returned references (both anchor sources and node targets).
		nodeTickets := stringset.New()

		var patcher *xrefs.Patcher
		var offsetMapping map[string]span // Map from anchor ticket to patched span
		if len(req.DirtyBuffer) > 0 {
			patcher = xrefs.NewPatcher(decor.SourceText, req.DirtyBuffer)
			offsetMapping = make(map[string]span)

		// The span with which to constrain the set of returned anchor references.
		var startBoundary, endBoundary int32
		if loc.Kind == xpb.Location_FILE {
			startBoundary = 0
			endBoundary = int32(len(text))
		} else {
			startBoundary = loc.Start.ByteOffset
			endBoundary = loc.End.ByteOffset

		reply.Reference = make([]*xpb.DecorationsReply_Reference, 0, len(decor.Decoration))
		for _, d := range decor.Decoration {
			start, end, exists := patcher.Patch(d.Anchor.StartOffset, d.Anchor.EndOffset)
			// Filter non-existent anchor.  Anchors can no longer exist if we were
			// given a dirty buffer and the anchor was inside a changed region.
			if exists {
				if start >= startBoundary && end <= endBoundary {
					if offsetMapping != nil {
						// Save the patched span to update the corresponding facts of the
						// anchor node in reply.Node.
						offsetMapping[d.Anchor.Ticket] = span{start, end}
					reply.Reference = append(reply.Reference, decorationToReference(norm, d))

		// Only request Nodes when there are fact filters given.
		if len(req.Filter) > 0 {
			// Retrieve facts for all nodes referenced in the file decorations.
			nodesReply, err := t.Nodes(ctx, &xpb.NodesRequest{
				Ticket: nodeTickets.Slice(),
				Filter: req.Filter,
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting nodes: %v", err)
			reply.Node = nodesReply.Node

		// Patch anchor node facts in reply to match dirty buffer
		if len(offsetMapping) > 0 {
			for _, n := range reply.Node {
				if span, ok := offsetMapping[n.Ticket]; ok {
					for _, f := range n.Fact {
						switch f.Name {
						case schema.AnchorStartFact:
							f.Value = []byte(strconv.Itoa(int(span.start)))
						case schema.AnchorEndFact:
							f.Value = []byte(strconv.Itoa(int(span.end)))

	return reply, nil
Example #2
// Decorations implements part of the xrefs Service interface.
func (t *tableImpl) Decorations(ctx context.Context, req *xpb.DecorationsRequest) (*xpb.DecorationsReply, error) {
	if req.GetLocation() == nil || req.GetLocation().Ticket == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("missing location")

	ticket, err := kytheuri.Fix(req.GetLocation().Ticket)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid ticket %q: %v", req.GetLocation().Ticket, err)

	decor, err := t.fileDecorations(ctx, ticket)
	if err == table.ErrNoSuchKey {
		return nil, xrefs.ErrDecorationsNotFound
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("lookup error for file decorations %q: %v", ticket, err)

	text := decor.File.Text
	if len(req.DirtyBuffer) > 0 {
		text = req.DirtyBuffer
	norm := xrefs.NewNormalizer(text)

	loc, err := norm.Location(req.GetLocation())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	reply := &xpb.DecorationsReply{Location: loc}

	if req.SourceText {
		reply.Encoding = decor.File.Encoding
		if loc.Kind == xpb.Location_FILE {
			reply.SourceText = text
		} else {
			reply.SourceText = text[loc.Start.ByteOffset:loc.End.ByteOffset]

	if req.References {
		patterns := xrefs.ConvertFilters(req.Filter)

		var patcher *xrefs.Patcher
		if len(req.DirtyBuffer) > 0 {
			patcher = xrefs.NewPatcher(decor.File.Text, req.DirtyBuffer)

		// The span with which to constrain the set of returned anchor references.
		var startBoundary, endBoundary int32
		spanKind := req.SpanKind
		if loc.Kind == xpb.Location_FILE {
			startBoundary = 0
			endBoundary = int32(len(text))
			spanKind = xpb.DecorationsRequest_WITHIN_SPAN
		} else {
			startBoundary = loc.Start.ByteOffset
			endBoundary = loc.End.ByteOffset

		reply.Reference = make([]*xpb.DecorationsReply_Reference, 0, len(decor.Decoration))
		reply.Nodes = make(map[string]*xpb.NodeInfo)

		seenTarget := stringset.New()

		// Reference.TargetTicket -> NodeInfo (superset of reply.Nodes)
		var nodes map[string]*xpb.NodeInfo
		if len(patterns) > 0 {
			nodes = make(map[string]*xpb.NodeInfo)
			for _, n := range decor.Target {
				nodes[n.Ticket] = nodeToInfo(patterns, n)

		// Reference.TargetTicket -> []Reference set
		var refs map[string][]*xpb.DecorationsReply_Reference
		// ExpandedAnchor.Ticket -> ExpandedAnchor
		var defs map[string]*srvpb.ExpandedAnchor
		if req.TargetDefinitions {
			refs = make(map[string][]*xpb.DecorationsReply_Reference)
			reply.DefinitionLocations = make(map[string]*xpb.Anchor)

			defs = make(map[string]*srvpb.ExpandedAnchor)
			for _, def := range decor.TargetDefinitions {
				defs[def.Ticket] = def

		for _, d := range decor.Decoration {
			start, end, exists := patcher.Patch(d.Anchor.StartOffset, d.Anchor.EndOffset)
			// Filter non-existent anchor.  Anchors can no longer exist if we were
			// given a dirty buffer and the anchor was inside a changed region.
			if exists {
				if xrefs.InSpanBounds(spanKind, start, end, startBoundary, endBoundary) {
					d.Anchor.StartOffset = start
					d.Anchor.EndOffset = end

					r := decorationToReference(norm, d)
					if req.TargetDefinitions {
						if def, ok := defs[d.TargetDefinition]; ok {
							reply.DefinitionLocations[d.TargetDefinition] = a2a(def, false).Anchor
						} else {
							refs[r.TargetTicket] = append(refs[r.TargetTicket], r)
					} else {
						r.TargetDefinition = ""

					reply.Reference = append(reply.Reference, r)

					if !seenTarget.Contains(r.TargetTicket) && nodes != nil {
						reply.Nodes[r.TargetTicket] = nodes[r.TargetTicket]

		// Only compute target definitions if the serving data doesn't contain any
		// TODO(schroederc): remove this once serving data is always populated
		if req.TargetDefinitions && len(defs) == 0 {
			targetTickets := make([]string, 0, len(refs))
			for ticket := range refs {
				targetTickets = append(targetTickets, ticket)

			defs, err := xrefs.SlowDefinitions(t, ctx, targetTickets)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving target definitions: %v", err)

			reply.DefinitionLocations = make(map[string]*xpb.Anchor, len(defs))
			for tgt, def := range defs {
				for _, ref := range refs[tgt] {
					if def.Ticket != ref.SourceTicket {
						ref.TargetDefinition = def.Ticket
						if _, ok := reply.DefinitionLocations[def.Ticket]; !ok {
							reply.DefinitionLocations[def.Ticket] = def

	return reply, nil
Example #3
File: xrefs.go Project: baev/kythe
// Decorations implements part of the xrefs Service interface.
func (t *tableImpl) Decorations(ctx context.Context, req *xpb.DecorationsRequest) (*xpb.DecorationsReply, error) {
	if req.GetLocation() == nil || req.GetLocation().Ticket == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("missing location")

	ticket, err := kytheuri.Fix(req.GetLocation().Ticket)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid ticket %q: %v", req.GetLocation().Ticket, err)

	decor, err := t.fileDecorations(ctx, ticket)
	if err == table.ErrNoSuchKey {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("decorations not found for file %q", ticket)
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("lookup error for file decorations %q: %v", ticket, err)

	text := decor.SourceText
	if len(req.DirtyBuffer) > 0 {
		text = req.DirtyBuffer
	norm := xrefs.NewNormalizer(text)

	loc, err := norm.Location(req.GetLocation())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	reply := &xpb.DecorationsReply{Location: loc}

	if req.SourceText {
		reply.Encoding = decor.Encoding
		if loc.Kind == xpb.Location_FILE {
			reply.SourceText = text
		} else {
			reply.SourceText = text[loc.Start.ByteOffset:loc.End.ByteOffset]

	if req.References {
		patterns := xrefs.ConvertFilters(req.Filter)
		nodeTickets := stringset.New()

		var patcher *xrefs.Patcher
		var offsetMapping map[string]span // Map from anchor ticket to patched span
		if len(req.DirtyBuffer) > 0 {
			patcher = xrefs.NewPatcher(decor.SourceText, req.DirtyBuffer)
			offsetMapping = make(map[string]span)

		// The span with which to constrain the set of returned anchor references.
		var startBoundary, endBoundary int32
		if loc.Kind == xpb.Location_FILE {
			startBoundary = 0
			endBoundary = int32(len(text))
		} else {
			startBoundary = loc.Start.ByteOffset
			endBoundary = loc.End.ByteOffset

		reply.Reference = make([]*xpb.DecorationsReply_Reference, 0, len(decor.Decoration))
		for _, d := range decor.Decoration {
			start, end, exists := patcher.Patch(d.Anchor.StartOffset, d.Anchor.EndOffset)
			// Filter non-existent anchor.  Anchors can no longer exist if we were
			// given a dirty buffer and the anchor was inside a changed region.
			if exists {
				if start >= startBoundary && end <= endBoundary {
					if offsetMapping != nil {
						// Save the patched span to update the corresponding facts of the
						// anchor node in reply.Node.
						offsetMapping[d.Anchor.Ticket] = span{start, end}
					reply.Reference = append(reply.Reference, decorationToReference(norm, d))

					if len(patterns) > 0 && !nodeTickets.Contains(d.Target.Ticket) {
						reply.Node = append(reply.Node, nodeToInfo(patterns, d.Target))

	return reply, nil