func (s *MgoSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) { if MgoAddr == "" { panic("MgoSuite tests must be run with MgoTestPackage") } mgo.SetStats(true) // Make tests that use password authentication faster. utils.FastInsecureHash = true }
func (s *MgoSuite) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) { if MgoServer.addr == "" { c.Fatalf("No Mongo Server Address, MgoSuite tests must be run with MgoTestPackage") } mgo.SetDebug(true) mgo.SetStats(true) // Make tests that use password authentication faster. utils.FastInsecureHash = true }
func (s *S) SetUpSuite(c *C) { mgo.SetDebug(true) mgo.SetStats(true) s.StartAll() session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost:40001") c.Assert(err, IsNil), err = session.BuildInfo() c.Check(err, IsNil) session.Close() }
func (s *MgoSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) { mgo.SetDebug(true) mgo.SetStats(true) dbdir := c.MkDir() args := []string{ "--dbpath", dbdir, "--bind_ip", "", "--port", "50017", "--nssize", "1", "--noprealloc", "--smallfiles", "--nojournal", } s.server = exec.Command("mongod", args...) s.server.Stdout = &s.output s.server.Stderr = &s.output err := s.server.Start() c.Assert(err, IsNil) }
func main() { mgo.SetStats(true) session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost") if err != nil { panic(err) } defer session.Close() session.SetMode(mgo.Monotonic, true) // go routine to start inserts c := session.DB("test").C("mongotest") insertonedoc(c) ch := make(chan int) start := time.Now().UnixNano() for a := 0; a < Test_Runs; a++ { for j := 0; j < Async_Count; j++ { go insertworker(session.Copy(), ch) } // drain the channel for i := 0; i < Async_Count; i++ { <-ch } } end := time.Now().UnixNano() // try to do query as a test findone(c) cm := make(chan int) for b := 0; b < MapReduce_Count; b++ { go testmapreduce(c, cm, b) } for z := 0; z < MapReduce_Count; z++ { <-cm } for x := 0; x < IndexOp_Count; x++ { MakeIndex(c) DeleteIndex(c) } minInsert := MinFloat(Insert_t[:]) maxInsert := MaxFloat(Insert_t[:]) avgInsert := AvgFloat(Insert_t[:]) minMap := MinFloat(Mp_t[:]) maxMap := MaxFloat(Mp_t[:]) avgMap := AvgFloat(Mp_t[:]) minIndexC := MinFloat(Id_t[:]) maxIndexC := MaxFloat(Id_t[:]) avgIndexC := AvgFloat(Id_t[:]) minIndexD := MinFloat(Di_t[:]) maxIndexD := MaxFloat(Di_t[:]) avgIndexD := AvgFloat(Di_t[:]) fmt.Printf("#####################\n") fmt.Printf("%v Docs Inserted in %v seconds, using %v threads\n", Test_Runs*Insert_Count*Async_Count, float32(end-start)/1E9, Async_Count) fmt.Printf("Min Insert TIme %v\n", minInsert) fmt.Printf("Max Insert Time %v\n", maxInsert) fmt.Printf("Avg Insert Time %v\n", avgInsert) fmt.Printf("#####################\n") fmt.Printf("%v MapReduce Runs\n", MapReduce_Count) fmt.Printf("Min MapReduce TIme %v\n", minMap) fmt.Printf("Max MapReduce Time %v\n", maxMap) fmt.Printf("Avg MapReduce Time %v\n", avgMap) fmt.Printf("#####################\n") fmt.Printf("Query One Time %v\n", Fo_t) fmt.Printf("#####################\n") fmt.Printf("Min Create Index Time (Blocking) %v\n", minIndexC) fmt.Printf("Max Create Index Time (Blocking) %v\n", maxIndexC) fmt.Printf("Avg Create Index Time (Blocking) %v\n", avgIndexC) fmt.Printf("Min Drop Index Time %v\n", minIndexD) fmt.Printf("Max Drop Index Time %v\n", maxIndexD) fmt.Printf("Avg Drop Index Time %v\n", avgIndexD) fmt.Printf("%+v\n", mgo.GetStats()) }
func (s *MgoSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) { if MgoAddr == "" { panic("MgoSuite tests must be run with MgoTestPackage") } mgo.SetStats(true) }