Example #1
func opClientServiceSetCharm(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().ServiceSetCharm("nosuch", "local:series/wordpress", false)
	if params.ErrCode(err) == params.CodeNotFound {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Example #2
func opClientAddServiceUnits(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	_, err := st.Client().AddServiceUnits("nosuch", 1)
	if params.ErrCode(err) == params.CodeNotFound {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Example #3
func opClientServiceUnexpose(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().ServiceUnexpose("wordpress")
	if err != nil {
		return func() {}, err
	return func() {}, nil
Example #4
func opClientDestroyServiceUnits(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().DestroyServiceUnits([]string{"wordpress/99"})
	if err != nil && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "no units were destroyed") {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Example #5
func opClientServiceSetYAML(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().ServiceSetYAML("wordpress", `"wordpress": {"blog-title": "foo"}`)
	if err != nil {
		return func() {}, err
	return resetBlogTitle(c, st), nil
Example #6
func opClientServiceDestroy(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().ServiceDestroy("non-existent")
	if params.ErrCode(err) == params.CodeNotFound {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Example #7
func opClientDestroyRelation(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().DestroyRelation("nosuch1", "nosuch2")
	if params.ErrCode(err) == params.CodeNotFound {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Example #8
func opClientServiceDeploy(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().ServiceDeploy("mad:bad/url-1", "x", 1, "", constraints.Value{})
	if err.Error() == `charm URL has invalid schema: "mad:bad/url-1"` {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Example #9
func opClientWatchAll(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	watcher, err := st.Client().WatchAll()
	if err == nil {
	return func() {}, err
Example #10
func resetBlogTitle(c *C, st *api.State) func() {
	return func() {
		err := st.Client().ServiceSet("wordpress", map[string]string{
			"blog-title": "",
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
Example #11
func opClientGetAnnotations(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	ann, err := st.Client().GetAnnotations("service-wordpress")
	if err != nil {
		return func() {}, err
	c.Assert(ann, DeepEquals, make(map[string]string))
	return func() {}, nil
Example #12
func opClientSetServiceConstraints(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	nullConstraints := constraints.Value{}
	err := st.Client().SetServiceConstraints("wordpress", nullConstraints)
	if err != nil {
		return func() {}, err
	return func() {}, nil
Example #13
func opClientStatus(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	status, err := st.Client().Status()
	if err != nil {
		c.Check(status, IsNil)
		return func() {}, err
	c.Assert(status, DeepEquals, scenarioStatus)
	return func() {}, nil
Example #14
func opClientServiceSet(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().ServiceSet("wordpress", map[string]string{
		"blog-title": "foo",
	if err != nil {
		return func() {}, err
	return resetBlogTitle(c, st), nil
Example #15
func opClientServiceExpose(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().ServiceExpose("wordpress")
	if err != nil {
		return func() {}, err
	return func() {
		svc, err := mst.Service("wordpress")
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	}, nil
Example #16
func opClientCharmInfo(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	info, err := st.Client().CharmInfo("local:series/wordpress-3")
	if err != nil {
		c.Check(info, IsNil)
		return func() {}, err
	c.Assert(info.URL, Equals, "local:series/wordpress-3")
	c.Assert(info.Meta.Name, Equals, "wordpress")
	c.Assert(info.Revision, Equals, 3)
	return func() {}, nil
Example #17
func opClientSetAnnotations(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	pairs := map[string]string{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
	err := st.Client().SetAnnotations("service-wordpress", pairs)
	if err != nil {
		return func() {}, err
	return func() {
		pairs := map[string]string{"key1": "", "key2": ""}
		st.Client().SetAnnotations("service-wordpress", pairs)
	}, nil
Example #18
func opClientServiceUpdate(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	args := params.ServiceUpdate{
		ServiceName:     "no-such-charm",
		CharmUrl:        "cs:series/wordpress-42",
		ForceCharmUrl:   true,
		SettingsStrings: map[string]string{"blog-title": "foo"},
		SettingsYAML:    `"wordpress": {"blog-title": "foo"}`,
	err := st.Client().ServiceUpdate(args)
	if params.ErrCode(err) == params.CodeNotFound {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Example #19
func opClientResolved(c *C, st *api.State, _ *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().Resolved("wordpress/0", false)
	// There are several scenarios in which this test is called, one is
	// that the user is not authorized.  In that case we want to exit now,
	// letting the error percolate out so the caller knows that the
	// permission error was correctly generated.
	if err != nil && params.ErrCode(err) == params.CodeUnauthorized {
		return func() {}, err
	// Otherwise, the user was authorized, but we expect an error anyway
	// because the unit is not in an error state when we tried to resolve
	// the error.  Therefore, since it is complaining it means that the
	// call to Resolved worked, so we're happy.
	c.Assert(err, NotNil)
	c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, `unit "wordpress/0" is not in an error state`)
	return func() {}, nil
Example #20
func opClientGetServiceConstraints(c *C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	_, err := st.Client().GetServiceConstraints("wordpress")
	return func() {}, err