// Get the content of a specified page and check if it exists func getPage(identifier string, r *http.Request) (bool, Pages) { // TODO: Compile page list to make a check without lookup in the datastore c := appengine.NewContext(r) // Check if we have the item in the cache cachedItem, cacheStatus := cache.GetCache(r, "getPage-"+identifier) if cacheStatus == true { var pages Pages pPages := bytes.NewBuffer(cachedItem) decPages := gob.NewDecoder(pPages) decPages.Decode(&pages) return true, pages } // We don't have it in the cache, do a lookup and store it to the cache var page Pages key := datastore.NewKey(c, "Pages", identifier, 0, nil) if err := datastore.Get(c, key, &page); err != nil { return false, Pages{} } // Found it! cachedPage := Pages{Identifier: key.StringID(), URL: page.URL, Title: page.Title, ContentString: template.HTML(page.Content)} // Add it to the cache mPages := new(bytes.Buffer) //initialize a *bytes.Buffer encPages := gob.NewEncoder(mPages) encPages.Encode(cachedPage) cache.AddCache(r, "getPage-"+identifier, mPages.Bytes()) return true, cachedPage }
func getPost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, Seq int) Post { cachedItem, cacheStatus := cache.GetCache(r, "post-"+strconv.Itoa(Seq)) if cacheStatus == true { var post Post buffPost := bytes.NewBuffer(cachedItem) decPost := gob.NewDecoder(buffPost) decPost.Decode(&post) return post } c := appengine.NewContext(r) q := datastore.NewQuery("Post").Filter("Sequence=", Seq) var p []Post q.GetAll(c, &p) if p != nil { post := p[0] post.ContentString = string(post.Content) // Add Cache mPost := new(bytes.Buffer) encPost := gob.NewEncoder(mPost) encPost.Encode(post) cache.AddCache(r, "post-"+strconv.Itoa(Seq), mPost.Bytes()) return post } var nilPost Post return nilPost }
// This functions get all pages func getAllPages(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) []Pages { // Check if we have the item in the cache cachedItem, cacheStatus := cache.GetCache(r, "getAllPages") if cacheStatus == true { var pages []Pages pPages := bytes.NewBuffer(cachedItem) decPages := gob.NewDecoder(pPages) decPages.Decode(&pages) return pages } // We don't have it in the cache, make a query and store it to the cache c := appengine.NewContext(r) q := datastore.NewQuery("Pages") var pages []Pages keys, err := q.GetAll(c, &pages) if err != nil { errorHandler.Error(w, r, err.Error()) return []Pages{} } models := make([]Pages, len(pages)) for i := 0; i < len(pages); i++ { models[i].Identifier = keys[i].StringID() models[i].URL = pages[i].URL models[i].Title = pages[i].Title } // Add it to the cache mModels := new(bytes.Buffer) //initialize a *bytes.Buffer encModels := gob.NewEncoder(mModels) encModels.Encode(models) cache.AddCache(r, "getAllPages", mModels.Bytes()) return models }
func getCount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) int64 { cachedItem, cacheStatus := cache.GetCache(r, "Counter") if cacheStatus == true { var counter Counter buffCount := bytes.NewBuffer(cachedItem) decCount := gob.NewDecoder(buffCount) decCount.Decode(&counter) return counter.Count } c := appengine.NewContext(r) var counter Counter key := datastore.NewKey(c, "Counter", "", 1, nil) datastore.Get(c, key, &counter) if counter.Count != 0 { // Add Cache mCount := new(bytes.Buffer) encCount := gob.NewEncoder(mCount) encCount.Encode(counter) cache.AddCache(r, "Counter", mCount.Bytes()) return counter.Count } return 0 }
//Get the menu // TODO: It's ugly to have it here, maybe it should on another place... func getMenu(r *http.Request) []Navigation { var navigation []Navigation // Check if we have the item in the cache cachedItem, cacheStatus := cache.GetCache(r, "getMenu") if cacheStatus == true { pNavigation := bytes.NewBuffer(cachedItem) decNavigation := gob.NewDecoder(pNavigation) decNavigation.Decode(&navigation) } else { // Get it and cache c := appengine.NewContext(r) q := datastore.NewQuery("Menu").Order("Order") var navigation []Navigation q.GetAll(c, &navigation) mModels := new(bytes.Buffer) //initialize a *bytes.Buffer encModels := gob.NewEncoder(mModels) encModels.Encode(navigation) cache.AddCache(r, "getMenu", mModels.Bytes()) } for key := range navigation { if navigation[key].NavLink == r.URL.Path { navigation[key].Active = true } } return navigation }
func acceptSuggestion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if csrf.ValidateToken(r, r.FormValue("CSRFToken")) { trimPath := strings.Trim(r.URL.Path, "/admin/post/suggestion/accept") postID, _ := strconv.Atoi(trimPath) postID64 := int64(postID) c := appengine.NewContext(r) keyS := datastore.NewKey(c, "PostSuggestion", "", postID64, nil) var suggestion PostSuggestion datastore.Get(c, keyS, &suggestion) var post Post keyP := datastore.NewIncompleteKey(c, "Post", nil) var counter Counter keyC := datastore.NewKey(c, "Counter", "", 1, nil) datastore.Get(c, keyC, &counter) counter.Count = counter.Count + 1 // Add Cache Counter mCount := new(bytes.Buffer) encCount := gob.NewEncoder(mCount) encCount.Encode(counter) cache.AddCache(r, "Counter", mCount.Bytes()) post.Content = suggestion.Content post.Sequence = counter.Count datastore.Put(c, keyP, &post) datastore.Put(c, keyC, &counter) datastore.Delete(c, keyS) http.Redirect(w, r, "/admin/post/suggestion", http.StatusFound) } }
/* * Returns the content of the robots.txt */ func getRobot(r *http.Request) []byte { // Check if we have the robot in the cache cachedItem, cacheStatus := cache.GetCache(r, "getRobot") if cacheStatus == true { return cachedItem } // Let's query c := appengine.NewContext(r) key := datastore.NewKey(c, "Robots", "Robots.txt", 0, nil) var robots Robots datastore.Get(c, key, &robots) cache.AddCache(r, "getRobot", robots.Content) return robots.Content }
func newPost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c := appengine.NewContext(r) u := user.Current(c) if u != nil { if csrf.ValidateToken(r, r.FormValue("CSRFToken")) { if r.Method == "POST" { var post Post keyP := datastore.NewIncompleteKey(c, "Post", nil) var counter Counter keyC := datastore.NewKey(c, "Counter", "", 1, nil) datastore.Get(c, keyC, &counter) counter.Count = counter.Count + 1 // Add Cache Counter mCount := new(bytes.Buffer) encCount := gob.NewEncoder(mCount) encCount.Encode(counter) cache.AddCache(r, "Counter", mCount.Bytes()) c := appengine.NewContext(r) post.Content = []byte(r.FormValue("Content")) post.Sequence = counter.Count datastore.Put(c, keyP, &post) datastore.Put(c, keyC, &counter) } } } type PassedData struct { CSRFToken string } passedData := PassedData{ CSRFToken: csrf.GetToken(r), } passedTemplate := new(bytes.Buffer) template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/admin/sidebar.html")).Execute(passedTemplate, nil) template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/admin/post/new.html")).Execute(passedTemplate, passedData) render.Render(w, r, passedTemplate) }