Example #1
func GetBoolConfig(configSection string, configKey string, defaultValue bool) bool {
	if loadingConfig == nil {
		log.Trace("loadingConfig is nil,just return")
		return defaultValue

	//loading or initializing bloom filter
	value, error := loadingConfig.Bool(configSection, configKey)
	if error != nil {
		value = defaultValue
	log.Trace("get config value,", configSection, ".", configKey, ":", value)
	return value
Example #2
func FetchFileWithOffset(runtimeConfig RuntimeConfig, path string, skipOffset int64) {

	var offset int64 = 0

	time1, _ := util.FileMTime(path)
	log.Debug("start touch time:", time1)

	f, err := os.Open(path)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debug("error opening file,", path, " ", err)

	r := bufio.NewReader(f)
	s, e := util.Readln(r)
	offset = 0
	log.Trace("new offset:", offset)

	for e == nil {
		offset = offset + 1
		//TODO use byte offset instead of lines
		if offset > skipOffset {
			ParsedSavedFileLog(runtimeConfig, s)

		runtimeConfig.Storage.PersistOffset(runtimeConfig.PathConfig.SavedFileLog+".offset", offset)

		s, e = util.Readln(r)
		//todo store offset
	log.Trace("end offset:", offset, "vs ", skipOffset)

	time2, _ := util.FileMTime(path)

	log.Trace("2nd touch time:", time2)

	if time2 > time1 {
		log.Trace("file has been changed,restart parse")
		FetchFileWithOffset(runtimeConfig, path, offset)
	} else {
		log.Trace("waiting file update", path)
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
		goto waitUpdate
Example #3
func LoadTaskFromLocalFile(pendingFetchUrls chan []byte, runtimeConfig *RuntimeConfig, quit *chan bool, offsets *RoutingOffset) {

	log.Trace("LoadTaskFromLocalFile task started.")
	path := runtimeConfig.PathConfig.PendingFetchLog
	//touch local's file
	//read all of line
	//if hit the EOF,will wait 2s,and then reopen the file,and try again,may be check the time of last modified

	if !util.CheckFileExists(path) {
		log.Trace("waiting file create", path)
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
		goto waitFile

	var offset int64 = runtimeConfig.Storage.LoadOffset(runtimeConfig.PathConfig.PendingFetchLog + ".offset")
	FetchFileWithOffset2(*runtimeConfig, pendingFetchUrls, path, offset)

Example #4
func ParsedSavedFileLog2(runtimeConfig RuntimeConfig, pendingFetchUrls chan []byte, url string) {
	if url != "" {
		log.Trace("start parse filelog:", url)

		if runtimeConfig.Storage.CheckFetchedUrl([]byte(url)) {
			log.Debug("hit fetch filter ignore,", url)
		log.Debug("new task extracted from saved page:", url)
		pendingFetchUrls <- []byte(url)
Example #5
func loadFileContent(fileName string) []byte {
	if util.CheckFileExists(fileName) {
		log.Trace("found fileName,start loading:", fileName)
		n, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("loadFile", err, ",", fileName)
			return nil
		return n
	return nil
Example #6
func main() {
	flag.StringVar(&seedUrl, "seed", "http://example.com", "the seed url,where everything starts")
	flag.StringVar(&logLevel, "log", "info", "setting log level,options:trace,debug,info,warn,error")


	defer log.Flush()



	runtimeConfig.PathConfig = new(PathConfig)
	runtimeConfig.ClusterConfig = new(ClusterConfig)

	runtimeConfig.ClusterConfig.Name = config.GetStringConfig("cluster", "name", "gopa")

	// per cluster:data/gopa/
	runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Home = config.GetStringConfig("path", "home", "cluster/"+runtimeConfig.ClusterConfig.Name+"/")

	runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Data = config.GetStringConfig("path", "data", "")
	if runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Data == "" {
		runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Data = runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Home + "/" + "data/"

	runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Log = config.GetStringConfig("path", "log", "")
	if runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Log == "" {
		runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Log = runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Home + "/" + "log/"

	runtimeConfig.PathConfig.WebData = config.GetStringConfig("path", "webdata", "")
	if runtimeConfig.PathConfig.WebData == "" {
		runtimeConfig.PathConfig.WebData = runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Data + "/" + "webdata/"

	runtimeConfig.PathConfig.TaskData = config.GetStringConfig("path", "taskdata", "")
	if runtimeConfig.PathConfig.TaskData == "" {
		runtimeConfig.PathConfig.TaskData = runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Data + "/" + "taskdata/"

	runtimeConfig.StoreWebPageTogether = config.GetBoolConfig("Global", "StoreWebPageTogether", true)

	runtimeConfig.TaskConfig = parseConfig()

	//set default logging
	logPath := runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Log + "/" + runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.Name + "/gopa.log"
	log.SetLogging(logLevel, logPath)

	runtimeConfig.ParseUrlsFromSavedFileLog = config.GetBoolConfig("Switch", "ParseUrlsFromSavedFileLog", true)
	runtimeConfig.LoadTemplatedFetchJob = config.GetBoolConfig("Switch", "LoadTemplatedFetchJob", true)
	runtimeConfig.LoadRuledFetchJob = config.GetBoolConfig("Switch", "LoadRuledFetchJob", false)
	runtimeConfig.LoadPendingFetchJobs = config.GetBoolConfig("Switch", "LoadPendingFetchJobs", true)
	runtimeConfig.HttpEnabled = config.GetBoolConfig("Switch", "HttpEnabled", true)
	runtimeConfig.ParseUrlsFromPreviousSavedPage = config.GetBoolConfig("Switch", "ParseUrlsFromPreviousSavedPage", false)
	runtimeConfig.ArrayStringSplitter = config.GetStringConfig("CrawlerRule", "ArrayStringSplitter", ",")

	runtimeConfig.GoProfEnabled = config.GetBoolConfig("CrawlerRule", "GoProfEnabled", false)

	runtimeConfig.WalkBloomFilterFileName = config.GetStringConfig("BloomFilter", "WalkBloomFilterFileName", runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath+"/filters/walk.bloomfilter")
	runtimeConfig.FetchBloomFilterFileName = config.GetStringConfig("BloomFilter", "FetchBloomFilterFileName", runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath+"/filters/fetch.bloomfilter")
	runtimeConfig.ParseBloomFilterFileName = config.GetStringConfig("BloomFilter", "ParseBloomFilterFileName", runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath+"/filters/parse.bloomfilter")
	runtimeConfig.PendingFetchBloomFilterFileName = config.GetStringConfig("BloomFilter", "PendingFetchBloomFilterFileName", runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath+"/filters/pending_fetch.bloomfilter")

	runtimeConfig.PathConfig.SavedFileLog = runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath + "/tasks/pending_parse.files"
	runtimeConfig.PathConfig.PendingFetchLog = runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath + "/tasks/pending_fetch.urls"
	runtimeConfig.PathConfig.FetchFailedLog = runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath + "/tasks/failed_fetch.urls"

	runtimeConfig.MaxGoRoutine = config.GetIntConfig("Global", "MaxGoRoutine", 2)
	if runtimeConfig.MaxGoRoutine < 2 {
		runtimeConfig.MaxGoRoutine = 2

	log.Debug("maxGoRoutine:", runtimeConfig.MaxGoRoutine)
	log.Debug("path.home:", runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Home)

	os.MkdirAll(runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Home, 0777)
	os.MkdirAll(runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Data, 0777)
	os.MkdirAll(runtimeConfig.PathConfig.Log, 0777)
	os.MkdirAll(runtimeConfig.PathConfig.WebData, 0777)
	os.MkdirAll(runtimeConfig.PathConfig.TaskData, 0777)

	os.MkdirAll(runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath, 0777)
	os.MkdirAll(runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath+"/tasks/", 0777)
	os.MkdirAll(runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath+"/filters/", 0777)
	os.MkdirAll(runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath+"/urls/", 0777)
	os.MkdirAll(runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.WebDataPath, 0777)

	runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig = new(RuledFetchConfig)
	runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.UrlTemplate = config.GetStringConfig("RuledFetch", "UrlTemplate", "")
	runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.From = config.GetIntConfig("RuledFetch", "From", 0)
	runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.To = config.GetIntConfig("RuledFetch", "To", 10)
	runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.Step = config.GetIntConfig("RuledFetch", "Step", 1)
	runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.LinkExtractPattern = config.GetStringConfig("RuledFetch", "LinkExtractPattern", "")
	runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.LinkTemplate = config.GetStringConfig("RuledFetch", "LinkTemplate", "")

	if seedUrl == "" || seedUrl == "http://example.com" {
		log.Error("no seed was given. type:\"gopa -h\" for help.")

	log.Info("[gopa] " + runtimeConfig.Version + " is on.")

	runtimeConfig.Storage = &fsstore.FsStore{}

	//	if(runtimeConfig.)


	//	atr:="AZaz"
	//	btr:=[]byte(atr)
	//	fmt.Println(btr)
	//	id:= getSeqStr([]byte("AA"),[]byte("ZZ"),false)
	//	fmt.Println(id)

	//pprof serves
	if runtimeConfig.GoProfEnabled {
		go func() {
			log.Info(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil))
			log.Info("pprof server is up,http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof")

	//http serves
	if runtimeConfig.HttpEnabled {
		go func() {

	//adding default http protocol
	if !strings.HasPrefix(seedUrl, "http") {
		seedUrl = "http://" + seedUrl

	maxGoRoutine := runtimeConfig.MaxGoRoutine
	fetchQuitChannels := make([]*chan bool, maxGoRoutine)   //shutdownSignal signals for each go routing
	fetchTaskChannels := make([]*chan []byte, maxGoRoutine) //fetchTask channels
	fetchOffsets := make([]*RoutingOffset, maxGoRoutine)    //kafka fetchOffsets

	parseQuitChannels := make([]*chan bool, 2) //shutdownSignal signals for each go routing
	//	parseQuitChannels := make([]*chan bool, MaxGoRoutine) //shutdownSignal signals for each go routing
	parseOffsets := make([]*RoutingOffset, maxGoRoutine) //kafka fetchOffsets

	shutdownSignal := make(chan bool, 1)
	finalQuitSignal := make(chan bool, 1)

	//handle exit event
	exitEventChannel := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(exitEventChannel, syscall.SIGINT)
	signal.Notify(exitEventChannel, os.Interrupt)
	go func() {
		s := <-exitEventChannel
		log.Debug("got signal:", s)
		if s == os.Interrupt || s.(os.Signal) == syscall.SIGINT {
			log.Warn("got signal:os.Interrupt,saving data and exit")
			//			defer  os.Exit(0)


			//wait workers to exit
			log.Info("waiting workers exit")
			go shutdown(fetchOffsets, fetchQuitChannels, parseOffsets, parseQuitChannels, shutdownSignal)
			log.Info("workers shutdown")
			finalQuitSignal <- true

	//start fetcher
	for i := 0; i < maxGoRoutine; i++ {
		quitC := make(chan bool, 1)
		taskC := make(chan []byte)

		fetchQuitChannels[i] = &quitC
		fetchTaskChannels[i] = &taskC
		offset := new(RoutingOffset)
		//		offset.Offset = initOffset(runtimeConfig, "fetch", i)
		offset.Shard = i
		fetchOffsets[i] = offset

		go task.FetchGo(runtimeConfig, &taskC, &quitC, offset)

	c2 := make(chan bool, 1)
	parseQuitChannels[0] = &c2
	offset2 := new(RoutingOffset)
	//	offset2.Offset = initOffset(runtimeConfig, "parse", 0)
	offset2.Shard = 0
	parseOffsets[0] = offset2
	pendingFetchUrls := make(chan []byte)

	//fetch rule:all urls -> persisted to sotre -> fetched from store -> pushed to pendingFetchUrls -> redistributed to sharded goroutines -> fetch -> save webpage to store -> done
	//parse rule:url saved to store -> local path persisted to store -> fetched to pendingParseFiles -> redistributed to sharded goroutines -> parse -> clean urls -> enqueue to url store ->done

	//sending feed to task queue
	go func() {
		//notice seed will not been persisted
		log.Debug("sending feed to fetch queue,", seedUrl)
		pendingFetchUrls <- []byte(seedUrl)

	//start local saved file parser
	if runtimeConfig.ParseUrlsFromSavedFileLog {
		go task.ParseGo(pendingFetchUrls, runtimeConfig, &c2, offset2)

	//redistribute pendingFetchUrls to sharded workers
	go func() {
		for {
			url := <-pendingFetchUrls
			if !runtimeConfig.Storage.CheckWalkedUrl(url) {

				if runtimeConfig.Storage.CheckFetchedUrl(url) {
					log.Warn("dont hit walk bloomfilter but hit fetch bloomfilter,also ignore,", string(url))

				randomShard := 0
				if maxGoRoutine > 1 {
					randomShard = rand.Intn(maxGoRoutine - 1)
				log.Debug("publish:", string(url), ",shard:", randomShard)
				*fetchTaskChannels[randomShard] <- url
			} else {
				log.Trace("hit walk or fetch bloomfilter,just ignore,", string(url))

	//load predefined fetch jobs
	if runtimeConfig.LoadTemplatedFetchJob {
		go func() {

			if util.CheckFileExists(runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath + "/urls/template.txt") {

				templates := util.ReadAllLines(runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath + "/urls/template.txt")
				ids := util.ReadAllLines(runtimeConfig.TaskConfig.TaskDataPath + "/urls/id.txt")

				for _, id := range ids {
					for _, template := range templates {
						log.Trace("id:", id)
						log.Trace("template:", template)
						url := strings.Replace(template, "{id}", id, -1)
						log.Debug("new task from template:", url)
						pendingFetchUrls <- []byte(url)
				log.Info("templated download is done.")



	//fetch urls from saved pages
	if runtimeConfig.LoadPendingFetchJobs {
		c3 := make(chan bool, 1)
		parseQuitChannels[1] = &c3
		offset3 := new(RoutingOffset)
		//		offset3.Offset = initOffset(runtimeConfig, "fetch_from_saved", 0)
		offset3.Shard = 0
		parseOffsets[1] = offset3
		go task.LoadTaskFromLocalFile(pendingFetchUrls, &runtimeConfig, &c3, offset3)

	//parse fetch failed jobs,and will ignore the walk-filter

	if runtimeConfig.LoadRuledFetchJob {
		log.Debug("start ruled fetch")
		go func() {
			if runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.UrlTemplate != "" {
				for i := runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.From; i <= runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.To; i += runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.Step {
					url := strings.Replace(runtimeConfig.RuledFetchConfig.UrlTemplate, "{id}", strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10), -1)
					log.Debug("add ruled url:", url)
					pendingFetchUrls <- []byte(url)
			} else {
				log.Error("ruled template is empty,ignore")


	log.Info("[gopa] is down")