Example #1
// UnaryOp returns the result of the unary expression op y.
// The operation must be defined for the operand.
// If size >= 0 it specifies the ^ (xor) result size in bytes.
// If y is Unknown, the result is Unknown.
func UnaryOp(op token.Token, y Value, size int) Value {
	switch op {
	case token.ADD:
		switch y.(type) {
		case unknownVal, int64Val, intVal, floatVal, complexVal:
			return y

	case token.SUB:
		switch y := y.(type) {
		case unknownVal:
			return y
		case int64Val:
			if z := -y; z != y {
				return z // no overflow
			return normInt(new(big.Int).Neg(big.NewInt(int64(y))))
		case intVal:
			return normInt(new(big.Int).Neg(y.val))
		case floatVal:
			return normFloat(new(big.Rat).Neg(y.val))
		case complexVal:
			return normComplex(new(big.Rat).Neg(y.re), new(big.Rat).Neg(y.im))

	case token.XOR:
		var z big.Int
		switch y := y.(type) {
		case unknownVal:
			return y
		case int64Val:
		case intVal:
			goto Error
		// For unsigned types, the result will be negative and
		// thus "too large": We must limit the result size to
		// the type's size.
		if size >= 0 {
			s := uint(size) * 8
			z.AndNot(&z, new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(-1), s)) // z &^= (-1)<<s
		return normInt(&z)

	case token.NOT:
		switch y := y.(type) {
		case unknownVal:
			return y
		case boolVal:
			return !y

	panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid unary operation %s%v", op, y))
Example #2
// unaryOpConst returns the result of the constant evaluation op x where x is of the given type.
func unaryOpConst(x interface{}, op token.Token, typ *Basic) interface{} {
	switch op {
	case token.ADD:
		return x // nothing to do
	case token.SUB:
		switch x := x.(type) {
		case int64:
			if z := -x; z != x {
				return z // no overflow
			// overflow - need to convert to big.Int
			return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Neg(big.NewInt(x)))
		case *big.Int:
			return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Neg(x))
		case *big.Rat:
			return normalizeRatConst(new(big.Rat).Neg(x))
		case complex:
			return newComplex(new(big.Rat).Neg(x.re), new(big.Rat).Neg(x.im))
	case token.XOR:
		var z big.Int
		switch x := x.(type) {
		case int64:
		case *big.Int:
		// For unsigned types, the result will be negative and
		// thus "too large": We must limit the result size to
		// the type's size.
		if typ.Info&IsUnsigned != 0 {
			s := uint(typ.Size) * 8
			if s == 0 {
				// platform-specific type
				// TODO(gri) this needs to be factored out
				switch typ.Kind {
				case Uint:
					s = intBits
				case Uintptr:
					s = ptrBits
			// z &^= (-1)<<s
			z.AndNot(&z, new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(-1), s))
		return normalizeIntConst(&z)
	case token.NOT:
		return !x.(bool)
	return nil
Example #3
File: const.go Project: spate/llgo
func binaryIntOp(x *big.Int, op token.Token, y *big.Int) interface{} {
	var z big.Int
	switch op {
	case token.ADD:
		return z.Add(x, y)
	case token.SUB:
		return z.Sub(x, y)
	case token.MUL:
		return z.Mul(x, y)
	case token.QUO:
		return z.Quo(x, y)
	case token.REM:
		return z.Rem(x, y)
	case token.AND:
		return z.And(x, y)
	case token.OR:
		return z.Or(x, y)
	case token.XOR:
		return z.Xor(x, y)
	case token.AND_NOT:
		return z.AndNot(x, y)
	case token.SHL:
		// The shift length must be uint, or untyped int and
		// convertible to uint.
		// TODO 32/64bit
		if y.BitLen() > 32 {
			panic("Excessive shift length")
		return z.Lsh(x, uint(y.Int64()))
	case token.SHR:
		if y.BitLen() > 32 {
			panic("Excessive shift length")
		return z.Rsh(x, uint(y.Int64()))
	case token.EQL:
		return x.Cmp(y) == 0
	case token.NEQ:
		return x.Cmp(y) != 0
	case token.LSS:
		return x.Cmp(y) < 0
	case token.LEQ:
		return x.Cmp(y) <= 0
	case token.GTR:
		return x.Cmp(y) > 0
	case token.GEQ:
		return x.Cmp(y) >= 0
Example #4
File: merges.go Project: baeeq/god
func bigIntAndNot(oldValues [][]byte, newValues [][]byte, w float64) (result [][]byte) {
	var sum *big.Int
	if oldValues != nil {
		sum = new(big.Int).SetBytes(oldValues[0])
		for _, b := range newValues {
			sum.AndNot(sum, new(big.Int).Mul(common.DecodeBigInt(b), big.NewInt(int64(w))))
	} else {
		sum = new(big.Int).Mul(new(big.Int).SetBytes(newValues[0]), big.NewInt(int64(w)))
		for _, b := range newValues[1:] {
			sum.AndNot(sum, new(big.Int).Mul(common.DecodeBigInt(b), big.NewInt(int64(w))))
	return [][]byte{sum.Bytes()}
Example #5
// unaryOpConst returns the result of the constant evaluation op x where x is of the given type.
func unaryOpConst(x interface{}, ctxt *Context, op token.Token, typ *Basic) interface{} {
	switch op {
	case token.ADD:
		return x // nothing to do
	case token.SUB:
		switch x := x.(type) {
		case int64:
			if z := -x; z != x {
				return z // no overflow
			// overflow - need to convert to big.Int
			return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Neg(big.NewInt(x)))
		case *big.Int:
			return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Neg(x))
		case *big.Rat:
			return normalizeRatConst(new(big.Rat).Neg(x))
		case Complex:
			return newComplex(new(big.Rat).Neg(x.Re), new(big.Rat).Neg(x.Im))
	case token.XOR:
		var z big.Int
		switch x := x.(type) {
		case int64:
		case *big.Int:
		// For unsigned types, the result will be negative and
		// thus "too large": We must limit the result size to
		// the type's size.
		if typ.Info&IsUnsigned != 0 {
			s := uint(ctxt.sizeof(typ)) * 8
			z.AndNot(&z, new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(-1), s)) // z &^= (-1)<<s
		return normalizeIntConst(&z)
	case token.NOT:
		return !x.(bool)
	return nil
Example #6
func binaryIntOp(x *big.Int, op token.Token, y *big.Int) interface{} {
	var z big.Int
	switch op {
	case token.ADD:
		return z.Add(x, y)
	case token.SUB:
		return z.Sub(x, y)
	case token.MUL:
		return z.Mul(x, y)
	case token.QUO:
		return z.Quo(x, y)
	case token.REM:
		return z.Rem(x, y)
	case token.AND:
		return z.And(x, y)
	case token.OR:
		return z.Or(x, y)
	case token.XOR:
		return z.Xor(x, y)
	case token.AND_NOT:
		return z.AndNot(x, y)
	case token.SHL:
	case token.SHR:
	case token.EQL:
		return x.Cmp(y) == 0
	case token.NEQ:
		return x.Cmp(y) != 0
	case token.LSS:
		return x.Cmp(y) < 0
	case token.LEQ:
		return x.Cmp(y) <= 0
	case token.GTR:
		return x.Cmp(y) > 0
	case token.GEQ:
		return x.Cmp(y) >= 0
Example #7
// binaryOpConst returns the result of the constant evaluation x op y;
// both operands must be of the same "kind" (boolean, numeric, or string).
// If intDiv is true, division (op == token.QUO) is using integer division
// (and the result is guaranteed to be integer) rather than floating-point
// division. Division by zero leads to a run-time panic.
func binaryOpConst(x, y interface{}, op token.Token, intDiv bool) interface{} {
	x, y = matchConst(x, y)

	switch x := x.(type) {
	case bool:
		y := y.(bool)
		switch op {
		case token.LAND:
			return x && y
		case token.LOR:
			return x || y

	case int64:
		y := y.(int64)
		switch op {
		case token.ADD:
			// TODO(gri) can do better than this
			if is63bit(x) && is63bit(y) {
				return x + y
			return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Add(big.NewInt(x), big.NewInt(y)))
		case token.SUB:
			// TODO(gri) can do better than this
			if is63bit(x) && is63bit(y) {
				return x - y
			return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Sub(big.NewInt(x), big.NewInt(y)))
		case token.MUL:
			// TODO(gri) can do better than this
			if is32bit(x) && is32bit(y) {
				return x * y
			return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(x), big.NewInt(y)))
		case token.REM:
			return x % y
		case token.QUO:
			if intDiv {
				return x / y
			return normalizeRatConst(new(big.Rat).SetFrac(big.NewInt(x), big.NewInt(y)))
		case token.AND:
			return x & y
		case token.OR:
			return x | y
		case token.XOR:
			return x ^ y
		case token.AND_NOT:
			return x &^ y

	case *big.Int:
		y := y.(*big.Int)
		var z big.Int
		switch op {
		case token.ADD:
			z.Add(x, y)
		case token.SUB:
			z.Sub(x, y)
		case token.MUL:
			z.Mul(x, y)
		case token.REM:
			z.Rem(x, y)
		case token.QUO:
			if intDiv {
				z.Quo(x, y)
			} else {
				return normalizeRatConst(new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x, y))
		case token.AND:
			z.And(x, y)
		case token.OR:
			z.Or(x, y)
		case token.XOR:
			z.Xor(x, y)
		case token.AND_NOT:
			z.AndNot(x, y)
		return normalizeIntConst(&z)

	case *big.Rat:
		y := y.(*big.Rat)
		var z big.Rat
		switch op {
		case token.ADD:
			z.Add(x, y)
		case token.SUB:
			z.Sub(x, y)
		case token.MUL:
			z.Mul(x, y)
		case token.QUO:
			z.Quo(x, y)
		return normalizeRatConst(&z)

	case complex:
		y := y.(complex)
		a, b := x.re, x.im
		c, d := y.re, y.im
		var re, im big.Rat
		switch op {
		case token.ADD:
			// (a+c) + i(b+d)
			re.Add(a, c)
			im.Add(b, d)
		case token.SUB:
			// (a-c) + i(b-d)
			re.Sub(a, c)
			im.Sub(b, d)
		case token.MUL:
			// (ac-bd) + i(bc+ad)
			var ac, bd, bc, ad big.Rat
			ac.Mul(a, c)
			bd.Mul(b, d)
			bc.Mul(b, c)
			ad.Mul(a, d)
			re.Sub(&ac, &bd)
			im.Add(&bc, &ad)
		case token.QUO:
			// (ac+bd)/s + i(bc-ad)/s, with s = cc + dd
			var ac, bd, bc, ad, s big.Rat
			ac.Mul(a, c)
			bd.Mul(b, d)
			bc.Mul(b, c)
			ad.Mul(a, d)
			s.Add(c.Mul(c, c), d.Mul(d, d))
			re.Add(&ac, &bd)
			re.Quo(&re, &s)
			im.Sub(&bc, &ad)
			im.Quo(&im, &s)
		return normalizeComplexConst(complex{&re, &im})

	case string:
		if op == token.ADD {
			return x + y.(string)

	return nil
Example #8
// Post-order traversal, equivalent to postfix notation.
func Eval(node interface{}) (*big.Int, error) {
	switch nn := node.(type) {
	case *ast.BinaryExpr:
		z := new(big.Int)
		x, xerr := Eval(nn.X)
		if xerr != nil {
			return nil, xerr
		y, yerr := Eval(nn.Y)
		if yerr != nil {
			return nil, yerr
		switch nn.Op {
		case token.ADD:
			return z.Add(x, y), nil
		case token.SUB:
			return z.Sub(x, y), nil
		case token.MUL:
			return z.Mul(x, y), nil
		case token.QUO:
			if y.Sign() == 0 { // 0 denominator
				return nil, DivideByZero
			return z.Quo(x, y), nil
		case token.REM:
			if y.Sign() == 0 {
				return nil, DivideByZero
			return z.Rem(x, y), nil
		case token.AND:
			return z.And(x, y), nil
		case token.OR:
			return z.Or(x, y), nil
		case token.XOR:
			return z.Xor(x, y), nil
		case token.SHL:
			if y.Sign() < 0 { // negative shift
				return nil, NegativeShift
			return z.Lsh(x, uint(y.Int64())), nil
		case token.SHR:
			if y.Sign() < 0 {
				return nil, NegativeShift
			return z.Rsh(x, uint(y.Int64())), nil
		case token.AND_NOT:
			return z.AndNot(x, y), nil
			return nil, UnknownOpErr
	case *ast.UnaryExpr:
		var z *big.Int
		var err error
		if z, err = Eval(nn.X); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		switch nn.Op {
		case token.SUB: // -x
			return z.Neg(z), nil
		case token.XOR: // ^x
			return z.Not(z), nil
		case token.ADD: // +x (useless)
			return z, nil
	case *ast.BasicLit:
		z := new(big.Int)
		switch nn.Kind {
		case token.INT:
			z.SetString(nn.Value, 0)
			return z, nil
			return nil, UnknownLitErr
	case *ast.ParenExpr:
		z, err := Eval(nn.X)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return z, nil
	case *ast.CallExpr:
		ident, ok := nn.Fun.(*ast.Ident)
		if !ok {
			return nil, UnknownTokenErr // quarter to four am; dunno correct error
		var f Func
		f, ok = FuncMap[ident.Name]
		if !ok {
			return nil, UnknownFuncErr
		var aerr error
		args := make([]*big.Int, len(nn.Args))
		for i, a := range nn.Args {
			if args[i], aerr = Eval(a); aerr != nil {
				return nil, aerr
		x, xerr := f(args...)
		if xerr != nil {
			return nil, xerr
		return x, nil
	return nil, UnknownTokenErr