import "math/big" // Create a Rat number representing 3/4 r := big.NewRat(3, 4)
import ( "fmt" "math/big" ) // Create a big.Float value representing pi pi := big.NewFloat(3.141592653589793) // Convert pi to a string with 10 decimal places piString := pi.Text('f', 10) fmt.Println(piString)Brief description of examples: Example 1 shows how to create a `Rat` value using `NewRat` and two integer arguments. This can be used to represent any rational number, and allows precise arithmetic operations on fractions. In this case, the fraction 3/4 is represented as a `Rat` value. Example 2 shows how to convert a `big.Float` value to a string representation with a given number of decimal places. The `Text` method is used with two arguments: 'f' indicates that the output should be formatted with fixed-point notation, and 10 specifies the number of decimal places to display. This can be useful for displaying the result of a computation with high precision. Package library: `math/big` is part of the standard library in Go, and provides a wide range of numerical operations that can be used in applications requiring arbitrary-precision arithmetic.