func TestString(t *testing.T) { p := op.NewParser("", 0) a := p.String("-a") assertEqual(t, *a, "", "String did not default to empty string") b := p.String("-b", op.Const("foo")) assertEqual(t, *b, "", "String with Const did not default to empty string") args, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"-a", "blah", "-b"}) checkArgs(t, args, err) assertEqual(t, *a, "blah", "String did not get passed argument") assertEqual(t, *b, "foo", "String did not get Const value") }
func TestInt(t *testing.T) { p := op.NewParser("", 0) a := p.Int("-a") assertEqual(t, *a, 0, "Int did not default to 0") b := p.Int("-b", op.Count) assertEqual(t, *b, 0, "Int with Count did not default to 0") c := p.Int("-c", op.Const(10)) assertEqual(t, *c, 0, "Int with Const did not default to 0") args, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"-a", "20", "-bbb", "-c"}) checkArgs(t, args, err) assertEqual(t, *a, 20, "Int did not get passed argument") assertEqual(t, *b, 3, "Int did not count correctly") assertEqual(t, *c, 10, "Int did not get Const value") }